Chapter 38

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Title: Devil King Kan.


Many kings here had a curious look on their faces. This devil king wasn't an ordinary expert at the devil king realm. Even for experts at the devil king realm, the disparity between their strengths was still extremely vast.

In addition, this man was a good friend of the devil emperor, who roamed about with the devil emperor when they were young. Such a connection with the devil emperor led to the supreme position and status of this particular devil king.

At this moment, who was the young man he thought so highly of?

The devil kings of all the major powers from the Fallen God Island were all extremely curious.

"Old Sir!" Someone from afar called out. After which, a young man cloaked in black walked over and directly entered the most elite core sector, sitting behind Shun, surpassing Ban's seat.

"Knal, do your best." Kan nodded. This young man was none other than the guy who has been mentioned earlier, a terrifying character on the Devil Rankings.

Knal was a terrifying expert who was at the peak of chakra sea for several hundreds of years. He already reached the peak around a few hundred years ago, able to briefly glimpse the gate leading to the devil king realm. His strength wasn't something that could be compared to those experts who just glimpsed the gate. Hence, this was the reason why he could enter the elite sector.

Knal, Charl and Ban, were the top three most terrifying characters on the Devil Rankings.

Ban was deemed the last-ranked among these three. Knal and Old Charl were both more fearsome than Ban.

However, the Old Kan actually said that there was someone who surpassed even Knal? Who was the man he was talking about exactly?

More and more experts came by, even the four supreme devil kings, under the devil emperor directly, have arrived. They nodded to Old man, "Old Kan, how are you? His majesty would often think about you."

"At my current level, how would I be anything but fine? The only thing I'm 'not fine' with, is that I still can't break through yet, unable to stand side by side with his Majesty the devil emperor." Old Kan smiled.

The others didn't feel much surprise, on the Fallen God Island, he was the only one who could speak of things like this so casually, comparing himself to the devil emperor.

Even for loyal subordinates of the devil emperor, they wouldn't dare to compare themselves with him.

The friendship between the devil emperor and Old Kan were forged through life-and-death. If not, it was impossible for their relationship to be this good after so many years.

"Old Kan is right. Given his temperament, he would break through the bindings of this level sooner or later." The devil kings here laughed.

"Haha, thanks for the auspicious words." Old Kan stroked his beard and laughed.

"Knal came pretty early." At this moment a voice rang out. The gazes of the crowd turned, only to see an old man walking over. Despite his aged appearance, spirit filled his steps and he seemed extremely energetic.

"Old Charl is here." A devil king smiled.

Evidently, this Old Charl was extremely old and had stopped at this level for a very long time. He had truly reached the pinnacle of the chakra sea realm, it was just that no matter what he did, he wasn't able to cross the last step and enter the devil king realm.

Somebody said that his talent was a shade inferior, being able to reach his current step was already maxing out his luck and effort.

There were also people saying that his destiny has not yet arrived, but there was no problem with his talent or he wouldn't be able to reach his current step.

"Little fellows are all filled with energy and vitality. This old man, me is almost ready for the grave." Old Charl walked to the side of Knal, patted his shoulder as though they were old friends as he sat down.

However, Knal merely snorted coldly, "Don't worry, I will be extremely cautious towards you or I wouldn't even know how I died."

"Young people are always so impulsive. I've already lived so long and killing and fighting has long become boring for me. Today, I'm only here to offer my congratulations to his Majesty. In any case, this old me has already attended the celebration several times but sadly, I'm still unable to break through." Old Charl shook his head. After which, he then turned to Shun who was in the sector before him.

"Little fellow, who are you? Why have I never see you before?" Old Chark asked.

"My name is Shun." Shun nodded and smiled.

"The people of the younger generations would replace that of old. This world is for you all." Old Charl sighed, as though thinking about something.

Shun only smiled. How could there be any simple characters at the peak of the chakra sea level? His short stay here has opened up his view on matters of strength.

The devil kings in the surroundings chatted leisurely. It seemed that many of the devil kings, which were the rulers of the islands, were extremely confident in the generals under them.

Right now, another person came to the sector Shun was at. Shun glanced at him and nodded slightly, that person nodded back to him as well. This caused many people to have looks of bewilderment on their faces. What did these two mean by that?

Were they acquainted with each other or not?

At this moment, at the sector Da was in, several figures stood up at the same time, staring with respect in the direction of this young man who just arrived.

It was as though he became the focal point of the crowd instantly.

Many devil kings glanced over, all of them were being attracted to the aura of this young man. Although this young man was only at the peak of the chakra sea, his aura made it so that it seemed as though he was one with the world. Every step he took was filled with a unique rhythm.

