Chapter 63

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Title: Arrival from the Celestial Mountain


Ria had said that Xin has returned to the Fallen God Island. If that's the case, she most probably returned to the Celestial Lodge.

"Sir Shun, please follow me." A lady spoke in a gentle voice and led the way.

Shun followed after her, entering the lodge and when all the ladies here stared at his back, sighs appeared in their hearts. In the past, Xin already had a very high opinion of this young man despite just meeting him once, giving him preferential treatment which Ban didn't even have.

The ladies here back then couldn't help feeling puzzled as to why Xin was acting that way.

However, time ultimately proved how accurate Xin's judgement was. Ban of the Devil Rankings wasn't even worthy enough to be mentioned with this young man in the same breath.

Inside the lodge, at a place with elegant scenery, the lodge lord Merl sat with her back facing a lake. When Shun came over, she stood up and smiled, "I long expected Sir Shun to come back here, it's just that I didn't expect you would come here so quickly."

Shun didn't look at the lodge lord, his eyes were staring at the woman serving tea. This woman had a certain charm and grace, but her alluring factor somehow seemed lesser than the past.

She, was none other than Xin.

"Sir Shun, please enjoy a cup of tea." Xin passed a tea cup to Shun.

Shun stared at the smiles on her face, there was actually no fluctuations within, she was completely calm.

"Sir Shun, please feel free to take a seat and enjoy the tea." The lodge lord couldn't help but speak when she saw Shun in a daze.

Shun nodded lightly, he sat down and took the cup of tea offered. After that, Xin returned to the side of the lodge lord.

"The aura of your Art has dissipated." Shun inclined his head and spoke to Xin.

Xin smiled but didn't say anything. She no longer projected that kind of mesmerizing demeanor which would draw men to her but she was still beautiful.

"Xin, are you willing to leave with me?" Shun asked.

Xin continued smiling. She lowered her body and poured tea for the lodge lord as she replied, "Xin plans to wait upon the lodge lord from now on."

"Lodge lord." Shun turned to Merl. She was an extremely charming woman, if she activated her Art, Shun might not be able to resist it.

"If Xin left with Sir Shun, what do you plan for her to do?" Merl smiled, her words causing Shun's gaze to freeze.

"I will treat her well." Shun replied.

Merl shook her head, "Sir Shun, you are only doing so because of the guilt you feel in your heart. You feel like you owe her something, if Xin really left with you, there's no way both of you would end up in happiness. It's better for her to stay by my side where I can take care of her."

Shun was speechless, he knew that Merl spoke the truth. If he brought Xin away, although he wouldn't mistreat her, but what would be the relationship between the two of them?

At least he could show her a whole new world outside of the one she knows. After all he still had the option of leaving this universe anytime he feels like it.

Also, what could a little bit of time not do in regards to emotions. Right now, he doesn't have that in mind as he has yet to find Hinami and Kaguya so taking another woman would make him feel guilty towards them.

"Sir Shun, the lodge lord really treats me very well, you can set your heart at ease. Also, there's no need for Sir Shun to feel guilty, this is originally Xin's destiny. If I didn't lose it to Sir Shun, it would eventually be lost to some other man." Xin smiled.

Shun shook his head and said. "Destiny is what we create by our own hands. There's no such things as a fixed destiny. The fact that I met you is already destiny in and of itself. Right now, I can't open up my heart as I have yet to find two of my wives and... Pet. But should I find them and resume my journey, I will come back for you. That I promise."

"Xin, at that time would you be willing to leave with me?" Shun asked.

"It is true that destiny is what we create with our hands, that's why I want to stay here, at least for now. Maybe if you come back when you're done with your business then we could create a new path on our destiny." Xin said with a smile.

Shun stood up and walked to the side of Xin, holding her hands. Xin inclined her head, staring at him with a smile.

He then turned to the lodge lord and asked. "If Xin really wishes to go, I really hope you will be able to agree to it, in return I'll agree to any one of your requests as far as it's within my capabilities."

"I will remember Sir Shun words." Merl laughed and nodded.

"Alright, bye for now." Shun spoke. After that, he stroked Xin's face lightly and turned, departing the area.

After Shun left, the other ladies all went out as well, leaving behind only Xin and Merl

Xin's aura instantly turned dispirited as her entire person seemed much weaker.

Her body fell down softly and without strength, while Merl caught hold of her. Merl spoke in a light voice, "Why are you doing this? For him, you are actually willing to pay such a huge price."

"Lodge lord, isn't this the destiny of us sisters?" There were tears in Xin's eyes, but her smile didn't falter in the slightest.

"It's our destiny alright, however, all your sisters wish to fight for a better future, despite this being their fate. As for you, a good future could be right before your eyes yet you gave it all up, for the sake of a young man who wouldn't reciprocate your feelings." Merl sighed.

"Us sisters of the Celestial Lodge always speaks of free will, lodge lord you won't be able to force us either. All we want to do is to find a man worthy of our love and I believed and still believe that in the future, I would never find another man like Sir Shun." Xin spoke in a light voice.

"As for the future, Sir Shun only feels guilty towards me. Could it be that the lodge lord feels that with my current state and identity, I will always be able to stay by his side? One of his wives is a lover from his childhood, the other is a princess of a great empire, and they both had a history as they had stayed with eachother for many years. As for me, what do I count for? If I insist on following Sir Shun, I wouldn't have just tarnished his reputation, I would also be the target of gossip and hurtful remarks by many people."

