
"You two look like you had fun," Hokuki said smugly as Hinami and I walked back in through the portal leading to earth.

"Wha-" Hinami started becoming flustered by the comment, before turning her head away with slightly red cheeks.

I simply scratched the back of my hair, running my fingers through my now very messed up hair with a slight blush on my face. "Well, let's just say today was a very good day and leave it at that," I said with a large smile and laughed awkwardly.

Hinami gave me a nudge with her elbow to shut me up while Hanami was smiling gracefully. "Isn't that nice Hinami, you've finally grown up"

"Congrats" Hamura muttered under his breath, for some reason, he doesn't seem like his usual self.

After heckling for a while, I noticed that Hinami was now coming out of her shyness and being less bashful about our relationship and was now speaking normally again despite the minute teasing from time to time.

I suddenly had a mischievous idea and a wide grin appeared on my face. Hokuki noticing my smile had an idea of the foolish thing I was about to do and gave a similar grin.

I snuck up behind Hinami while she was talking with her mother and had her back toward me. I quickly put my hands around her and pull her into my embrace. I could so easily as she was smaller than me and especially as she was caught off guard.

"Ahh, Shun, quite it! Everyone is looking at us" Hinami pleaded and then whispered, "We can do this more later..."

Unfortunately, she seemed to have forgotten that everyone here was enhanced in one way or another and had superior senses and heard her clearly.

"Oh- ho?'' Hanami was the first to comment, " so you are so much more passionate with Shun behind closed doors huh?"

Hinami was making cute noises while burying her head in my chest for a moment before I quickly spun her around, kind of showing her off.

Putting her down and holding her firmly so that she wouldn't run away, I said: "Everyone, I would like to ask for Hinami's hand in marriage" Trying to ooze as much confidence as possible.

"Y-y-y-y-you... YOU IDIOT!" Hinami elbowed me in my stomach hard, which hurt for some unknown reason, and ran away.

I keeled over and spat out a mouthful of blood... Cough, I mean saliva." Worth it" and lay on the ground.


"Are you sure you want to leave? There are still a lot of things that will need your attention up here, you know?" Hamura asked as the entire family stood in front of the portal that will take me down to earth.

"I am sure. I need to see places, I don't feel comfortable staying here, knowing that there are still places I haven't seen yet. As for things that need my attention, Hokuki is plenty strong already, he just needs to find the element that suits him more and then create his forms. You on the other hand don't even need me here, your seals are already good as it is, even if they aren't, it's just a matter of trying again and again until you find the perfect formula. I know you got this" I replied with a smile.

''Sigh. You know too much already, it makes me feel old now" Hamura said.

"But you are old already, old man," I said with a chuckle.

We all laughed at that and I joined them. I then realized Hokuki held out his hands to me. I looked at it for a moment before smiling and shaking it. We look each other in the eye while wishing each other well and promising to meet again with our eyes... or at least that's what I thought we were doing.

"Well anyway, I am sure you and Hinami couldn't get all lovey-dovey while inside the house. Gotta have time for yourselves, right?" He teased.

"Brother" Hinami shouted in a complaint from behind me.

Hokuki grinned before releasing my hands. Hanami came forward and hugged Hinami and said: "Take care of yourself out there and take care of Shun. There isn't much danger now but still take care, hmm?

" Yes mother," Hinami said with a nod. Hamura on the other hand came toward me and said solemnly:

"Look, Shun, you better take care of my daughter, I know you want to see new things and she wants to follow you, but still, be careful, don't harm her in any way, you got it?"

"Yes uncle, I would never harm her," I said with determination.

It's been roughly a month since I asked hinami out and basically proposed in front of the entire family. Unlike in my previous world, some customs are not yet in effect here, so even when I did it like that it was still ok.

After a while of giving our farewells, and exchanging advice and stuff, I left together with Hinami. When the heat of the confession cooled off, she approached me and asked if I was still leaving, and I told her I would, but I would spend more time with her and can even visit her anytime. All she had to do was put her chakra In a seal I gave her and I would appear instantly.

She didn't like that idea and threw a minor tantrum until I asked her what she wanted and she said she would follow me.

According to her, he also wanted to see the world in all its glory, she has been either on the moon or in that small human settlement, ao she has always yearned to see more places around the world.

I accepted happily as I wouldn't be bored or alone anymore. I could also visit home and introduce her to Hagoromo and Ashura.

After a while, we bid farewell to them and left through the portal.

"This place is going to be boring for a while," Hokuki said.

"Yeah," Hanami said and Hamura nodded.

"Well, he has been here for two years or so and had made all of us get used to him. Leaving like this will always leave a whole" Hamura said.

Although he was angry at Shun for taking his daughter away, he was still happy for them. Shun makes his daughter smile more and they are both happy, so there isn't much to lose.


Sorry guys. This is a Short chapter, I had a lot of things going on and might even reduce the release frequency. Thanks for your power stones and support.