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"Though If I meet someone that can take a place in my heart in the future, I will love them as well, I won't be hypocritical and say I will love you all equally, though I will try, it will depend on you as the big sister of the family" Shu continued.

Hinami blushed and nodded with a satisfied smile on her face. She then looked at Shun and said, "Good, at least you know, I'm going to bed" and saying that she fled to her room.


The night passed smoothly without much disturbances and the next day came.

Early in the morning, Shun woke as usual and went about preparing breakfast for Hinami. While doing so, he thought, 'The ingredients in this world are still very crude, I wonder if I can use my wood release to create better ingredients, well, this would do for now'

After putting some finishing touches to the meal, he carried them to the room and laid them comfortably on the bed while gently nudging Hinami up from her sleep.

"Wakey wakey Nami-chan, it's breakfast in bed," Shun said in a gentle voice and kissed her on the lips.

Hinami's eyes perked open when she heard 'breakfast in bed'. Her morning hair didn't make her any less beautiful.

'Although Hinami couldn't be called lazy, she was still someone who liked to enjoy the pleasantries of life since I introduced It to her' Shun thought.

"I'm up, what's for breakfast?" She asked.

"It's my very own Tamagoyaki and Miso soup. It's better to eat the Tamagoyaki and then drink the soup" Shun replied with a straight face and a smile adorning his lips as he stole his past life foods and named them his.

"Here, have a bite" Shun picked up a piece of Tamagoyaki and beckoned on her to eat.

Hinami took a bite and her eyes lit up as she squealed with a blush on her cheeks, "Uwah, this is delicious, Shun~, this is my new favorite meal, make sure to cook it more"

Shun looked at her and chuckled, "this is not the first time you've said this, you have to start making up your mind you know, or you could come with me and learn how to make it, that way you could cook it even if I am not around"

It turns out that this was a normal occurrence every morning if Shun cooks a new meal. The normal food being cooked and eaten during this time are very basic.

And although the villagers have fields for farming, they majorly produce rice, and that's the only thing they eat with the addition of meat if available and ground salt.

There was no sea around here to get salt from so Shun had to direct some housewives on how to get salt from the river bed. Although it wasn't salt per se, it still made a difference.

"Hm, I will join, but what of my training, will I be able to learn everything? Moreover, we're leaving soon" Hinami asked while feeling a bit down.

"You see, you should have started learning when I opted to teach you but you always came up with excuses," Shun said in a stern tone as if admonishing her.

"But don't worry much about it, there's a technique I will teach you and Ria later today, it's the most hax technique in the whole world." Shun finished while patting her head and trying to motivate her.

"Oh? Which technique is that?" Hinami asked with excitement visible in her eyes, her previous sullen expression gone like it never existed.

"Haha, it will be a surprise for you, for now, let's finish up here before Ria comes by," Shun said.

With that said, they both ate the Tamagoyaki and drank the miso soup, and then went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Minutes later, they were done and ready to go out, but at that moment, they heard a knock on the door.

Shun noticed that it was Ria as she entered his passive sensing range a few seconds ago and didn't seem surprised. Hinami though was startled as no one comes to their house in the morning.

"It is Ria," Shun said to Hinami to calm her down a bit and then continued, "Come in Ria, the door is open"

With that, the door opened to show Ria who looked full of energy for some reason.

"Good morning big brother, big sister" Ria greeted.

"Good morning Ria-chan" Shun greeted back.

"Good morning Ria, How was your night?" Hinami greeted and asked.

"It was alright big sister, how was yours? She answered and asked back.

" Well, it was okay I guess" Hinami answered.

Shun stood there for a few seconds wondering what was going on, and not finding any answer, he decided to ask, "So what brought you here this morning, don't you have something to do this morning?"

"Hmm? Big brother doesn't like Ria anymore?" Ria asked with teary eyes, turning to Hinami she continued, "Big sister, Big Brother doesn't like me anymore,"

Shun's lips touched at her poor attempt to dodge his question. He sighed and said, "Alright, cut it out, what's wrong? We don't usually meet this early in the morning, our meeting times are usually in the afternoon, what brought you here this morning?"

Ria's eyes and expressions went back to normal in an instant before she said, "Big brother and big sister are leaving soon, so I decided to spend the rest of my time with you two, It's alright isn't it?"

Shun's first thought was on how this little girl changed expression within a second, and then he heard her reason and his heart softened and he let out a small laugh and said, "it's not like we are going soon, we still have today, and tomorrow before we leave"

"Plus we still have things to do around the village, so there's no need to stress your little brain on how to spend more time with us, right Nami?" Shun asked, looking at Hinami for support.

"Ria-chan is right, we don't have much time to stay here, let's all spend our time together," Hinami said, supporting Ria instead of me.

'I feel like there's a scheme going on here ' Shin thought. 'Ever since they both entered that Cultivation Virtual World, they've become less cute, hmph'

'Although, it would be good to spend more time with Ria and Hinami together, doing something that is not training on chakra-related stuff'

"Ok, with that settled, let's get on with it, what's first on the list," Shun asked in a broody tone,

"What list, let's just have some time together this morning, and then in the afternoon, well get on with the surprise you said you'll be showing us" Hinami replied while dragging both Ria and Shun out of the house.

Leaving the house, they walked around the village. The three of them played around for quite some time with the children and then went to the field where the men and young boys were, subsequently, they went to meet Hinami's friends, the wives and young ladies performing their respective duties while helping wherever they needed help.

By the time it was noon, Shun was mentally tired as this should be the first time he ever had gone through this in both lives.

Reaching the area they used for training, Shun slumped on the floor and immediately fell asleep, or so they thought, but Shun was merely fatigued mentally and this was a first.

Hinami and Ria were still going strong while chattering at the side while not noticing Shun slumped on the ground. Shun wanted to feel bad and complain but his gut feeling told him otherwise, so he decided to just ignore them too.

Minutes later, Shun stood up and clapped his hands bringing their attention to him. Seeing that he jas their undivided attention, he said, "Today, I am going to teach you both my signature technique, but a lesser version as you would have to create your own variation later as you see fit"

"Is it finally time for the surprise? Hurry, hurry, out with it" Hinami said excitedly.

Ria didn't know what we were talking about but hearing the word 'surprise' from Hinami, her eyes started shining, literally.

"Yes, it is a surprise, but before that, has anyone of you wondered if you can't look to your left, and right and your back at the same time?" Shun asked.

This time both girls looked at him weirdly as if thinking 'what's he talking about now? Is he talking about having eyes on your back and around his head?'

"What's with that look, have I ever said anything weird and never proven it true?" Shun defended himself.

"Now that I think about it, every weird thing you bring up had always been proven true" Hinami said.

"At least he knows they are weird" Ria mumbled, though we all heard her, and being the bigger man, Shin decided to ignore her.

"Of course, it can be proven, and no, I am not talking about having eyes around my head, I mean it like this" Raising his hand to form a single Ram sign, three Shuns popped out from his body while looking to his right, left and back.

"What do you think?" All the Shuns asked at the same time.

Hinami and Ria looked at the four Shuns in disbelief and their mouth agape.

"I think their mind broke," the left clome said.

"You think?" the right clone replied.

The clone at the back looked at them and sighed saying, "I think we broke their common sense, but this shouldn't be that surprising, right?"

The original Shun nodded while saying, "With the knowledge and experience from the Cultivation Virtual World, this shouldn't have come as a shock"

"Hmm, why are we talking among ourselves instead of waking them up and asking them these questions?" The left clone asked.

"Right," The Shuns all said at the same time and waved their hands in the face of Hinami and Ria in an attempt to bring them back to reality.
