
Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie for 50+ chapters including volume 2


In a pavilion building some distance away from the mansion inside the dimension, Hinami, Ria and Kaguya sat while talking in low voices, why they thought that was helpful, even I am lost.

Seems like they had already prepared some snacks and were helping themselves to it with some drink.

Ignoring the things I heard, I walked toward them and greeted them. "Hello ladies, how are you doing this fine day?"

I sat down and joined in the snacks while taking a sip of what seemed to be tea. "This is nice, I wonder who made it?"

I asked as I felt the taste of the tea.

Hinami smiled but didn't say anything but I already knew it was her.

"So? How did you do it?" I asked, this time directly to her.

"Well, I've been studying the plants and trees you've made outside and inside here for some time now, so with my knowledge of potion, this isn't a problem," She answered and took a sip of the tea.

"That's great, truly. I can even feel a calming yet vitalising effect from this tea. As expected of you," I praised sincerely.

"Okay... So, How was your night?" I asked.

"I can't sleep, remember?" Kaguya replied.

"T'was great," Ria answered

"It was wonderful. Yours?" Hinami asked.

What an angel, only she asked how my night was. I guess I raised her well.

"Mine was pleasurable, Nami-chan, thanks for asking," I said.

"And speaking of nights, Ria, I've put together a compilation on your abilities. Vector Manipulation is what your new ability should be able to do. After reading through it, you'd understand why I thought you both were underestimating me instead"

"As for you Hinami, I also put together some special abilities your eyes can help you accomplish, Kaguya would help you in understanding and mastering them. So, knock yourselves out" I said and relaxed back on my chair after passing their respective books to them.

Receiving the books, they both opened it and skimmed through it as looks of amazement and shock would momentarily appear on their faces.

Kaguya already had an idea of what the Tenseigan could do and also what vector manipulation could do, after all, she had amassed quite the knowledge in my head so she wasn't surprised when she saw their looks.

She still collected the book on Vector Manipulation to read through.

As she read it, she smiled wryly and shook her head before passing it back to Ria.

"That's one scary ability if mastered properly," she said to Ria before looking at Hinami and said. "I have a little knowledge on what the Tenseigan could do and trust me, even Shun with all his knowledge wouldn't even fathom it."

"I bet the abilities in there are at least six to seven right?" She asked to which Hinami nodded.

"Hah. As you'd expect." She snorted and then looked into space and said, "The Tenseigan is not a normal pair of eyes you see. It has all the abilities of the Rinnengan and more. Though it doesn't have the Rinne-Rebirth Jutsu, it has a reincarnation ability."

"The user of this eye can forcefully send someone into an unending cycle of reincarnation. It also has reanimation capability. Similar to how little Ashura can summon a wooden construct, The Tenseigan can summon and even take control of any summoned construct, as far as there is no life in it."

"Sigh, what am I even saying? Come with me, I will give you a very detailed lesson about your dojutsu." Kaguya said and dragged Hinami away under the dumbfounded gaze of Ria.

Shun however was shaking his head while thinking, 'And here I thought I was getting stronger, sigh, what a world I am in,'

"Welps, benefits of having a superior bloodline, right?" I said in an attempt to draw Ria's attention.

She looked at me and then sighed in a despondent manner and said, "Shun, am I useless and weak?"

I frowned and said, "Why would you think that?"

"Look at Nee-san, Kaguya-nee just said that her Tenseigan is even more powerful than Old sage. Doesn't that mean she will be even stronger and I'll become useless as time pass?" Ria said in an aggrieved tone.

I was startled for a few seconds before I smiled and stood up. Waking to her chair, I rubbed her head and said,

"You're already so old but still reason like an idiot sometimes. You know, I can't seem to see the little Ria I used to know. Look at me, I am normal, with no bloodline whatsoever. Everything I have now, I worked to achieve it. Same as you, and Hinami. Why do you suddenly assume you're weak?"

"Haven't you read the book I have you? Of all four of us, you're actually the one with the most potential. All the abilities I and Hinami have and will have can be used by you should you master your ability. What bullshit bloodline? Their ancestors just found a way to achieve strength way earlier than me"

"If I was alive way back when, there may not even be an Otsustsuki clan right now. Is it true that from birth, they already have world ending potential, but what kind of ability can we not produce should we put our minds to it? Also, I plan on getting a chakra fruit for all four of us in due time so there won't be a fear of energy consumption in whatever we do."

"Cheer up alright? With my guidance, I promise you'd have enough strength to rival even Kaguya at her peak, okay?" I asked after giving my long speech.

