

  At first, the man - Dan Freemen - was aloof, not interested in engaging with the beggar beside him. after a few drinks, Dan's demeanor changed. He began to open up to Artyon, telling him about his life and the crew of misfits he had assembled. Artyon, in turn, shared his own story, about his travels from the central continent and his desperate need to get back home.

Dan was intrigued by Artyon's tale and asked him how he planned to get back to the central continent. Artyon replied that he was willing to pay for transportation, and suggested that Dan and his crew could help him get to the Tibun empire.

At first, Dan was skeptical. After all, Artyon looked like a beggar and had nothing to offer. But as he thought about it, he realized that his crew had nothing to do and nowhere to go. Taking Artyon to Tibun could be a good way to pass the time and make some extra money.