Chapter 35

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Title: Xin's worries


The many beautiful ladies of the lodge quietly watched. Ban could be considered a very famous character on the Fallen God Island. But now, the two people brought here by Zimo could actually contend against him.

"Xin, earlier I felt somewhat strange when I saw him with you earlier. It doesn't seem that he has the intention to pursue you. As for you… I have no way to describe the feelings I felt, it's like some sort of deficiency. What did you two chat about during your first meeting?" The lady who accompanied Zimo asked in a light voice. Her observation prowess were extremely strong, and could sense the unusual situation between Shun and Xin.

Xin's beautiful gaze fluctuated somewhat. She herself didn't know how to describe the feeling she had exactly.

"He said that he wants to pay the price to the lodge to free me." Xin spoke in a light voice.

"Isn't that what every man say when they come here? He only wants your body." The ladies of the Celestial Lodge all understood this fact very well.

"He says that there's no need for me to give my everything up to him. If I feel that I owe him, I can just be a servant for him for a few years. In addition when I asked if he was willing to marry me, he clearly stated that there were already women whom he loved, and he wouldn't have any relationship with me." Xin lowered her head slightly, feeling complicated in her heart.

The people at the side were all astonished as well.

"You rejected him?"

"Mhm." Xin nodded lightly, "Hence, I asked him if he would come by again. Because I suddenly felt a sense of loss, like I've lost him forever. I don't think he will come back again."

"Seems like your heart was truly moved. From that battle earlier, he indeed isn't an ordinary character. However Xin, there's no need to worry. With your beauty, even Ban is head-over-heels with you. How would he not return again?" The ladies at the side tried to console her.

"You all don't understand the feeling I had when I was with him." Xin smiled and shook her head, "All the previous geniuses which I waited upon, all love to boast about how strong they were, and they would be unable to control their urge, touching me in all places, even needing us to take the initiative to evade. But for him, if I didn't take the initiative to touch him, it's highly probably that he wouldn't even touch me."

The ladies all looked at each other with dismay. Under such a tempting atmosphere as well as the charm from the Mercury Lady Art, Shun could still actually resist?

They inclined their heads and glanced in the air. Ban radiated a terrifying might. Da also soared up into the sky with energy circulating around him. His battle aura towered up into the clouds, terrifying to the extreme.

Ban glanced at Zimo and Shun again. After which, an even more fearsome bout of devilish might radiated. He took out an extremely powerful hammer, preparing to use it as a weapon.

"Bzz!" Shun took a step forward when he saw this as his own aura erupted forth. An incomparably sharp sword appeared in his hand.

"Only at the seventh-level?" Ban coldly glanced at Shun as he smashed his hammer forward. Tyrannical streaks of lightning appeared in the air, resembling a world-destroying calamity of darkness.

Da didn't act. Shun waved his sword, slashing through the sky.

First Form: Cleansing.

The sword arced through the horizons in a beautiful curve, as numerous sword lights manifested from the sword, slashing against the darkness calamity power. A loud humming as well as the sound of something being sliced apart echoed out.

Violent waves of devil might roiled about unceasingly in the sky. Shun's aura was like a torrential storm that covered everything.


Shun took a step forward, his entire body shimmering with boundless sword might that manifested swords of darkness and seals all around him.

"Shun, this man is from the Royal Devil clan which is a terrifying major power on this island. If you want to kill him, it wouldn't be too late to do so at the emperor's banquet. If you kill him now, there might be much trouble." Zimo transmitted his voice to Shun.

Zimo's words weren't without logic. Usually, those major powers wouldn't interfere with clashes among juniors. But if they really wanted to do so, nobody would stop them.

After all on this island, Shun had no background or support to speak of, and from the normal trends in cultivation worlds, once you kill the Young master, the elders will come after you, if you kill them too, then the ancestors. Shun didn't want that kind of attention.

Zimo then soared up into the air and took out a powerful eerie weapon and spoke to Ban, "Ban, if you truly disregard everything and start a battle here, you will be in an extremely miserable state."

Ban turned ashen. He knew of Zimo's strength and he also fought against Da earlier. At this moment, he even fought against Shun. He understood that it was impossible for him to kill Shun here. He would only be at an extreme disadvantage.

"I will spare your life now and reap it during the birthday celebration of the devil emperor." Ban icily spoke. After which, his devil might gushed forth, boring down on Shun, while Shun waved his sword, severing the pressure. Ba n then turned about and departed the area.

"Clearly, he is nothing but a loser but he still wants show off to make himself look better." Shun spoke in a low voice and shook his head.

He then kept his sword as his aura dissipated. Zimo then spoke, "Shun, let us go."

"Mhm." Shhn nodded. The three of their silhouettes flashed as they sped away, not turning their head back.

In the Celestial Lodge, Xin and the other ladies stared at the empty space as their hearts trembled lightly.

Ban actually chose to retreat. This only meant one thing, it was obvious that he couldn't defeat Shun, or he wouldn't have retreated.

Shun's level was only at the seventh-level of chakra sea, yet he can fight equally with Ban. If fact, his subordinate Da could already handle it and Zimo seemed to be pulling out all stops just to befriend him.

