Alchemy Attempt... Successful

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'Wow, that was.... Just wow. Of all things, I didn't expect to meet Kaguya. And damn, She is beautiful as fuck. No wonder she's Hinami's grandmother. Although Hinami isn't as beautiful as her, she still has her strong point and as a faithful husband, Hinami comes first.' Shun thought to himself.

Looking at the God Tree branches, Shun pondered on what to do with them. Now that he has a communication pathway to communicate with Kaguya, he can possibly destroy them or refine them as he planned.

"Hmm, one should be enough, right? Anyways..." Shun thought to this point and immediately shelved away the thought as he wasn't one to think too much. If one isn't enough to connect with Kaguya then it was his loss.

This was one excellent research material, he wasn't going to give it up just because of some silly doubts. If worse comes to worst, he scours the earth to find another God tree branch, after all, there was one existing even till the time of Naruto that produces hero water or something.

Shun's original plan was to try out the refinement process that cultivator alchemists used to refine pills in some cultivation novels. He had been going through some explanation of the processes in the many different books in his head.

Although all alchemical processes are different in one principle or another, there still have some common things which are that, there is a need to heat the herb to burn away impurities, there is a need for strong and versatile soul energy to manipulate the flame and the refinement process in general and last of all is that there usually form seals or waves hands to control and further enhance the pills.

Shun's original idea was to see if he could refine the 'bad' chakra from the branch and see if he could use the leftover branch or whatever it leaves behind to increase his chakra. If this process works, then he would have a way to increase his chakra in the long term.

With his dimension, he could pick herbs that could help increase chakra even if minimal and with the help of his dimension again, speed up their growth process and have older herbs that will bring about the maximum effect.

This tree branch could be said to be similar to an immortal tree of this world. No matter how one looks at it, this branch has the leftover energy of the ten tails.

In the anime, the residual chakra of the Kyuubi was already potent enough to make a pseudo jinchuriki not to mention an over 700 years tree capable of producing water that can make one far surpass their limit in exchange for their lifespan.

'The lifespan issue could be because they aren't strong enough to bear the effect, maybe I would give it a try if it still exists till then' Shun thought.

Putting aside any distracting thoughts, Shun sat down cross-legged in front of one of the branches and took a deep breath to calm himself, after all, that alchemist usually did the same thing, but not like he needed it though.

'Hmm? Now that I think about it, doesn't an alchemist have to have both the wood and fire attribute or something and a cauldron? Some alchemists even possess flame essence. Mah mah, I have chakra, those things are irrelevant to me.' Shun thought

"With my spiritual energy, I don't think any of those things would be a problem," Shun thought aloud. "But come to think of it, I have never tried combining wood with other elements. I get that it's already a Kekkai Tota but what if there are other combinations"

"Well, whatever, thought for another time. Now then"

Saying this, Shun created a fireball atop his palms and sent it flying toward the branch. As the fireball approached the branch, it landed on it and fizzled out at a quick pace.

'Damn it, how could I forget that it sucks chakra.' Shun thought in annoyance. 'I don't want to Kaguya so soon now. What should I do about this?'

'Ah!" Shun exclaimed. "How could I have been so stupid? Of course, wood release sucks chakra, and this branch, being a part of the 'origin' of all wood releases gats to have the same ability."

"Hmm, what could possibly restrain wood release as it is?" Shun thought aloud.

It was never mentioned if there was any element that could restrain the devouring ability of the wood release in the anime and cultivation world principles are not helpful in this case.

The wood attribute of most cultivation worlds deals with vitality and healing alone. This world wood element deal with vitality, healing, and devouring chakra. That was why it could restrain all tailed beasts not to talk of mere humans with their meager chakra.

Shun thought long and hard about what to do about this. 'Should I try mixing Water, Earth, and Yin? I wonder what that would produce, but that would take time even with my perfect chakra control.'

'Wood release, wood release, what the fuck is the opposite of this shit' Shun thought angrily. For the first time, he was angry at the overpowered ability of the wood release.

