Chapter 53

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Title: Three Great Devil Kings


"After playing with my feelings you want to abandon me, you are shameless…" The princess had a wronged expression as she stared at Shun.

The people in the surroundings all cast looks of disdain at Shun. This fellow depended on his good talent to lure girls in and play with their emotions. How truly shameless.

Shun's brows twitched. He was completely speechless.

Who was it that was playing with whose feelings…

Naturally, Shun felt a warmth in his heart. Most probably this devilish girl was trying to alleviate his own feelings.

Many experts continued to leave this area and not too long after, Xin returned. The devilish female hugged Shun's arm and smiled at Xin, in provocation.

"Sir Shun, Xin has already made some inquiries." Xin didn't really care about the princess. She originally didn't have any relationship with Shun, how would she feel jealousy?

Shun's eyes flashed. A bright light radiated from the center of Xin's brows, transmitting into Shun's mind.

"Vast Sky Emperor, Vast Sky Region. That's really quite... tyrannical." Shun mused silently. After which he turned to Xin, "Xin, you have my thanks."

"Sir Shun why are you treating me like stranger? We're friends, are we not?" Xin's voice was soft.

She transmitted her voice over, "The Fallen God Island is the central point of the Fallen God Region, it has teleportation arrays which leads to other places, even to the other regions. Let me bring you there."

"Mhm, let's go." Shun stood up. The princess pulled his arm and stood up together with him, leaning into him.

"Third princess." Shun saw the wronged expression on the third princess' face and couldn't help but to turn to her. "The devil king is still waiting for you, just go to him."

"Are you truly intending to abandon me?" She glared at Shun, causing him to sigh in his heart. In the past, this devilish female was only mildly interested in him. But now, it seems that she had truly fallen in love.

Shun cradled her face as he smiled, "Didn't you say that I'm very cowardly? Today, the guts of this subordinate will be greater than usual."

As he spoke, Shun leaned his head forward and gave a light peck on her forehead. Yuruo's eyes flickered, after which, she only felt the warmth of his palms leaving her face as Shun continued forward. The people beside him and Xin followed after him.

"If you dare to let something happen to you, this princess will definitely not spare you. This princess commands you that if you are free in the future, you have to come and see me more often." Yuruo shouted loudly at the back of Shun.

There was a smile in her eyes, yet those eyes were red, rimmed with wetness.

"I will surely obey princess' orders." Shun waved his hand with his back facing the third princess as he flew further and further.

At this moment, the third princess only felt a hand lightly placed on her shoulder. Turning about, she saw her father, the Blackstone Devil King.

"Just let it go. He is destined greatness, he is not someone you can hold on to." The Blackstone King softly spoke. Yuruo's eyes were red, she stared her father, "But, it isn't easy for this princess to fall in love with a man. He is leaving just like that, I'm truly reluctant to accept this."

"Silly lass. Maybe if you put in more efforts in your training, you'd be able to make him stay and protect him all the way." The Blackstone King laughed, not knowing how to console his daughter.


Shun and the others directly rode on the demon sword as they left. The demon sword expanded in form but still maintained its streamlined shape, granting it incredible speed.

The Fallen God Island's teleportation arrays were controlled by different major powers who were independent in nature. By controlling the arrays, they would earn extreme amounts of resources.

Everytime an array was activated, it meant that some immensely wealthy character was there. The price was too high to be affordable by ordinary folks, only devil kings would have enough wealth to activate a teleportation array.

Naturally, since the arrays was located in the territory of the Fallen God Island, they would give part of their income to him.

The emperor just needed to sit there and relax while enjoying a sizable income.

The amount of resources gained in a day was staggering, and if there were no benefits, what use was there to be the governor of this region?

"There's someone following us. Wear this well, although it might not be of much use, it should be sufficient enough to negate some of the damage." Shun waved his hands as some puppeted armors appeared.

These were puppet armors he created before their journey from the Naruto world.

The armors had terrifying defenses, although it wasn't at the Chakra/devil king level, and the benefits the armors provided to Shun was negligible, it would still be enough to help them negate some damage.

Shun opened up the puppeted armors, allowing Xin, Ria and Da to equip them as they proceeded forward, fully prepared to do battle.

"Sir Shun, how's your current state now?" Xin asked. After that intense battle, his energy consumption must have been astronomical and he was even injured.

If he was to fight a battle so soon, how could he endure?

This was also the reason why Xin was so impulsive. Although she was truly fond of him, by doing so, it would place her in danger without a doubt.

For devil-experts, they wouldn't mind bullying the weak just to get what they want.

