Chapter 20

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Title: Third Princess and First Devil General


Shun glanced at the teasing smile of Juyu and he involuntarily stated, "What do you think the third princess is looking for me for?"

"How would I know? Maybe she became fond of you?" A smile of interest appeared on Juyu's face, causing Shun to glare at her.

"I'm the last-ranked general of the past and I didn't have any chance to interact with the Central Palace. The third princess is naturally the daughter of the devil king, her status isn't something us generals can be compared to. It's just that other than Devil King and The Devil Lords, all external matters are dealt with by generals. For those bottom ranking generals, the central palace might not care about them. But they would definitely pay attention to the top few generals."

"As for you, since you replaced Zonn not too long ago, I wouldn't believe it if the people of the central palace held no curiosity over you."

Juyu slowly spoke. "I've never met the third princess before so I can't give any comments on her. Since she wants to meet you, it might be an opportunity for you. Let's head over there now."

"What opportunity?" Shun asked.

"Didn't you want to find some people? Although you can use our palace and Lia's influence, it is still not sufficient. If you want things to go smoothly, it's best to use the entire valley's influence." Juyu spoke.

"That's true also. Come together with me." Shun spoke.

"The third princess wanted to meet you, not to meet me. I will bring you to the entrance but you have to enter alone. Without her orders, I won't be able to enter there." Juyu was very clear of her own status. Now, she was only a devil protector. She naturally wouldn't be able to go in there.

"Right." Shun nodded lightly. After that, the two of them soared through the air, flying towards the central palace with Juyu leading.

"Why would the attendant come by just to pass on some words from the princess?" On the way there, Shun asked.

"Although attendants of the devil king can meet the devil king, however considering how strong the devil king is, is there a need for the attendants to constantly guard him? Attendants are merely an identity that could stay inside the central palace. It's only natural that they are acquainted with the princes and princesses." Juyu spoke. The two of them continued on their way and arrived before the imposing central devil palace.

"The third-ranked general Shun is here according to the third princess' orders. Someone, please lead the way." Juyu walked up to the guards as she stated.

One of the guards glanced at Shun as he spoke, "Sir general, please follow me."

Shun walked up. Juyu nodded to him and after that, Shun followed after the guard.

On the journey there, he encountered many change of escort before he finally arrived at the residence of the third princess.

The style of the third princess's residence was different from the general palaces. It exuded elegance and beauty. Small bridges built atop flowing water, leading to beautiful pavilions.

Shun followed the guard. After which, he saw several people sitting by the side of the lake, drinking tea and chatting leisurely.

These figures were all extraordinary. Shun even saw the first and second generals here. Other than them, the fourth general was here as well.

Evidently, the third princess didn't only invite him. However, the third princess has already met the other generals before. This time around, the main point was for her to meet Shun.

Other than the three generals, there were also some other young men here. Their auras weren't any inferior to the three generals. And that direct attendant who invited him was here as well.

Shun turned his gaze onto the woman on the lead seat. Although she was a princess of the Island, she was clad in robes of pristine white.

Despite merely sitting there, one could see her long fair legs, and her delicate and beautiful figure. If she stood up, she would definitely be a beauty with an extremely alluring figure.

Her looks contained traces of grace and exquisiteness. Other than this, there was also a devilish aura of experts from the devil path, causing one to feel a sense of distance.

These people naturally knew of Shun's arrival. However, their gazes didn't shift as they continued what they were doing.

The attendant who invited Shun coldly glanced at his direction as a mocking smile could be seen on his face.

Before this, he went over to invite Shun personally, but Shun didn't give him any face at all. Now, he wanted to see what would Shun do.

"May I ask who is the princess?" Shun clearly knew the answer but he still asked anyway. For a princess of a Island, there was no need for him to keep waiting for her.

"Impudent." The attendant nearby berated. He coldly stared at Shun, "Didn't you see the princess is currently discussing matters with the other generals? Just wait here for your turn."

"I still have something to do. If princess is busy, I will come back to pay my respects another day."

Shun wasn't angry either. His voice was extremely calm as he turned about to leave. His actions caused the attendant beside him to freeze.

"What guts!" A cold voice rang out. Shun halted his steps. The fourth-ranked general Pangg icily spoke. "Her highness invited you over, yet you dared to act so rudely."

"If I don't remember wrongly, you should be the fourth-ranked general? You better be more polite when speaking to me, the third-ranked." Shun's back was facing Pangg as he spoke. "If not, I wouldn't mind paying a visit to your devil palace."

Pangg froze. In reality, it was hard for him to meet with the third princess. The chance today was incredibly rare and he naturally had to show a good performance, which was why he said that earlier. Who would have thought that Shun's reply would be so domineering.

