Chapter 77

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Title: Meeting Each Other Again



The voice of the Child of Darkness was like a thunderbolt from the clear skies, ringing out loud in Shuns's mind.

How could he not know what was going on right now?

"The Judiciary Priestess is Hinami?" Shun's heart trembled. He actually moved towards her, he has already forgotten where he was and what situation he was in now.

Given Shun's mental strength, he should be able to control the waves buffeting his state of heart. But Hinami was too important to him.

The priestess also turned her gaze to Shun, her originally cold eyes flashed with a trace of longing and relief, which was coincidentally seen by Shun.

"What the hell are you doing here, Nami?" Shun's heart trembled as he called out.

As his voice faded, the entire space faded to silence. Initially, the attention of everyone was focused on the Child of Darkness but at this moment, everyone was paying attention to the priestess as well as Shun who seemed to have somewhat lost control.

Right now, Shun, he was extremely agitated.

How many battles had he fought just for this? How many lives did he take in his quest to find her?

The devil experts however had various degree of expressions on their faces. Fenrir too.

"How dare this Outsider talk so casually with the priestess?" They all thought flabbergasted.

On the Celestial Mountain, only a grand priest had the qualifications to refer to Hinami as, well, Hinami.

A cultivator actually referred to Her so casually?

"They seem to be acquainted with each other." The eyes of everyone flashed.

"The priestess of the Judiciary Hall truly did give a 'fair' judgement." At this moment, Shen who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

Shen coldly laughed, no longer speaking. The countenances of everyone here changed. The Child of Darkness also laughed uproariously. "What a good priestess of the Judiciary Devil Hall. So it turns out to be like this, because of a private connection with this man, you actually sought to act against my Darkness Hall, and cripple a Devil Emperor from my faction, expelling me from here. Now, the person who should be judged instead is you."

The experts beside the priestess all frowned as they berated, "Stop talking nonsense, the priestess has always been in our Judiciary Devil Hall, what private connection would she have with this man?"

As the priestess of the Judiciary Hall, she was prohibited from allowing personal matters to affect her judgement or her position would be taken away.

As a judge, she has to scrupulously abide by the will of the Myriad God Sovereign, not allowing other emotions to cloud her judgement.

Hence, the words 'private connection' was especially damning and ruthless.

"He even calls you so intimately?" The reaction of the Child of Darkness was extremely fast as he denounced Hinami.

"Priestess." Those experts turned their gaze onto the judiciary priestess only to see that there she was still staring at Shun's face which was filled with anticipation.

The priestess stretched her hand out and slowly removed her veil, revealing a face of supreme beauty, noble-like and cold.

When her features matched with that judiciary robes, she exuded an imposing elegance, resembling the daughter of a devil god.

However when he saw her face, Shun's heart pounded even more rapidly. At this moment, a wild joy could be seen in his eyes.

Although the face before him had some changes due to passing time, the innocent looks now changed to a noble-like cold beauty, increasing her alluringness, no matter how much time passed, she was still her.

At this moment, that cold and noble-looking face suddenly changed as a radiant smile appeared. In that instant, the scene before his eyes and the scenes in his mind superimposed on each other.

Shun smiled as well, an extremely brilliant smile.

"Shun." A melodious voice sounded out from the priestess. Time seemed to have reversed and this woman before him was no longer the lofty and cold Judiciary Priestess but was the young girl who he had spent the better part of his life with and the mother of his children.

As the sound of her voice faded, the expressions of the devil experts beside jer all changed.

The eyes of that judiciary priest had hints of laughter, while a cold light flashed through the eyes of Shen and the Child of Darkness.

The experts of the Myriad Ancient Devil Hall were all filled with shock.

As for Fenrir, he could only blink dumbfoundedly. Being able to meet his mate here on the Celestial Mountain? Wasn't this Father of his a little too lucky?

As a priestess of one of the three great devil halls which were the protectors of the Saint Devil Hall, Hinami actually called a man's name so intimately.

One could very well imagine what sort of commotion this would cause on the Celestial Mountain.

Yet, Shun actually laughed. Hinami was still Hinami, she didn't change at all.

