Timeskips 3

"This world just got interesting. I wonder what the deal is about the Shadow Realm though, I forgot to ask about it. From the Boruto series, it was shown that Momoshiki could also use that ability too. I wonder what that's about. Sigh, things are getting complicated. Let's just live life as it comes. I have children to take care of" Shum said to himself while trying to relax in his chair.

Before Shun could close his eyes to continue his relaxation, he felt three presence approach him.

"Shun dear, the children want to spend time with you" Hinami's voice broke his relaxed atmosphere.


As Hinami got closer, Izanami screamed and lept out of Hinami's embrace. One would be alarmed at the amount of confidence and fearlessness she had to jump off from that height at barely 3 years of age.

Shun caught her nonetheless and smothered her chin with his chin while saying, "Ah~ Nami-tan, papa missed you. Did you miss papa?"

"Hai, Nami missed papa too," Izanami answered in between laughs as her cheeks were being smothered.

"Hehe, but papa missed Nami-tan more," Shin said

"Uhm-nhn, Nami missed papa more" Izanami refuted him while shaking her head cutely.

Shun almost bled from cuteness overload but he Held himself and glanced at Izanagi looking all mature for someone his age. Though the sight of him being carried made the sight quite comedic.

"Nami-tan looks like your big brother doesn't like papa," Shun said feigning sadness.

"Ehh? That's not true, big brother misses papa too, ne big brother?" She said while looking at Izanagi.

Izanagi's cheeks were rose-colored as he looked away and said, "I missed chi-chi-we too"

{A/N; Chi-chi-we here is a formal way of calling father. Similar to Tou-sama. Same with Ha-ha-hue for mother}

"Kyaa~ Nagi-chan... Kawaii" came to a girlish scream. Everyone's eyes were drawn to the voice only to see Hinami smothering Izanagi's cheeks similar to how Shun was smothering Izanami.

"Hmph, my Nami-tan is cuter," Shun said with a harrumph.

"Hmph, whatever do you mean Shun-Kun, Nagi-chan is the cutest" Hinami refuted.

Hearing her calling him with the -Kun suffix, Shun knew she was serious about this but unlike before, he wasn't going to back down easily.

You can't be serious, Nami-tan is beyond cuteness, she embodies the word cute, how can anyone else be comparable? Right Nami-tan?" Shun asked Izanami.

"Hum" Izanami nodded her cute little head.

"You see? Best that." Shun said to Hinami with a victory pose, Izanami still stuck to his face.

"Hmph, I don't care. My Nagi-chan is cuter than that" Hinami harrumphed and turned her head, obviously being a sore loser.

"Haha, Papa won mama." Izanami clapped her little hands together obviously amused at the show.

"Nami-chan, chi-chi-we didn't win, Ha-ha-hue didn't want to argue." Izanagi defended Hinami.

"Hum. Hum. Tell them Nagi-chan. Only you understand me most" Hinami said hugging Izanahi tighter.

"Ha-ha-hue, stop it" Izanagi protested while pushing Hinami's face away.

"Hahaha. This is funny. So? What brings you here Nami-chan?" Shann laughed and asked Hinami.

"Oh nothing much, the kids just wanted to stay with you is all. So I brought them over." Hinami replied.

"Hmph, I bet it was my Nami-tan who wanted to see me. Nagi doesn't like me. Sigh" Shun said while sighing sadly once again.

"Papa~ tell us a story. Mama said you know a lot of stories." Izanami said straight to the point while running her hands around his head.

"Oh? A story? What about you Nagi-tan? Do you want to hear a story?" Shun asked with a smile.

"Hun" He nodded.

"Gotta use your words there little Nagi. I don't understand throat words. And where did you even pick that from? Huh?" Shun asked.

"He's, I would like to hear a story" Izanagi responded.

"Sigh, I wonder why you're acting all mature. If only you'd be more like the child that you are and act like Nami-tan" Shun said.

"Anyways. Story time. Once upon a time in a distant place far from here....."

Shun picked a random fairy tale and told them. The while family gathered, Shun turned the story time into a picnic as he created some snacks and drinks and had a wonderful family time with his children and wife.

After that, time continued flowing and years passed. Shunnsoent time with his family doing things a normal family would do back on earth.

