Meeting Kaguya Again

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The days went by as usual with everyone doing their own things and I was whiling away my time thinking of something new to make that wouldn't destroy people's common sense. The Camera cum Hologram Projector he created was already making waves in the village due to Ashura's hyperactiveness.

Thankfully, this world was already used to chakra and its winders so although the invention was mind-blowing, it didn't have any drastic effects like calling it sorcery. Hearing that it was created by me also reassured the villagers somewhat. Even I was wowed by the level of trust they had in him.

With nothing else to do, I had been reviewing the numerous ways to get stronger from the archive he had in his head.

Lately, I had made a list of possible ways to increase my chakra reserve both for the short term and the long term.

For the short term, there was only one possible way forward and that was taking a portion of chakra from the nine-tailed beasts after Hagoromo releases them.

That would enable me somehow create a mini ten-tail beast that I could seal within myself so that as it grows, my chakra would grow too.

That process was good and all, but it would still fall under the long-term process soon after, and the endpoint also has a limit, or as I assume, after all, there wasn't any other life form after the ten tails, meaning it probably is a limit.

That aside, another way was to create mini dimensions in my Eight Inner gates and continuously store portions of chakra in them, then when it reaches a limit, I could have an explosive power far beyond imagination when released.

It was an Idea I got from Tsunade's Yin seal. It had merits but the demerit was that after I unleash that power, it doesn't come back, meaning that it wasn't permanent.

Another long-term procedure was to create an energy unique to me. This has always been a plan of mine that I had achieved but there was a feeling that something was missing that had me stuck.

The next was to create an inner world with my chakra. It sounds weird, true, but when looked at from a broader point of view, it seemed very possible.

Most cultivators, when they reach a certain boundary in their cultivation, transform their dantian into an inner world, but that happens after a long period of compression of energy.

After that, they have to depend on whichever laws they comprehend to further transform their inner world into a real world as they get stronger.

When it comes to laws, I already have a very high comprehension of the forms and changes of the five basic elements, also, with the evolution of my body and soul, I got the perfect control of Yin and Yang, then with the lucky effect of evolving in my dimension, I got a good grasp on space-time manipulation.

If this was in a cultivation novel, I would probably be labeled as a monstrous genius or even the reincarnation of some supreme being, but as the laws in the cultivation world and the laws in the anime world differ, it was easy for me to know all this, not to mention the fact that I have modern world knowledge of all of these elements and the laws governing them.

Even the laws of most anime worlds are complex when compared to the Naruto world. If anything, the laws of nature here are more flexible. Here, anyone can learn any element as far as they train repeatedly. Maybe it's because the energy used in this world is more advanced than most.

In most anime and cultivation worlds, their energy system is rigid. If there was an energy comparable to Chakra, then it would be Magicles from the Tensura world.

Anyways, with my experience creating a dimension, should I embark on this project, it wouldn't be all that hard.

Another option was to create an Incarnation technique like those old ancient background characters in cultivation novels that will sever their souls to create soul clones and have them reincarnate endlessly till a certain point In a time when they will need to make a breakthrough to godhood or something.

That was a good idea but I buried it as soon as it came. It may be a good technique but I am built to handle the pain of tearing my soul into pieces just for more power.

The last best thing was to create a chakra circulation method that will work as a cultivation technique. This was my very first idea, but then I realized I was in an anime world and logic doesn't apply here most of the time so I shelved the idea to follow the logic-defying option.

With the time I have on my hands, I had explored the chakra coil of some villagers for a great deal of time when they meditate and discovered that there were many places we don't even pass chakra through.

Of the chakra coils, there were major and minor ones. Major ones like the chakra could lead to the brain, heart, spleen, and other internal organs, which are exempted from our conscious control.

I also notice that there were some minor chakra coils leading to the eight inner gates entrances which weren't consciously controlled, unlike mine that I could control at will.

This led me to believe that everyone that has these gates has the potential to open them, in fact, they already had access to them but in minute quantity, that's the reason chakra flows there at will without anyone being able to do anything about it except you open them.