Shun let out a deep breath to calm himself. "Sigh, wood release huh? Devouring chakra. Hmm, let's go back to basics then. There are seven elements to which chakra can be converted to. Yin and Yang are the strongest support to all five basic elements. Wood is the combination of Earth, Water, and Yang, Yang deals with vitality. While Yin enhances spirituality. Since chakra is the combination of spiritual and physical energy, Yin to spiritual and Yang to physical. If the principle of Yin and Yang is applied here, then Yin should be able to restrain Yang. But Yin and Yang both have the devouring ability in Dark release and Wood release. Ahh! Since they both have devouring abilities, then they could cancel each other out. And the basest form of Yin is spiritual energy. Why didn't I think of this" Shun said excitedly to himself

With renewed vigor, he proceeded to put his theory into action, but as he was about to begin, he was faced with another confusion, "How do I go about it?"

In the anime, the dark release was an OP ability that could devour chakra, similar to the Otsutsukis, but Shun never really tried it out as there was never a need for it. Spiritual energy on the other hand is even more confusing as even though it is flexible, you still need a vivid image of what you want to use it.

"What if I create a cauldron with spiritual energy like that guy from World Greatest Pill God? The m*therf*cker could create an imaginary cauldron with pure spiritual energy to refine pills. He had a strong soul and exuberant spiritual energy so maybe that was the reason he could do such world-defying things, but who am I? In terms of soul and spiritual energy, I doubt I would lose out. Let's give it a try" Shun said.

Closing his eyes, Shun created an imaginary cauldron(the Ines used in Chinese manhwa). Creating something wasn't a problem for Shun, be it a physical object or an imaginary one.

With the desired image and dimensions created, Shun opened his eyes with a solemn look on his face. Although he had perfect chakra control, creating something imaginary and maintaining it while doing something else was a great hurdle on its own.

A wave of invisible energy poured out of Shun and floating In front of him, a gigantic cauldron began to form. The cauldron was similar to a normal Chinese alchemy cauldron. It was over 50 feet in height and 70 in width. There was an opening below for the removal of dregs if any and another opening for the upward removal of hot air if necessary.

The cauldron was big enough to hold in the God Tree branches without any difficulty.

With this done, Shun immediately used his parallel processing ability to partition his consciousness into three, one to maintain the imaginary cauldron, another to continue the refinement process, and the last to be on standby in case of any inconvenience.

With his preparation done, Shun raised the branch and stuffed it into the cauldron, and as if something was cut off of it, the chaotic chakra that was swirling around it became even more intense.

'Guess my theory was right' Shun thought but didn't get distracted.

He created a huge enough flame and poured it into the cauldron from the space below. This time around, although the chakra in the flame was absorbed, it didn't go anywhere, instead, it combusted inside the tree branch.

Just as Shun had thought, wood release devours chakra and supplies it to the user of the wood release, but with this spiritual energy formed cauldron, the tree branch didn't have any recipient for any devoured chakra so, it became erratic.

Whatever energy is absorbed is not passed away but kept within and as any law of energy goes, a body that can't contain the energy within either blows up or.... blows up.

With this step successfully carried out, Shun maintained vigilance as his spiritual energy scanned the branch for any changes. Alchemy is a very strenuous vocation as known in any cultivation world and Shun is experiencing the reason why. There is a need for 100 percent concentration as even a single distraction could lead to an explosion caused by combustion.

And if that should happen in the case of Shun, the explosion would be deadly as what he is refining is a branch of energy, not just any energy but the actual origin energy of this world.

If it was any random herb put together, some combination might be too fickle that even a slight increase or reduction in heat can make it go boom.

If a comparison could be made to the God tree branch of this world, then it could be compared to a cultivation world's world tree. It was shown that even a branch of a world tree could stabilize a great world in one Manhwa 'Martial Peak'. In this case, a seed sucked away the entire energy of this world and gave birth to the God tree where this branch is from.

Even if it's not an accurate comparison, if the Immortal tree in cultivation worlds is 9, this God tree would rank around 5.

The God tree of the immortal world has enough vitality to support multiple great worlds but this God tree bears a fruit that gives one ability that is God-like.

Control over Life and Death, Space-Time manipulation in which there's probably a subskill ' Dimensional Creation', Matter Creation(Yin-Yang Creation of all Things), and many more that aren't fully explored.

