Chapter 15

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As the sound of Shun's voice rang out, Itsuki's eyes narrowed as a dazzling light erupted forth, so cold that it chilled the bone.

A low-grade trash of the Nine-Emperors Empire?

Wanting to kill him within three strikes?

Shun's words were so arrogant that he had no way to accept it.

Although he, Itsuki, couldn't be considered as a peak-tier genius among the princes of the Nine-Emperors Empire, there was no doubt that he was one of the strongest ones there. If not, he wouldn't have had the confidence to roam about on his own.

'What an idiot, if he wants to be arrogant, I just have to be more arrogant. I've read about many of his kind. I didn't expect to meet them so soon.' Shun thought.

"Now, I've decided that I won't allow you to die so easily." Itsuki coldly spoke. As the sound of his voice faded, the sharpest emperor sword frenziedly slashed out, causing destructive light to cover the area in an instant.

Shun's body was surrounded by seal characters, emitting radiant light that shrouded him protectively against that destructive emperor light.

His fingers tightened on the sword, and upon stepping forward, the shadow of a dragon manifested at the tip of his sword.

With a breath, he unceasingly channelled energy onto the sword, causing the might radiating from the dragon to grow stronger and stronger.

Itsuki furrowed his brows as a supremely powerful chakra light gushed forth from him. At this moment, this entire space was filled with golden-colored light and it seemed that anywhere this light came into contact with, that place would be filled with his energy.

"You want to kill me? Try walking out of my energy domain first." Itsuki spoke. After that, his finger stabbed outwards as boundless energy coalesced into several figures of emperors around him. All of them slashed an emperor sword out, aiming for Shun at the same instant.

Shun stood in the midst of the chaotic energy. This domain was something emitted from Itsuki. If this is the gate leading to the Chakra king realm then he would be disappointed.

Itsuki has already briefly come into contact with that chakra-king gate but he has reached this height since many years ago. Itsuki actually dared to be so arrogant in front of him

This domain can only be said to be substantially stronger than his own since a little bit of concept has already been added to it. Apart from that, this domain was really trash.

Shun released his domain to cover his entire body, similar to limitless without anyone noticing.

Sixth from; Havoc

Shun's sword stabbed out, causing Itsuki's expression to change. Has this Shun gone crazy? He actually disregarded his law domain and wanted to kill him in it?

"BOOM!" A supreme law energy covered his body as layers of armor appeared, causing him to resemble an unexcelled emperor of the world as he slashed out his sword towards Shun.

The sword collided into the sword. Destructive black dragons shot out, shattering the other human emperor silhouette's swords as his sword advanced step by step, breaking through everything.

"You are courting death!" Itsuki roared.

'Ooh... He said it. I've always wanted to say that too.' Shun thought. "Humph. I have no prior commitments with death."

Itsuki looked at him in confusion. Shun then smiled and said. "Why would I court it?"

"What?" Confusion was written all over their faces before finally, Juyu at the back suddenly giggled in realization.

Itsuki instantly understood and his brows furrowed into a deeper frown.

"Are you making fun of me?"

"Hmm? Far from that, trash. I'm merely correcting your earlier statement," Shun replied

"Argh" Itsuki's law domain reformed the shattered emperor swords as they slashed towards Shun's body. As the sound of piercing rang out, these swords actually managed to come into contact with Shun.

Shun didn't seem to be bothered about his defense. His sword crushed the restrictive force of Itsuki's domain and continued forward, piercing into Itsuki's armor.

A wave of pain caused Itsuki's expression to turn as pale as paper. The destructive energy gushed into his body, ravaging it from within. The sword's energy seemed to be able to pass through everything.

"Chi…" A groan of pain rang out as Itsuki coughed out blood. His eyes stared fixedly at Shun. Was this man crazy?

"You wouldn't mind dying to kill me?" The cold in Itsuki's voice could pierce bones. Those emperor swords were already slashing at Shun's body. Did Shun want to perish together with him?

"You truly overestimate yourself." Shun spoke. A terrifying divine glow erupted from his body, and those emperor swords fell onto the ground, completely devoid of strength. The swords were basically unable to break his defense, what did Itsuki mean by perishing together?

Itsuki didn't even manage to injure Shun.

"By saying three moves, I have overestimated your abilities." As the sound of his voice faded, the sword in his hands erupted forth with tyrannical might. Its entire body transformed into waves of destructive might that shot into Itsuki's body, ravaging his lifeforce.

Itsuki's expression turn ashen as blood dripped continuously from his lips. A few moments later, his entire body toppled over, devoid completely of strength.

Shun squatted down and took all the materials from Itsuki's body.

As a prince character from an Empire, this Itsuki should have plenty of good stuff in his possession.

The surrounding people and devil generals felt waves of shock in their hearts when they stared at Shun now. They all could sense how powerful Itsuki was when he released his strength earlier.

However, he died under a single strike.

Leaving aside three moves, Shun only used one to kill Itsuki, the protector under the third-ranked general.