This person, wasn't simple.

"Haha, he is here." Old Kan laughed, causing the eyes of the devil kings nearby to flicker.

Was this the young man spoken of by Old Kan? He said that Knal was inferior to this man.

Given Old Kan's judgement, he naturally wouldn't make a mistake. In that case, that meant that this young man was definitely extremely outstanding for sure.

"Who is he? Why is Old Kan thinking so highly of him?" A devil king under the devil emperor asked.

"The period of time where I'm acquainted with him, isn't long. However, you all will soon know why I'm praising him so much. He will definitely become a most dazzling character and I really hope that his Majesty would be able to recruit him. If that is the case, his accomplishments in the future would most assuredly be extraordinary." The Old man smiled, staring at the young man who was walking over with satisfaction.

"Old Kan." The young man came by and nodded slightly to Kan.

"Just take a seat, I'm waiting to watch your performance." Kan smiled.

The young man glanced at his surroundings. After which, he walked in the direction of Shun and sat down beside him. He didn't look at Shun and only sat there quietly.

Knal's gaze was filled with complexity as he stared at this young man. His old man thought more highly of this man compared to him, making him extremely frustrated. However, he fought with this man before and understood why this was so.

This person, was undoubtedly a terrifying character.

As the young man sat down, the several experts who stood up earlier all sat back down as well. The gazes of many turned to the young man, all of them wanted to pay attention to those few supreme characters at the elite sector seats.

"Who are you and what are you doing here? I didn't expect other clan members to be here as well." At this moment, the young man who had been silent, suddenly spoke. This caused those in the vicinity, including the devil kings here to glance at him.

Who was he speaking to?

"What?" Shun replied.

When the sound of his voice faded, the eyes of the devil kings in the surroundings all gleamed with sharpness. These two dazzling characters actually knew each other.

"So, I came to the Fallen God Island earlier to wait for you." The young man continued.

Shun smiled, "I believe there seem to be a misunderstanding."

"Humph. What misunderstanding. Let's just hope you won't disappoint me too much." That young man calmly added.

Shun looked at the young man in perplexity. What has all these got to do with him. He was merely here on an adventure and he's already drawn the enmity of some Otsustsuki.

Shun felt this young man chakra felt familiar, almost similar to the protector he killed back on Blackstone Valley.

Shun shook his head and sighed. If it's a fight they want, a fight I'll give them, but if they show any form of killing intent, death would be their only outcome." Shun thought.

He had already felt the respect and reverence those beside Da had for this young man and he could already surmise that should the young man show any form of enmity toward him, they too would do the same.


"Interesting." The old monster Old Kan smiled. He didn't expect that there would be someone here which Monoshiki was familiar.

In addition, that young man sat together with him. Seems like this banquet was going to get more and more interesting.

The Blackstone Devil King from afar, frowned, feeling some worry. The young man whom the Old Kan thought highly of, seemed to have a grudge with Shun.

He knew the reason why Shun came here from the outer realms. Or at least he thought he did.

It was evident that this person was an enemy of Shun. However, since the old monster Old Kan was praising him so much, there was no need to doubt his strength.

The boundlessly vast spectator stands were completely filled with people. Right now at a remote corner, a beautiful silhouette appeared there. This person was none other than Lady Xin from the Celestial Lodge.

Xin's beautiful eyes unceasingly searched the crowd, however she couldn't find the one she was searching for. Unintentionally, she glanced at the elite sector at the center area and at that very moment, her beautiful gaze froze there as her heartbeat quickened.

She saw the man she was looking for. He was sitting in the most elite sector, with devil kings all around him. How resplendent was that? Even Ban, didn't have the qualifications to sit there.

"Hahaha, this year is as lively as before. Old friend, you are here." A voice rang out. After that, the crowd glanced over, only to see a shadowy figure suddenly turning corporeal, appearing in the most illustrious emperor seat.

At that instant, countless figures stood out as they bowed in respect.

"I'm here, I'm here, but how can I be as impressive as you?" Old monster Old Kan also stood up. Although they were old friends, the devil emperor's status was supreme. He still had to show some respect.

"Old friend, you are still the same as before." The devil emperor laughed. After that, he turned his imposing gaze towards the crowd, sweeping through everything.

"Everyone, feel free to be seated." The Fallen God Emperor waved his hands.

"Many thanks your Majesty." Everyone bowed and sat down. Countless gazes were focused on the devil emperor, all of them wanted to see what sort of existence this, the master of the Fallen God Region, was exactly!


A/N: He is not a God-Emperor. He only has the title because he governs over the Fallen God Region. Hence the title.