Waking up and Spar

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I continued spamming flash steps till I could leave after images behind every step I take. I could even move up to 1 km in a single step if I input my all into it.

What I am aiming for is to be able to possibly shrink space to cross over hundreds of meters.

Right now, if I'm in a close combat situation, I could use only this to fight any opponent.

But really, what Kaguya said struck a chord with me. Why am I even making and compiling all these techniques from different worlds and trying to use them here? I could decide on one and perfect it and I will still be overpowered.

Currently, I don't even need all these elemental attacks to deal damage and I'm sure that should I use such attacks on the Otsutsukis, I'd just be empowering them.

Even Ashura and Indra don't even bother using elemental attacks during their fights, it's either hand-to-hand combat or Sussano to Wooden Fighting Budha.

But it's not all for waste though, my research and notes on elemental release could be passed down for years to come, and with this, stronger shinobi and clans are described to arise and with that comes a more complex and chaotic shinobi world.

I wonder if Zetsu would still scheme against some clans to have them annihilated. After all, he's the reason prominent clans were destroyed.

I had a talk with Kaguya concerning him and we concluded to leave him to carry on his plans, whatever may come of it.

I guess I've done enough with the Flash Steps, this will be incorporated into my combat style. FTG will likely be used for transportation only. Though if I'm in a situation where I'm cornered or something, it wouldn't hurt to use it once or twice.

Walking toward Kaguya who was enjoying the privileges of living properly again, I noticed her reclining on the vibrating chair I made for Hinami all those years ago.

She was reclining on it, wearing a pure white bikini with a sunglass on her eyes. {A/N: Use your imagination here}

"Ahem" I coughed dryly to get her attention.

"Hm? Shun, you're done?" She asked drowsily.

I really wonder how she could even feel sleepy in the first place. She technically isn't a living being so she isn't supposed to feel sleepy not to mention falling asleep in the first place.

"Yeah, I'm done. I thought you'd be interested in it." I said with an accusatory tone.

"And why would I, Shun dear? I don't really need to move that fast as I can simply teleport. If I want to dodge something, I barely need to enter my dimensions or just open a portal to my dimension to suck away any attack,"

"So tell me, why should I?" Kaguya asked.

She really had a point in what she said. I too could just stand still and use Nihility a technique I created to emulate Obito's Kamui. The name though was copied.

This technique works exactly like Obito's Kamui so I could stand still while allowing whatever is thrown at me to simply pass me.

"Well, as you've read nearly all the collection of books in my sea of consciousness, I expected you to know that one came never be too cautious."

"Don't forget that what makes someone strong in general is his attack, defence and speed. If you have these three at their maximum efficiency you'd rarely have a single defeat."

"That is until you find someone who also has these three at an even more maximum state. One can never be too prepared." I explained to her as briefly as I could. After all, you can force a horse to the river but you can't force it to drink.

Luckily, I already trained Hinami and Ria on these three aspects in the past, Izanagi and Izanami too.

"Mm..." I heard a soft voice from the area I put Hinami and Ria to sleep.

"Guess they're finally waking up," I said and flashed to their side to see both of their eyes fluttering open.

They looked unfocused for some time before their gaze finally sharpened and they sat up, almost as if they were in sync.

"Uhh... I don't know if you both practised before this but what's with the synchronization?"

They looked at each other and then let out a breath and then smiled sweetly, not answering my question.

They both looked beautiful but with their smiles, they looked even more beautiful.

Seeing that they had no intention of answering, I asked, "So, how do you both feel?"

"Powerful, exceedingly so," Hinami said while Ria nodded. "It feels like I could even beat Ashura and Indra if I put my all into it."

"Well, that's true because as you both are now, you have actually surpassed their strength even if they both reached their peak," I said.

"Oh? How so?" Kaguya asked in curiosity, and I could see Hinami and Ria were curious too.

"Well, the fault lies with pops in a way. As you both know, pops and uncle are your children, Kaguya, and as you've told me, you gave birth to them after you've eaten the chakra fruit, right?"

"Hm," she nodded.

"You doesn't have the time to begin deciding which part of your energy you would bestow on them did you?" I asked again.

"Hm." she shook her head.

"That led to them inheriting your eyes in their basic forms. The elder inherited a part of your Rinne-Sharingan, the Sharingan, while the other, your Byakugan." I said.

"This led to them both having the full inheritance, no segregation. That way, they both evolved in a particular way, The Rinnegan and the Tenseigan."

"Indra and Ashura, whether intentionally or not, inherited two different parts of pops bloodline. The chakra to Indra, the spiritual energy to Ashura."

"This gave them the Sharingan and the affinity to nature separately."

Hagoromo's affinity to nature was what led to him awakening the Rinnengan but let's not say that here as even Kaguya doesn't seem to know how that got to be.

