Chakra Affinity

Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked at both Ria and Hinami who were deep in thought about what I just taught them and said: "For today, you should think about what I said, and then tomorrow, we would start putting them to practice. If you have any misunderstandings, come and ask me. Alright?"


After saying that, I noticed that there was still a lot of time before the sun could begin setting and there weren't many things people could do for fun now. If I was alone, I could begin experimenting with many ideas on how to use chakra for many interesting things from the humongous amount of knowledge in my head.

Unlike when I first reincarnated and didn't have any direction to go, now, I have achieved one of my goals, which is to be immortal, I have all the free time in the world to do anything I want, and that is creating techniques from anime and cultivation worlds.

I look at both Ria and Hinami. Ria looked to be thinking a lot of things in that little head of hers while Hinami was just smiling to the side. Not minding her age, Ria could already think somewhat innovatively, combining her already curious mind and chakra made her create things on her own, now that I have given her something to think about, I wonder what wonders she could come up with, she is a genius after all.

Hinami on the other hand already has basic knowledge of most things I said just now as I have spent the last few weeks teaching her what I could at any given moment.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Ria looked at me and asked: "Big brother can you show me that thing you did now with the picture as you were talking"

I was not really surprised at the question as I was expecting her to actually ask that back when I was still teaching her. ''Sure I can" creating a domain with only my spiritual energy, I transformed the interior into a beautiful first with a lake in the middle and some animals drinking from it. Other animals were also in the background sitting idly.

"This is an important use of spiritual energy or in another form, Yin chakra. This chakra is formed from the continuous work our brain goes through" I said with a smile. I won't lie, this is beautiful. The animals are animals from my previous life and I don't know if there will be any in this world but I sure hope they are.

"Wow, this is beautiful," Ria exclaimed with stars in her eyes. "Big brother you have to teach me how to do this," she said while pulling my clothes in her excitement.

"Haha, it sure is, and that worry, if you are serious about listening to my lessons, this would come easily, with proper mastery of this, you could do a lot of things you can't even imagine," I said honestly.

Not gonna lie, illusion is one of the most hax power in all of creation. With perfect control over illusion, you could rule the world, an example should be Aizen who deceived the whole 'Soul Society' with his perfect illusion. I could even create a country that would be in my domain living peacefully without knowing that they are all in an illusion, similar to the Infinite Illusion(Mūgen Tsūkuyomi) of Kaguya

"Hmm, first of all, I have to know which element you're more attuned with among the five elements and Yin and Yang, do you have any idea?" I asked not expecting a definitive answer but this is Ria we're talking about here so she could already feel which one she is more attuned with.

"Hmm, element huh, I'm not too sure but I think It would be either earth or air," she said after a brief thought.

''Oh? Why do you think so?" I ask curiously, I would really like to know how she came up with that conclusion. After all, not everyone is like me who had prior knowledge of how to sense and develop these elements.

"Well, when I was practicing, pushing out my chakra and drawing it back, I think I made a connection with either the ground or air, I am not sure though, it's like I can feel them there but that's it," Ria said somewhat confused herself.

"How about you Hinami, any idea what your elemental affinities are?" I asked. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't know. After all, even Ashura and Indra don't know that they have all elemental affinities including Yin and Yang, and I am sure as hell Hamura didn't even bother to think in that direction and I don't blame him. When you get to a certain level of strength, all these techniques that are done with the basic elements become redundant, only special effect techniques would matter at that stage.

"I'm not sure about that dear, you haven't mentioned it to me before and have been teaching me about your laws of chemistry and physics as you call it, hmph," she said as she finished in mild annoyance at me which I knew was well deserved, after all, I have only been yapping about different laws of physics I could use and create interesting stuff.

"Haha, don't mind the small details Nami-chan, those laws are important as well, right?" I said, trying to play it off smoothly.

"Hmph," She snorted and looked away which was cute by the way.

"Anyways, I will find a way to create something that can determine your chakra affinities, hmm..." I said as I started thinking of a way to create a chakra paper based on the anime to test these things out. From what I knew from canon, these papers were created from the bark of the trees Hashirama created around the village when he was alive.

Hmm... The ones from the anime could only sense the five elements but couldn't sense the Yin and Yang elements. I get these two elements weren't focused on in the anime as it is widely known that some clans like the Senju, Uzumaki and Akimichi clans are proficient in the usage of Yang release while clans like the Uchiha, Kurama, Yamanaka, and Nara are proficient in Yin release. The only way someone starts paying attention to these different elements is when they want to get proficient in illusions or medical ninjutsu.

This time around, I would try to find a way to create a chakra paper that can sense all seven elemental affinities.

While still thinking, I sat down with my leg crossed and started thinking of a way to incorporate these ideas into my wood release, after all, Hashirama didn't consciously create these papers, it was an after-effect of his Wood Release and although I could use Wood Release, I needed the paper now.

