Chapter 42

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Title: Old Charl


If Shun wanted to kill Aden, he would die without a doubt.

However, he was still the brother-in-law of the princess and both her and her father, the Blackstone Devil King, were currently residing in the Azureflame Clan.

Things weren't as clear cut as they seemed. If he killed Aden, both the Blackstone King and the third princess would only be in danger.

Although he didn't kill him, Aden's opportunity on the battle platform had already ended. Given how heavily injured he was, if he didn't leave the battlefield now, death would be the only path for him.

Aden took out a medical pill and ingested it, he then crawled his way up and flew upwards to the light, leaving the battlefield with a strong sense of unwillingness.

Outside, the people from the Azureflame Clan all had ashen expressions. The Clan Lord coldly spoke, "Aden was unlucky, encountering that fellow."

"Hehe." The Blackstone Devil King mockingly laughed.

"Blackstone what do you mean by this." The devil king from the Azureflame icily stated.

"Before this, didn't you all notice anything when I greeted him? He, was none other than the first-ranked general under my command." The Blackstone Devil King laughed coldly, causing the expressions of the Azureflame Clan's members to become even more unsightly.

Before this, they still mocked the third princess for being in love with the first-ranked general and the clan lord even kept suggesting for his younger daughter to be married to Aden, saying it was great fortune for her.

However, in the blink of an eye, the pride of their clan, Aden was ruthlessly defeated by the general under the Blackstone Devil King.

Coldly snorting, the Azureflame Clan had nothing to say. Reality was before their eyes, they had no way to refute it.

On the other side, Yuxin's countenance turned as pale as paper, incredibly ugly to behold. The her at this moment had an indescribable feeling in her heart.

The young man whom they held in disdain, most probably was looking down on them in contempt, which was why he chose to leave. As for the result on the battle platform, it was undoubtedly a humiliation courted by themselves.

If there hadn't been any conflict previously, how would there have been such an ending.

After Aden returned, he walked to his seat as his body continued trembling ceaselessly. The sentence spoken by Shun kept reverberating in his mind. 'So, you were this weak.' He, Aden was so weak yet he still kept assuming he was extremely powerful.

The result of this battle brought a very great impact to the people of the Azureflame Clan.


Shun naturally didn't care about them. He only had a single goal. To him, Aden was just an insignificant pebble on the road side and was never his target.

In fact, if it wasn't for them encountering each other, Shun might have already forgotten about the existence of this man.

This forest was extremely vast and Shun was still advancing through it. He would occasionally encounter the battles of others and these people would instantly look at him with a guarded look in their eyes, as though afraid of his sneak attacks.

However, Shun merely took a single glance and left. He only had a single purpose - he had to remain until the very end.

He understood that these battles in the early phase was only meant to get rid of the cannon fodder. There would only be ten people who would gain the approval of the devil emperor.

There might be others who might attract the attention of the other powerful powers if they performed well enough. However, Shun was different.

If he failed to get into the top three and became someone who could ask the devil emperor for a request, there was no difference from failing.


Inside the battlefield, it was a mass of chaos. The numerous intense battles which erupted everywhere caused the spectators outside to be extremely excited. The devil kings were all admiring the battles at their leisure, trying to spot talents so they could recruit them later.

However in the battlefield, there were some who didn't choose the brutish path of strength.

They used all sorts of methods to avoid clashing with people, invisibility, burying themselves within the ground, hiding patiently.

There were even some who were proficient in reading the wind. They would use that to avoid enemies as they fled in other directions.

Although the behaviour of these people caused the spectators to feel disdain, it was still an intelligent choice.

In a place where there were countless enemies, unless you truly stood at the peak, there was always a chance you would encounter opponents stronger than yourself.

If that was the case, you would be eliminated prematurely and wouldn't even have a chance to be noticed by the major powers.

"A true supreme expert wouldn't fear any battle. If gods block them, they would kill gods and if devils block them, they would kill devils." A powerful devil king spoke.

There were some characters who were precisely like this. Advancing forth as they continued to battle. These people were naturally more conspicuous.

Examples of these people were Monoshiki, Knal and Ban.

Many people on the Fallen God Island knew of Knal but today, Monoshiki was the one that made everyone sigh with admiration. He sat in the elite sector and the combat prowess he displayed now, was simply heaven-shocking.

It was as though no one here was a match for him.

Terrifying spatial storms were around him as swords, spears and sabers of judgement would slash out intermittently. Fluctuations of his spatial law energy was able to bind his opponents completely. Monoshiki seemed basically invincible.

"Who is that man exactly?" This thought surfaced in the minds of many. Before this, many characters in the core and elite sector were all regarded highly and Monoshiki was without a doubt, the most conspicuous one.

