
Kaguya looked at Shun's outstretched hand skeptically. "What are you planning to do?" She asked.

"It's something that may be beneficial to you. That depends a lot on you tho" Shun replied."

"Do you mind explaining?" Kaguya asked, "you still owe me some books and I hope you aren't planning on doing something shady"

"Far from it dearie, should this work, you'd be free from this bleak dimension. Your choice."

"Sigh, lemme trust you then," Kaguya said and held his outstretched hand.

Shun smiled and closed his eyes and focused on her spiritual body.

What he planned on doing was using the connection he has with this dimension to pull Kaguya's spiritual form into his dimension. This wasn't something he thought all of a sudden. After careful thought, he speculated that although Kaguya's chakra was extracted and her body sealed in the moon. Her soul was still likely free from the seal effects. That's why she could stay in her dimension even as a soul.

Holding her hands in his palm, he tried pulling her into his spiritual sea. Reason being so that she could stay close to him, similar to those Chinese protagonists who encounter some random ancient soul or remnant spirit.

With that idea, he returned his consciousness to his body with Kaguya ragging along.

Back in his dimension, Shun opened his eyes and immediately closed his eye and entered his spiritual sea to check how things played out.

Entering his spiritual sea, he looked around and immediately caught sight of Kaguya looking around in, shock, apprehension, and caution.

"Hey there," Shun said drawing her attention to him.

Kaguya looked at Shun with caution and asked, "Where is this Shun?"

"Calm down a little Kaguya-san, I mean no ill. This here is Inside my head. My spiritual sea if you'd like." Shun replied.

"Spiritual sea? What's that?" Kaguya asked confused.

"Hmm. You probably have not heard of it or you know it by another name, mindscape. Does that sound familiar?" Shun asked.

"Mindscape? This is your mindscape? Impossible. I've learned about mindscapes and this is not one. I also have mine and it is nothing like this."

"Oh? You've learned of mindscapes? What do you know?" Shun asked curiously.

"I know it's where the entire spiritual energy and everything relating to it exists. I also know it has stages to it. The stronger you get, the more sophisticated it becomes. If this is really your mindscape then tou really are strong. How come I feel your chakra is weak in comparison?" Kaguya explained and asked.

"Haha, that was probably what you felt from my so spiritual form. Why don't you check it out now? I will let my defenses down" Shun replied.

"Hm," Kaguya nodded and then tried scanning Shun once more.

"Wha-what is this? This is your chakra? Wait why am I back in the real world?" Kaguya asked with complex expressions on her face.

"Haha, that's the surprise I had for you, this way you don't have to be lonely and by yourself all the time. What, you don't like it?" Shunnasked with a smile.

"Yes, I mean no, I like it but you didn't have to you know. The mindscape is a sacred place for anyone. It's likely the doorway to your very soul, you know?" Kaguya said quietly, her voice different from the usual ice-cold beauty Shun met at first.

"Heh," Shun smirked, "I didn't know even you could feel grateful. But don't mind it too much. If I do something then I am confident in myself not to lose out." Shun said confidently.

"If you say so. But how is this possible? Your chakra is colorful and vibrant. Both your body and soul are ridiculously vibrant. I wouldn't be surprised if your body lives for a few thousand years. Even the soul force I'm feeling from you is just... wow" Kaguya said.

"That's what I was trying to tell you before, don't look down on me as I am quite confident in myself. So? How do I compare now?" Shun asked.

"Hmm, in an honest comparison, a main clan member who hasn't eaten a chakra fruit would find it hard to compare with you in terms of chakra quantity and quality, especially quality. I feel like with the quality of your chakra, you could even fight Isshiki and defeat him." Isguya replied.

"Hmm.... I've been hearing this Isshiki for quite some time now. Do you really think he's that strong?" Shun asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. I won't lie, the fact that I managed to defeat him was due to a sneak attack from me, it's not something I'm proud of, but I have zero to no chance of even straining him in a frontal challenge."

"Main clan members are trained from childhood in the martial art of various forms and as a lady and a branch one at that, I won't even have close to 2 percent of fighting him on equal ground."

That was me before eating the chakra fruit. Sigh. I even wonder whether I can even fight on equal ground when he's eaten a chakra fruit. I dread that possibility. Enough about this now. I hope you haven't forgotten our agreement?" Kaguya asked.

"Far from it. In fact with you In here, it becomes easier. Let me bring you to a place." Shun replied and pulled her deeper into his mindscape.

In a few seconds, a tall pagoda came into view. This was Shun's entire knowledge of every anime, novel, and manga he has ever watched and read.

"Follow me," Shun said succinctly and led Kaguya into the tower.

Kaguya nodded and followed him, she was already amazed at the sight of a pagoda in his mindscape, this was clearly a whole new experience for her. Stepping into the tower, she was amazed once again at the sight in front of her.

"This... Is this?..." Kaguya stuttered as she looked at Shun.

The interior of the pagoda was filled with rows upon rows of books of different kinds. There were the entertainment category and pure knowledge category. This knowledge category comprised mainly primary, secondary, and some early tertiary knowledge of some important courses that Shun had seen and studied in the past. Engineering, physics biology, philosophy, and more.

