
I ended up deciding to fly up there. Maybe later on I might be interested and end up going on an adventure to find the portal.

Reaching a satisfactory distance from the village, I flew directly into the sky. It was currently daytime so the moon should be on the other side of the world right now.

I didn't have to travel all the way to the other side just to find the moon. All I had to do was just fly up, and when I left the earth's atmosphere, I immediately spotted the moon a fair distance from me. In less than five minutes, I was already on the moon.

As I stepped onto the moon, I notice something scanning me. It must be Uncle Hamura, he should be alerted that someone could even fly all the way up here except his brother.

Not long after, I saw him coming out from a modest-looking house structure made from space rocks.

In case you're wondering, Yes, I have met Hamura, we all have, Indra, Ashura, and I. He doesn't come frequently but he visits at least once per year or thereabout, so I have met him.

He also has a family up in space, I haven't met them yet but apparently, Indra and Ashura have. They should have met before I came, but I wonder why they don't come down.

From their discussions, I knew he jas a wife and two children, a boy and a girl. The boy's name is Hokuki while the girl's name is Hinami.

And something peculiar about him is that although he acts normal, I always feel like he is suppressing a lot of emotions. Guilt, sadness, and many more. He should still be feeling bad about what they did to their mother.

Part of the reason I came here is to hear about his part of the history and ask if I can manually learn the sealing technique used in sealing Kaguya the [Chou: Chibaku Tensei]. [True Planetary Devastation].

I am just trying to learn more about seals. There can never be enough knowledge. So I don't see why I shouldn't maximize this opportunity.

Those aside, I should greet my uncle before it gets awkward:

"Hello, uncle"

"Shun? What are you doing here? Wait. How did you get here in the first place? Did brother tell you where I placed the portal up here? No, I would know if someone came through there. What is going on?" Hamura asked a flurry of questions in confusion.

"Haha, uncle I know you're confused. Don't worry, I will tell you everything. But you should probably invite me inside, don't you think?" I said.

"Oh, yeah, come on in. I didn't expect you here so I was confused is all."

"Thanks" With that, we proceeded into the building.

Before entering though, I noticed some chakra signatures inside the building. They should be his family. Similar to Indra and Ashura, two chakra signatures were humongous compared to the last one which was weak, very weak if I might add.

That should be the mother of the other two children. That's a surprise. My scan didn't wasn't noticed by anyone, Hamura included and I made sure to keep my face as composed as possible.

Entering the house, Hamura said: "Come on in"

"Excuse me," I said as I entered.

Entering the house, I noticed two pairs of eyes boring into my very being, it felt like my entire existence has been exposed to those eyes. Still, with a composed look I first greeted the elder woman in the house: "Good day to you aunt"

"Ah, good day, you must be Shun. I have heard a lot about you from my husband" the woman said.

"All good things, I hope," I say with a polite smile.

She laughed a little and said: "All good things. You sure know how to talk"

"Haha I try my best to please, aunt"

"Haha. These are my children, Hokuki and Hinami, this should be your first time meeting them right?"

I then looked at the two teenagers suiting beside the woman for the first time, and what I saw made me freeze for a good while.

The sight of the girl, Hinami, took my breath away. She was the perfect woman. She had pure white eyes, and silky and shiny black hair spread behind her head. With her exquisite nose, pink cheeks, and cherry red lips, as well as her oval face, she was looking stunningly gorgeous. Her skin was as smooth as snow. Her figure was light and refined. She had an exquisite facial features. One could say that she was an absolute beauty.

In both my lives, I have never seen someone as beautiful as she is. I would say she inherited Kaguya's beauty but I haven't seen Kaguya since I came to this world so as of now, she should be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

I realized I have been staring for some time, so I embarrassedly coughed and diverted my eyes from her, and looked at the boy. The boy was also stunningly handsome and carried a refined air with him.

I could have called him the most handsome man in this world but there is me so I didn't stare too much. I may be using a transformation right now to be recognizable to Hamura. When I show my true appearance, I don't think anyone could rival my beauty.

"Cough, sorry for my rudeness. My name is Shun and it is a pleasure to meet you both" I said with a slight bow of my head.

Hokuki replied first: "It is a pleasure to meet you too Shun, my name is Hokuki Otsutsuki and this is my sister, Hinami Otsutsuki."

Hinami bowed her head too with a smile and said: ''Nice to meet you Shun"

Damn, her smile is heavenly, if not because of my strong will, I would likely have fallen into a daze by now.

I smiled back at her and looked her in the eye. There was a feeling welling up from deep within my chest. I couldn't place a finger on it but I felt something I haven't felt in both my lifetimes. It's the same feeling I have for Indra and Ashura but more intimate, more possessive.

The annoying path of this feeling is that I couldn't suppress it. I didn't know what to do about this. I don't have any experience, and for the first time since coming to this world, I wasn't in control. I started panicking, and weird thoughts started popping into my head, and for the first time, I became self-conscious.

"Cough. What brings you here Shun? You still have a lot of explaining to do" Hamura said, interrupting my thoughts.

Luckily, he did it at the right time, and I was able to divert my attention from my previous thoughts. I still had those feelings in my chest but my mind forcefully diverted my focus.

"Ah, yes. Well, a lot of things have happened at home with Indra and Ashura so I decided to leave for some time and explore the world and see its beauty. And then I thought 'hey, I haven't seen Uncle for some time now, I should probably visit and here I am. Luckily I also met the whole family" I said. Looking at Hinami as I finished.