However, Shun was truly very happy. He always thought that something disastrous may have happened to Hinami and was very afraid that he would never be able to see her again.

But now, Hinami actually appeared before his eyes. How could he not be happy?

"Priestess of the Judiciary Devil Hall, well done." The cold voice of the Child of Darkness rang out but it did nothing to mar the happiness of both Hinami and Shun from reacquainting with each other.

Shun was still smiling. He stared at Hinami, "Nami-chan, we have a lot to talk about, don't you think?"

"Shun, I..." Hinami lowered her head, like she was a young girl who did something wrong, she didn't know how to explain.

"It's fine. Seeing that you are safe, I am already very satisfied." Shun walked over to her, he then stretched out his hand and cradle her gently on her head.

This scene caused immense shock to everyone, yet Hinami didn't seem to mind. She inclined her head slightly and rolled her eyes at Shhn, before starting to smile again.

In any case, she was also already very satisfied.

From afar, more and more experts were rushing over.

"What happened?" An expert from the Darkness Devil Hall coldly asked. A Devil Emperor from his hall was actually sentenced to be crippled and the Child of Darkness was being captured.

"The priestess banned me from entering the Saint Devil Hall, crippled one of our Devil Emperor because of her own private connection with this man. Clearly, she intends to shield him all the way." The voice of the Child of Darkness was extremely cold.

Right now, he wanted to blow this matter up as huge as possible to mask the humiliation of his defeat today.

When all arrows pointed at Hinami, he would have a chance to retreat with his reputation intact.

"Hinami, are you willing to give up the position of the priestess?" At this moment, even the priest was staring at her, as he coldly asked. How could he miss out on such an opportunity?

Shun's expression changed. He didn't understand the situation in the Judiciary Hall, and it was because he heard Hinami's name which made him so agitated earlier, causing him to go all out to recognize her in front of everyone.

Hinami didn't deny it either. Now, from that reckless behavior of his, it seemed that he caused her to be in an extremely disadvantageous position.

"Although I'm long acquainted with him, the judgement I gave today was fair and above board, with no hints of biasness at all. You want me to resign as the priestess? What do you mean by that?" Hinami's countenance instantly grew cold as she stared at that priest.

In the blink of an eye, Hinami seemed to become another person entirely, transformed back into that noble-like and high up priestess of the Judiciary Devil Hall.

Her beautiful eyes swept over to the Child of Darkness, "You defied the will of the Sovereign, selfishly obstructing people from entering the Saint Devil Hall and even had the intention to kill. What's so sad is that you were actually defeated. It's fine that you lost, but as the Child of Darkness, you don't even know shame, allowing your Devil Emperor Protector to act to kill the opponent who defeated you, I expelled you from here, barring you from entering the Saint Devil Hall ever again. What is the problem with my judgement? Where did you get the courage to talk so much nonsense?"

The expression of the Child of Darkness changed. This Hinami was simply ruthless.

"You are not simply acquainted with this man, right? See how intimate both of you are, he is most probably your secret lover. As a priestess of the Judiciary Devil Hall, how dare you claim your judgement is fair in this scenario?"

When Shun heard that, he couldn't help but to coldly look at the Child of Darkness. Since it bullshiimg we're doing here now, lets go all the way. "I received the approval from the Myriad God Sovereign after passing through the test to ascend the mountain, bringing with me a heart filled with reverence for him. Yet I encountered countless obstacles blocking me from going up the peak."

"Is this the true attitude of the Celestial Mountain? Do you guys, experts of the Celestial Mountain, show any respect to the will of the sovereign at all? The Child of Darkness even dared to say such bullshit, wanting to slander others to save his own reputation."

"How pitiful is this? The Darkness Devil Hall is one of the four original halls. It's truly a shame that they confer upon you the title of a Child of Darkness."

Silence descended on the area as the sound of Shun's voice reverberated through the space.

"Wu. From today onwards, you are no longer a Child of Darkness." At this moment, a voice rang out from afar, extremely calm-sounding, announcing the final judgement for the Child of Darkness!