The chakra coins that we're under our conscious control were those of our basic bodily control, like the chakra running through our hands, legs, chest area, stomach, and head.

{A/N: Brain and Head are different. Chest and heart are also different. The stomach is a part of the internal organ but not that important as you can still live with a half-functioning stomach though you'd be disabled, after all, it was shown that you could use chakra on your stomach to neutralize poisons. The important part I mean here are the parts that when damaged, mean death}

The inner workings of the chakra could we're an astonishing aight to behild that I would have lived to meet whoever created this species of humans.

Hmm? Now that I think about it, who created this world? I wonder if there is one above figure or something. Mm, I'm putting that on my 'things to check out things'.

Anyways, back to the chakra coils. If I were to describe the coils, it would be similar to describing an exquisite and perfectly working engine. No wasted part or overly added part. They all worked in tandem with each other.

So, the eight inner gates have eight major chakra coils, with numerous minor could attach to them that I could use as a foundation for my cultivation technique.

Now that I think about it, if I were to compare my current self to those cultivators, I would be around the level of those people who just laid their foundations and are about to embark on their journey to immortality or something.

Not the foundation of the lower realms but the foundation of surpassing mortality and are about to ascend to godhood. That means, if I should be in a cultivation world, I would probably still be cannon fodder in the higher realms. Damn, and here I thought I had gotten somewhere.

Of all these options, the ones I favor the most are the inner-world creation option and the cultivation option, and of the two, the one I favor would be the inner-world creation.

The reason is simple. With this, as far as the inner world keeps revolving, my chakra would keep increasing at a fast and steady pace. If I follow the cultivation route, I would need to find a place with a continuous supply of Natural Energy, and as this world is now, except for the few sage lands I'm familiar with and possibly others, there isn't any place with a good enough supply of natural energy.

Of course, there is also the option of combining the two in such a way, that as I circulate the cultivation technique, supply to my inner world, and then expel the... 'Arggh too many procedures.' A thought.

'Sigh. Do I have to wait and gradually increase my chakra as I grow older?'

'Those damn Otsutsukis just need to eat some damn fruit, and vòila, they're overpowered as hell.' I thought as I closed my eyes. My head hurt a little from all these overthinking.

"Wait, why do I feel like I'm missing something? Ah! Fruit. That's it. Chakra fruit, with it, even if I don't get a special eye ability, I could use the 10 tails worth of energy to form my inner world and have it revolve on its own."

'Kaguya could create dimension with her Rinne-Sharingan, maybe I could use the same ability to create an inner world. Combined with my already existing abilities, I could even create a functioning solar system

'But first of all, I gotta talk with Kaguya, hopefully, the manga I left behind previously mellowed her down a bit and she's open for discussion.

3rd POV

With that in mind, Shun immediately teleported Into his dimension and appeared at the spot the gigantic tree branch was lying.

Taking in a deep breath, he muttered, "here goes nothing" and placed his hands on the branch.

Opening his eyes once more, what greeted his sight was the expanse of ice and snow as far as the eye can see. The only difference now was that there was a building made of ice a few feet from him.

"Hmm? What brought about the change of scenery?" Shun wondered out loud.

Shun decided not to think too much about it for now and directly walked into the building.

The front door wasn't licked or anything and Shun didn't find it strange, after all, who else but She lives here.

"Knock. Knock" Shun said, "anybody home?"

After standing for a few seconds without receiving a reply, Shun shrugged and walked it, "Excuse the intrusion"

As Shun was in his spiritual form, he didn't has any problem using his spiritual senses to search for her.

With a quick scan, the entire building layout was printed in his brain, including Kaguya's location too.

Shun's eyes flashed a strange light as he received the scan result.

The entire building layout was similar to a normal Japanese-styled house.

This wasn't the weird part, the weird part was that the design of the building hasn't been discovered yet, and it Is unlikely that this was a design the Otsutsukis used. Shun hadn't paid attention to the building from the outside as he didn't find it weird yet, but looking at it now, this shouldn't exist yet.

'This can only be a design from a manga' Shun thought as another weird thought flashed in his mind. 'It couldn't be, right?...'