"I am sure that is not the case but I won't dwell on it. What happened between Indra and Ashura?"

"Well, Father thought of how to choose his successor and gave them a task each to settle some difficulties some villages are facing as a result of the God tree branches. Everyone thought Indra would win, even Ashura didn't hope to win. In the end, Ashura outdid Indra and father chose Ashura as his successor"

"Indra didn't take a liking to that decision and right now, they are at war. As a brother to the two, I didn't want to pick a side so I left home, and here I am."

They all had varying emotions on their faces. Hamura was angry, Hanami, the wife was worried, and Hokuki and Hinami were concerned.

"How could brother allow such a thing to happen? Why isn't he stopping their fight?" Hamura asked in anger. I could tell he was angry at Hagoromo and worried for both his nephews.

"He said it is what they must go through or something kike that, > am not sure. But before I left, Ashura did promise me he will come to a peaceful arrangement with Indra, so there is probably nothing to worry about" I said.

"I hope they will be okay," Hanami said worriedly.

She sure is a good person.

"I am sure they will," I said.

I mean, I know they won't but why should I say anything? My mere presence in this world will surely cause multiple butterfly effects. I am not some control freak who would want everything to be in my control.

We talked about the issue for some time before the case was laid to rest.

I asked why they live here alone and how they survive without the necessities for living, and I for out that after Hamura built the portal, the land area around there is being used to provide for them.

And they don't live here permanently, they usually go down to earth but to the area, the portal is located.

I also talked about my abilities and also canceled my transformation and showed my current appearance. I explained my theory in regard to both the body and soul when it comes to chakra and natural energy.

The more I talked the more attentive they became, especially Hinami, and the more I saw how I was getting her attention, I felt the need to show off more, so I removed my transformation to show the effect.

After I undid the transformation, they were all awed and I also felt a little fulfilled, but a voice in my head was telling me I should be ashamed of myself. I wonder what that's about.

Later on during our talk, Hanami, alongside Hokuki and Hinami excused themselves. Although I felt a little reluctant to see Hinami leave, I still stayed as I had things to talk about with Hamura.

"Is there anything else you want to talk about Shun?" Hamura started.

"Yes actually. I heard from father about the cause of the disaster that led to the destruction of the land. I also know you fought alongside father to defeat the monster. Father didn't say anything else about it and I just force the issue, I'm so I came to ask about your version of the story from you"

"I hope you will tell me honestly" I finished.

Hamura immediately became sad. I could feel all the emotions that were emanating from him. Guilt, sadness, and helplessness were the most prominent.

I left him to his feelings, and after what seemed like an hour, he said:

"To tell you the truth, the 'monster' was our mother. I don't know why you want to know about this, but I will tell you. She was no monster. She wasn't like that. At first, she was a gentle, kind, and loving woman until everything changed as we grew up. She became distant, cold, and even did things that were borderline evil."

"When Your father and I found out, we tried talking to her but she just refused to talk to us. At that time I was young ao I didn't know what was going on. I only knew that she was doing something bad, the way I saw it. Looking back now, I remember seeing a fearful look in her eyes anytime she looks at the sky."

"A lot of incidents led to the eventual battle between mother and us. Mother, even in the face of our betrayal, didn't fight back seriously. She was inexhaustible as far as she is in this world. We had to resort to sealing her in this moon"

"She told us that the sky is the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. Anytime I saw her looking at the sky, I always thought she was admiring it. But after our battle with her, I came to an understanding. Mother is not like the humans of this world."

"My brother and I being her children also aren't the same as them, which means, my mother came from somewhere. So I and Your father reached an agreement. I would stand guard here while keeping mother company, while he goes around taking care of the aftermath of our battle"

"You see this moon and the rocks around? I created a seal that protects this world and also hides mothers chakra from her people if there are any. This seal contains her body, while brother took her enormous chakra. As far as those two don't come close to each other, the world won't ever see a threat like that"

"If you want my version of the story then this is it. We fought our mother and sealed her because we saw the harm she was bringing to the people of this world. That is it. I'm the future, my descendants will carry on this task to protect the world from outside threats and protect"

Hamura finished with a smile and a determined look on his face.

As he told his story, I felt his emotions calming down little by little and now he has a newfound goal.

"Is there a way to speak with your mother now?" I asked.

"Sigh, there is but she isn't responding. We may be her children but in the end, we betrayed her so there is nothing wrong with that."

"I see"

With this version of the story, I now know a little bit more about Kaguya.

Not like I should be bothered about her release or anything. I just want to know her backstory all. If I have the opportunity to talk to her, I would like to ask what prompted her actions.

Putting those thoughts aside, I said:

"By the way uncle, If you don't mind, can I study these seals? I kind of find them innovative. I have seen a lot of seals but I have never seen one in such huge proportions. Can I study them Please?"

"No. Any mistake and this will all crumble, and I am not ready for any disasters in my life. I have a family now, you know" He refused firmly.

I kept on pleading for close to a whole hour. I even had to give him proofs that I am well-learned regarding seals. I almost had to show him my dimension but luckily, he reluctantly accepted under the condition that he will keep watch while I learn.

I accepted happily. There is nothing to hide from him and he is just taking precautionary measures.

With that, my stay on the moon began.


I decided on the OC I would make his wife. I had the idea of making the female OC Hinami the founder of Earth's Hyuga clan, while Hokuki is the founder of the moon Otsutsuki branch.

But now I am thinking of making her the MC's first wife and later on creating a story that will lead to the creation of the Hyuga clan.