Exchanging Techniques

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After the not-so-short discussion with Hagoromo, I walked towards the study cause that's where Indra usually spends most of his time, if not in the forest.

Walking into the study, I see Indra, lightning covering his hands in its raw form. No control or transformation. He's continuously trying to form his hands into a fist but keeps failing. I stood by the door watching him for some time before I couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted him

"Alright stop. You aren't doing it right Indra. Lightning as I've said before is one of the elements that represent pure destructive might. You can't control or contain it. You generate it and then you guide it towards a path, or just generate it and let it loose like the technique I used to defend against your kunai."

"Oh, I see"

That's all he said before going back to it again.

"Okay, stop, stop, that's enough, you can't learn this in a single day, talk more for some minutes. I know what I went through before getting it right. If I wait for you here it's going to take forever before we get down to what we came here for"

Dispersing the accumulated lightning chakra in his hands, he let out a sigh as he looks at me and said

"Fine, whatever you say, but you're going to have to teach me the principle in more detail. In exchange I'll teach you the principle of cloning in more detail. Agreed?"

" Of course, who do you take me for? I am a man of my word. If I don't teach you, who else would I teach? Let me go first."

I answered and then seeing that I have his full attention and knowing he probably wants me to go first, I continued.

"We both theorized that there are 5 basic elements accessible through chakra, water, Earth, fire, air, and finally lightning. I theorized that all these elements are related in one way or another and then it hit me. Fire is strong against Wind but weak against Water. Wind is strong against Lightning but weak against Fire. Lightning is strong against Earth but weak against Wind. Earth is strong against Water but weak against Lightning. Water is strong against fire but weak against Earth."

Using an illustration, I continued explaining

"They all help and restrict each other. For example, fire is strong against wind but what if two people use fire and wind together? The wind empowers the fire making it burn hotter. Water is also strong against fire but when used together, it can cause an explosion that will lead to steam. My point is that. All these elements correlate with each other. My technique was honestly derived from the technique you used to kill that boar that attacked Ashura but then I used my imagination to do the rest. My lightning fist as I call it may be unique to only me. Lightning is the only element that doesn't need control, so your imagination is your limit."

With this explanation, I ended my lesson and observed how Indra took the explanation. He pondered for a while and with a look of realization, he nodded his head and looked at me with a smile before he said.

"I understand, it's basically like what father teaches us: everything can be connected through chakra. Thanks for the explanation, I'll be sure to beat you next time for sure"

I honestly didn't understand what he understood from the stuff I said that relates to what Hagoromo teaches us but I nodded my head seriously nonetheless.

Not wanting to remain on my issue, I asked excitedly

"So, what about your cloning technique? What's the idea behind its creation?"

" Well, it's quite simple really, all you have to do is imagine a construct identical to you and with your chakra to scan your body and then give it form. Simple really, the only drawback is that a portion of your present chakra is used and it expends spiritual energy after it's released leading to either falling unconscious or a head-splitting headache depending on how long it's used."

I was surprised at how he explained it as if it could be done easily. I expected it to be easy but not how he said it. If I'm not mistaken, this technique was labeled as forbidden because there is a risk of people with low chakra levels dying if used carelessly. Jounins used it quite a lot, but how it was exaggerated in the anime scared me.

We all possess quite a high level of chakra. I'm not sure how many clones I can produce without being fatigued, but I doubt I'll even be fatigued because I'm confident in my spiritual strength. Naruto could spam this technique due to the Nine tails in him providing him both spiritual energy and chakra and I'm sure I have both to satisfactory levels.

We talked a lot about other techniques we could create and I even raised the question of whether we could join two or three elements to create a new one and that piqued Indra's interest. I wonder how he'll develop with this knowledge.

Don't get me wrong, I ain't playing favorites, I love both Indra and Ashura but I'm sure Indra will become broody in the future and I'll be left with Ashura. I'm sure that when that time comes I'll also influence Ashura too.

After all, I plan on making both of them quite versatile and overpowered. And I also plan on making any clan I meet reach a whole new level of power. I love the Naruto anime truly, I do, but I feel they neglected a lot of clans that have quite the potential.

Imagine the Nara clan with techniques like shadow movement. Actual teleportation through the shadows, Kurama clan with overpowered Yin release that can form any illusion they imagine, Yamanaka clan being able to leave their bodies and possess whoever they want without those stupid hand signs.

I mean, who would wait for you to position yourself to possess them? Yuki clan with well-developed ice release, imagine a bunch of Aokijis in battle, or a bunch of fishmen, or a bunch of people with water fruit from the Hozuki clan{a\n: Suigestu's clan}

I am going to make this world a whole lot more overpowered than it is supposed to be.

Anyway, those are plans for the future. Right now with this new knowledge of clones, I am going to hasten all my plans. There is a lot to do.

Leaving the study to Indra I walked towards my room. Walking inside, I tried performing the shadow clone technique, without the hand sign mind you. I wanted to attempt it based on what Indra said and my understanding of cloning from various anime and cultivation novels I'm aware of.

Using my spiritual sense to scan my body first, I attempted halving my chakra to take on the form of my body I've already scanned, then trying to give it form I used my spiritual energy {A\N: Imagine the spiritual energy as Yin chakra and physical energy as Yang from now on} to give it form.


With a burst of smoke, I saw something that seemed to want to resemble me but was extremely disfigured. I released it without so much as a second thought.

Retrieving my chakra and sitting down to understand what went wrong, I realized that when I was releasing the technique, at the last moment I seemed to have lost control of both my chakra and imagination.

Maybe due to my eagerness, what I imagined became disfigured and my chakra gave form to what it assumed was its container.

Realizing my mistake, I attempted the technique again but this time, my eyes remained closed to make sure I didn't imagine anything else and after a while, I opened my eyes to see a perfect replication of me.

With a smile, we both waved and said



"Damn you're looking good"

"Damn you're looking good"

" I know right? "

" I know right? "

And after a moment of silence, we both laugh.



"But this is interesting, looking at myself in real life without a mirror or something"

"I know right? I mean look at you."

"Yeah, right?"

"At last now our work will be a little bit faster. We got to practice this technique more so I can create more clones for different purposes. And I also got to know where my limits lie with this technique. I could create an elemental clone but that'll be for the future... "

"Whoa whoa whoa, chill out for a second there man, you're going too fast, we just discovered this technique. Take it slow and steady man, don't go planning your life out right now"

Before I could continue making plans, my clone brought me out of my mumbling. I guess this guy has a different thinking process different from mine. Gotta test that out.

"Yeah sorry man, I got too excited there for a minute. So, you are thinking what I am thinking, or you are thinking your thoughts?"

I asked, genuinely curious

"Nah, I ain't thinking what you're thinking, I would've been mumbling if I was."

"Hmm. I guess this is like parallel thought except we're in two different bodies not in one."

Hold up, what if I use this principle of cloning, physically, and apply it spiritually, divide my thought process into two so I can handle two different things at the same time? If there is a physical clone of myself created with chakra, I could try creating a spiritual clone in my psych.

Parallel processing, thinking about two different things at once, even three depending on how much I can create. I could do what even Naruto couldn't. Imagine fighting in sage mode with my main thought and another part of my brain is working to continue attracting natural energy. Damn, that's hax.

Hahaha. That's quite the idea I got there. That's going to be on my to-do list. Imagine the possibilities in this world with chakra, imagination truly is the limit.


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