Time skip

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Hey guys. I don't see why y'all think Izanami's pregnancy is forced. Well, I hope with this chapter you'd get the gist. I'm trying to round this volume up so...


Time. A wonderful thing indeed. Fenrir and I sat in a subspace in the training dimension while watching the progress of the young man and I must say, either he was a genius or Izanami had taught him well.

I wanted to see the plane he'd choose first and surprisingly, he went with the lightning plane.

I didn't know why but I watched on. The criteria to survive in the second level of the lightning dimension was to have an incomparably strong body.

Normally, the refinement one would pass through in the levels of the fire planes would strengthen their body in preparation to endure the harshness of the lightning plane.

In the first week, he was immediately blasted out by the lightning strike and was sent to the healing plane, but like those characters with plot armour, he acclimated to it and managed to even clear the three levels of the plane in a month.

This is also while fighting clones similar to someone with the Goro Goro no mi. I was impressed, truly.

Anyways, the young man did manage to clear the fire dimension without issues further making me believe Izanami had a hand in this. Maybe she foresaw something like this? Well, whatever.

To cut the long story short, he managed to clear the entire dimension in five months. The illusion plane was exciting to watch though but impressively, the guy was quite staunch in his feeling for Izanami.

I would have offed him there if he fell for the lust illusion. His fear illusion was actually him not being able to see his kid. What a man. I was almost about to acknowledge him.

The other illusion almost had no effect on him though, it was as though he had never wanted anything in his life before. What a weirdo.

At the end of his training, he came out a new man. His chakra was more condensed and his body was more defined. He looked haggard though. Except for food I didn't take care of any other thing for him.

Izanami was already over 8 months into her pregnancy so I reluctantly allowed the young man which I came to know to be Ashikaga to marry into the family.

My first reaction was, 'what the fucked up name was that?' but hey, I ain't one to judge so I decided to call him Ashi.

A month later, Izanami have birth to a robust male child and similar to their case, he radiated an enormous amount of energy which Izanami resolutely refused to seal.

I approved of her decision and I knew she wouldn't want what happened to her and Izanagi to happen to her child.

Their case was a special case though, I had to do it as the old man seemed worried about it. Even me back then was worried as that was unchartered territory.

But then again, it isn't anything new if a child begins developing intelligence from the womb. That just shows he's a demon-level genius. Their growth would have to be monitored though.

Wouldn't want an Itachi scenario happening in my clan. I'll be leaving some 'Holy Scripture' before I leave.

Also, I want to relocate my family to an island I plan to create before I leave. That way they'd have no reason to even get into conflict with and for unnecessary purposes.

I think I'll take Ria's village people too. They're the people I know who will follow me without thinking too much.

Humans are not independent existences, they needed human society to actually be termed as humans.

The kid was named Yoru, the reason behind that even I didn't know.

When the kid's eyes matured enough to open, he too had the signature Red Byakugan which wasn't a surprise.

Anyways, a year after that, Izanagi came back with a woman and two kids. One looked a year old while the other looked 2-3 years old.

I was rendered speechless. These two didn't even put me in their eyes at all. They went on a journey and came back with families of their own.

"I mean, who does that? I wonder who they learned that from. Hmm, Hinami, what's with that look?"

"Weren't you the same?" Hinam asked.


Anyways, the two were named Satoru and Gotaro. Unique names, if I do say so.

We had a grand reunion party which I didn't even know about till it was all prepared. I almost began wondering if anyone really did put me in their eyes in this family. At least I still have Kaguya,

After that, we spent a few months in the village as the conflicts between Indra and Ashura intensified.

My grandchildren matured at a very fast pace that even left me stunned. Izanami and Izanagi could've been like this if I didn't put the seal on them.

The disadvantage was that they grew too quickly. Phew, thank god for that seal, otherwise, I wouldn't even know how Izanami and Izanagi will grow up.

They were already mature for their age but this? This is absurd.

A little more than five years went by and things were still peaceful, to me at least and just recently, Hagoromo called me to tell me about the tailed beast while also hoping I'd take care of them.