As the fourth-ranked general, his strength was clearly inferior to the previous third-ranked Zonn. And as for this man before him, it was an expert who could kill Zonn.

"How arrogant." The second general Blood Butcher laughed.

The third princess turned her gaze over and smiled, "General Shun, there's no need to be angered. I was the one who invited you to gather here. Come on over for a seat."

Only then did Shun turned about. The third princess' beautiful eyes flashed with a bright light. Shun had met many girls before in the Blackstone Island, and among those, Lia was the most beautiful with an extraordinary air.

But if just based on looks alone, this third princess was even more outstanding than her. Also, the coldness radiating from her wasn't an ordinary one, but one borne of pride.

"Thank you, princess." Shun nodded and walked over. There was an open seat next to the princess. She then smiled, "General Shun, please be seated."

As the sound of her voice rang out, the eyes of everyone gleamed with sharpness. Shun was sitting beside the princess?

Shun naturally could sense the gazes of everyone. He frowned. Such preferential treatment wasn't any thing good.

"I've long acquainted with everyone here. This time around, my main point of inviting you here, is to see how the new third-ranked general is. I'm sure everyone wouldn't mind, right?" The third princess gazed at the people here, there was a trace of imposiness mixed within her smile.

Her status was extremely lofty, even if the people here were unhappy, they wouldn't say it out loud. Since the princess has already spoken, they could only sigh coldly in their hearts and stared at Shun who was sitting right next to the princess.

"I heard that you, Shun, is an Otsustsuki from the outer realms. Is this true?" The third princess lifted up a teapot and poured tea personally for Shun.

"I did come from the outer realms. But as for whether I'm an Otsustsuki or not..." Shun hurriedly took the tea cup the princess passed over.

When he stared at her beautiful eyes, his own eyes suddenly flashed with a bright red glow, as though he wanted to see what the third princess was thinking.

This eyes could see through all illusions and pretence, emotions too. In those beautiful eyes, Shun didn't see any malicious intents. It seemed that it was true that this princess was just curious regarding him, and she also seemed to have some questions for him.

"What's the difference between the outer realms under the Otsustsuki and the Myriad Devil Islands?" She asked.

"Virtually the same." Shun replied. "I think?"

"What about their strength?" The princess asked.

"The arts here are more domineering and tyrannical. Among the devil arts I've seen in the third-ranked general palace, the methods of practice are harder compared to the ones in the outer realms. But if one can successfully cultivate the arts to a high level, the power unleashed would be more violent and overwhelming."

"Shun if you want to change your path to the devil path, would there be any difficulties?"

"Nope. My foundation is extremely solid. Even if devil arts are incomparably tyrannical in nature, it wouldn't influence me." Shun spoke in confidence.

"You said that devil arts are more tyrannical. However, Zonn was a character at the peak of chakra sea while you are only at the seventh-level. How did you kill him then?" The princess smiled at him.

This was the reason why she was so curious about him. A person from the outer realms who could actually jump two levels to kill Zonn.

In that case, this means that Shun must also be a supreme existence in the Otsustsuki clan. Also, she could tell that he had his own pride and self-confidence. Despite sitting beside her, and although he appeared polite, there was no traces of nervousness, panic, or reverence in his eyes.

Such a gaze was as though he was looking at an ordinary female. This made her somewhat shocked in her heart. Also earlier, she felt that Shun's gaze seemed capable of seeing through her. She has never felt this way before. It was like her clothes were stripped bare for all to see.

"Even if the levels between the two are similar, there is still a distinction between strong and weak. Practitioners ultimately still depends on oneself, who can say for sure one is stronger than the other?" Shun spoke.

"You are saying that you are very strong?"

At this moment, a cold and sharp voice rang out. Everyone inclined their heads only to see the first general sitting in the lead seat below the princess staring at Shun.

After that, expressions of interest appeared on the faces of everyone.

They understood that Shun had completely managed to rouse the hatred of the first general.

Many of those bottom-ranked generals might have no idea. But for the people here, who didn't admire the third princess? The first devil general has always been wooing her.

Shun stared at the expression of the first general before casting a glance at the princess. He instantly understood some things.

However, even if this was so, why did he need to care about the first devil general?

"Whether one is strong or weak, it will be judged by others. It's not something you say yourself." Shun replied.

"If I want to kill Zonn, he would have died long ago. I'm merely preserving some strength for the Valley and island at large." The first general coldly spoke.

"I believe it." Shun laughed. "However, so what? Does this have something to do with him?"

"Most probably, it wouldn't be too difficult if I want to kill any of the generals." The first devil general spoke again.

Shun was also one of the devil generals.

Shun stared at him and calmly spoke, "Before this, I have no idea. But now, it may not be so."

In the air, an extremely sharp intent could be felt. Despite so, it already felt that the first general was suppressing it!