Advice and Farewell 2

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After leaving the room, I walk briskly toward where I thought Ashura would be.

I decided to see Ashura first because he will be easier to speak to and I plan on leaving the village with Indra, not because I want to help him but because I want to speak with him at length.

The next time I would be seeing him, he would be at war with Ashura already and it would be weird talking to any of them without meddling.

I intend for them to and not to mend their relationship till they reincarnate. Not to brag but I am sure I could solo both of them as I am right now, not to mention a year from now with my ever-increasing chakra reserve.

If this one-year journey goes well, I would power up more and reach the absolute peak of this world. By then I think only Hagoromo at full power could rival me.

Nearing Ashura's room, I knocked and pushed open the door.

"Yo Ashura, whatcha doing?"

"Brother Shun. What are you doing here?"

"Nothing much, just heard from the old man that the two of you are going out to perform some task so I came to say goodbye as I am also going on a trip. I don't know when i'll be back, so I said I should say a proper farewell" I said while smiling. I sat on his bed and tapped on it, indicating for him to sit.

"He didn't tell you the task?" Ashura asked while sitting down.

"He did and I could tell you but that would be cheating. Should I tell you?" I asked teasingly.

"No. I wouldn't want to outperform Indra without putting in any effort." He said firmly.

"Plus I don't even want to be the successor, Indra is more capable than I am."

"Haha. I was just messing with you. I knew you wouldn't take the easy way out. That is a good way to live. Taking the easy way out always limits your potential, it's the hard work that pays"

"Plus, it's not about capability, it's about heart. What do you think a leader is all about? One might be strong but not resourceful or capable of leading but that does not mean that being strong is not right."

"A weak leader may be capable of leading his people during prosperous times, but there are times that incompetence leads to incapability and when incompetency mixes with incapability, it leads to inconsequentiality."

"Never forget this. A leader needs strength to protect his people and also patience and humility to govern his people. I don't know when I will be able to see you again but I do hope that this village never loses its peaceful atmosphere'' I concluded

" Why are you telling me all these things, it's not like I will become the leader," Ashura said

"Who knows, maybe you will, maybe you won't. Leader or not, never lose sight of what is truly right and finally, Family always stick together" I say raising my fist for a fist bump.

"I'll go meet Indra now. I don't wanna miss him now, do I?" I say while standing up.

Ashura seems to be deep in thought for a while and when he heard me opening the door, he muttered 'Thanks'

I knew he would be the leader, I just said those things just for the sake of it.

Leaving the room, I rushed toward where I felt Indra's chakra signature.

He was already leaving the village. I felt his lackey's chakra signature there too. I guess they came to send him off. They must have asked to come along and he surely rejected. Sigh. What's wrong with him?

Ashura will surely leave with his friend and Hagoromo didn't say they couldn't bring anyone along.

I guess he feels they will be burdens to him.

On my way toward Indra, I didn't move too fast. Like Indra and Ashura, I was also popular in the village so I had friends both from my age mates and from the elderly.

I couldn't leave without telling them anything, so I took my time and properly bade farewell to those who will miss me and to those I will miss.

At the end, everyone in the village knew I was leaving and came to give me gifts as well as bid me farewell.

I almost shed a tear but I held myself and smiled the happiest smile I have ever smiled in my entire life. Both present and past

Arriving at the village entrance, I first took a good look at these two boys. I know in a year or so, Indra would kill them to awaken his Mangekyou Sharingan and Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.

I didn't know whether to save them or not. I didn't have a good relationship with them at all and it's not like I am obligated to do so.

Nodding to them in greeting, I flushed away towards Indra though I noticed a look of surprise flash through their eyes. I guess they are surprised I even bothered to greet them, after all, I always ignored them.

Arriving at Indra's side, I hooked my arm around his shoulder and he didn't look surprised. Looks like he felt me coming huh... Not being bothered though, I said with an Ashura-like smile

"Yo Indra, fancy seeing you here. Where are you going this fine day?"

"What do you want, Shun?" Indra said coldly

"Kuh... how cold Indra, is that any way to talk to your dearest brother. I had to run all the way to catch up to you and what do you do? You treat me this way?" I started fake crying

He didn't even bother to stop or look back at me. Guess he's not in the mood huh... Getting serious I say.

"The old man told me about your tasks."

He didn't seem bothered at all and said,

"I see. So? What's the matter?"

I smiled. "Need a hand?"

"I do not require assistance. I alone am capable of completing this task with scruples" He said, confidence oozing off of him.

"Ok. It's not like I was going to help either way. I came to say farewell. I plan on going on a journey you see. I feel like this world has a lot more to offer me than this small village"

"The old man already told me the reason behind this quest. He even asked for my opinion on whom to choose as his successor"

He finally looked at me for a second as I said this. I didn't bother with him and continued.

"I told him I couldn't choose between the two of you. You both are my brothers so I know that taking a side would drive a wedge between us, so I told him my honest thoughts"

"You are strong Indra, no doubt. You will make a capable leader and so will Ashura but as I told Ashura there are qualities of a leader that you both lack at the moment and until you find what that is, you can't be the leader the village needs"

"As I told Ashura, strength is needed to protect and so are patience and humility. A leader must be strong but he must also learn to be humble and patient. These are traits of a good leader."

"As I said to Ashura, incompetency will lead to incapability, and when this two mix, it will lead to a community where no one will take responsibility for their actions"

''Use this journey and ask yourself, what kind of leader will I be at the end of the day? What will future generations say about me? if the answer you get is good then keep at it but if it's bad then you're missing something. Think on it" I concluded my speech.

Damn. I might have been a good motivator in my previous life if I was like this. Maybe in the future, I would open a school or something.

I look at Indra to see his reaction, and I must say I was surprised as he was seriously mulling over what I said or he is really good at faking it.

We walked for a while before I said I will soon take my leave. I wouldn't want to follow him to his quest area. I need to explore as much of this world as I can before a year's time so I can be back to watch the epic battle between my brothers.

I won't interfere though, mind you.

Indra finally stopped his thinking as he looked at me and smiled... no wait, something is wrong, I looked again and he was really smiling at me. I was shocked to say the least. Even my thought acceleration didn't help in this situation until I heard him say:

"Thanks, Shun. I will remember what you've said. Also, be careful on your journey. Take care"

With that, he left.

I am still shocked and confused on how to take this sudden change in character. I was blindfolded so the shock was not too evident for him to notice. I stood at the spot for a while before sighing and creating 10 true clones with a minimum amount of chakra.

I wouldn't say I'm not a little bit scared of what the future will become. I didn't know if this talk I had with him will affect the future i, a good or bad way but hope hope not drastic. i wouldn't want the world i know to be completely out of order now, would I?

Not bothering with that anymore, I look at my clones once more before asking them to transform into random people.

Using the [Banishment] seal on all of them, they all disappeared and appeared at random places of this world.

Time to begin my journey and enjoy it to the fullest.


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