Fighting Both Brothers

Shun's POV

I sat down comfortably on a mat in front of Hagoromo and looked at him intently, Hinami remained standing by at the side doe whatever reason. I could feel she was nervous though I don't know the reason. I mean, this is her uncle's house so it's practically a second family home.

Sometimes, I wonder whether it's the same Hinami that went into the virtual worlds I created and experienced life there. One time she's smart, sensible, and aloof, the next moment she allows some simple emotions to affect her.

I chuckled slightly at the thought of that and signaled to her with my eyes for her to sit down beside me which she did albeit reluctantly.

The old man looked at our exchange with interest and amusement and then smiled slightly. I could feel the smile take away a little of his stress which means he must be happy seeing this exchange between Hinami and me.

Hinami couldn't feel emotions like me but with her experience, she could at least read subtle body movement, and from Hagoromo's subtle body movement, she seemed to have relaxed a little.

I then looked toward Hagoromo and said, "Can you tell? me what's going on now pops?"

Hagoromo nodded his head and then looked at Hinami and said, "Sure I will, but before then, can you tell me what's going on between the two of you?"

I wasn't much surprised at the question but Hinami blushed and glanced at me before lowering her head which made me smile fondly and say, "Of course, pops, she is Hinami as tou should have known and she's my wife-to-be."

"Oh? How did that happen?" He asked in curiosity. "As far as I am concerned, you shouldn't have met her and her brother at all,"

"Haha, that's true. Well, it all started when..." I then told him what happened when I left the village after the fight between Indra and Ashura, how I went to the moon, met Hamura, and subsequent events.

"So that's how it is, that's good, that's good," he said nodding his head in approval.

Hinami was relieved at this sight and I looked at her with a face that said, 'I told you so '.

After a series of questions and answers, he finally said, "It's good that you've found each other, I don't have anything to say, just don't hurt each other"

We both nodded our heads as that was always the plan.

I then coughed slightly and said, "Now old man, about Indra and Ashura, what's going on?"

The air turned serious immediately as Hagoromo's face turned serious.

I always wondered how people's emotions could affect the air around them in anime and manga but never found out how that happens. I mean, it's different when a whole village is feeling gloomy you would notice it, but this is just one person's emotion changing from happy to serious and the entire room's atmosphere changed. I wonder how that's done.

"After that fight 4 years ago, Indra changed completely, if, after that battle, he was still redeemable, then now, I am afraid nobody in this village would welcome him back," Hagoromo said with a tinge of sadness in his eyes.

"After that defeat, he kept coming back to fight. Some people left with him and he now has his subordinates who think he is right. They've been attacking this village on various occasions and we have suffered casualties. Ashura always tries his best to hold him back but it still proves to be a futile effort"

"This wasn't the idea behind Ninshu, it wasn't meant to be used this way, but I can't do anything about it. I have passed on my legacy, it's left for Ashura to find his own answer" Hagoromo finished and looked into space as if reminiscing about something.

We sat there in silence, no one saying anything. I honestly wanted to talk back to him and tell him that this approach is wrong but I held back as I knew he was doing It out of goodwill, but then everything In this world that ends up causing disasters is always done out of goodwill.

Kaguya in the anime did what she had to do out of goodwill and enslaved humans for what she thought was right, not giving them the freedom of choice. Hagoromo wants to follow the opposite by giving his children the freedom of choice and waiting to see how it plays out.

Subsequently, Hashirama, Madara, Obito, Nagato, Orochimaru, and many more did what the my did by what they perceived to be for the good of all.

Hashirama's idea of a village to end the warring states era was born out of goodwill but ended up causing more deaths with the emergence of 3 shinobi world wars.

Madara's idea of a world without losers was born out of goodwill, but led to the fourth world war, although it still led to a peaceful world, caused a war that led to endless deaths.

Obito's ideal world, although selfish and manipulated was also a world where there will be no more death, and where everyone would live their ideal lives.

Nagato's idea of a world without pain was born out of pain and a desire to make people understand his pain and stop causing it thereby leading to world peace.

Orochimaru out of the fear of death and the desire to not die or see his loved ones die went down the dark path which lead to him being a world-renowned villain.

Although some of them were manipulated in the end, their very ideas were all born out of goodwill so if I am to judge, I would say that the fault lies with the world or rather with the world's development.

I wouldn't be surprised if the reason for the lack of development is Black Zetsu though. I mean, he alone orchestrated all the wars, he fueled them all. Even if I am not one to scheme, I still have to praise Zetsu for his genius.

But that aside, Hagoromo's choice on letting the two do as they pleased kind of hits me as the wrong choice, maybe it's because I already feel attached to them emotionally so I can't stand by and watch them destroy themselves.

Hmm, now that I think about it, I haven't actually fought a proper fight since coming to this world. I have been stacking up skills, but haven't gotten a good opportunity to test them out.

Looking at Hagoromo who was still deep in thought, I said, "Where is Ashura now? I can't feel his chakra signature in the village, and he should have come running as soon as he found out I have arrived"

Hagoromo snapped out of his thoughts and said, "He is currently fighting Indra down that path" pointing in a particular direction. "You would know if you tried looking for him" He continued sounding a bit peeved.

