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Naturally, although Shun felt that the Blackstone Devil King had some scheme in his mind, he trusted what the devil king said.

There were so many islands here, and their head would surely be someone powerful, the Fallen God Emperor.

Emperors were the same no matter the energy they cultivate. Only those at the emperor realm could be considered as experts at the very peak.

"Devil king, what are we heading to the Fallen God Island for?" Shun asked.

"Since this region is under the devil emperor, the sovereigns of the devil islands in this region, although we are the governors, we are actually doing it under the name of the emperor. Heading there is naturally to pay our respects to him. Not only for my Blackstone Valley, the other devil kings from the other islands will head there as well." The Blackstone Devil King explained.

"Just like a pilgrimage?" Shun mumbled.

"You can put it that way. The Fallen God Emperor is the supreme god here in the Fallen God Region. If you can gain his favor, it would be extremely effortless to search for those you wanted to find." The devil king spoke, his words causing Shun's eyes to gleam. He then glanced at the third princess beside him. If this was the case…

"Si…" At this moment, Shun felt a painful pinch to his waist. After that, he only saw the devilish female smiling at him as she asked in a gentle tone, "If Shun gains the favor of the devil emperor, would you abandon me?"

"Mhm?" The Blackstone Devil King also turned his gaze onto Shun.

"How would I dare to do so?!" Shun replied as he smiled. This devilish female was too crafty. The moment he thought about it, it was all seen through by her.

"Shun, your talent is extraordinary. This king has high hopes for you, you should train well and in the future, this devil island shall be left to you to govern. During these days, you should just stay in the third princess residence and come and chat a bit with me if you are free. For the matters at the devil general palace, don't worry about them for now." The Blackstone Devil King spoke.

"Devil King…"

"Mhm?" The devil king's brow started to furrow again. Shun swallowed the words he wanted to say and could only nod in agreement.

"Shun, let's go." The devilish female hugged his arms and both of them left together. Shun wanted to cry but there were no tears…

And so, Shun began to suffer several days of dreadful torment, while wilder and wilder rumors circulated around the island.

There was news saying that an intimate relationship already happened between the princess and Shun and even the Blackstone Devil King has agreed to their relationship.

Seems like this Shun was a very possible candidate to take over the Blackstone Devil Island in the future.

"The first general is truly awesome. Not only did he break the undefeatable legend of the ex first general Cang, he even captured the heart of the third princess in such a short time."

"What does this count for? He even managed to settle the devil king, that's the truly praiseworthy event."

The people of the valley were completely awed by Shun.

Even Juyu in the first devil palace was cursing Shun. "That bastard hypocritical fellow actually denied it earlier? He has already even moved into the princess residence. How shameless, he dares to do it but doesn't dare to admit it?"

As for Lia, she was now standing on the stairway leading up to her palace. It was here back then when she met Shun.

Right now when she glanced down the stairs, no one else could be seen. Upon thinking of this, a sense of melancholy actually appeared in her heart.

The memory of how Shun defeated the ex first general general was so clear and so glorious. How would she ever forget that?

The man whom she once threatened to dig his eyes out, now has already reached a height that she was unable to achieve. It seemed that they were on different levels now.

This, should be the real reason why Lia couldn't forget him.

Today, Shun realized that the devilish female no longer teased him. The atmosphere around the valley also grew tense. Even within the central palace, several powerful auras appeared. Shun felt as though there was something about to happen.

However no matter what, as long as the devilish female doesn't tell him he wouldn't know of it. This tense atmosphere lasted up until today. At this instant, in the sky, a tyrannical devilish might bore down on everything, enveloping the vast devil sect.

Shun inclined his head and the next moment, he saw a group of experts in the airspace above the Blackstone Devil King Palace. They all arrived here by riding a dark dragon?, exuding incomparably majesticness, but it seemed that they came with malicious intentions.

He could feel it from miles away.

The devilish female also came outside, staring at the sky. She coldly snorted as a trace of unhappiness could be seen in her eyes. Those fellows finally came.

"Hahaha, your old friend is here. Blackstone, are you not coming to welcome me?" A voice rang out in the air, causing the space to rumble as a devilish astral wind rose up within the valley, causing the hearts of many to tremble. Seems like, a powerful devil expert just arrived at their Blackstone Valley.

" Black, your presence brings light to my humble dwelling." The voice of the Blackstone Devil King rang out as well as a powerful energy gushed forth, dispersing the astral wind.

