Chapter 9

Chakra sea is the level Shun is at. The 1M - 10M. Below that is still the foundational stage.


"Acting on behalf of others?" Wuji laughed. On this island, such people were truly rare. In addition, all their fates were extremely miserable.

Shun sat there, he inclined his head and stared at Wuji and the beautiful female beside him before turning his glance to those of the Mo Clan who were kneeling.

The people in the surroundings all had looks of reverence in their gazes. He instantly understood that the beautiful female was none other than Yu.

"Since this is the case, the fate of that little lass, would be even more miserable." Wuji had a strange smile on his face.

His eyes raked through the people of the Mo Clan as he coldly spoke, "All of you, well done. You actually recruited someone to defy us?"

"Young Master Wuji, please spare us!" Old man Mo's body was trembling from fear as he prostrated himself.

"Spare you? You guys can choose what manner of death you want." Wuji calmly smiled. "I'm very curious. That woman is your daughter-in-law right? How would you handle her?"

Old man Mo trembled even more fiercely. A look of despair flashed in his eyes, he wasn't able to defeat Shun and he couldn't antagonize Wuji. No matter what, the only path remaining for him, was death.

Yu quietly watched from the side. Her and two of her fellow disciples beside her all had looks of interest in their eyes, staring at these kneeling people like how a sovereign would look at ants.

Before disciples of the Blackstone Valley, these ordinary people could only be ants.


Old man Mo flared his chakra once more and stood up. He stared at Shun, "Sir, I hope you would no longer interfere in the matters of my Mo Clan."

After he spoke, a cold killing intent burst forth from him as he rushed toward Madam Mo.

Shun sat there, shaking his head and sighing when he saw what old man Mo was trying to do. "You actually don't even have a trace of kindness or backbone. In all situations, there would always be a way out. But you had to go ahead and choose the path of death."

"KILL HIM!" The young man from Mo Clan waved his hands. No matter what was the price paid, they had to kill Shun.

Wuji was a devil, they couldn't afford to antagonize him. Right now, they could only hope for a chance of survival.

Shun carried Little Qin and stood up. His gaze turned incomparably cold as he took a step out towards old man Mo.

'I have never felt like killing anyone since my 100+ years till this very moment, this is family were talking about here. Family,' Shun raged. 'I wonder how it'll feel,'


This step was like a bout of heavenly might. Old man Mo only felt that his chakra sea was being suppressed by a supreme power, causing it to tremble violently. His feet halted as a look of terror appeared on his face when he stared at Shun.

"BOOM!" Shun took another step. The moment this step landed, the sound of cracking rang out. The old man coughed out a mouthful of blood as cracks appeared on his membrane protecting his chakra sea. His body trembled even more violently, he stared unmovingly at Shun, there was only shock and terror in his heart.

How could he be so strong? Could he suppress him completely just with his aura from his chakra sea?

{A/N; Foundation is the level below 1M. Chakra sea is the Million Level. 10-100 should then be Lords, 100-200 should then be kings, 200-300 would then be Emperor.

At chakra sea, this is the stage where your chakra has congealed to a certain extent. Everyone has categories but just know that Shun's golden one and his wives own are the peak, hence the suppression effect}

When the third step landed, the old man screamed in agony. Fresh blood sprayed out of his mouth as his chakra sea was shattered. The people of the Mo Clan were so frightened that they were visibly trembling. How would they still dare to advance forward?

"You can't afford to antagonize him. But, can you afford to antagonize me?'

Shun swept his glance at them, his words causing the hearts of those from the Mo Clan to shudder.

He then turned his head and stared at Wuji. He only saw Wuji frowning. Wuji was unable to see through his level and how strong he was exactly.

"Capture him." Wuji waved his hands. His attitude was arrogant, but he was also a very cautious person. Now that he felt a sense of threat from Shhn, it would be best if he didn't act himself.

"BOOM!" Shun soared up into the air. Wuji's expression sank as the sea of chakra in him actually felt a formless energy suppressing it. This was a suppression force originating from a higher-grade chakra.

Several experts appeared before him, rushing towards Shun. However, Shun merely slowly floated through the air while carrying Little Qin. As he stepped forth, he only spoke a single word, "Destroy!"

As the sound of his voice faded, many Runic characters radiating a fearsome destructive might appeared. All of them transformed into swords that shot through the air.

"Pu, pu, pu…" Those people rushing towards Shun all died in a single strike.

Upon seeing this scene, Wuji's countenance changed again. He wanted to retreat, yet Shun merely grabbed his hand out towards the air. A terrifying huge palm imprint manifested, directly grabbing hold of him, tyrannical to the extreme.

"Elder sis, save me!" Wuji screamed. How could this man be so powerful? He had a base at the fifth-level, yet he actually couldn't withstand a single strike?

Yu acted the moment Shhn moved. Her expression was glacial, as a blood-colored aura circulated wildly around her, causing her to resemble a god of killing.

"Release him." Yu stared at Shun, her face was as cold as ice.

"Disciples from the Blackstone Valley?" Shun stared at Yu and the two others as he asked.

"Since you know who we are, how dare you not release him yet," Yu's voice contained a compelling imposingness.

Shun turned his gaze onto the the palm imprint holding Wuji. Wuji coldly added, "If you dare to touch me, you and that little lass will suffer a life worse than death!"

"I heard that according the rules on the Myriad Islands, the moment I kill you, I would replace you in your position?" Shun turned back to Yu as he spoke. The moment his voice rang out, silence descended everywhere.

