
Shun dropped down to the ground of the forest and first spread his chakra to have through the forest to have a basic knowledge of what he is going to do.

'Although I have an idea of what to do, I have absolutely no idea how to go about it' Shun thought to himself.

Looking around with his eyes this time, he noticed that although the forest was created with his [Wood Release: Creation of a Sea of Trees], the trees, plants, and flowers were totally unknown to him.

Bending down to pick up a stalk of grass, he tried passing his chakra through it and surprisingly didn't feel any resistance. 'Maybe it's because I created it?' Shun thought curiously.

After a thorough examination of the grass, Shun came to a basic understanding of the grass but didn't come to any conclusions yet.

Walking forward, he placed his hands on a tree and did the same thing as he did with the grass and also received another understanding of the tree.

Shun went on to examine some other plants with different appearances albeit slowly, 'This is getting interesting but the process is slow. Oh, I have clones as well, why don't I think of that He thought.

Standing up, Shun created 10 extra clones and said, "Yall scatter around and continue examining the plants in this dimension, when you are done, release yourselves"

"Yes" "Sure" "Hmm" The clones replied and flashed away in different directions.

Shun focused back on his own task and continued examining all the plants and trees he comes across and deepening his knowledge of them.

Several hours later, Shun received the first set of memories from one of his clones and closed his eyes to review them.

Turns out there were other plants growing in different conditions other than the ones around here. From the memory, Shun found that some plants that grew around water bodies have different compositions to those grown on normal land.

'This particular clone only checked up on plants around a specific area and then released himself. I don't know if I should call him lazy or selective to work.' Shun thought with a wry smile.

'Hmm? There are actually plants that grew on water and under the sea bed. Not that I am surprised but for it to grow in here with me being aware, that's amazing, and their composition is entirely different from the ones grown on land. Though it has a slight similarity with the one grown around other bodies' Shun thought with an interesting smile on his face.

Shun didn't dwell on this memory for long as he hadn't explored his own region fully, so he got down to it with further ado, "When all the clones are released, I'll sort everything out together" he muttered to himself, and continued his research.

Shun and his clones worked without rest for several hours that he forgot to even keep watch on time. Although the dimension was initially the size of a small island, after Shun's breakthrough here a while back, it increased to the size of a small continent, similar to Oceania of Earth with almost 3 million square meters in area.

So due to its size, although Shun and the clones became faster as they researched due to the continual repetition process, they still had a lot to cover.

Shun paused and stood up while spotting a satisfied smile. "This is interesting, but a bit of time seems to be passing and there seem to be a lot of space to cover. Time is not a problem as far as I'm in this dimension but I am sure either I or my clones would get bored soon. Looks like I have to create more clones'

50 more clones appeared in front of him and they all nodded at him and flashed away and with that, the process continued.

What seemed like days passed by and Shun was sitting on the beach of a sea in his dimension chilling under a beach chair he created in his underwear. Suddenly, he received an influx of memories that assaulted his brain and almost caused him to yelp in pain but his [Thought Acceleration] instinctively became active and help reduced the pressure by a lot.

Not that he was going to feel pain, but the influx of 60+ clones' memories over weeks was a lot to process instantly, thereby causing a slight pain.

Shun closed his eyes and stimulated his brain cell activity with the help of his lightning chakra. Still, the influx was still too much for him to handle alone. Dividing his consciousness, he created another spiritual embodiment and activated his [Parallel Processing] to help him out.

Shun's main consciousness was receiving the memories and sorting them out in his mental library while the [Parallel Processing] handled the reception.

The process continued smoothly without any strain on his brain.

After some minutes in his mind, the sorting was done without any difficulties, opening his eyes, Shun noticed that only a few seconds has passed outside. "[Thought Acceleration] is still the way to go," He said as he chuckled lightly.

'I wonder how it'll be if I could accelerate my thoughts to Mach 1, not to mention Zero Time ' he thought as he chuckled in amusement.

A few moments later,

'I feel like I should start analyzing my clones' memories but I also feel like standing up now would be a pain' Shun thought with a sigh.

