Threesome 3

Ria, once again transformed the clouds of dust and sand floating around into swords and daggers and shot them at Shun.

Shun sighed, "this again? Guess I have to make you take me seriously"

He raised a finger and pointed it out toward the incoming projectiles.

From the tip of his finger, several dots of chakra surfaced and began swirling before forming a film-like surface and then he said, "You seem to forget that I have the magnet release as well, little Ria"

The film moved towards the incoming projectiles and a soundless explosion took place as they made contact. The swords and daggers exploded and reversed back to their original form.

With another flick of his finger, the dust took the form of arrows and rained down on Ria like shooting stars. The speed was akin to a flash and in an instant, they all slammed Ria's body.

At the same time, he took a step forward and the chakra hue on his body became even brighter shooting out, looking like a golden sea suspended in the sky.

Currently, Shun looked like a God descending into the world with overwhelming might.

With another step, the hue on his body became even more resplendent as numerous clones appeared with their palms shimmering with enough power to rival Hinami's previous attack.

Right now, numerous pairs of eyes were staring at Ria who had a creased brow but was unafraid nonetheless. Her entire body radiated an intense battle intent that even Shun could feel.

Shun smiled and nodded in appreciation before he and his clones all blasted a palm strike at her. Each palm superimposed on the other to form an even more gigantic palm.

Ria's eyes widened in disbelief as her expression grew grim.

"Argh" She screamed as her chakra flared, gathering the entirety of the sand and dust to form her own palm to counter Shun's.

Shun shook his head and smiled. 'Seems like she doesn't know she could choose to reflect or deflect this attack. Even reject it entirely like she did the other time'


As the palms clashed, a resounding explosion sounded as Ria's palm managed to block Shun's palms for a few seconds, reducing the force behind it before being destroyed.

As the remaining palms pressed down, Ria moved to dodge it but found that the palm had a honing effect.

Realising this, she turned and faced the Palm falling on her and prepared to defend it with her body only to see numerous green flashes, flash past her and colliding with the palms.

"That's dangerous don't even think of doing that again." Hinami's voice sounded from behind her.

She had seen Shun's attack and knew that Ria couldn't block it, so she sent clones to block them, further destroying the palm.

"Sigh, you two disappoint me" Shun's voice was heard from above. "Here I was thinking you could finally put up a good fight with me,"

"Humph," Hinami snorted and formed a rod with a truth-seeking orb and rushed at Shun to engage him in close combat.

Shun smirked and created a blunt sword with his own orb and flashed down to meet her with his flash step.

His figure abruptly appeared in front of her and executed a simple downward slash to which she reacted swiftly and blocked.


Her eyes widened in shock as a tyrannical force flung her back down from the air to the ground.

"Hmm? Is that all?" Shun said in a deep tone as he executed ted the flash step once more appearing in front of Ria and swung down.

Ria was startled but managed to use deflect the strike before it could hit her and flash back into the air.

Shun smiled, 'good, at least she's now using her head,'

As he was about to attack her again, a green figure flashed and Hinami appeared in front of him with a sword of her own aiming to slash at Shun.

Shun blocked with his own sword and raised a fist to counter before he suddenly jumped back.


Another explosion resounded from the spot Shun stood a moment ago.

Hinami had used her free hand to fire an explosion ball in a split second their sword clashed.

"Oh? Seems like you're learning," Shun praised.

"It doesn't seem to be working though," Hinami retorted.

"Of course, if it does work then something is wrong don't you think?" Shun said cheekily.

"Humph" Hinami snorted again and went in for a strike as Shun levelled his sword to block.

They exchanged a series of sword strikes before Hinami softly said, "Shinra Tensei"

Shun who was caught unawares was blasted back at a sonic speed only to notice midflight that he was sent in Ria's direction, where she was extending her palm made of grayish dust at him.

Shun felt threatened by the palm which further reinforced his defence.


As the palm and Shun made contact, Shun found to his horror that his armour was disintegrated on touch. 'Dust Release?' he thought and immediately teleported away appearing higher up in the air.


The sound of a gun sounded as Kaguya softly said, "You've lost Shun,"

"WHAT? She almost killed me there," Shun argued in dissatisfaction.

"Hehe, the rule was that you shouldn't use your space techniques. You used it, meaning you lost" Ria said with a cheeky smile of her own.

"But you almost turned me to dust right there," Shun said softly while swallowing his dissatisfaction.

"Nah, that's impossible, you could have survived if you created another armour in that instant," Ria replied.

"I gambled on the fact that should your armour be disintegrated, Nee-san's explosion would then get through in that small window. Who would've thought you'd be a scaredy cat?" Ria explained.

"Oh? Is that so? Well, whatever, you both win this time but there would be further training from me starting tomorrow. You both are ridiculously wasting your abilities."

"Ria, if I'm not wrong, your new ability should be Vector Manipulation and Hinami, as you are now, if you train properly, you could even give Ria a run for her money at her peak. Me too."

"You both don't know the technicalities involved in using your abilities. Ria, your ability could make you invincible if trained properly. All the physics-involved abilities of the Rinnengan and Tenseigan could be used by you effortlessly,"

"Hinami, I don't know if your abilities have any form of a handicap to their usage but the way you used your Shinra Tensei and Bansho Tei-in almost made me cry. You only used it once and that was good as it led to my loss but still,"

"I thought as you had the Tenseigan before, you would have understood some fundamental abilities of the eyes, but your performance today was abysmal."

"That's why, from tomorrow, you begin your training with Kaguya while I handle Ria. I need your abilities to be at their peak before I show you your surprise." Shun said in a strict tone.

"Eh? But you've already made us wait this long," Ria whined.

"Don't worry, this way we will all enjoy the surprise together. I won't even use mine till you're both ready," Shun assured.

"Promise?" Ria asked to which Shun nodded.

"Can you at least let us know what it is?" She asked again.

"Nuh-uh. It's a secret. Now rest up, I have to reflect on myself a little," Shun said and teleported them back to the mansion after which he disappeared to his study.

Shun POV.

Damn. That was the first thing that came out of my mouth as I entered the study.

I can't believe I was defeated in such a manner. Ria and Hinami have a latent amount of untapped potential but even at their lowest, I was still defeated.

Although I was handicapped but still...

I can't believe all my techniques didn't even come to play at all. No, I know that at this stage, such attacks based on elements are almost redundant, but some of the Kekkai Totà are still dangerous. Dust release being an example.

I have a ridiyhealing factor but even that attack gave me a chilly feeling. Also, I don't even have a particular area I'm good at.

I'm good with the sword but I didn't see any need to use it as all my forms are focused on claiming lives.

I haven't really tried it on anyone but I'm sure there is no survival for anyone I use it on, that's why I didn't use a sword against them and used a blunt sword.

Sigh. Should I begin training on fist and leg techniques now? Although the palm technique I used was strong, it isn't really good for a one-on-one fight. Maybe an AOE but definitely not one on one.

All this time, I've been getting used to using overwhelming strength in my punches and kicks but it's time I developed a style to follow.

Anyways, I'll think about that later. Tomorrow, I need to educate Ria on the basics of Vector Manipulation and its relationship with Physics.


Author here guys. Give me your honest critic on the fight.