This, naturally caused everyone to be extremely shocked.

Juyu's dark eyes flashed. She had never expected Shun to be so powerful, killing the protector of the third-ranked general Zonn so easily. This indicated that Shun's strength should be above hers.

For Lia who was spectating the battle, she froze completely at this moment. She initially thought that Shun would die in that battle. Never have she expected that such an ending would occur.

With just a single strike, Shun insta-killed Zonn's protector.

This meant that if she didn't abandon Shun earlier, no protectors under the twenty-seven other generals would have been able to stop Shun. Shun could sweep through all of them and even fight devil generals for her.

Zonn's expression was exceptionally cold. Itsuki was actually killed by Shun.

This time around, he had very high expectations of Itsuki, Itsuki could block his challengers and even probe the strength of the top two generals while he focused completely on challenging them.

But now, Itsuki has already died. This meant that no one could block challengers from the ranks below him. He had to spend time and energy to handle them himself.

However, Shun didn't care about their thoughts. Leaving Itsuki's corpse there, he returned to Juyu's side.

After killing Itsuki, this was a tiny step with regards to gaining victory for the adjudication battle.

"Clean the place." Zonn coldly commanded. His subordinates took Itsuki's corpse away while Zonn's eyes were fixed on Shun and Juyu.

"Shall I help you to challenge some generals?" Shun transmitted his voice to Juyu.

Just like what Juyu said, as the last-ranked general, it was impossible for her to gain victory over any of the top six.

"There's no need. I've already said that reaching this step has already exceeded my expectations. It isn't suitable if I want to continue advancing my rank." Juyu replied. "Your strength has truly surpassed my wildest imaginations. You will become a general sooner or later. I will consider handing my general position over to you."

While they were conversing via voice transmission, Zonn had already stepped out. He stood there with his hands behind his back, exuding a chilling coldness as he stared at Juyu.

"Be careful, he has killing intent." Shun transmitted his voice to Juyu.

Juyu nodded. She stepped out and spoke, "I know that I'm not a match for the third-general. Hence, I admit defeat."

Juyu was an extremely decisive person. Although right now, she would become the #7 ranked general if there were no accidents, she still conceded so quickly. It might be considered shameful in the outer realms, but in the devil world, staying alive was everything,

She clearly knew that Zonn had killing intent towards her, how would she participate in this battle then? If she did, Zonn would directly kill her, showing no mercy at all. She naturally didn't want to give Zonn a chance to do so.

"Juyu, since you have already reached here, as the #7 ranked general, how can you shy away from battle with just a single sentence of conceding? Such a general, our Valley would rather kill off, choosing not to permit your existence." Zonn coldly spoke as he stepped forward.

Even if Juyu conceded, he still wouldn't let her go so easily.

As the third-ranked devil general, how great was his authority and how would he care about this last-ranked general? But since his killing intent was invoked, there was no way he would allow Juyu to retreat safely.

"General Zonn, what do you want?" Juyu's countenance changed.

"Nothing much, I just want a general battle between us." Zonn stepped forth again and in an instant, a terrifying might bore down on Juyu. His body shimmered with black flames of destruction that directly enveloped this battlefield. Grabbing out with his palm, the black devil flames blasted out towards Juyu. Juyu's countenance turned unsightly as she conjured up a devil shield to defend.

Shun's expression also changed. Juyu didn't wish to advance any further and was willing to concede. However, Zonn didn't want to spare her.

In addition, Shun saw the first general calmly sitting on his war chariot and the second devil general observing the battle with a cold smile on his face. Both of them didn't seem to have any intentions to stop the battle.

The conflicts between devil experts had always been extremely brutal, it was very common for one of the parties to die.

This Juyu, as the last-ranked general, shouldn't have climbed up to here, Zonn's words were right.

This was also the reason why Juyu didn't want to advance any further. Everyone here in the valley worshiped strength above all else. Without sufficient strength, one simply wouldn't be able to garner respect. Even if she wanted to concede, Zonn wouldn't allow her to.

"BOOM!" The destructive flames incinerated everything it touched. Juyu retreated unceasingly, wanting to leave the battlefield.

She definitely couldn't fight this battle.

Lia's eyes flashed when she saw this scene. As expected, the third-ranked general Zonn was finally enraged. Her prediction was right. If she chose Shun as a protector, Zonn wouldn't have spared her.

Naturally, if it was Lia who climbed up to the #7 rank, and Shun died in battle, Zonn wouldn't have made things difficult for her.

But for Juyu, she arrived at this step due to luck and since Shun also killed Itsuki, the protector of the third-ranked demon king. How would Zonn spare her then?

The devil energy from Zonn's sea materialized a devil flame spear that shot forth with explosive speed. Thunderous rumblings rang out as Juyu did her best to defend. However, cracking sounds soon rang out as her devil shield was directly broken into pieces. She had no choice but to retreat hurriedly when facing the powerful Zonn.

Zonn continued stepping forth. The light in his black eyes were cold to the extreme!