Walking toward the direction he felt Kaguya was, he came upon a door and knocked gently, and pushed the door open, "Kaguya-san?" He called it.

"Hmm? Who's there?" A voice sounded out.

'Who else could have come here?' Shun thought internally but replied, "It's me, Shun"

"Oh, so It's you, come in, come in." She replied normally, her voice not as indifferent and cold as before.

Shun walked it to see Kaguya sitting on a throne made of ice and big enough to accommodate two of her. On the left armrest of the throne were the manga copies he made and on her right hand was a manga opened, from the looks of things she was reading it.

She looked up and said, "Welcome back, Shun-san" her voice sounding a little bit gently to him.

'I guess my premonition was right, she really did become an otaku, though It's still in its early stages. It's not a bad thing tho' Shun thought.

"Ah, Kaguya-san, I see you look even more beautiful since I last saw you, nice clothes and I like what you've done with the place by the way," Ahun said fluidly without missing a beat.

Kaguya does look more beautiful than before, unlike when she wore a long flowing garment covering up her entire figure, presently she wore a kimono with snowflakes embroidery on it.

Kaguya chuckled lightly, which dazed Shun for a few seconds, 'damn it. My heart.' Shun thought while holding his chest forgetting he was in his spiritual form once again.

"Thank you for the praise, Shun-san, as for the place, I decided to reference these people here," Kaguya said as she waved her hand conjuring up a normal chair.

"I can see that. How are you liking it so far?" Shun asked as he sat on a chair Kaguya made not minding the huge discrepancy between their seats.

"Intriguing, for a lack of better words. I wonder, how did you come up with these? I get the feeling these people are unique in some way" she asked.

'Probably because we were all fictional characters' Shun thought and said, "It is a long story I would like to share at another time, as for why you feel they're special, you'll also know someday" Shun said with a smile.

Kaguya looked at him for a while before nodding and closing the book. She sat regally as her entire aura changed into that of someone with authority, coupled with her throne, who looked almost like a queen.

Shun wasn't one to be outdone. Although he hasn't held onto any form of authority in his life, he could still manipulate his aura perfectly well, coupled with the fact that he was a spiritual form right now, he sat back and crossed his left leg over his right leg and used his left hand to support his chin, Sakuna style. His aura changed to that of a major villain but as he lacked any intent behind it, it wasn't as rhewatenung as it was supposed to be. It did contend with Kaguya's aura though, which left her raising an eyebrow in surprise for split second.

Shun honestly didn't know why he decided to posture in front of her but as he felt Kaguya's aura and posture change, he followed suit.

'Maybe It's the weeb in me meeting a fellow potential weeb?' He thought as he sighed and the entire presence he built up vanished and he said, "Alright, let's be serious. Have you thought about my earlier proposition?"

Kaguya smiled and her entire presence also vanished, "Sorry about that, I was just testing out what I saw the people in here do, according to them its a haki, the conqueror will, and in the other its called Reiastu, spiritual pressure, I believe. I tried it before but I didn't know how mine was as compared to theirs so I decided to try it on you, surprisingly tou also have the ability, how?" Kaguya asked in curiosity.

Shun could see the curiosity behind her eyes without any ill intention, just pure curiosity. He said "Those are questions which as I have said would be shared another time, depending on how today plays out mostly"

"Oh? Alright then, why the visit?" She asked. Although she was surprised at the presence he exuded for that brief moment, she did notice that it was just that, nothing else. No intent, no will, just the presence. 'That is to say that he either doesn't have any reason to compete with me, he doesn't take me seriously, or he just doesn't have it.'

'That would be impossible as he is the one who gave me this, so obviously, he should be even more powerful in this. That leaves the first, he doesn't take me seriously. Interesting. That's good though' Kaguya thought and she let out a smile.

"I would like to ask you to tell me about yourself, feel free to hide any part you don't wish to be made known, your origin, everything you think is worth knowing about yourself. Also, I would like to know what you know about the world outside this planet, and most especially, I want to know how to get strong faster" Shun said in one breath.