In comparison, Shun's luster was much dimmer. Although Shun had defeated plenty of opponents as well, he lacked the aura of tyranny. In fact, there were many times he chose to avoid battle.

This caused the number of people paying attention to him to gradually lessen.

"Sir Shun, what sort of character are you exactly?" Xin was one of those that has been paying attention to Shun.

With Ban's threat looming over his head, he walked out of the Celestial Lodge back then with no hesitation.

He clearly was extremely powerful yet he chose to keep a low profile, incurring the gossip and ridicule of others.

He should know that his performance in there would be seen by major powers and if he kept maintaining a low profile, it would surely affect the devil kings judgement of him.

"Oh no. They are going to encounter each other." Xin's eyes suddenly flashed. In the location Ban was in, she actually discovered by accident that Ban would soon run into Shun's subordinate Da and in fact, both of them could already see each other.

The next moment, Ban took a step out and moved forward, appearing before Da.

"Sir Shun is in that direction as well." Xin's beautiful eyes flickered. She noticed the battle between Ban and Da earlier because they were in the direction Shun was heading towards.

Although there were several people between them, if Shun proceeded in a straight line, he would meet them for sure.

A tyrannical aura gushed forth from Ban, as devil might crackled menacingly around him. He stared at Da and said, "I'll take your dog life before killing your lord."

As he spoke he stepped out as a gigantic Hammer manifested in the air. Terrifying devilish lightning bolts covered the space around it and rained downwards as well as an immensely heavy gravity which bore down, threatening to collapse this space.

Ban was the third-ranked character on the Devil Rankings. When he erupted forth with all his strength, it was undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

Right now, everyone felt that Da was facing a calamity for sure.


Da's body emitted a thunderous rumbling sound as his entire form expanded. Rune after rune appeared as his entire body was covered in a supreme battle aura in an instant.

He raised his arm, the divine ape mirrored his movements and smashed towards the devil hammer in the sky. This was the most simple and most tyrannical attack.

A shaking collision occurred as the terrifying explosion sound echoed in all directions like thunder falling from the sky. This caused several experts faraway to glance over here. After that, most of them flew forward, moving over in this direction.

The battle intensified. The Devil Hammer was domineering and tyrannical while the Battle ape was undefeatable.

Ban's level had reached the peak for a longer time and his sea was deeper as he glimpsed the gate leading to the devil king realm longer.

But in all other aspects other than this, Da was superior.

"Who is this man? Ban is an existence at the third place of the Devil Rankings. Yet why can't he even handle an ordinary character?" The eyes of the crowd flashed as many major powers from the Fallen God Island started to pay attention to the battle between Ban and Da.

The two of them returned attacks using attacks and their battle grew more and more violent. The aftershocks from this chaotic battle were so great that it began to attract the attention of others in the battle platform.

Many participants appeared in this area as they spectated quietly. There were also some of the weaker ones who took the chance to silently sneak away.

"Interesting." At this moment, an expert could be seen leaning against a tree, staring at the combat of the two others ahead.

There was an ordinary-looking saber in his hand that resembled a knife for chopping firewood.

"It's Old Charl. Since he is here, both Ban and his opponent might be in danger." Someone mused. Old Charl was an extremely dangerous character. If he intended to fish in troubled waters, both Bam and his opponent would be in a crisis despite their overwhelming combat prowess.

"What are you all doing here? Don't affect their battle." Old Charl smiled. He actually walked forward, moving towards the spectators.

"What are you doing here then?" Someone questioned in doubt.

Old Charl smiled as he glanced at the person as he took a few more steps forward. "I'm naturally here to admire their battle. Such an intense fight, you guys better not disturb it."

"Is that so?" The aura of that person rose up as he stared warily at Old Charl who was walking over.

Old Charl laughed, placing his hand that wielded his saber at his back. But at this very moment, a shadowy image lunged out.

The aura of that person erupted out as he explosively retreated. However at this instant, Old Charl's saber already slashed down as a tear appeared in the void.

After that, the crowd only saw the expert who was still retreating, was suddenly sliced apart from the middle by that single saber strike!

"What a terrifying saber art." Many people felt fear in their hearts.

"Everyone, be more careful!" Many experts here grouped together, as though about to form in an alliance to avoid being hunted down by Old Charl.

However at this moment, Old Charl merely smiled. He glanced at the two battling in the air. That smiling face of his did nothing to soften the intensity of killing intent flickering in his eyes.

With a saber strike, he might have a chance to rid himself of two strong competitors.

"Old fellow, you are already so elderly, why are you still so ruthless." At this moment, a voice rang out. Old Charl inclined his head and turned in that direction. The person who spoke was actually none other than that young man who sat in the elite sector as him!