"Given his identity and status, if he brought you back to the outer realms he would naturally have a way to make you recover. Could it be that you only wish to consider for him and not for yourself? As you are now, your lifespan would end before he even reaches his peak"

"You may not know this but this Fallen God Island is at the edge of this universe. This entire thousands upon thousands of floating islands were once part of a prosperous universe until The Myraid God Sovereign came along. Before he travels this entire part of the universe, centuries would have passed and you'd be dead by then." Merl couldn't understand her somewhat.

Why would someone like Xin appear in their Celestial Lodge. So selfless and selfish at the same time.

Selfless in giving her entire worth to a man whom she knew may never love her back and selfish in deciding what's best for them without giving him the full story.

Xin laughed, staring into the horizons as she continued speaking in a low voice, "Lodge lord, I've seen for myself how glorious he looks on the battlefield. At that time, he was only at the seventh-level and he fought equally against Monoshiki. I've even witnessed him in his injured state, obliterating three great devil Kings! Right now, I've personally seen him bringing the Vast Sky Emperor and his army over here, killing Old man Kan and he came to the Celestial Lodge to bring me away. All this, is already enough. One day, he would definitely sit on the throne of the highest peaks, ruling everyone down below. At that time, the people of the world would all envy and admire the women beside him, but I know that I am not qualified to be one of those women."

Merl stared at the smile on Xin's face. Hearing her gentle voice, her own heart trembled violently for a moment. It was very rare for her to be stunned by the words of a little girl but right now, her heart was trembling because of what she heard.

Even for her, she had never thought of things so far away.

One day, he would definitely sit on the throne of the highest peaks, and everyone in the world would envy and admire the women around him. However, Xin felt that she wasn't worthy enough to be one of those women, and was willing to give up this chance to be stared at in adoration by all!

"If that day truly comes, would he still remember a lowly female from the Celestial Lodge who gave up her everything for him during his path of growth?" Merl lightly replied.

"At that time, that is no longer important." Xin smiled. After that, she closed her eyes as tears begin to flow down her face.

Imperfection, lacking of something… Wasn't that also a kind of beauty…?

However, she didn't know that all her theories were misconceptions.

What Emperor and empire? Those were just what Ria made up on the spot to shock her. She would come to realize how stupid and right her thoughts were in the future.

Shun respected Xin's choice. He also understood that if Xin was to follow him, she might not be able to get the happiness she wanted but she would surely get it nonetheless.

Right now on the Fallen God Island, two hegemons appeared. The devil kings of both the emperors would have some occasional conflicts.

Although there were no deaths, injuries were inevitable. The two Emperors after that battle, seemed to treat each other as non-existent beings. They ignored each other, neither interfering, allowing their subordinates to clash as they pleased.

Shun had been staying on the Fallen God Island to wait for news. After several months, the people of the Royal Devil clan did encountered Monoshiki and his allies. They naturally decisively attacked but they still failed to kill Monoshiki in the end, only slaying two people beside him.

As for the Royal Devil clan, they also lost a devil king expert. Truth has been proven that that Monoshiki's supreme treasure was terrifying to a certain extreme, being capable of completely fusing with Monoshiki's art and techniques.

That supreme treasure was like a part of him, completely merged. Once it erupted forth, the might it unleashed could shake the world.

Other than this, Monoshiki still possessed many fleeing methods, successfully escaping from danger.

Several months passed by again. With regards to this, the Fallen God Emperor didn't say anything, choosing to close one eye, allowing the Vast Sky Emperor to do as he pleased in the Fallen God Region.

In the blink of an eye, it has already been a year since Shun entered the Myriad Islands and one year since he'd last seen Hinami and Kaguya.

Shum spent his time in meditation on the Fallen God Island. With the Vast Sky Emperor supporting him, he could rest his heart at ease as he did his best to improve his strength.

As for why he stayed here, it was naturally because he wanted to remain here so that he would be easy to locate, after all, he had caused quite an uproar that covered two regions in the Myraid islands.

Today, a group of experts entered the Fallen God Island.

These experts were all mounted on a dragon of darkness, soaring through the clouds, exuding majesticness. Occasionally, dragon roars would shake the sky, causing countless beasts below to prostrate themselves in fear.

Some experts inclined their heads and stared upwards, only to feel their hearts shuddering.

"Dragon, devil dragon of darkness." Down below, huge waves rose in the hearts of numerous people, as they stared with trepidation and shock at the dragons.

There were actually people using darkness dragon as a mount. On the Myriad Islands, darkness dragons were considered descendants of a devil god, their statuses were lofty and unsurpassed. For those who could mount them, they were definitely from Emperor-ranked powers.

"Who is that man?" Near the head of the dragon, a figure could be seen sitting on a dragon throne. This man was clad in luxurious robes and he was incredibly handsome. The insignia on his robes undoubtedly showcased his illustrious status.

The other experts in the surroundings all startled before they bowed to the young man as looks of incomparable respect appeared on their faces.

After that, there were even some people who knelt on the ground, kowtowing to him. They only dared to lift their heads after the sounds of the dragon roars faded away.

They knew that this man, was from the legendary Celestial Mountain!