Chapter 80

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20 more chapters to go guys.


Title: Another Gate


The Wills clashed repeatedly, and Shun ultimately managed to endure it.

After facing two will attacks, in addition to him advancing through the devil hall, Shun felt exceptionally fatigued.

When he closed his eyes, he directly sat down on where he was and started to meditate.

Earlier when Shun watched from the outside, he discovered that the experts already in the hall were all acting strangely.

Now that he was here himself, only then did he understand the reason why.

This time, he rested for quite some time before he stood up and continued.

His movements grew slower, the tattered hall has already transformed into an Exquisite Devil Hall of a True Devil in his vision.

The more Shun advanced, the more profound he felt the mysteries here were.

Every step was taken with immense difficulty, a test in its own right.

As long as he took a single wrong step, all his previous efforts might be cancelled out and hence, he didn't dare to be the slightest bit careless.

Just as Shun has predicted, he finally came to a pillar which exuded an attribute energy to one of the six other supreme devil halls.

This time around, when the terrifying Devil Will entered his mind, Shun discovered that it was the will attack of an ancient devil which could summon devils.

Millions upon millions of devils stampeded his sea of consciousness, Shun's will basically couldn't resist against it at all.

This time, Shun's will was broken, yet it didn't crumble apart. His undying resoluteness guarded his will tenaciously as the trembling of his body grew increasingly violent, like he would fall over at any moment.

{A/N: This is not affecting the layer his memory and soul are. Just his consciousness.}

Shun stood there, feeling like he was stepping not on solid ground but on the flimsy air instead.

But his will was strong, and despite the relentless attacks, and the fact that his will was broken, he still guarded with all his might to ensure his will wouldn't fade away.

Despite having a broken will, it was like he could still depend on it to ensure that he remained alive.

Such attacks were simply too terrifying, it continued to the point where Shun's own body involuntarily began to emanate devil might which wanted to fuse together with his attribute energy. Even his aura exuded a hint of devil energy now.

It looked like he was being turned into a real devil.

Luckily, the will attack didn't last forever and it gradually ceased after some time. Only then did Shun draw in a deep breath.

He only felt his body growing soft as he stumbled, directly falling down, lying softly upon the ground.

"Hu..." Shun let out a long sigh as his countenance turned pale.

Even right now, there were still traces of Devil Will in his mind, as though he couldn't completely expel it.

Also, in the depths of his eyes, there were black specks of light flashing pass occasionally.

"If this continues on, can I still endure it?" Shun sighed.

A strong mind ability and an undying supreme will.

Could it be that both of these factors have to reach an extreme before one is allowed into the core place of the Saint Devil Hall?

Who the hell even came up with this shit?

Shun knew that right now, he was undertaking the test of the Saint Devil Hall.

As the sacred ground of the Celestial Mountain, there was naturally a core place here.

Cultivation novels taught him this much

In fact, he might even have the chance to see the inheritance powers from the other six devil halls from here.

Closing his eyes, Shun cast aside all distractions. This time around, he rested for even longer before he continued on again.

The tests seemed to never stop, growing increasingly difficult as he proceeded forwards. The difficulty was as tough as ascending the heavens.


But Shun's silhouette gradually vanished from the sight of Shen and those outside, as he continued on into the depths of the hall, entering an unprecedented place in the sacred ground of the Celestial Mountain, someplace where none of them has ever been before.

"Alright time to go back, the good show is over." Fenrir stretched lazily.

To people like them, they naturally had a lot of time, hence they could just stay here and watched Shun earlier.

But now, since Shun has already disappeared, it was about time for them to leave.

This fellow actually surpassed all the geniuses of the Celestial Mountain, unceasingly going deeper until he vanished.

"Let's go." The people of the Myriad Ancient Devil Hall nodded. Their eyes gleamed with light, this junior brother of theirs, Fenrir, was already so talented in the demonic arts, and he was even extremely insightful when he trains their devil hall's arts, proceeding smoothly with no trouble at all.

{A\N: Demonic here is the energy for beasts. Just wanted to make sure we're in sync here.}

Such outstanding talent made the Myriad Ancient Devil Hall spare nothing and treated Fenrir as a successor to be nurtured.

Right now, they didn't think that Fenrir would have a friend from the Outer realms who was even more outstanding than him, being able to insta-kill Shen and the Child of Darkness, both of them top-level geniuses of the Celestial Mountain. This was simply too shocking, simply toppling their imaginations.

The batch of youngsters from the Outer realms were actually so strong to this extent?