"He is the king of another devil island, nothing but a vile beast and under him are a bunch of disgusting fellows." The devilish female frowned as she glanced upwards, with an expression of disgust on her face. This was the first time Shun saw such an expression. Seems like, there were also things this devilish female couldn't deal with.

"Beast?" Shun asked.

"Yup, a demonic dragon which calls itself the Black dragon Devil King. He is from a neighbouring island and that island is completely under their control. Their rule is brutal and merciless. I went there before and their actions disgust me to death." The devilish female spoke.

On the back of the dragon, the air there was covered with a heavy demonic presence, even thicker than the one in the atmosphere.

The Black dragon Devil King stood there arrogantly and there was a young man beside him that radiated an evil air. Just a glance was sufficient to tell that the young man wasn't any kind character.

However, what Shun was paying attention to was actually an expert standing behind the devilish young man. That expert had a 'king' mark on his forehead, and was actually none other than a white tiger king from the White Tiger Race!

"Hmm, I wonder what connection they have with the Tigers back on Earth."{Shinobi World} Shun thought.

His level was also at the peak of chakra sea

At this moment, the devilish-looking young man beside the Black dragon Devil King in the air, glanced downwards, his gaze roaming through the valley. Finally, his eyes turned towards the princess residence. Although they were separated by a distance, his devilish eyes were fixed on the princess.

"Yuruo, it has been such a long time since we last met but you are still so beautiful. I've always longed for you and wished to bring you back to my Black dragon Devil Island as soon as possible." The devilish young man smiled evilly, causing Shun's eyes to flicker in realization. So it turns out that it was because of this young man that she needed him as a shield.

"Are we very familiar with each other?" Yuruo was none other than the name of the third princess..

"Haha, Yuruo you are still so humorous." That devilish looking young man laughed, his voice booming like thunder. The white tiger expert behind him actually fixed his gaze on Shun as his eyes shone with sharpness.

Who would have thought that the enemy of his race, Otsustsukis, was actually on this island. What a coincidence.

If Shun heard his thought, his thought would be, "What the fuck?"

"Blackstone, are you not inviting us down for a seat?" The Black Dragon Devil King spoke in a rumbling voice, akin to thunderbolts raining down from the sky.

"Prepare a welcome feast." The Blackstone Devil King commanded. Only then did the experts from the air descended, drifting down towards the direction of the Blackstone Devil King Palace.

Yuruo turned over, giving Shun a gentle smile. This smile actually gave Shun goosebumps. This devilish female…

Giggling as she walked to the side of Shun, the devilish female hugged his arm and spoke in a loving tone, "Shun, let's attend the banquet."

"You better perform well today, if not and you throw the face of my father, he will definitely be extremely angry." While acting intimately, the princess also transmitted her voice to Shun.

Shun gritted his teeth. The body of this devilish female leaned closer and closer to him to the extent where he could feel the softness of every part of her body.

When the devilish female brought Shun and entered the devil king palace, the banquet was already fully prepared. They sat down and at that very instant, Shun felt extremely cold gazes focusing on him, there was even a wave of tyrannical pressure gushing over.

"I'll give you a chance. Move your hand away." A devilish young man beside the Black dragon Devil King coldly spoke to Shun.

Shun's eyes flashed. He stared at the confident eyes of that young man whose tone was filled with imperiousness.

However in truth, it was the devilish girl who was tightly hugging his arm. Despite so, he didn't move. He glanced at the young man as well as the white tiger expert beside him as a smile appeared on his face. He stretched his arm out and placed it around the princess' waist, hugging her closer to him in an affectionate manner.

The devilish female complemented his act by smiling sweetly. The devilish-looking young man stared at Shun, falling silent for a moment before he laughed, "Seems like someone no longer wants his hand."

"Blackstone, don't you know that my son is fond of Yuruo? Yuruo to me, is already my daughter-in-law, what do you mean by this?" The Black dragon Devil King stared at the Blackstone Devil King.

"Brother Black dragon. How can I stop the feelings of love from blossoming among these youngsters? Young people mutually attracts each other and as elders, we can only allow them to do as they like. This is the first-ranked general under me. He and that lass Yuruo are both mutually in love. I will naturally not obstruct them." The Blackstone Devil King stated.

Ever since Shun was targeted by the third princess, he was already destined to become the shield today.

However the instant he saw the white tiger expert, he understood that even being a shield, it wasn't worthless.

"Oh, just a general under you?" The Black dragon Devil King coldly spoke. "Since this is the case, if he dies, Yuruo would be able to marry my son, right?"