Ria had light returning to her eyes as they blazed with fierce determination. She looked at me and heavily nodded her head. "Hmm,"

"Good. Now, time to begin the basics of basic when it comes to Vector Manipulation."

"Now, what do you think is a Vector?" I asked.

She shook her head to indicate her ignorance.

"Hmm, good. A vector is a quantity or phenomenon that has two independent properties: magnitude and direction."

"Vector also denotes the mathematical or geometrical representation of such a quantity."

"Examples of vectors in nature are velocity, momentum, force, electromagnetic fields and weight."

Rai raised her hand to, "Yes, Ria-kun"

"What is this geometrical thing you spoke about?"

"Umu~. Good question. Geometry is, with arithmetic, one of the oldest branches of mathematics. It is concerned with properties of space such as the distance, shape, size, and relative position of figures."

"Did you get that?" Ria shook her head.

"Sigh. Think of it as the branch of mathematics that deals with space, time, shape and size. You already know some basic knowledge of Physics right?"

She nodded and then I said. "Good, your next assignment would be to read up on advanced physics. In the library, there are books focused on tertiary level maths physics and engineering."

"When you're done, I doubt you'd still need my help in your training," I said as I relaxed back on my chair.

Seriously, teaching maths or physics right now isn't something I can do. Nothing is better than reading up before asking for clarifications on areas you don't understand.

Ria chuckled and said, "You're one hell of a teacher,"

"Well, I try my best," I said with a smile.

She smiled and stood up while walking into the mansion. That's where another copy of the library is located after all.

"Ah! I'd advise you to use a lot of clones to save time. We wouldn't want Hinami to leave us behind now, would we?" I said to her before she was out of sight.

She paused before continuing into the house. "Understood." A faint voice sounded from inside.

"It's good that she's motivated. We have time on our hands though. Maybe when they perfect their abilities a little bit more I'd begin making plans to create a pseudo body for Kaguya. I'd need chakra from the tailed beast though. Also, a little fragment from the Ten-tail husk on the moon."

"Sigh, guess I will have to play ninja and infiltrate the moon. Hehe, I'm going to be the very first Ninja. Eat that futurelings."


On the other side of the dimension, Kaguya and Hinami could be seen sitting facing each other as Kaguya was explaining some things to Hinami.

"You see, the Tenseigan is a sign of nobility in the clan. Every member of the Otsustsuki clan always has a Byakugan, that's a given. It's like the basest form of our bloodline but the divide comes in when one reaches a certain level of strength or ingests the chakra fruit and evolves."

"Once an evolution takes place, the type and colour of your eyes determine your future in the clan. There are two occurring eyes in the clan following an evolution. The Rinnengan and the Tenseigan."

"The Rinnengan without Tomoes are the weakest variation but also the ones with the highest potential, do you know why?" Kaguya asked.

Hinami thought for a while before asking, "Because they can further evolve?"

"Exactly. A Rinnengan without Tomoes shows that one's chakra was stable enough before an evolution. Now, if the normal Rinnengan is the lowest version, do you know what the highest version is?" Kaguya asked again.

"Nine tomoe?" Hinami asked.

Kaguya shook her head and said, "No, the highest evolution is the Rinne-Sharingan that I possess. It is rare but also depends on one's luck to achieve this. I knew I had a lot of unlucky encounters before I got my one lucky break but even then, I'm still weak, do you know why?"

Hinami shook her head but Kaguya smiled and said "We'll get back to that. Now, for the Tenseigan, there are no grades to it. You only need to perfect your control over it and not even me could go against you"

"It is rumoured that the Otsustsuki God, Shibai had One Tenseigan, one Byakugan and One Rinne-Sharingan on his forehead."

"The Rinnengan has limited Abilities till it evolves into a Rinne-Sharingan while the Tenseigan doesn't need any further evolution. In that state, the more abilities you perfect, the more flower petal you get. You may have noticed in Hamura's Tenseigan, there are only six petals, while yours have seven."

"Once you reach nine petals, further evolution may take place. There are abilities the Tenseigan has the potential to learn and I'll be teaching you the ones I can remember. Perhaps when we get to leave this planet, I could get more from the clan"

"Now, as for the reason I'm weak, it's simply because of my chakra level. Shun and I came up with a way to measure chakra levels a while back and we surmised that my chakra level at my peak was close to 100M."

"What!?" Hinami shouted in shock. "He has told me something like this before and said that his should still be less than 10M while ours would enter the 1M category should we open our gates. Are you trying to say yours is 10× his?"

"Exactly," Kaguya answered impassively before she smiled and said. "You see, you're underestimating a clan that Lords over this entire universe if your thinking is like this. We approximate that the Otsustsuki God back then would be around the 1B range. So what do you still think of me?"