"Earlier, somebody's skill of mocking others seemed to be very powerful. Now, it turns out that someone is merely smacking their own face." Fenrir left this place with a swagger, that arrogance he exuded made it seem that it was he who was the one that has entered the Saint Devil Hall and achieved such results.

Currently, the aura he was beginning to give out became similar to the one he always had back in the Shinobi world. Seems like Shun's words actually jolted him back from wherever he buried himself.

"The deeper one ventures into the Saint Devil Hall, the more dangerous it would be. It's only the beginning now, and if his luck is good, he might really be able to come out from there alive." Shem's cold eyes stared in the direction of the Saint Devil Hall, it was like he wasn't willing to admit Shun's superiority.

After speaking, he too, turned and left.


At the peak of the Celestial Mountain, before the Saint Devil Hall, there was still people coming here day after day, year after year.

After all, this tattered-looking devil hall was the sacred ground of the Celestial Mountain, the Saint Devil Hall.

Today, two group ascended the Celestial Mountain.

Usually, this wouldn't be a strange thing as there would often be people attempting the test. But this time around, these two were still people from the outer realms.

Shun has already created a huge commotion before this, when people tried to block him from going up, he swept through them all with impunity.

Hence, these devil experts were now more careful with regards to cultivators from the Outer realms.

But even so, when they saw the cultivators climbing up the mountain, a large number of experts went to block them as well, attempting to prevent him from reaching the peak.

This time around, although the people ascending was different, the ending was the same.

The leaders of these cultivators didn't say so much and directly smashed their way through to the top.

Everywhere they passed by, destruction could be seen. There didn't seem to be anyone capable of blocking him.

In fact, the Child of Darkness who had his position removed, transferred the hatred he had for Shun to these group.

He obstructed them and what made everyone shocked was that the Child of Darkness was defeated once again.

Not only did he fail to block them, he was even heavily injured. This made all the devil experts tremble with trepidation.

When did the outer realms become so powerful? To the devils, it was simply an apocalypse.

Although the Child of Darkness could not be considered as one of the strongest elites on the Celestial Mountain, he was still someone ranked in the front, with quite an outstanding talent. However, he actually was defeated by two different cultivators from the Outer realms.

This caused everyone to faintly sense that there would no longer be peace here on the Celestial Mountain. Some great event was about to happen.

And to ascertain this feeling, for a long period of time next, there would be cultivators ascending their Celestial Mountain one after another.

Each cultivator had extremely outstanding talent, causing yet another bout of huge commotion on the mountain.

This similarly attracted those peak geniuses of the Celestial Mountain to appear, and another fight occurred.

Another Child of Darkness fought against one of the cultivator who ascend directly after Shun.

Their battle was extremely intense, causing shock in the hearts of everyone but the ending was the same as before, it was the victory of the cultivator.

Bringing with him the radiance of victory, this cultivator acted the same as Shun did in the past, domineeringly stepping into the Saint Devil Hall.

With this defeat, no one took the initiative to provoke the other leading figure and he too stepped into the Saint devil hall.

Other than this, everyone also discovered something interesting.

These cultivators who ascended the mountain, seemed to be ill at ease with each other, and there were actually quite a few conflicts between them, causing many to be puzzled.


The storms of commotion outside had nothing to do with Shun. He who was in the Saint Devil Hall, had no free time to ponder over the matters outside. He couldn't even take care of himself now.

His conjecture was validated step by step and he did experience the power of the other devil halls.

An example, the power of the Darkness Hall devoured him completely, causing his mind to be engulfed by darkness, turning into the void.

His will struggled valiantly to not be smothered, but luckily for him, his resolution allowed him to block that supreme sense of corrosion as he pushed on forward.

Hinami was still waiting for him at the Blood Devil Cliff.

He definitely had to have some results here in the Saint Devil Hall.

Even when he narrowly lost himself to the darkness, he still didn't give up.

After that, he had to endure the test of the Apostle Devil Hall, and even also the Judiciary Devil Hall.

When the will of the judiciary lord encroached his mind, there was simply no way for him to block.

His will was poked full of holes, and grew so fragile to the extent where it could be shattered with the slightest touch.

But amidst this seemingly fragile will, an undying conviction was there, which enabled him to continue to push forward. There was nothing that could destroy him here.

Finally, Shun reached the end of this devil hall.

At the very end of this tattered-looking hall, a gate leading to another dimension could be seen.

Shun drew in a deep breath. Has he finally arrived? That place should be the place which he wants to go.

Even for the final few steps, Shun still proceeded extremely slowly, taking very stable steps, bit by bit until he reached the end.

Pushing the gate open, he lifted his foot and stepped right into it. A moment later, his entire being directly vanished from this place!