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With this thought in mind, Shun excitedly left to search for Hinami to give her the good news first and then begin the first documentary in the world.

With a quick scan, Shun found Hinami's location with three other chakra signatures close to her.

'Those must be Ria, Kanna, and Miyako. I wonder what they're up to.' Shun thought and ran toward their location.

Shun decided to run, not because he couldn't teleport there, but rather because he enjoyed the feeling of running at breakneck speed and the feeling of air brushing his skin.

To Shun, Teleportation is a very convenient skill, especially in fighting and long-distance movement that happens to be an emergency. Aside from that, walking, running, and other simple movements are still quite enjoyable.

Furthermore, the euphoria that comes with running at near-light speed is something to miss.

In seconds, Shun's figure zoomed in on the girl's location.

At the place the girls were Hinami and Ria looked in a direction and said at the same time, "Mmm?"

"Is there a problem, Hinami-san, Ria-chan?" Miyako asked.

"Mou~ Miyako-chan, why are you talking to Ria-chan normally but not me?" Hinami asked with an angry pout on her face.

Ria and Kanna chuckled at Hinami's antics. Even Miyako smiled shyly for a bit.

"Hmph, I won't bother with you anymore, anyway, Shun is coming" Hinami harrumphed and crossed her hands before saying.

Ria nodded and said, "he'll be here in a few seconds, I wonder why though"

They all looked in the direction Hinami and Ria were looking. Only then did they notice a white flash hurling toward them at light speed.

Miyako's eyes widened in shock while Kanna looked on with excitement in her eyes.

"What is that?" Miyako asked amidst her shock.

"That's Shun-san of course. But that's awesome, how is he doing that?" Kanna asked in excitement.

Hinami had pride all over her face as she smiled smugly while Ria giggled at their reactions and said, "That's nothing at all, if you stay around him for some time, you'd see many other interesting things"

As she said that, Shun's figure immediately appeared in their view with a cloud of dust following behind him, surprisingly, the dust didn't move further, rather, they avoided the area the girls were in and dispersed.

"Ria-chan, I'll blush if you praise me that much," Shun said with a light chuckle and then continued, "hey there ladies, how are you enjoying this pleasant afternoon"

"Darling" Hinami threw herself at Shun as soon as he came to a halt.

"Heya big brother" Ria greeted excitedly, "what's with the entrance?"

"Oh, that? Nothing much, I just want a surprise for Hinami and was excited that I decided to come at my fastest speed." Shun replied.

"But you could teleport, right?" Hinami asked.

"Where's the fun in that?" Shun asked back while kneading her plump ass.

As the three were chatting, Miyako and Kanna were in their own worlds, one looking at Shun in shock, the other in awe.

Although they've both seen Indra and Ashura fight, seeing this speed left them with different emotions.

"What's with you two?" Shun asked.

"Wow~ Shun-san that was cool, how did you do that?" Kanna asked.

Shun laughed at the praise and said, "Oh that's nothing really, injust used chakra with some modification is all"

"What!? Chakra could be used like that?" She asked

"What? Did that surprise you? Haven't you seen Ashura create that huge a*s wood construct?" Shun asked back.

"Yes I have, but that was normal right? I mean, it's a type of technique, but you used this on your body, how is that possible?" She asked again, clearly confused.

Shun finally understood her confusion. It's not that she doesn't know about techniques, rather, it's that using chakra to achieve this sort of result was mind-blowing sort of.

"Hmm? That's weird, don't you know the flicker jutsu?" Shun asked again.

"I am aware, but that just only helps you move faster in a straight line without control, yours was controllable and faster" Kanna explained.

"Oh. So that's what you mean, it's a simple technique really, Indra should be aware of it, after all, the flicker jutsu was derived from mine. If I start explaining the theory behind this, I don't think I will achieve my aim of coming here" Shun said and turned to Miyako.

"Nothing to say to your brother-in-law?" Shun asked with a teasing smirk.

Although Shun disliked her uptight personality, he wasn't secretive about it and even told it to her face. Miyako on the other hand wasn't displeased about it and even took it as a compliment of sorts. After all, women, especially those married into a noble family are meant to be, plus, Indra loves her submissive side. Nothing to be surprised about.