Shun displayed startling strength in the battlefield, and he surely must have trained some extremely extraordinary techniques.

If he accepted the reward given by the emperor, nobody would dare to touch him.

But since he rejected the reward and offended the emperor, how would those with designs on him not take this chance to act?

The Blackstone King understood these devil kings the most. This was why he told Shun to leave the Fallen God Island immediately.

"Don't worry." Shun spoke. Xin still had a worried expression on her face. She was hoping for those devil-experts not to have too fast a reaction. As long as Shun left the Fallen God Island, he would be safe.

Their speed was very fast and after some time, a powerful building appeared in their vision. Xin silently heaved a sigh of relief.

They departed instantly after leaving the emperor palace, there shouldn't be many experts secretly following them.

"Over there." Xin pointed to a direction where resplendent light filled the skies. They directly entered the building and in an instant, Shun clearly sensed terrifying divine senses sweeping over to him. Most probably, these were experts who were guarding the teleportation array in this building.

"We are heading to the Vast Sky Region." Xin spoke. After which, with a wave of her hand, she actually took out the spatial ring Shun passed to her, giving it directly to the guards. After the guards inspected it, one of them spoke, "You all may use the array."

"Xin," Shun's expression changed.

"I've decided to stay in the Celestial Lodge, hence I have no need for this. I have the token though, I hope you survive so I don't waste my future looking for a dead man." Xin smiled gently at Shun. "You guys go on."

"Mhm, okay. Take care. Also, this is one of my wives, you'd have to get through her and two others to get to me." Qin Wentian cast a deep glance at Xin and introduced Ria who merely smiled.

"Mmm, till we meet again then." Shun said. After that, they stepped into the teleportation array.

"Activate the array." The array controller spoke.

"Hold on." At this moment, a voice rang out from afar. Shun's expression changed, the experts chasing him from the dark have finally arrived.

Quite a few silhouettes could be seen speeding over.

Shun was acquainted with one of them, the Black dragon King.

His expression was extremely sinister. Back then when Shun defeated his son, he had never forgotten that. Hence, he had been keeping tabs on Shun. Now that there was such a good chance, how could he not seize it?

Other than him, there were two other experts. One was an expert from the Royal Devil clan, while the other was someone sent here secretly by the Old man Kan.

They were the ones who paid the most attention to Shun, waiting for him to leave while pursuing him secretly in the dark. They didn't intend to give Shun any chance at all, planning to take his life.

Other than his life, they still wanted the 'treasure' on Shun's body.

"I also want to use the array." The Black dragon Devil King stepped into the array. With a wave of his hand, he passed a ring to the array controller.

The other two devil kings did the same. They stood beside Shun, and acted casually, like they had no business with him.

"Haha, no problem." The array controller smiled. There weren't many teleportation arrays like this, and the price for using them are all the same. The three who came by later all gave the treasures, paying the price. Since the controllers are earning so much benefits, they naturally would be happy.

Xin's expression changed. Her figure flashed and stepped into the array as she spoke, "I'm going as well."

"Activate the array." The array suddenly lit up. Shun and his group all had unsightly expressions.

These devil kings were very smart, choosing not to act on the Fallen God Island.

The array was activated as the light radiating from it grew even more resplendent. And at this moment, several devil kings rushed over at the moment just as Shun disappeared.

Their expressions couldn't help but to change.

"There's a subordinate of the Old king Kan there too. Let's disperse." A devil king spoke.

There were some who hesitated but in the end, also chose to retreat. Since they were late by a step, they could only leave in regret.


The Vast Sky Region, the Vast Sky Island in it was also the main island, and it was a floating one, the same as the Fallen God Island.

Terrifying spatial fluctuations could be sensed as spatial light gleamed resplendently.

A moment later, several figures appeared from the void, appearing in a desolate stretch of wilderness outside the Vast Sky Island.

Clearly, this was a single-direction teleportation array. The Vast Sky Island wouldn't allow the Fallen Island to have a teleportation array inside their territory.

In fact, many teleportation arrays of the Myriad Islands were set up secretly in the dark.

"Bzz!" At the instant these people descended, a supremely strong beam of sword light appeared as devilish energy filled the skies. A terrifying shadow of a great dragon manifested, wrapping around Shun and his allies.

In three directions, the three devil kings stood with their hands behind their backs, their eyes gleaming with sharpness.

"We've already reached such a stage, you still want to resist?" The Black dragon Devil King icily spoke.

The subordinate of the Old man Kan then coldly spoke, "Do you two want to contend against me?"

"I only want a small share of the profits." The expert from the Royal Devil clan replied. These three were already discussing how they should split the share of their loot from Shun!