Vol 2 chapter 2

This chapter and probably the next will be a R18 foursome or something. If you aren't interested just don't read for the next two days. Thanks.

I also want to give my thanks to my man Scyte_Sicle for his encouraging word earlier. Thanks man. I appreciate.


Title: Designing the Garden... R18


"Hanging Garden of Babylon"


Hinami and Ria nodded before a confused look flashed past their eyes and they looked at Shun, Hinami asked.

"This is merely a castle and fortress. I don't see a garden,"

"Oh, that? That's simple. What you see is merely the outer shell. I haven't designed the interior yet. Come on, let's get on with the design. Feel free to chip in your ideas if you feel like it," I said and led them inside.

As we walked, I had to reconstruct the composition of the asteroid. I have no idea how space rocks are in this world but I'm sure as hell they don't support plant life.

The asteroid on itself was already as strong as possible so I didn't have any need to add any other metal to it. What I focused on was creating soil good enough to support plant life.

It took me what I assumed to be 10 minutes as time doesn't flow here I'm u sure of how much time passed.

As we walked in, I used seals to design the other places that would need knowledge of engineering, electrical and mechanical.

The doors, the lighting, and the engine of the garden. I connected the entire thing to the throne in the throne room.

This way, only someone sitting on the throne can power the floating garden.

I created some holographic film plates, a developer and a good laser good enough to work in space.

I had to spend a lot of time doing this while the girls toured the garden.

Finally, I created a good enough camera that would work in space and a projector that would allow us to see everything as though we were outside.

After everything was done, I picked up a microphone I created and said. "Alright girls, everything is done, come to the throne room for the launch,"

Before long, the girls were all in the throne room looking at me in excitement.

"What got you lot so excited?" I asked with a smile.

"Shun dear, you're the best. You made everything here similar to the gadgets in that palace you said was futuristic. It's basically similar to our house but more sophisticated." Hinami answered.

Ria and Kaguya nodded, agreeing with her. Ria then said, "I can even watch all those anime in the black box in the rooms. You made those from the Calgrom right?"

"Of course, this way, we won't be bored throughout the journey. I must warn you though, wat h in moderation, should you want h everything there is, you'll be able to your boring days. Except you can find a way to immerse yourself in your own created world." I said with pride. I really didn't make the wrong choice perfecting fuinjutsu.

I've basically become the world's first engineer, mechanic, and programmer, even scientist. All that's left is to create a living being with biology. Gotta do that before Orochimaru.

The way I designed this garden is similar to those spaceships you'd see in animes like Code Geas.

Anyways, I made sure it was perfect.

"Alright girls, for the launch. Who wants to sit on the throne?" I asked and before I could even look at them, Ria was already standing in front of the throne.

I could feel my brows twitching, "Carefu-"

Before I could finish, Ria sat on the chair and the very next second, she began spasming.

"Sigh, what an impatient lass. Considering how old she is, you'd expect patience to be her second nature."

"What's wrong with Ria?" Hinami asked.

Before he could reply, Kaguya said, "She must be experiencing both an enormous loss of chakra and an enormous influx of information. Think about it, do you understand half of the seals Shun drew on this fortress?"

Hinami shook her head and Kaguya continued, "Since the throne is the centre of the garden, it means that the person sitting there would or should be able to control every area of the fortress with a thought. Am I right, Shun?"

She looked at me with a smug look on her face as she has gotten the entire design of the garden, coupled with her knowledge of the original garden.

"Yes. You're right. Acutely so, but don't worry though, either she toughs this out or she faints. Either way, nothing bad would happen to her." I said

Sometime later, Ria opened her eyes gleaming with intense fatigue, she struggled to look at each of us before she said "awesome" and fainted.

"Well, there you have it, folks, all is well that ends well, I suppose." Saying that I walked to Ria and picked her up and handed her over to my clone and proceeded to sit on the throne.

Even though I expected it, the influx of information still caused a slight pang in my head but with a little Thought Acceleration and parallel processing, I managed to get the entire layout of the garden in a few seconds.

With a thought, a holographic layout of the garden appeared in the centre of the throne room.

Hinami and Kaguya marvelled at this sight as I began describing everything to them.

In the midst of my description, I felt the chakra in my clone being devoured. The memories came flowing in. It the chakra didn't. 'What the fuck?'

Before I could think more about it, Ria burst into the room and said angrily. "You guys were already having fun without me right?"

"That's your fault dear, your impatience brought this upon you." I smiled and said with a shrug.

"Humph," Ria snorted in embarrassment and then said, "Start from the beginning. Don't miss a single word."

"Yes ma'am," I chuckled at her embarrassed expression and started from the beginning.

After everything, everyone had satisfied and excited looks on their faces. I then said.

"Who wants to check out the master bedroom? I made it as comfortable as possible." The smile on my face gradually became wretched.

Hinami and Ria blushed as they looked at my smile. Kaguya smiled too but regained her normal expression and said, "I'll excuse myself then,"

And proceeded to leave the room. However before she could complete two steps, both Hinami and Ria held her and said, "Why don't you join us, Kaguya, you must also want it too right?"

"Wha-what? What are you talking about?" Kaguya stuttered.

"Hehe, don't think we haven't seen the looks you two exchange on daily basis. You both want this but are holding yourselves back." Ria said as she eyes both of us.

The smile on my face disappeared and an embarrassing one took over.

Of course, we both have been throwing glances at each other but we both did t act on it. She's basically my grandmother, Hagoromo's mother and I didn't know how to make a move.

