The Second Official Language


As they entered the camp, Eugene couldn't help but notice the strange, almost mystical quality of the place. The huts were made of woven bamboo and thatch, and the villagers seemed to be adorned in colorful feathers and war paint. Eugene felt like he had been transported to another world, one where magic and mystery were the norm.

As they approached the center of the village, they were greeted by Rie, the village head. Aria immediately began translating for Eugene, and he began to explain their purpose for coming to the scattered islands.

"We are here to trade," Eugene said. "We have modern weapons such as crossbows and swords that we can offer in exchange for labor and fruits."

Rie was skeptical at first, eyeing the strangers warily. But as Aria continued to translate and Eugene made his case, Rie seemed to warm up to the idea.