Due to this place being his dimension, wherever he would be comfortable and coupled with the air, heat, light, and even water originating from him, any feeling of stress felt like it was being washed away, causing him to feel lazy.

Although what he has to do now wasn't going to affect him physically, the same couldn't be said for his mental strength.

Steeling his mind, Shun closed his eyes with the intention of scanning through the memories but midway, he thought, 'Just a little nap wouldn't hurt, and fell asleep.

In the outside world, although Shun has been gone for some time, only a day and night seem to have passed and it was once again the evening following the departure of Shun and Hinami.

Ria and Hinami sat under the pavilion Shun had created a while back while chatting.

"Shun has been gone for quite some time now, I wonder where he went to," Hinami said, a bit of worry could be heard in her tone.

"Mmhm, the big brother said he was going to do something and that it will be a surprise, I doubt it will be anything worth worrying about," Ria said trying to calm Hinami's fears.

Anyone looking at this scene would feel it was weird as it was Ria, a little girl calming down Hinami, a grown-up.

"It's not that I am worrying, it's just that this is the first time he has been away for a while day without me knowing his whereabouts. I know it's something stupid but..." Hinami said.

"Hmm, big sister, I may not know much but I do know that you are worrying too much, I know you like him and he likes you so obviously, you'd worry, but let's not forget that big brother is super strong, he cam takes care of himself, if you think it dangerous, their next time, make him take you with him wherever he his going"

"We both entered big brother's Virtual Worlds, and that is his imagination, that is what he thinks in that big head of his and we have both been to those worlds and seen how things happen there if a brother can think of those things, that means he also thought of the girls around the person we were living his lives"

"Big brother may be stupid sometimes but he is not that stupid, he is likely the most intelligent person alive and from what I have seen in those worlds, intelligent people like to overthink sometimes and miss the simple things, all you have to do is make sure you pick up the small things he missed along the way" Ria finished with a sage nod that didn't fit her at all.

Hinami looked at Ria in amazement and admiration for some seconds before she sighed and said, "No wonder Shun praises you a lot, you really are a genius"

Ria blushed slightly as she said, "Really?"

Hinami chuckled and said, "Really, before coming here, Shun had thought me a lot of things he called Laws of Physics, he said they are the laws governing the world, like 'What goes up must surely come down and calls it the law of gravity. He also taught me many laws and how they apply to our life, even how to use them to our benefit with chakra" She stopped speaking as she seemed to be thinking about something before continuing.

"When we came here he taught both of us the principles of chakra and even made mention of how chakra could be used in many ways. Although it's shameful, only you have been able to use chakra innovatively even without having prior knowledge about laws and such, so yes, he called genius whenever we are together"

"I asked him why he doesn't praise you to your face and he said, a genius doesn't need to be praised to show his genius, sometimes the line between genius and failure can be as thin as a thread, I don't fully understand but I think he meant, should he praise you to often, you would be pressured to meet his expectations and that would. lead to failure, I don't know and I'm not sure but that's about it" Hinami said.

Ria looked at Hinami for a while with tears forming in her eyes and threatening to fall.

"Huh? did I say something Ria-chan, sorry if I hurt you" Hinami apologized in panic, she didn't know what she did wrong to warrant Ria crying

Ria chuckled and wiped away her tears and said, "You didn't do anything wrong, big sister, I was just happy is all. Thank you."

"What are you talking about? Why are you thanking me, I didn't do anything worth being thankful for" Hinami said.

Ria chuckled and said lightly, "You two really suit each other"

"Hmm? Did you say something Ria-chan?" Hinami asked

"No nothing" Ria shook her head in denial and changed the topic. "So have you learned the clone thing big brother's line taught us?"

"Hmm that's weird, I thought I heard you say something. Anyways, I did manage to learn something but I am not perfect yet you?" Hinami replied.

Ria chuckled at her answer and they continued their conversation forgetting about what they were previously talking about.

What Ria didn't know or forgot to take notice of was that both she and Hinami had enhanced senses.


Hey guys thanks for the support so far, I appreciate it.