Hinami simply blanked out as she heard this. '1 Billion chakra units? Please, isn't that basically God? Oh wait, he is God. No wonder. No wonder' Hinami smiled wryly.

"And this is just his chakra unit measurement. We haven't put into consideration what his eye abilities could do. Take mine for example, Dimensional Creation and Dimensional Walking/maneuvering are the two greatest abilities of my Rinne-Sharingan and they also take a huge amount of chakra to be used."

"Now imagine someone who has the same ability with 500M chakra units. Won't that person be way more overpowered in your eyes?"

"Thankfully, this world is not like those of Shun's imagination where every level is a deciding factor in a fight. In this world, abilities are primary while chakra level is secondary. Shun as he is now is low on chakra but in terms of true combat, he could fight against me as I lack serious combat experience."

"Mind you, I'm not underestimating myself or overestimating him here, I'm stating facts. That's just how it is. He has various abilities that could put me to an end in the blink of an eye. Though that's if I'm overly careless,"

"Now this is between me and you, if this enters his ears, I'll make sure to up your training to ridiculously high levels. Understood?" Kaguya said authoritatively.

"Yes, mam" Hinami giggled and answered.

"Now then... Shall we?..."

"Wait a minute Kaguya-san, could you tell me the rankings in the clan?" Hinami asked.

"Hmm? Sure, I've already told Shun about this, it's only a matter of time before you both know about it. In the clan, there are only two deciding divides in terms of ranks."

"There is the low level, Mid-level and high level. Above these levels, is the Ranked Otsustsuki. 100M is the peak of high level, The Lords and also the beginning of rank 1. Every 100M increases your rank by 1 with Rank 10 being the 1B mark."

"Only the God back then has ever reached this level," Kaguya said with a sigh. "That's also the reason why my clan members insist on devouring worlds. Stupid"

"If that's the case, how many chakra units does the chakra fruit provide?" Hinami asked.

"Hehe, that's for me to know and you to find out later. For now, let's begin your class. Shun and Ria should have already started." Kaguya said, not knowing that Shun was currently relaxing while Ria and her clones were surfing through the library as per his orders.


SKIP IF YOU PLEASE. I REPEAT, SKIP IF YOU PLEASE. THIS IS NOT MINE. But you can check them out, they're legit they're from wiki so...

[[Amber Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]





[[Amethyst Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Blocking Technique Negation Sea]]

[[Chibaku Tensei: Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Compromised Freedom: Heavenly Contribution]]

[[Compromised Freedom: Subjugation of the Populace]]

[[Puppet Wheel Reincarnation]]

[[Diamond Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Diamond Wheel Reincarnation Explosion Rosary]]

[[Dimension Walking Technique]]

[[Eighty Gods Amber Assault]]

[[Emerald Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Four Noble Paths]]

[[Garnet Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Genjutsu: Tenseigan]]

[[Gentle Step Thousand Auspicious Omens]]


[[Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Ichibō Senri]]

[[Inner Doors Technique]]

[[Inner Path]]

[[Inner Path: Grand Law of Dharma Technique]]

[[Insatiable Primordial Singularity]]

[[Jade Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]]



[[ Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Mugen Shuriken]]

[[|Muki Tenseigan]]

[[Muki Tenseigan: Amatsu Hakyoku]]

[[Muki Tenseigan: Hell Flame Crater]]

[[Muki Tenseigan: Kushinadahime]]

[|Muki Tenseigan: Corruption]]

[[Muki Tenseigan: Shinku Tensei Kyūbu]]


[[Puppet Reincarnation]]

[[Realm: Living Ghost]]

[[Realm: Three Planes]]

[[Regional Reincarnation Explosion]]

[[Reincarnation Wheel Explosion]]

[[Rikudo Art: Six Paths Unification]]

[[Rinnetensei: Samsara of Heavenly Path]]

[[Seven Pillars Secret Technique: Ama-no-Saka-hoko]]

[[Six Paths Sage Mode]]

[[Six Realms Technique]]

[[Six Realms of Bliss]]

[[Summoning Tenseigan]]


[[Tenseigan Astral Projection Technique]]

[[Tenseigan Chakra Arms]]

[[Tenseigan Chakra Mode]]

[[Tenseigan Disruption Beam]]

[[Tenseigan: Scattering Chakra Rosary]]

[[The Twelve Nidānas]]

[[Three Bodies Technique]]

[[Truth Seeking Gyaku]]

[[Truth-Seeking Armor]]



[[Yang Release: Four-fold Mirror Return]]

[[Zero State Quantum Break]]