Transformation Jutsu

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And like that, three months passed with their schedules being repetitive.

And currently, three figures sat crosslegged seemingly deep in mediation. Although they seem to be breathing in the energy around them, one was doing something entirely different.


Shun, who was sitting in the same position as Hinami and Ria let out a deep breath as he opened his eyes.

He had just finished compiling every single object he could dig from the knowledge stored in his head. Chemical combinations, biological combinations, and even mythical related stuff from both fiction and fantasy alike, everything that had their compositions explained was dug up by Shun.

For the past three months, he had been experimenting with the Transformation Jutsu and had had some gains and also come up with interesting theories.

Transformation Jutsu used in the Naruto anime was a nerfed version of what it could become, it was merely used to disguise and tricks and was never used to its fullest potential.

One such theory was that any object can be changed from its original form to another as far as the one performing the transformation knows the full composition of what he wants the object to be transformed into.

It is like saying that should a shinobi be surrounded, be it in the forest, desert, sea, or even earth, he or she could transform the trees and earth into spearheads or swords to skewer the people surrounding him or her.

This can only be achieved if the said person knows the composition of a sword, the metal, the durability, the sharpness, and lots more about the sword.

Without said knowledge, perfect transformation becomes hard. This is transmutation in a sense.

Another theory is that the Transformation Jutsu is a watered-down version of Creation Of All Things. The reason is that, with perfect control over your chakra,l, and knowledge of said composition, you can transform a pebble or even the air into a nuclear bomb.

It is even possible to transform energy from one form to another without it undergoing any chemical reactions, or in this case, spiritual guidance.

It was an astonishing discovery, though as always, with great benefits come shortcomings as well.

One of the said shortcomings is that in the case of the first theory, once the user's chakra stops being supplied, the transformation wears off and the transformed object returns to its base form.

In the case of the second theory, the first shortcoming also comes into play, but in the case of energy, they lose effect and return to how it is supposed to be.

Shun had come up with multiple ideas on how to remedy these shortcomings, and one of such ways was to create a seal to act like the alternator to constantly transform one energy to another similar to how an alternator functions in a generator(A/N: an alternator is what converts mechanical energy to electrical energy in a generator)

Another way is to draw a seal of the transformed object to maintain a continuous supply of energy to keep it in that form.

This could lead to a permanent transformation of sorts, at least that's what he hoped. It could be done in cultivation worlds so it could be done here with good directives.

Shun placed his hands on the ground and used his [Wood Release] to create a wooden construct that was 11x8cm in size (lengthxbreadth) and 3cm thick.

After some time, the construct took the form of a book and floated in front of him. With a surge of chakra from his body, words formed from spiritual energy began appearing in the pages of the book.

Hinami and Ria who were meditating at the side opened their eyes at the burst of chakra and watched in mild curiosity at what Shun was doing.

If one was to observe them closely, one would notice a more mature and experienced look in their eyes. Three months have passed since Shun created the Virtual World and installed it in their mindscapes, and every day, after their meditation, they would dive into the world and experience what the main character has experienced.

The spiritual exercises, fighting techniques, special techniques, and even the knowledge on other miscellaneous things like herbs, formations, runes, and lots more. All these were experienced by both Hinami and Ria.

Others would look at this with amazement and awe but Hinami and Ria looked on with mild curiosity, after all, although this would look godlike in the eyes of the people of this era, they both have seen what actual Godlike beings can do in Virtual World.

Shun kept copying whatever he has accumulated in his landscape and pasted it on the book in front of him without any reservation whatsoever.

It took 15 minutes before everything could be perfectly copied into the book.

With a 'Thud' like sound, the book closed and kept floating in front of him.

'I have yet created another absurd thing, should this land into the hand of anyone with bad intentions, it would lead to multiple wars on scales I wouldn't even want to imagine' Shun thought to himself

Shun opened the book and flipped through it for some seconds before laughing out loud not minding his surrounding.

While he was laughing, he looked toward Hinami and Ria to tell them the good news, but what greeted his sight was the weird looks they were giving him.

"Cough" Shun coughed in embarrassment and then continued: "What's with the looks in your eyes?" Shun asked

"What is with the weird laugh and what is that huge book in your hands?" Hinami asked back.

"Kukuku, this, my dear Nami, is the answer to my three months' research, this, will change a lot of things, with this encyclopedia, I can finally expand on my experiments" Shun laughed weirdly and said

"What's with that weird laugh again, Sigh, something is really wrong with big brother, big sister what do you think?" Ria asked Hinami

"Sigh, I wouldn't know now, would I? little Ria" Hinami answered in exasperation

"Well, I would put it past him to have lost himself in his mind, after all, I mean, did you hear the laughs? Sigh, something may have gone wrong somewhere" Ria said while shaking her head.