I know he knows that I had a wide range of sensory abilities so him sounding like that is kind of warranted. I smiled wryly while scratching my cheek and then said, "Ah, I am going to find the both of them, I need to properly introduce Hinami to them both as my wife"

With that, I stood up and teleported out of the room leaving Hinami with Hagoromo, bless her soul.

I appeared outside the village and spread out my chakra to sense the location of either Indra or Ashura.

My [Universal Sense] spread as far as tens of kilometers before I felt both brothers' chakras clashing together. Smiling broadly, I teleported close to their location.

I will have you know that my teleportation isn't dependent on my seals any longer, I could now teleport to any location my so spiritual senses can reach without any difficulty whatsoever. The seals are just a bonus.

The place I appeared at was still meters away from their fight but I could feel the residual effects. Waves upon waves of chakra were bombarding me coupled with the shockwaves from their clash. Even from this far, I could see two gigantic structures clashing continuously. One gigantic chakra construct, reaching close to 800 meters in height. It had three faces each having the same resemblance to Tengus, six arms, and wings spanning 100s meters in length. Two of the arms had katana kike longswords in each hand.

Seeming this Susanno, the first thing that came out Of my mouth was, "THE FUCK!?" This wasn't mentioned in the anime. Then it struck me that there was no way Indra and Ashura would remain stagnant over the years that were alive.

"I had been underestimating them huh?" I said quietly while looking at the second gigantic figure. This one was made entirely of wood, different from the Thousand Hand Asura technique Ashura had used previously against Indra the day he awakened, this one was a completely wooden construct resembling Sun Wukong with a wooden dragon circling it. The construct looked exactly like a fighting Budha. Although it was shorter than the Thousand Hand Asura, I could feel that it was stronger.

This one was never shown in the anime, sigh, I guess they really did grow stronger but I ain't losing to them.

Stretching my body in preparation for the upcoming battle, I thought about which approach to use, I could create a construct to fight them on equal ground with either wood or earth, or I could use my body to fight it out. No, not my body as it is but a transformed body. I haven't used this technique on my body since I created it but now is a good enough time to try it out.

I could feel a certain excitement I didn't know I could feel welling up inside me, I immediately used chakra to enhance my voice and shouted, "INDRA, ASHURA"

My voice caught their attention and they stopped their battle momentarily and looked toward me. I could feel that Ashura was excited I was back but he held himself back for being overly excited, 'Guess he did mature slightly' whereas Indra's eyes became even colder as he gazed at me directly with his blood-red Sharingan spotting a similar Chouk Tomoe similar to Sasuke's EMS.

None of them said anything so I continued, "What, cat got your tongue? Looks like you two have been getting overly excited in my absence huh? I even came back with a wife and there was no one to welcome me, do you know how sad I was?" I said shedding a fake tear I conjured with water from the air.

" Oh, you won't guess who my wife is. Do you remember Hinami? Your cousin you've always told me about. Yup, that's her. And guess what again, I'm planning on getting married within the next few days and I would be needing my brothers at the wedding. Do you know what that means?" I asked, my voice becoming serious.

"I couldn't care less about you or Hinami, Shun. As far as I am concerned, you arent my brother so know your place" Indra said with a cold voice.

"Ouch, your words cut deep brother," I said comically while clutching my chest.

"Don't worry Shun I'll be there, and I can't wait to meet Hinami again" Ashura said with a sunshine smile that didn't match his former serious face.

"Haha, that's good to know brother," I said with a laugh and then my face became serious and I said, "As for you Indra you'll be there whether you like it or not"

I flared my chakra to match theirs as I could feel that although they both had a substantial amount of chakra almost similar to or even more than mine in quantity, I wouldn't lose out in a real battle, call it instinct but I didn't feel threatened by either of them.

"How about this, you both bury the hatchet for the time being and fight against me. If I win, Indra gets to attend my marriage and suspend every form of enmity towards Ashura and if I lose, you both get to decide whatever you want. How about it?" I suggested.

"What? I don't want to fight you Shun" Ashura immediately protested

"I don't want to fight with him" Indra simply stated pointing at Ashura.

My eye twitched in annoyance at their blatant refusal but I wasn't simply suggesting. It is going to happen, whether they like it or not.

"Ashura, take it as a practice but be serious as I won't be pulling my punches, Indra, take it as a one-on-one battle but against me with Ashura as a distraction on my side. What? do tell me you're afraid of another defeat Indra" I said trying to provoke Indra as I am sure he is quick to anger.

Unsurprisingly, he growled and said, "So be it" and lunged at me with his Susanno which I blocked with a black rod I created.

The scene was similar to the scene of Indra slashing at Ashura on their first battle 4 years ago. It was comical in all honesty. To use an illustration, it was akin to an elephant trying to stump an ant but failing to stump it.

"Not bad for the first strike Indra, but you seem to be In a hurry to dance. Do not forget that there are three dancers on the field" Shun said and pushed Indra Susanno away.

Using the principle of Transformation Jutsu, I focused on becoming a giant the same size as both Indra's Susanno and Ashura's Wooden Budha. Using the principle of Creation of All Things, I created a simple katana construct similar to the one held in Indra Susanno. I then looked at both Indra and Ashura who were looking at me in shock and said,

"Let's dance"


a/n next chapter is gonna be a fight and I honestly don't know what I am doing so y'all should tell me your opinion of the fight.