"Humph, you both think we're blind or something? C'mon, let's get this over with. Also, you've been with this idiot for as long as almost a century, not including the time in his dimension. What's there to be shy about? We're all grownups here," Hinami said.

Before we knew what was going on, we were already in the master's bedroom.

'Shit, Ria too should have had a glimpse at the layouts of the garden so she should know how to get here. Plus her space tricks.' I thought as I found myself on the bed with my clothes.

3rd POV

Shun just barely managed to pull the sheet up over himself in time, but he was still worried they had noticed his erection. However, Ria did not seem bothered at all as she approached.

The clothes on the girls' bodies disappeared, Kaguya too. This caused his dick to noticeably twitch.

"Wait, why did you react to that!?"

Before he could answer, she spread his legs wide, kneeled between them, and grabbed his erection.

She brushed back her hair and frowned while he silently tried to burn the image of Kaguya's naked body into his mind.

She grabbed the erection, pulled it toward herself, and parted her lips.

Instead of taking it inside her mouth, she only opened her mouth enough to stick out her tongue. Her warm breath tickled the tip of his dick.

'H-here it comes!'

Her pink tongue stuck out and touched his dark red tip. But that only lasted a moment. The warmth of her tongue reached him soon thereafter.

'Wow, th-that's so good! Ria has gotten better.'

But beyond his response, Ria immediately pulled back from the penis head.

"What a wonderful flavour."

He started to apologize, but then he realized the look on her face was not one of disgust.

"You speak as if you've never sucked it before?"

She blushed bright red.

"O-of course not! It just gets tastier every time I taste it"

He continued looking at her with a teasing smile

She glared at him but said nothing more as she leaned toward his cock once more.

And this time, she opened her mouth wide and leaned even further forward!

Her soft lips moved past the head.

He was of course glad the blowjob was continuing, but he could not believe she had his dick in her mouth I'm front of Kaguya.

Her lips rose and fell along the length of his shaft, coating it with saliva.

She kept a steady rhythm with no change, just as you would expect for someone who has had over a century to practice.

Even so, the pleasure and emotions created by that warm and wet ring of flesh sliding along his dick were always thrilling no matter how much he experiences it.

"Now, please excuse us as we join in."

"Tell us if it hurts, okay?"

Hinami and Kaguya supported him from the sides while leaning him gently back onto the bed.

Kaguya was still shy but Hinami held her. Kaguya had had experience before plus all the materials she's read from Shun's stack of hentai, she wasn't a total novice.

"Eh!? W-wait! A-all three of you are going to do it!!?"

Only his lower body was sticking off of the bed while he lay on his back and the girls' lips gathered around his crotch.

Three tongues competed to crawl along it and he could feel their sweet breaths on his drool-coated dick. He felt like a king.

"Ohhhh…this is like a dream come true!!" Shun thought aloud

"Does this heel hood, Shwn?"

The two experienced mouths and the very novice mouth each provided a unique form of stimulation.

Ria seemed to be enjoying herself, which was a stark contrast to Kaguya who was blatantly driven only by her lust.

She let her curiosity guide her as she attacked the ridge of the head, the urethral opening, the frenulum, and other parts of his dick. When he reacted, she would happily and thoroughly lick at that part some more. She gave oral like he imagined a loving girlfriend might.

Meanwhile, Hinami's blowjob spent a lot longer pressing her lips or tongue against him. She swallowed it deeper than the others and tangled her tongue around it more. She also made the lewdest sounds while rhythmically sucking it.

'I'm getting three styles of blowjob at once…ahhh.'

The triple skin flute performance felt amazing.

The best part was how they would glance up at him to see how he was responding to their own method.

They fought over the head.

When Hinami swallowed it, she swallowed the full length deep into her throat. When Ria took it into her mouth, she tested out sending vibrations through it. When Kaguya placed her lips around it, she let all the saliva in her mouth drip down the shaft.

They each provided pleasure in their own way.

"Are hoo ahout to hum?"

"Of course he is. This idiot is obviously about to blow his load already. With Kaguya, his willpower is already on an all-time low"

"Nh…it's getting warmer."

'That's it. I want to enjoy this longer, b-but it's too much!'

He was at his limit. The semen was racing up his shaft already, so he groaned.

"I-I'm cumming, you three! I'm cumming!"

He pulled his trembling cock back and released his desire.



The milky fountain flew high and poured back down on their faces.

"Warn us a little sooner than that!"

Ria complained, but then swallowed his dick.

"I need to swallow your semen."


She deepthroated his dick to make sure she did not spill a drop!

'That's so deep! Ahh, ahh…and she's squeezing at it!'

He was penetrating her sticky-feeling throat while her tongue and mouth squeezed at him.

"Y-you're milking it all out!"


She gagged, but she also swallowed to make sure none of it leaked out.

'Ahhhh…th-that's so good! A-and…she looks so cute! I can't get enough of this' Shun thought.

He so adored the way Ria was deepthroating him, he sat up and grabbed her head.

Then he pumped the rest into her mouth while she continued sucking.

"Gulp, gulp…nhhh…pwahh!"

She finally managed to spit back out the cock she had swallowed so deep.

Her face was flushed pink and she had a sticky white thread dangling from her lovely lips.

She had also pushed herself too far, so she began to choke.


"Are you okay, Ria!?" asked Hinami in concern.

Ria gestured that she was fine.

"Ugh... You came way too much, you idiot!"

It was not long before she had recovered enough to shout invectives at him.

But she also slurped up the semen dripping from her mouth so as not to let it go to waste.