Miyako smiled and bowed slightly and greeted, "Brother in law"

"That's it? C'mon Miyako-san, I'm not gonna bite if you talk more you know? Sigh, is it because I'm not Indra? I know this is not how you are around him" Shun said exasperated.

Miyako smiled and said, "Indra-sama is my husband after all"

Shun sighed again and mumbled, "You even call him 'sama'"

Shaking his head slightly, he looked at Hinami and said, "I wanted to show this to you first but seeing as you're all gathered here, ill show It to you all"

Taking a dramatic pose, Shun brought his right hand forward and dramatically said, "I present to you one Of my many creations that will go down in the records of history, the Camera Projector"

As if to applaud his presentation, the winds howled and blew gently enough to make a decent scene.

"Wow~... What's that?'' Hinami, in an act not to destroy his ego, asked, although the tone she used betrayed her.

Shun, in his excitement, didn't bother with her tone and continued. "This here is a device I created to record any action we take and save it for future reference. It can also take pictures and display them. I also put in an option to print out a picture if needed. Cool right?"

"Mm." Hinami and Ria nodded while Kanna and Miyako looked on with confusion written all over their face.

"Umm... Hinami-chan, what is a device and tbis picture he is talking about?" Miyako whispered to Hinami.

"I know what a device is but I have no idea what a picture is. But don't worry, I know Shun enough to know he will tell us and even demonstrate it" Hinami whispered back.

As if to confirm Hinami's answer, Shun continued, "I know you may be confused about what a device, picture, and even projector mean, right? Hmm, don't worry about the meaning of device, that is irrelevant here, the relevant points here are, pictures and projector"

"A picture is a captured appearance of you in fixed time, you don't understand? Don't worry about it, you'll find out later, a projector is what shows the pictures or videos in Hologram form, don't still understand? Don't worry about it, here" Saying this, he activated the Camera.

The camera made some clicking sounds before it began floating on the palms of his hands. Kanna and Miyako were awed at the sight of the weird cubic object floating whole Hinami and Ria were still confused.

Shun chuckled at their expressions and pressed a compartment In the camera and said, "Alright, you all come together and experience the magic, don't be flustered by whatever happens alright?"

They nodded and got closer to each other, Shun then began counting, "Alright, in 3, 2, 1..." Then a bright light flashed from the floating camera which startled the girls, even Hinami and Ria.

"Kyaa" x4

Hearing their screams, Shun thought, 'Is that the only way to scream that girl knows of?" but he shook his head and buried the thought as soon as it came.

"What was that Shun-dono" the ever-composed Miyako was the first to ask.

'Guess even she gets emotional sometimes' Shun thought and said, "That was the magic I was talking about. Wait for a moment"

As Miyako asked the question in their minds and they all received their answer, they all waited for whatever it is Shun was talking about.

A few seconds later, the camera made some mechanical noise and from the side, a slim opening was made and a paper slid out from it.

Shun pulled out the paper and looked at it, a smile immediately blossoming on his face. It had to be known that although Shun was confident in his and his clone's tinkering, he didn't give this camera a trial before immediately bringing it over. But looking at the picture in his hands now, he was elated.

It had to be known that although Shun used Creation of All Things to make this, every single detail was put into consideration. The seals did all the work the wires would have done in a normal mechanical camera, and the ink and paper were created as an inbuilt mechanism with his Creation of All Things, even the power sustaining it was made to be the natural energy drawn from the surrounding.

"So...?" A voice brought Shun out of his reverie.

"Ah, sorry, I was just too emotional, here, take a look," Shun said and handed the picture to Hinami.

Hinami took the picture and as soon as she laid her eye on it, her eyes and mouth widened in shock that she remained rooted on the spot for quite some time.

"Hmm? Big sister, what's wrong?" Ria asked as she noticed Hinami's abnormality.

Hinami didn't take her eyes off the picture which prompted Ria to come over and take a look too.