If the Chakra fruit could give one the ability to actually create a new life, then it would have been on the same tier, if not higher than the immortal tree of cultivation worlds.


Shun who was paying rapt attention to his refinement, noticed that as the branch absorbed the energy from the flame and combusted within, it wriggles like something in pain and released more chaotic and baleful chakra. This chakra that is released appears to be dark in color. Normally, the chakra color is blue, with a person's growth and the element he/she specializes in, the chakra changes color.

Red for fire, blue for water, light blue for lightning, brown for earth, and yellow for air. Yin and Yang both have black and white respectively.

The chakra that was expelled from the branch had a mix of multiple colors and as they were expelled, they actually tried to run away and disperse but were held back by the cauldron.

'That's weird" Shun thought, 'i didn't know chakras had spirituality or sentience. This is uncharted territory.'

With the heat from the flame, though, they were burnt to ashes and fell from the hole below the cauldron. How that happened, even Shun didn't know, but that didn't disturb him much.

This process repeated itself continuously for hours and even Shun began to sweat a little. Fortunately, the amount of baleful chakra in the branch had been reduced by a large margin.

The size and shape of the branch had also changed a lot. In normal circumstances, when wood is burnt, it turns to charcoal, and then ash if continued.

In his case, the shape of the wood became rounder and the size reduced from its previous 20 feet height and 50 feet width dimension to a size as tall as Shun in height and width.

In this appearance, there was little to no more baleful chakra emanating from the branch but from the experiences of the alchemist, Shun knew that to make this an even better pill or edible fruit, he has to continue the refinement process.

With this thought in mind, Shun closed his eyes and used his spiritual sense to scan the now compressed branch, directing the flame's heat around continuously sonas to get the maximum result.

This process continued for another two hours and by the time Shun felt that there was nothing else to refine, he stopped everything he was doing and opened his eyes to see the result of his first alchemy.

The sight that greeted Shun was a dark yellow bead the size of an apple floating in front of him. The bead was just round, nothing else. The amount of chakra in it was astonishing. Not to the size of a tailed beast but still huge enough.

{A/N: Shun estimates his chakra quantity to be the same as a two-tailed beast while the quality is higher than any other, so he is using himself here in comparison to the bead.}

"If a normal person eats this, they can be guaranteed an enormous amount of chakra. It might even come with added abilities." Shun said to himself.

Normally, Shun would be ecstatic at this discovery but weirdly enough, he wasn't.

"If I should eat this, I have a feeling my chakra would be contaminated somehow," he thought aloud.

"Hmm... Does it further refinement or is it just no good?" He asked.

"I don't need any abilities as of now, if I do need one, it would be the full course, not leftovers. It's not like I even need any other ability to be Overpowered. I believe that with seals, I could do what other Otsutsukis can do. Meh, I'll it a benefit of the doubt and refine it further, though I gat to go check what's going on outside"

Thinking to this point, Shun tried creating a cline only to discover that his chakra had depleted to almost 70 percent, meaning that he wasted a whole 30 percent In this alchemy attempt.

30 percent is a huge amount for Shun because his perfect control ability helps him perform at maximum with minimal chakra wastage, so him using 30 percent over this 10 some hours of refining shows how chakra consuming this was, and to leave it with a clone with little chakra would do more harm than good.

Thankfully, this was his dimension and a casual breath from him recovered his chakra. Closing his eyes in meditation, he began veeatbing steadily, and in an hour, he was fully recovered.

The energy in this dimension was already tailor-made for him so there was no sort of impurity or the like.

Standing up, he created a true clone that had close to 70 percent of his chakra, he said, "Take care of refining this bead till it reaches its most optimal state. Even it reaches, don't stop, got it?".

"You got it boss" the Clone replied.

Shun looked at his clone for a while longer and sighed.

"What was that?" The clone asked in confusion.

Shun shook his head and said, "No, it's nothing, I'm just amazed at my beauty Is all"

The clone nodded and sighed, "Right? I mean, how can someone be so handsome and beautiful at the same time right?"

Shun nodded again and said, "That's rare to come by, we're like a unique existence"

The clone nodded again in acknowledgment and said, "Well, off you go, I gats things to do here"

"Right," Shun said and then took another look and sighed again before disappearing.