Sometimes, he would drag Ashura and Indra's children along. Of course, they were aware of this but couldn't do anything about it.

Although he was sure their lifelong enmity wouldn't begin with this generation of children, he still didn't care and still brought them together.

During this period, Indra challenged Shun several times and lost quite wonderfully, although he still wasn't able to force Shun to use his domain expansion.

Of course, these fights were fought away from the public eye but Shunnstill recorded everything you never when these records would be needed for reference purposes or otherwise.

Ashura, on the other hand, didn't bother challenging Indra or Shun, after all, there was no need to do so from the beginning, his reason for getting strong was purely to protect, so should Indra attack or challenges him, he'd rise to the challenge.

Shun was quite happy with this development, during his usual outings with the kids, he'd use illusion to show them some amazing anime scenes for kids.

This year, Izanagi and Izanami turned 5 while Ashura's and Indra's children were 6 but the difference was not noticeable at all, they all look to be the same age.

Ashura's and Indra's children all had similar brown hair as their father with black eyes while Izanagi and Izanami had snow-white hair and rose-colored eyes[byakugan] similar to Shun and Hinami.

Shun always wondered if they would have any black markings similar to his when they grow or if it'll remain like that. His dojutsu had already integrated into his blood so it should have turned into a bloodline limit right?

Izanagi had the makings of a handsome young master while Izanaminhad the makings of a hyperactive l, beautiful, and cute young lady.

One thing of note was that the children of the village began the Ninshu training at the age of 5 so Izanagi and Izanami joined in. Shun had already begun giving them some meditation exercises early on as he knew they had a lot of spiritual energy bottled up in their heads and wantonly releasing that seal without proper control could be deadly to them.

The children also began learning some basic fighting techniques. Shun always wondered why that was even important. It wasn't like there was anyone they would be fighting in their lives, but thinking back to what Hagoromo had told him when he asked in the past, he shook his head and sighed.

Hagoromo had said: "Hmm? There isn't anyone to fight but they need to maintain a valance between their bodies and their minds. Otherwise, how would they grow."

Shun understood this fact but still prohibited his children from fighting. His exercises were enough to keep their bodies in shape.

This prohibition didn't do much down the line though. During subsequent spars, some snorty brats would want to pick on Izanami due to her appearance, only to get their ass handed to them.

When asked how she did that, she tilted her head in confusion and said, "I saw them coming and I attacked where I thought was best."

When Shun heard of this, he was not elated. This would mean that Izanami could already use her perfect reflection without even developing any markings In her eyes.

With this, Shun had a change of mind, though he still didn't allow his children to fight with the village children. He knew they wouldn't be a match for his children so he opted to spar with them on a daily bases.

The two could already move normally with the gravity seal placed on them at level 2. Meaning they weighed their body two times.

Shun used the opportunity to further polish their fighting ability. With more spars, they began wasting fewer movements and in due time they had already developed their fighting styles.

If put in any world, they'd be dubbed as geniuses no matter the aspect except in terms of chakra. They once asked Shun why they can't use chakra like their friends and Shun answered. "Hmm? You don't need it. Simple as that. Have you fought anyone who used chakra and lost? No? Good, that settles it then" and ended the case

Nami pouted a lot at Shun with puppy dog eyes mixed in boosting a cute-meter beyond the rates Shun could handle, causing him to almost release the seal on them but a sliver of common sense held him back.

He further asked them, "why do you need the chakra?" And Izanami answered, "To make cool techniques" while Izanagi fell into deep thought and later said, "nothing in particular"

"Good. Nami-tan, sorry but I'm not releasing the seal till you're 12. You can decide to study seal techniques on your own and release the seal If you want though". 'This way, they start learning from a young age.

" Good. I'm going to learn a lot of seals and release papa's seals" Hinaminsaid all hyped up.

Izanagi thought about it for some time and decided to test it out. It's not like he's losing anything.

Before he left though, Shunnsaid, "You have to stop overthinking things and learn to go with the spur of the moment sometimes. You're still young, make mistakes, and make memories. What are you, 6, and you are already acting like the me of the future." 'I don't see him though' He thought.

"But father, I read one of your books where you wrote that a slight mistake can change the course of one's life," Izanagi said.