As soon as she laid her eyes on the picture, she too had an even more drastic reaction. Her eyes widened to the point that they almost fell off.

Miyako and Kanna became worried and looked toward Shun waiting for an explanation.

Shun, however, folded his hands with eyes closed smiling smugly.

Seeing that they couldn't get any answers from Shun, they decided to take a look at what caused this entire debacle.

Moving to Hinami's side, they peeked into the picture Hinami was haillllding and similarly blanched out.

Kanna, unlike the other girls, recollected herself quickly and screamed, "WHAT JUTSU IS THIS!?"

The scream managed to draw the three other gurls back from their stupor and they similarly looked at Shun with questioning eyes.

Aside from curiosity, there was also amazement, and excitement gleaming in their eyes.

"Haha, I just explained it to you guys now, it's a picture. I captured the light around and on your bodies. You don't have to understand it too much. Just know that captured your appearances in a particular moment. How is it? Cool right?" Shun explained.

The girls aside from Hinami didn't understand it at all. even Hinami didn't fully understand it. After all, Although Shun had taught her some things, she didn't fully understand some aspects of them.

"This is amazing," Hinami said. "Can I keep it?" She asked.

"Oi, I want to keep it too," Kanna said from the side, even Miyako had the same look as Kanna

"Hehe," Shun chuckled and then looked at Ria, "Mm? Ria-chan, you don't want it?"

"Of course I do, but since that carema of yours can create one, it can create more right?" Ria asked with a slight smile tugging at her lips.

Hinami, Kanna, and Miyako trained their eyes on Shun as they heard Ria, waiting for his reply.

"Haha, that's smart of you Ria-chan. And no, it's not carema but camera, understand? Good. It seems like only you paid attention to what I said, and yes, it can produce more of this particular picture and even create more others." Shun explained and then pressed a part of the camera and immediately after, 3 more pictures slid out one after the other.

"Here, one for each of you," Shun said as he passed the pictures over. "Alright girls, after you finish admiring the pictures, we have another thing to try out."

"Hmm? What's the other thing?" Ria asked.

"The video and projector part of the camera," Shun said, and then the camera floated Ince again in the palm of his hand. Leaving it there, he went to the sides of the girls and said, "alright girls, this time all you need to do is talk and do what you usually do. Don't mind me here"

"Just talk and do like we usually do? That's weird, what? is it going to show it to us?" Kanna asked in excitement.

"That's smart of you and yes, but let's leave the explanation for later, now then just do whatever you want to do. In a minute we'll stop" Shun replied.

"Well okay," she said and turned to the girls. A minute later, Shun said "alright, that should be enough for now. Let's check it out"

The girls stopped what they were saying and immediately paid attention to Shun. Shun went to the floating camera and with some clicks here and there, he said, "alright here goes nothing"

From the other side of the camera, light shot out and the figures of Shun talking to Kanna were shown before it showed what the girls were previously doing seconds ago.

The girls were struck dumb at the sight of themselves floating in the air, saying and doing what they were doing moments ago, while Shun burst out laughing.

"T-th-this is....us?" Hinami stuttered out.

"Of course. That's why I said it could capture a moment in time." Shun answered. "But now that I think about it, the name should be Camera Hologram instead of a projector. Nah, I will give it a unique name. I will call it a Calogram, how is that?" Shun asked.

The girls didn't even hear Shun but were looking at the lookalikes of them floating in the air saying and doing what they had just moments ago, repeatedly.

"This is..." Miyako said speechlessly.

"I know right? Alright, that's enough of that" sating this, Shun put away the camera, now calogram, and said, "Now that this test has been proven to be a success, time to make some documentaries. Cya"

Saying this, Shun's body was enveloped in white lightning, and in a flash, he flickered away.

"Shun is... unique?" Kanna praised, moments after Shun left, while looking at the picture in her hand in awe.

"I told you right? If you stay around Shun for some time, even your common sense will be destroyed." Hinami said with pride and excitement written over her face.

"Hum hum" Ria nodded too.

Miyako just looked at the picture in her hands with emotions all over her face.

As for Shun, he was on his way to his first victim.