"True" Hinami acknowledged while nodding her head and looking at Shun with pity in her eyes.

Shun, didn't know what to say about their conversation, the talk took a whole new turn from nowhere.

There was a moment of silence before Hinami and Ria both broke out laughing.

"Ha-ha, very funny guys," Shun mocked laughed at them

"What do you mean big brother? You should have seen the look on your face, it was very funny" Ria said while still laughing boisterously.

Hinami chuckled while covering her mouth with her hands in a noble-like manner.

After a moment, they became serious once more and Hinami asked, "What is an encyclopedia? You mentioned that this book is an encyclopedia, I have never heard that word before, did you come up with it again?"

"Hmph, of course, I did, and as for the meaning of encyclopedia, it means a parchment or book that is used to record information or knowledge about different subjects or different aspects of subjects. So, in a sense, it contains the knowledge of every resource that can be found on this planet" Shun exclaimed with excitement.

Hinami and Ria raised their eyebrows at the mention of Resources which Shun noticed and corrected, "Not the resources you have seen in that Virtual World, but natural resources like trees, earth, steel, silver, gold, and many more. They are all in this book, here, have a look" and passed the book over to them.

They both caught the book and with a look of anticipation in their eyes, they flipped the book open, but the very next moment, they both looked up at Shun blankly.

Shun, who was expecting some 'ooh' and 'aah' was shocked at the blank stares the girls gave him, which made him involuntarily take a step back in disbelief.

"Y-yo-you-" he stuttered not knowing what to say at their lack of interest in his world-ending invention, so he thinks,

"What Y-yo-you, are you joking with us? What's the meaning of this, there is nothing In this book" Hinami said as she flipped the entire book page by page.

Shun looked dumbfounded at her words, 'What?' he thought, "But that's impossible" he said and continued "I obviously saw what I wrote there, here let me see"

Shun collected the book and slipped it open, page by page, and everything was visible in his eyes, he looked at the two girls and didn't see any mischievousness or lies in their eyes, which beggars the question, "How?"

Waving at them to come forward, he asked, "Come here, do you mean you can't see these words and images here?"

"Not at all" Hinami answered.

"Nope," Ria answered.

"Hmm" Creating a clone, he asked the same question and the clone said, "Of course, I can see it, idiot, I am you and you're me"

"Oh, sorry," Shun laughed sheepishly and released the clone.

Inservimg the book thoroughly once agaim, Shun noticed the residual leftovers of his spiritual energy on the words and book in general and thought, 'Now that I think about it, this seems similar to the Uchiha stone tablet that could only be read by those who have the Sharingan, the more mature the Sharingan, the more they can read, Wait a minute, the stone tablet. If that's the case, does it mean only my descendants can read this book in the future? Dodged a bullet right there. At least I wouldn't be worried about some war breaking out due to the immense knowledge in this book alone. The other books In seals and techniques are already dangerous enough'

Shun snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the two girls looking at him blankly and said, "Well, I have good news for you and bad news, which do you want to hear first?"

"Start with the bad and then console us with the good" Hinami answered solemnly.

"Mah mah, it's not that serious, it's just a matter of inconvenience, the bad news is that no one can read this book if they don't have my energy signature, the good mews is that I could copy everything down into another book and then I would teach you both about this technique" Shun paused and asked, "What do you think?"

"Hmm, what do you mean by energy signature?" Ria asked this time.

"Well, it's like chakra but deeper on a higher level of the bond. Chakra can be manipulated to resemble another person's but this one can't be copied, take it as hereditary stuff, only my children and their children after them would be able to read this book" Shun explained.

Hinami blushed for a split second before she regained her composure. To anyone's eyes, there was no change in her expression, but its Shun we are talking about, and he noticed the blush on her cheek for split second and thought 'Damn me and my idea of a virtual world, now my cute Hinami is gone'

"So that's what it is, similar to the bloodline things in the Virtual worlds right?" Ria asked

"Exactly, It's good you catch on fast, and maybe, your children will also inherit something from you too," Shun said with a smile.

Ria blushed at the mention of her children, after all, she was merely a child not even 13 years old yet.

After a series of back-and-forth questions and answers, Shun decided to leave the work of copying and pasting the book to his clone.

'Sigh, who am I not to make use of such wonderful abilities' Shun thought.

'They 're still you, you know?' a voice sounded in his mind.

'Hmm, thought I heard something, must be my imagination Shun thought and didn't bother to feel anything about it.

'It's been some time since I visited Indra and Ashura, Even Hagoromo, guess it's time to start rounding up my business here. I also have to officially introduce Hinami as my wife-to-be as well.' Shun thought as he stood looking up at the sky in slight nostalgia.