Chapter 29

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Title: Elder sister of the Devilish Third Princess


The Fallen God Island is the largest island within the Fallen God Region. It's also the strongest island and the sovereign of the entire region stays here.

This island was so vast that it was like an entire world, containing a countless number of experts as well as astronomical amounts of resources.

At this moment, at the boundary of the island, numerous figures soared through the air in war chariots or on beast mounts, exuding an overwhelming imposingness. It was clear that these figures were all terrifying characters.

However, the residents of the Fallen God Island didn't find it strange as after all, the same thing would happen every hundred years. Other than the younger ones below a hundred years of age, the other residents all knew what the reason so many experts gathered here was.

In addition, as the strongest island in the Fallen God Region, it's only expected that this place was densely populated, even leaving aside the visitors who came for the birthday celebration of the Fallen God Emperor every hundred years.

In the air space above the island, a group of figures were soaring through the air. This group was none other than Shun and the Blackstone Devil King.

"Devil king, aren't the people here a little too many in number?" On their way here, Shun discovered that this island was extremely packed with people. When they entered, even the air space was densely packed by a great number of experts.

"Well, this is the birthday of the emperor, how could there not be many people? You have to know that many are not here to offer congratulations but nobody wishes to miss this grand occasion that occurs once every hundred years. Usually, this period of time will be when the Fallen God Island is at its most lively period." The devil king explained.

"What age has the emperor reached? He actually only celebrates his birthday once every hundred years?" Shun mumbled. To people with an infinite amount of lifespan, birthday celebrations probably weren't that important. This was especially so for experts who has lived for countless years.

"The birthday celebration is merely a formality. This boundlessly vast Fallen God Region has tens of thousands of islands. The rulers of those islands would use this chance to meet with the emperor as it's impossible for the emperor to be free enough usually to take time out of his schedule to visit them. Hence, it slowly became a tradition that us, the rulers of the islands, will head here every hundred years to gather together."

"Understood." Shun nodded his head lightly.

"Father, where are we going first?" The princess was still clinging onto Shun.

"Let's pay a visit to your elder sister," The devil king sighed.

"Oh." The devilish female replied. Shun's gaze flickered, the devilish female's enthusiasm seemed to waned. Also, the devilish female Yuruo was the third princess but Shun has not met either her elder brother or sister yet, and nobody has ever mentioned them. Now, according to the devil king's words, Yuruo's elder sister should be on this Fallen Devil Island.

The Blackstone Devil King led the way. While flying over, Shun would glance down, sensing the prosperity of this island. foundation level experts could be seen everywhere. Even for experts at the devil-king realm, they were quite frequently spotted as well.

"My elder sister is the oldest among us siblings. She came with my father to the Fallen God Island when she was young. She got acquainted with a young master of a powerful clan here, and married him despite father's objection. Father objected to the marriage primarily because he felt that the young master was an extremely scheming individual, feeling that he wanted to use him, as a leverage tool to increase his own authority within his clan. But my elder sister ignored his objections and went ahead with the marriage. Under a bout of rage, my father left directly and as for my mother, because she was worried about my elder sister, she chose to remain behind."

The devilish female Yuruo transmitted her voice to Shun. "After that, things were as my father has expected. My brother-in-law was simply making use of my elder sister and in the struggle for authority and power, my mother died. However, the struggle resulted in an elevation of status for my brother-in-law in his clan, as he became one of the candidates being groomed as the successor. As for my elder sister, she now can be considered to have stabilized her seat as the main wife of my brother-in-law."

"Because of this matter, a gap appeared between my father and sister. My father felt that it was my brother-in-law who caused the death of my mother, yet my elder sister blamed my father for not remaining behind those years ago or things wouldn't have taken such a bad turn. The relationship between the two of them turned stiff, but because they are still father and daughter, my father still could not harden his heart and give up on my elder sister."

Shun's eyes flashed, he didn't think that the king would have such a history. Seems like the wife of the king was most probably an extraordinary character as well, with a high possibility that she was also at the devil-king level. If not, they wouldn't be of much use in that struggle for authority and power.

The Azureflame Clan of the Fallen God Island was one of the many powerful clans with deep foundations. Even on the Fallen God Island, it can be considered a powerful force.

Shun and the others appeared outside the Azureflame Clan. An ancient and majestic castle was in front of their eyes, with two rows of guards guarding the pathway, all of them chakra sea experts.

"Who are you guys?" The guards at the front line crossed their spears, blocking their path.

"Go and report that Yuxin's father has arrived." The Blackstone King stated. The expressions of the guards froze and after that, they nodded, "Sir, please wait here for a moment."

After that, they hurriedly flew in to report and not long after, a group of experts came out to receive them. The person in the lead spoke to the Blackstone King, "Young Master Aden and Madam asked us here to invite all of you into the castle."

"Aden has such huge airs, is he not coming out personally to receive me?" The Blackstone King coldly snorted. No matter what, he was still the father-in-law of Aden, yet he asked his subordinates to receive him.