"Hmm." Shun nodded and continued, "this here is different illustrations of different worlds. On the other side is your normal knowledge-based books. Feel free to browse as you wish but there is a condition"

Kaguya who was already giddy with excitement suddenly paused at hearing about conditions, "What conditions? We had an agreement."

"Of course, we did but tell me this truthfully, compared to this, does your information suffice?" Shun asked with a smile.

Kaguya looked around and then looked at Shun before turning away slightly. "What conditions?"

"Good that we understand each other. My condition is quite simple. You just need to provide me with information when I need it. From what I have gathered so far, you're likely a traitor to your clan, even before that, you held no good feelings for your clan right?" Shun asked.

Kaguya nodded and Shun continued. "So you wouldn't have any problems giving me pieces of information when I need them right?"

"Of course, as far as you can help me out in the end?" She asked.

"Certainly. What are friends for?" Shun replied

"Alright then, help yourself out." Shun said and turned to leave before he suddenly thought of something, "right, before that..." Shun scanned the entire library and removed every book that has information on Naruto, anime, manga, fanfictions, and even fan speculations.

When he was sure everything with the name naruto attached to it has been removed, he turned to Kaguya and smiled, "Go ahead then"

Kaguya tilted her head in confusion but then shook her head, after all, it wasn't her mindscape it wasn't her business.

Shun was pleased she didn't ask any questions and after taking one more look at Kaguya, he vanished.

Shun opened his eyes in bis dimension and then smiled and said, "Wow, what a day"

Removing his hand from the tree branch, he looked at the branch and then thought, 'this isn't useful anymore, why don't I turn it into a pill?"

''Oh shit. My other pill" Shun screamed and immediately scanned the dimension to look for his clone refining the pill only to feel its chakra signature by the beach, 'hmm? Weird' he thought.

Creating a clone, he said, "Alright, refine the tree branch to its best possible state"

"You got it, boss," the clone said.

With that settled, Shun flashed and appeared at the beach to find the clone in the beach wear and sitted on a beach chair with sunglasses covering its eyes.

'What!?' Shun exclaimed internally. "What the fuck is going on here!?" Shun screamed startling the clone.

"What the fuck?" The clone jumped on its feet and got into a fighting stance.

"I asked first" Shun replied.

"Oh, it's just you" the clone replied after releasing a breath.

"Don't 'it's just you' me'' Shun said snappily.

"Hai. Hai" the clone said waving his hands in dismissal. "You left me here to do something we both know we can't do and you seem surprised? If I'm not wrong you probably forgot me here. Right?"

"What? No. I was busy and just got free right now" Shun replied while looking away without any expression on his face.

"We both know there isn't anything that can keep you busy for weeks on end, and that's outside not mind the time enhancement in here," the clone said.

"Hm." Shun nodded and changed the topic, "what about the pill?"

"Here," the clone said and brought out a pill. The pill had changed from when Shun first refined it. It was currently milky white.

"I assume this is the limit you got to?" Shunnasked.

"Don't even," the clone said.

"Hai, sorry about that. So, read t release yet?"

"Yeah, I'm bored out here after all," the line said and fizzled out of existence.

"That's new, but it works" Shun muttered to himself while reviewing the clines memory. Turns out the cline finished quite some time ago and with nothing to do, It decided to relax. He even developed some interesting techniques in his free time, one of which was water surfing. I can surf in water without a board. Pretty neat.

There was even a rudimentary knowledge of Fishman karate but he gave up mid-way. From his memory, Shun found he didn't think it was strong or interesting enough.

With everything settled, Shun flashed and appeared beside the cloe that was about to begin refining and forcefully dispelled him and summoned another one. "Don't ask. I just needed to make you aware of when to stop and release yourself if you want to. Ciao"

Shun appeared once more in the village and scanned it. Getting all the information on everyone, he sighed and said, "How boring"

Like this, the days flew by. Lots of interesting things happened. Miyako and Kanna who had been pregnant started having bulging stomachs.

{A/N: I did mention that Miyako and Kanna were pregnant when Hinami complained to Shun that she wanted a child}

With this development, Hinami usually looked at Shun resentfully whenever she sees him in the daytime and sucks him dry at night till she loses consciousness.

Shun wasn't worried about her getting pregnant, in fact, it was a welcomed idea as he could freely control his life essence to give the desired effect.

Unlike Hagoromo who shared his abilities betweennhus children, Shun planned on passing everything along to his children, that way it will be more interesting how things will play out in the future.

And finally, on this day, Shunnwas relaxing as usual in his reclining chair, covered in his Natural energy-powered genjutsu when he felt Hinami rushing in his direction at quite the speed.

Unlike most powered people of the era, namely Hagoromo, Hamura, Ashura, and Indra, only Hinami and Ria could see through his genjutsu, Ria could barely feel it while Hinami could feel and see the irregularities in space, so he wasn't surprised as she was running toward him.

As she reached, she breathed heavily, excitement could be seen oozing from her entire being. Shun scanned her as he usually does, and the feedback from the scan left him stunned. His eyes shot wide open as a smile tore apart his face. "Nami dear... Is that....?"

"Hmm,'' Hinami nodded excitedly and said, "I'm....."