This man, Shun, was growing more and more inscrutable.

For the next few days, Shun roamed around the island. There were more and more experts gathered here on the Fallen God Island and Shun had a feeling that he would soon meet the girls.

The birthday celebration of the devil emperor naturally would be an extremely lively one.

During this period of time, Zimo naturally did mention about going back to visit the Celestial Lodge again, he even mentioned Xin on purpose but Shun didn't go there.

The ladies of the lodge cultivated in the Mercury Lady Art, and Shun didn't want to use them as a means to upgrade his own strength.

As for a beauty like Xin, in addition to the charm augmentation effect by the Mercury Lady Art, Shun's resolve wasn't as steady as it should be. He was seriously tempted.

Shun wasn't a saint, he was just an ordinary man with a powerful means and knowledge.

He couldn't be like eminent monks, and achieving a state of heart that was as calm as still water.

The temptation effect of the atmosphere in the lodge was so alluring that he couldn't even forget the scene. In fact, any man who has been there, wouldn't be able to forget it.

However if one wanted to speak of deep emotions between them, there was actually nothing. He only met with Xin once. Now that he wasn't at the lodge, he still would think about her, but he wouldn't feel any impulse.

Also, he had asked her earlier if she wanted to leave the lodge with him, but she rejected his offer. He naturally would respect her choice.

For this, Zimo joked that Shun had a heart of stone, neglecting a supreme beauty. From Zimo's perspective, he felt that Shun only needed to go there for a few more times before he would be able to make her truly fall in love with him.

The date of the devil emperor's birthday celebration was getting closer and closer.

Today, in the Celestial Lodge, Xin stood in the pavilion where she last met Shun and gazed blankly into the horizons.

"You haven't gone out a single time during these days. Could it be that you were truly moved and fell in love with that man?" A lady appeared beside Xin as she asked.

"Stop joking." Xin stated in a light voice.

"A joke? Look, he's here." That female pointed to a pavilion. Xin froze and instantly turned over, only to hear the sound of laughter ringing out. "See? You are lying. You must have been waiting for him to come back during these few days."

Xin naturally understood who the 'him' was referring to. It was just that even she herself didn't know what she was waiting for. The state of her heart was extremely complicated now.

She was waiting for him to come by again to tell her that he was willing to pay the price to free her?

But her feeling was right. He didn't come here again. He would never appear again at the lodge.

"He won't come again." Xin spoke in a light voice.

The woman nodded, "Seems like it is as you said, he is different from the rest of the guys. If not, under the temptation, as well as you personally sending him off, who would be able to endure it and not coming to see you? But then again, maybe he is just an emotionless person."

Xin shook her head, if he was someone with no emotions, he wouldn't tell her in her face that there were women he loved but would rather think of ideas to toy with her.

"I wish to meet with the lodge lord." Xin suddenly turned and spoke.

"What do you want to do?" The expression of the lady beside her changed.

"I have something to ask the lord for help." Xin spoke and left quickly, as though she just decided on something.

At the nests outside the four palace under the devil emperor, countless experts gathered.

Aden and his wife Yuxin, as well as many young masters and missus of their acquaintances also appeared here. Even the third princess, Yuruo, was together with them.

The devilish female's mood was extremely bad. She cast her gaze in her surroundings as though searching for something. However, there were countless people here, but she just couldn't find the person she wanted to see.

"This bastard truly left and didn't return. He must have planned to flee since we arrived on the island." Yuruo's gaze was actually filled with a hint of depression. Shun had truly disappeared, maybe she would never see him again.

"Yuruo, why don't you go and take the entry test at the devil nests. If you fail them, even if our father wants to bring you in, he wouldn't be able to do so. The birthday celebration of the devil emperor is a majestic event, they will naturally follow the rules strictly." Yuxin spoke to her little sister.

"You guys obtained the entry token?" Yuruo asked,

"Naturally, your brother-in-law obtained a golden token and can be considered to have quite a good seat. Let's hope he would be able to display his prowess at the celebration." Yuxin spoke to her little sister.

"Also, for those geniuses with him, all of them managed to acquire a golden token as well. Yuruo, you should stop thinking about that man. He isn't worthy of your attention."

"Elder sis, stop interfering in my business." Yuruo coldly spoke. She had always been moody about Shun's departure and was very unhappy with her sister.

"Fine, I won't interfere, just do what you want." Yuxin coldly replied. "When you manage to gain the entry token to the celebration, at that time you will be able to see countless supreme geniuses contending against each other. Your thinking will soon change and you will understand that all I did, and everything I said, was right!"


{Hey guys, I feel like this volume is going a bit too slow, am I right? Good, then I have a solution.

Apparently, powerstones are important for some stuffs and I need them. How about we do this. If by the end of this week I get 3K powerstones, I release 20 chapters.

I already have the complete 100 Chps on Patreon and have even gone far enough into the next volume so I'm feeling kinda generous.

Or, you can simply visit my Patreon site and have uninterrupted access to the entire thing. Up to you. Much Love}