Phew... Letting out a deep breath, I stopped trying to think via the anime route and tried to create the paper from a new perspective.

Placing my hands on the ground, I created a flat wooden surface, barely the size of my palm, and imagined the process of it turning into paper and having the abilities I need.

During this process, I discovered that my thoughts were not interrupted by any form of inability to create what I desire to create. It almost seems like I'm using w and my will becomes reality. Hmm, seems like I have to research my abilities anew. I knew I could create things with my [Yin-Yang Release] but I have never really settled down to research this ability.

I decided to do the extra mile and added the function of showing the rate of attunement to the element. In the anime, the chakra paper shows the manor element the person is attuned to and won't show others he is capable of learning, so I decided to add that function so it will bring out the entire potential within the person.

Opening my eyes I see pieces of paper lying on the floor with a wooden board underneath the papers. Looking at the board, it seemed to me that even without my chakra, it would produce chakra papers on its own. Not minding it too much, I picked up two pieces and gave them to Ria and Hinami each.

"Wow, big norther, how did you do that? Can I do that too? Will you reach me?" Ria interrupted with her usual curiosity that never ceases.

"Haha, don't worry about it, after today, I will teach you things like this and you will choose what you will do from there," I said while laughing and parting her head.

Hinami wasn't much surprised as she has seen me create an entire garden with my [Wood Release].

"Anyways, take these papers and pour your chakra inside. This will let us know which element your chakra is naturally attuned with. it will also show your rate of attunement with each element. If its water, then the paper will get wet, If its earth, then it will crumble, if its air, it will cut into two pieces, if its lightning, it will shrink, if its fire, it will burn, if it Yin, the paper will turn black and if its Yang, the paper will turn white." I explained as I followed the original idea behind the paper for the five elements and added two of my own.

"You can have multiple elements and they will show on the paper. Now then, why don't you go first Ria"

"Ok" Ria shouted in excitement and poured a little of her controlled chakra into the paper. The paper immediately turns black, splits into two pieces, and then crumbled, showing that she is attuned to Yin, air, and earth. I wasn't surprised as she said she already felt close to both air and earth before. The Yin should be a result of her being able to unlock her spirit sense.

"Wow, Ria-chan, you have Yun, Air, and Earth chakra affinities, that's impressive, now I know how to go about teaching you," I said while rubbing her head. I could get used to this.

''Nami what about you?'' I asked as we both looked toward Hinami. I was curious to see what will turn up. I already had an idea that as children of both Hagoromo and Hamura, Indra, Ashura, Hokuki, and Hinami would have an affinity toward all elements but I wanted to see it with my eyes.

"Hmm" Hinami acknowledged as she poured her chakra into the paper. The paper immediately turns black on one side and white on the other and then split into two, before any other thing could happen, the paper explodes, like literally explode out of nowhere, though the explosion wasn't that great, it was as big as a normal size Rasengan.

"kyaa" Hinami screamed at the slight explosion. I immediately rush over to her and held her to calm her down before checking her palms for any injury. There was a slight burn on her hands which I immediately heal.

"Shush now, you alright," I said as I kissed her cheek and wiped the tear falling down her cheeks.

I was stupefied at the result of this test. This could mean one of two things, either she really possed all elemental affinity and the paper couldn't handle the load and exploded or she has only Yin, Yang, Air, and possibly fire.

I didn't know which was correct but I knew for a fact that she possessed at least the Yin and Yang affinity.

Hinami quickly got a hold of herself and remembering that we were in front of Ria, blushed and pushed me away shyly.

I chuckled at her antics and said: "Seems like you have an affinity for Yin and Yang at least"

"At least? Does that mean I have more than that? Yes, I should, after all, the paper split into two which means I have air and it exploded, what does explosion mean?" Hinami asked

"Hmm... You are correct on that but the explosion has me confused too. I have two theories which are that one, you have all chakra affinity but the paper couldn't handle them all and exploded or, two, you have the above mention plus fire" I said. That was when it hit me. What if the explosion is a result of having the [Explosion Release] which is a mixture of both Lightning and Earth?

This could open more doors into the future. Now I am confused.

'Arghh.' I scream internally.

Phew. No need to overthink this too much, I have all the time in the world to be with her, and it's not like I don't have the [Explosion Release]. Worse come to worse I teach her the explosion style and see how she does, but from tomorrow, I should at art with their common element.

"Now then little ones, from tomorrow we will start our lessons on your common element, Yin release, and go from there. Now then shall we do back for the day" I said while standing up and stretching my waist and back to ease up my muscles. Not like I needed to do that but old habits die hard, I guess.

"Yes," They both reply, following which we then headed to the village.