The people from the Mo Clan felt their hearts pounding. Such a calm voice, yet the words spoken were filled with such arrogance.

If he killed Yu, he would replace her?

"If this is the case, why am I still keeping you alive?" Shun then glanced at Wuji again. In that instant, Wuji's face was painted with despair. The giant palm imprint squeezed violently and Wuji's body shattered completely, dying right away. Most probably, even Wuji himself would never have imagined that he would die like that.

The people below also didn't expect that the devil-like Wuji was actually killed in such a domineering manner by someone, in the face of Yu.

Yu wasn't that affected. Other than some anger, she was actually filled with wariness.

After all, this Shun wanted to kill her to replace her position.

"If you two wish to act as well, I don't mind taking care of all three at the same time. It's just that how it wouldn't be too good if I took over three of your positions with me just being alone right?" Shun glanced at the two fellow disciples of Yu.

Those two had an expression of interest on their faces. What an arrogant fellow.

"If you can kill Yu, we will naturally be fellow disciples. But if you can't kill her, just leave your life behind." One of the disciples laughed. The two of them actually stepped backward, having no intentions of helping Yu.

This, must be the unique aspect of evil path experts.

For such a matter, it was actually extremely commonly seen. evil experts only recognized strength.

"Chi…" Yu suddenly moved, but she didn't rush towards Shun and was rushing towards Madam Mo instead. The terrifying blood-colored light instantly shot out, wanting to devour Madam Mo.

Devil experts wouldn't care about rules of combat and their methods were ruthless, they didn't mind doing anything to achieve their objectives.

Shun's countenance changed. He instantly appeared before Madam Mo as a chakra light radiated from him, enveloping Madam Mo. When Yu saw this, an extremely cold look appeared on her face, "chakra cultivator?"

At this moment, the power released by Shun wasn't devil might. It was chakra energy. This man came from the outer realms.

"So? Can't chakra users from the outside choose the path of you devils?" Shun placed Little Qin next to Madam Mo. He inclined his head and stared at Yu, who was surrounded by the blood-colored light.

"I still thought you would bring them both to fight with me." Yu coldly spoke.

"Do I even need to move to kill you?" chakra erupted from Shun. He pointed his finger forward and instantly, a burst of fearsome sword might gushed forth. Boundless Runic characters representing 'sword' floated up in the skies, engulfing everything.

"BOOM!" A terrifying gigantic blood python appeared, its eyes gleaming with darkness. Yu pushed forth with her palm as the gigantic python lunged over to Shun.

With a wave of his hand, a screen of swords appeared, formed of chakra energy. A gigantic sword rune appeared in the air, slashing forth, generating a sword river that tore apart everything. Yu's countenance turned as pale as paper. She gritted her teeth and actually transformed into a beam of blood-colored light, wanting to flee.

Shun stabbed out with his finger once more. The sword river slashed through the void, splitting the blood-colored light apart. A bloody line opened up in the center of Yu's forehead.

Her eyes were filled with reluctance as she stared at Shun but a moment later, her body directly fell down, sliced into bits, dying instantly.

The other two disciples from the Blackstone Valley had heavy-looking expressions on their faces. The level of this person was equivalent to the seventh-level of chakra sea, yet his combat prowess was so terrifying. Yu didn't even have a chance to escape.

The people of the Mo Clan all froze in dead silence. Yu and Wuji were killed today just like that. Was the Yama Clan still the Yama Clan?

The people of Mo Clan felt their hearts trembling even more intensely. Especially for old man Mo whose cultivation base was crippled. He thought back to the words spoken by Shun earlier. 'You can't afford to antagonize him. But, can you afford to antagonize me?'

Originally, nothing would have happened to them. However, they made the wrong choice, resulting in him being crippled.

At this moment, one could very well imagine how much pain his heart was in.

"Now, am I considered a member of the Blackstone Valley?" Shun glanced at the two as he asked.

"Naturally. As long as you are willing, you can return back to the Valley together with us now." One of them nodded. Shun's body slowly rose through the air and at this instant, the gazes which everyone regarded him with, changed.

After this battle, he replaced Yu, becoming a disciple of the Blackstone Valley.

"How do we settle things here?" Shun asked.

"No worries." One of the other disciples glanced at the people of the Yama Clan and commanded, "Go and tell your clan lord that nobody is allowed to touch this little lass and her family from now on, or the Yama Clan would be completely annihilated."

"Yes." The person trembled even more violently with his head lowered, his expression ashen.

The Yama Clan, was no longer the Yama Clan.

"Big brother, are you going to leave already?" Little Qin pulled on Shun's sleeve as she asked.

"Mhm, Little Qin. I came here to train and will have to leave naturally. In the future, you have to work hard in training alright?" Shun ruffled her hair as he spoke.

"Little Qin will cultivate hard for sure and grow to be as strong as Big brother Shun. If this is the case, I will be able to go to the valley to look for you then!" Little Qin smiled.

"Little lass." Shun also smiled. He turned his head to Madam Mo as he spoke, "Madam, take good care of Little Qin. I will take my leave first. If there's an opportunity to do so in the future, I will come back to see Little Qin again."

"Thank you." Madam Mo nodded. She knew that with that single sentence of Shun. No one else would dare to act against her and her daughter any longer.

"If something happens to them, both the Mo and Yama Clan will be buried together." Shun soared up, leaving behind a chilling sentence, as he left with the two other disciples from the Blackstone Valley