"Of course, it can. Either for the good or for the bad. One thing they both have in common is that it all happens in your life and would one day become a memory. Do you want to grow up and then look back one day and see that there was no stupid mistake you made in your life? You're smart Nagi, but not everything is about smarts. Think about it" Shun said.

"I mean, I wouldn't like that. That was part of the reason the Calogram was created you know. To keep records of moments we make mistakes and laugh about them. Sigh, run along now. Your sister must be waiting" Shun finished while sending him away.

Subsequently, Izanagi and Izanami studied seals with zeal. Shunnfirst had them study basic sciences and mathematics. After all, they were still kids and should start from the basics.

They both showed progress in learning some simple science and mathematics. And then Shun showed them the next stage, calligraphy.

"This is an art, you see. While drawing with your hands may seem rather draining and time-consuming, you must be steady and precise. Now write one kanji as many times as possible till you feel you can even do it in your sleep"

The first to complain was Izanami, "Ehh? Isn't that boring? I don't wanna"

"Ok, sure no problem. You just have to stay without chakra till you're 15" Shun shrugged.

"Ehh? I thought it was 12?" She asked.

"I make the rules, if I can say it was 12, I can also say it will be 15. Deal with it" Shun said.

"Papa, meanie," She said as she began to sob and ran away.

"Sigh. That was too much for her, Father." Izanagi said after she ran out.

"Nah, she'll come back. She's my daughter after all. If she can't even do this little then I don't know what she can do." Shun said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"If you say so father," Izanagi replied and began writing.

Izanami, who ran away, went to Hinami to complain who was seated at a park Shun had created a few meters away from the village.

"Mama~, Papa is being mean to me," She said as she threw herself at Hinami.

"What happened, sweetie?" Hinami asked as she stroked her hair.

Izanami narrated the entire incident to Hinami while making Shun look like the bad guy in the story.

"Haha. Nami dear, your father is doing this for your own good, don't you know that? Even if you don't want to learn your father wouldn't force you, but sealing techniques are where he is best. If you want to spend time with him, you have to want to learn. Even I learned a bit. Look at this" Hinami said as she used her chakra to draw a seal word for breeze on the air.

Winds blew from the point and Izanami looked at it in amazement.

"Is that not a Ninjutsu?" She asked.

"Nope, it's not. This is what your father wouldn't tell you. Seals can be used in more diverse ways than ninjutsu. But first, you have to suffer now and laugh later. That's what he told me." Hinami said.

"But how did you write it on the air with your finger?" Izanami asked again.

"Oh, that? That's just the advanced form of what he Is teaching you now. You first learn to write with only a branch, then you learn with a brush and chakra, then you learn to write with only your chakra. These are the stages. Your father even said there is a possibility of using words to invoke a seal. He hasn't done that yet but I'm sure he would."

"What am I trying to say? With seals, you can fight someone way stronger than you with minimum effort. You can even develop an entire array of seals for different purposes. Look at your father's Calogram for example. He made it with nothing but seals and other materials. So, it is left for you to decide whether to learn or not. But remember that your father won't force you one bit. Instead, he will smile and say, 'my Nami-tan has grown to make decisions'. So, what will you do?" Hinami explained and asked Izanami.

Izanami pondered for a bit before looking up at Hinami and said, "I'll learn. I'll learn and surpass father. I'll even be the first to create seals with words."

"Haha. That my Nami-tan" A voice was heard from behind a tree nearby.

Izanami startled and jumped from Hinami's lap.

"Papa. What are you doing here?"

"What? Nami-tan doesn't like papa anymore?"

Izanami shook her head and said, "Uhn-hn. Nami likes papa, but I thought papa was in the village."

"Haha, I'm your father so this little trick is nothing to me. That aside Nami, as your mother said, I won't force you to learn seals. In fact, I could even teach you another thing you want. Just say the word."

"No, I want to learn seals with father and big brother," Izanami said.

"That's good to know. Well then, shall we go now? Your mother seems to be busy."

"Hun. Bye-bye, mama" Izanami said as she followed Shun and waved at Hinami.


Sorry if you find these time skips boring. I just want to show the uniqueness of the children before I then focus on them fully. Shun would have to become a background character for some time.