According to him, he'll have less than 10 years to live should he release them. I knew the cause of his death was this but 10 years?

When you think the logic in this world is already skewered enough, more logicless shit just pops up.

Well, he's the old man sage, so no need using logic with him. This may sound heartless coming from me as he is my father, but I really do hope he releases them sooner.

That way I could begin creating a compatible body for Kaguya.

Also, as soon as I get a piece of their chakra, I'm leaving this place to the sea area. I want to create an independent island big enough to rival any country of the future.

This is what's still keeping me here in this village and on this planet.

As soon as I leave here and create the island, and establish a place for my family, I'm leaving this world.

The intensity of the for doing feeling I've been getting is increasing and this is probably my Haki acting up but I doubt turtling up would solve this issue.


Just yesterday, the old man called and said he was going to introduce me to the beast.

I knew his time was coming to an end, and although I felt sad, I knew it was a necessity. Sometimes, morals can be shackles we place on ourselves for stupid reasons.

Nothing is preventing this old man from living eternally while watching over humans but I guess Kaguya did leave an impression on him, making him strive for free will.

Oh well, all things work together for good for those who know what they want though.

He knows what he wants, I know what I want. So as I was going, I took Feneri along with me.

This was a good opportunity to introduce the tailed beast to their senior brother.


The introductions went well and I could feel Hagoromo's life force beginning to disperse with every single breath but his sage body made up for it by absorbing natural energy to sustain him.

A year passed with Hagoromo spending time with the beast, teaching them his doctrines and also playing with them.

Fenrir left an impression on them and they all unanimously called him big brother which made the wolf happy as he finally met his kin I'd always told him about.

At the end of this year, Hagoromo called them again and told them he'd be taking them on a journey while also telling them about the prophecy of the blue eyed youth.

Hmm... Seems like my presence here didn't really destroy the timeline.

According to Hagoromo, this journey was to find a place for them to inhabit as they all had different physiology and can't really live in the same place.

I also had the opportunity to see their shared mindscape and I must say, this was nothing but a vast sea of consciousness.

This place where only them tailed beasts can converse with each other was created by Hagoromo to keep them always connected no matter the distance.

This further cemented my belief that Hagoromo was way more overpowered than he seemed.

In cultivation terms, Nascent soul would be an insult to him. I think he's probably passed the soul formation level, even the soul transformation level and stepped way beyond that.

Hmm... No wonder his soul could even exist till the shinobi era. Even summon all the Kages from the pure land and then summon Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi and the tailed beast from Kaguya's dimension.

Damn. Now that I think of it, this old man is even more hax than he appears.

Gotta learn from him. Keeping a low profile is the way to go. Umu~.

During the journey, I always left a spiritual mark on the area he left the beast to which I told them that should they ever need company, they should holler at me.

After the journey, I decided to tell him I'm leaving to set up my family somewhere else. He appeared to be sad momentarily before smiling and wishing me well.

I left a spiritual mark on him though and told him to call me should he need company. His oldest friend Itami was already dead by now.

Not everyone had the ridiculously high amount of vitality he had after all.

He nodded in appreciation at this before I took my leave.

I announced my departure to the villager to which there were a lot of tears and sad comments to which I responded gently to. After all, I was next up on their list of favourite people after Ashura.

As we left, they gave us a lot of gifts which I directly dumped into my dimension. There were all food products after all. I also took my house with me. Wouldn't want them to have the knowledge of what they ain't supposed to have yet.

With everyone gathered. I directly tore the space open leading directly to a vast area above the sea, no land could be seen as far as the eyes can see but lucky individuals could come upon this place.

"Alright then, who wants to see magic?" I asked with a smile.

"Me. Me. Me." The younger ones among my grandchildren answered in an excited tone.

These two brats have been on a birthing rampage these past few years and the number of grandchildren now numbered 9. Can you imagine that? Absurd. Even I stood at two. Maybe it's due to not having any birth control measures?

Anytime I say magic they already know it's something beyond their understanding so they're always happy to see it. Even Izanami and Izanagi with their respective partners were no exception.

"Alright then. Pay attention. Creation of All Things: World Creation"