"This is why Indra seemed to be stronger in our childhood as compared to Ashura, and Ashura is more emotionally attached as compared to Indra," I said.

The anime though said that the Uchiha are more emotionally attached before they awaken their Sharingan as after that, they become colder as they grow.

Although that is true, there also seems to be a slight misunderstanding from my point of view. True, they are emotionally attached but I believe the reason why they become cold is due to what they experience when their Sharingan is awakened.

Most cases of the Sharingan awakening always stem from the loss of a loved one or extreme pain, but cases such as Obito where his eyes awakened in his desire to save Rin.

Madara later destroyed his future by making him experience 'True Pain' by making him see her death.

Anyways, my point is, the stimulus that enables them to awaken their Sharingan determines how they will be as they grow. That's my theory though, I haven't had a line subject to experiment on, maybe in a few centuries I will watch all the children of an era and see how they awaken and develop.

"So, even at their peak, they could never hope to reach the stage you both are at now. Maybe if a descendant of Ashura and a descendant of Indra get married, their child may have the potential to reach your current level."

"Though I'm sure we won't remain stagnant now, would we?" I asked.

They both shook their head with excited smiles

"Damn, I wish I had someone to test out this my new strength against. Also, it seems like I developed a new ability after all this" Ria said.

"Really?" I asked in surprise and curiosity. If she did get an ability, it would really be a sight to behold. After all, those who get to gain a new ability once they reach the Six-Path stage are those with the Otsutsukis bloodline.

"Yeah, I seem to be able to manipulate all those law thingies you always reach us back then. Mass, velocity and the lot of them." Ria said as she had an expression of confusion.

What!? Vector manipulation? How is that possible? Wait, What!? If this is true then... Wow, just wow.

"Eh? That seems cool wanna check it out?" Hinami exclaimed as she thought it was cool. I still had a look of disbelief on my face though.

"Yeah, what about you though? Your Tenseigan isn't going off, is it finally permanent like your father's?" Rua asked.

Hinami nodded and said. "Yeah, and all my abilities have become less chakra-consuming, it feels like they are now a part of me. Even with my eyes closed, I can still perform them. I also got an added ability though."

"Oh? What is it?" Ria asked in curiosity.

"Hmm... I don't know but I feel like I can create anything I want and then turn them into a bomb. It's like the thing Shun does when he creates whatever he wants only that I can imbue an explosion effect on them" Hinami explained.

"Ehh? That's even cooler, don't you think?" Ria said.

Meanwhile, as they were sharing their new abilities, Shun, who was already stricken dumb welcomed a kindred soul.

Kaguya who had been listening n on their conversation also found them to be ridiculously overpowered as she too knew the headlines of Vector manipulation and Creation of all things + adding an effect to whatever is created.

'I mean, how hax can they both get?' Shun thought while looking at Kaguya who had the same thought.

Shaking my head, I put all these thought away and then said, "How about we have a spar? After that, I will show you both the surprise had for you."

"Really?" Ria and Hinami asked in sync again with excitement gleaming in their eyes.

"Of course, I would also like to see at what stage I am in now. I hope you both wouldn't hold back."

"Of course." they both nodded.

"Alright then. Let's go to a place where we can destroy anything at will, I wouldn't want my magnificent mansion to be destroyed in the crossfire now."

Immediately, all four of us appeared at a rocky area in my dimension. This earth here was exceedingly hard so there should be nothing to fear about breaking into the deeper layer of the earth, after all, the deeper you go down here, the closer you get to the space outside, and even I don't know where that leads to.

"Alright. Here we are. Do you both have any requirements before we begin?" I asked. None of them had shown any interest in any weapon of any kind ski was just asking for formality's sake.

Hinami preferred her palms as she could use the Gentle fist stance I thought her to better explode things. With chakra coated on her palms, should her chakra make contact with your body and she wills it, you would explode instantly.

Very deadly, I wouldn't want to be on the other side of that palm. You should have seen the debris from after her practices.

I still shudder when I think of it. You can only dodge her fist never block it.

Ria however is a long range fighter, with her control over all metal objects, sand of any property and objects with a magnetic field, she could give the final stage Magneto a run for his money.

And although I brought her to a rocky area where it would seem like she was at a disadvantage, she simply needs to change the entire earth to her domain... I'm, she's already doing jt.

Anyways, with it, she could create any weapon of choice, similar to how Sasori could use the 3rd Kazekage's puppet to make an iron sand hammer, she could create whatever she wants.

Truly, I got myself a pair of over haxed characters if that is a word.

"Alright ladies, shall we?" I said as I took a stance.


Author here guys. The next chapter or two would be an epic fight on the level of gods' so stay sitted.

Oh, and also this would be my first ever serious fight scene, even the Indra and Ashura fight scene were not that impressive to me. So I'm going to try and make this as thrilling as possible.

Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie for advanced chapters.