"Sir, Young Master Aden and Madam are currently preparing the feast." The person spoke with a smile. The Blackstone King snorted coldly as he headed into the depths of the Clan.

This Azureflame castle was larger than the entire Blackstone Valley and one needed to travel with great speed for some distance before they could reach any of the residences here.

"Welcome to my humble abode, father-in-law." When they entered, two silhouettes brought some personnel with them as they welcomed the Blackstone King. The man in the lead exuded elegance and was extremely handsome.

His level was at the peak of chakra sea and his eyes shone with spirit as he bowed while smiling at the Blackstone King. However, there wasn't any respect in his eyes.

As for the woman beside him, she was also quite beautiful, clad in luxurious robes. Although she wasn't as young as the devilish princess, she had the charm of maturity, and was still able to cause men to be mesmerized.

The Blackstone King glanced at Aden but he didn't say anything. When Yuxin saw this, she calmly spoke. "Father, let's enjoy the meal and chat."

After that she led the way towards the fesst. The father and daughter duo only exchanged a single sentence. From this, one could see that their relationship wasn't too good.

The King sighed in his heart. The group of them entered the banquet. Aden had a face full of smiles, "Father-in-law, sir, the feast was prepared in a hurry, please forgive me if it is not up to standards. If you have any requests, please feel free to let me know."

"I wouldn't dare to." The King coldly replied.

Aden didn't mind it, he smiled at the third princess beside the devil king, " Yuruo is growing more and more beautiful. The her now truly resembles Yuxin when she was young."

"Yuruo, what's your current level?" Yuxin stared at the third princess as she asked.

"Ninth-level." The third princess replied.

"Not bad, your level has already caught up to elder sis and you are only left with the last step, which is also the most difficult one. I used many years before I manage to glismp the gate leading to the next level. You should work hard and hopefully, you would be able to garner a trace of Kings might as well," Yuxin's tone was like an elder lecturing a child.

Back then when she married into the Azureflame Clan, Yuruo was just a little girl.

"Mhm." The third princess nodded.

"It's just that the Blackstone Island is just too small, why don't you stay here on the Fallen God Island in the future? This island will be extremely advantageous for your growth. Over here, there are countless powerful clans and organisations, as well as many outstanding characters with impressive backgrounds. Your brother-in-law is acquainted with several of these extraordinary people."

Yuxin's tone was filled with a hint of maturity. However, the third princess merely smiled and glanced at Shun who was beside her. "I've already found the one."

As she spoke, she leaned against Shun.

Shun who was sipping his wine, suddenly had a gloomy face. How long did he have to be her shield for?

This was the family matter of the Blackstone King, he didn't wish to meddle in this.

When she saw this scene, Yuxin frowned. After that, she began to survey Shun. Shun could feel the burning force of her gaze, and he lifted his head to smile at her, indicating his courtesy.

"Might I ask where are your origins and how is your background?" Yuxin went straight to the point, ignoring the basic rules of etiquette.

"He is the first-ranked general under me." The Blackstone King seemed somewhat unhappy with his daughter's attitude as he coldly replied.

"Father, you still haven't changed at all." Yuxi stared at the Blackstone Devil King. "In the past I asked for your help but you rejected me because you have shallow judgement. Now, this matter concerns the marriage of Yuruo yet your attitude is still the same, not bothering to think for Yuruo's future. As a general under you, so what if he is ranked first? He is merely your subordinate, how high can he climb?"

"Elder sis, my choice is my prerogative. Your words are too overbearing." The third princess couldn't help but to feel a little angry when she saw how sharp and direct the words of her elder sister were.

"Yuruo, you can be wilful while you are still young but father cannot. In the Fallen God Island, I can just randomly find the young master of any clan to introduce to you, and his strength and status will be far above this first devil general. Have you thought about your future? Are you intending to stay at the small island of our father forever?"

"Is your future very bright? You don't even know the one I loved, how do you know that any random person you choose will be stronger than him?" The tone of the princess turned steel-like as she replied coldly.

"Yuruo, elder sis is considering for you. Don't be so obstinate and try to be more logical." Yuxin loudly berated her.

"Your so-called logic is merely something that you wanted yourself." The princess hugged Shun's arm. "Since I've chosen him, there's naturally no need for others to comment any further."

"Stop being unreasonable!" Yuxin's palm slammed onto the table.

"Don't be so easily angered." Beside Yuxin, Aden spoke in a light voice. "After all, Yuruo has been on that island ever since she was born, resulting in her horizons being extremely limited. It's only expected that she might not be mature enough to see things for what they are. Just let her familiarize herself here and everything will eventually work out in the end."

"My horizons are extremely limited? Simply because I feel that the man I love is outstanding before I compare him to the other geniuses here on the Fallen God Island?" The princess spoke in a mocking tone. "Father, I have no more mood to stay at this feast any longer."