Chapter 83

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Title: An Ultimate Technique of the Devil Path



Shun felt his consciousness returning. Opening his eyes, he felt an intense pain in his head.

He stared at the revealed pathway. This was simply unbelievable, he actually won.

Before this, although he did his best, expending all his efforts wanting to conquer this devil hall, he himself actually knew that it was nothing but a far-fetched dream, there was almost no hope at all.

This Saint Devil Hall was the hall where the Myriad God Sovereign is said to reside. The master of the devil path, yet he actually managed to open up a pathway.

He didn't think too much about it. Shun drew in a deep breath and set his foot onto the path as he advanced along it.

The interior of this Devil Hall seemed extremely unique, completely different from the devil halls Shun entered earlier.

There was basically nothing here at all, only engravings of a gigantic picture on the ground.

Shun walked over, he remembered that he obtained some memories from the throne earlier.

He stood in the center of the picture, folding hand signs with both hands, forming various seals which imprint themselves on the ground.

Bright light flowed in increasing resplendence and in that instant, the picture on the ground started to transform ceaselessly.

An ancient book of the devil-path appeared there, as a rustling sound rang out from the flipping of the pages.

From within, boundless devil runes could be seen, transforming into beams of light as they shot up into the sky with such ferocity as though they intended to break this world.

The light reflected off the dome of the heavens, shrouding Shun and that ancient book with astral light.

Countless characters manifested in his surroundings as a shocking will descended from the heavens.

Right now in the sky, a supreme figure appeared, he sat upon the devil throne, like he was the Devil Lord of the stars, master of all devils.

Intense waves arose in Shun's heart. What terrifying devil might, what a strong devil will.

It was as he had expected, this place was then the true Saint Devil Hall. Was the true inheritance of the Myriad God Sovereign here?

If this was the case, should he accept the inheritance or not?

From the figure of the phantom sitting on the throne, Shun's suspicions were almost proven correct but he still maintained a little bit of doubt.

Shun drew in a deep breath and closed his eyes. The light from the ancient book of the devil path enveloped him.

Under the radiance of the God Sovereign, the countless devil runes drifted into his mind, being branded within.

The will from the phantom on the throne directly rushed into his mind.

This will was terrifying to the extreme, Shun groaned in misery and almost fell down onto the ground as his will felt like it was on the verge of being shattered.

Luckily this time around, the devil will didn't attack, it was merely transmitting information into his mind, and hence, Shun was able to endure it.

If not, Shun would surely collapse here, this will was simply too strong, much more stronger compared to any of the will attacks he encountered before.

Even though this will now had no attack power, it brought along with it an immensely powerful energy which caused trepidation in Shun's heart.

This should be the will energy of the Myriad God Sovereign who ruled the entire devil world.

This will energy entered his mind alongside the runes from the devil book, accepting him as a successor.

Shun knew how great an opportunity this was. He naturally wouldn't choose to forsake it. No matter the pain, he had to endure for sure.

He also understood how lucky he was to manage to walk until this step.

This was something which was originally impossible.

But because of some special reasons, the impossible changed into the possible.

There was no way Shun would miss this extremely rare opportunity.

Countless runes imprinted into his mind, the will of the devil sovereign entered his sea of consciousness and painted a painting within.

Shun did his best to absorb all the energy the painting was emitting and forgot the passage of time.

In the outside world, two others entered this dimension. One was the same as Shun, he fought all his way up to the mountain before he entered here.

From the Nine-Emperors Empire, Monoshiki,, was the one who also entered here.

The other, had short white hair and white eye lashes tightly shut. He exuded an unfathomable air and was clad in white armor, looking extremely imposing and carried a Katana with a lazy but imperious aura that demanded respect.

This was Katsushiki Otsustsuki, the leader of the other faction's younger generation.

Just the same as Shun, after attempting to enter the other devil halls, they eventually made the same decision as Shun and walked towards the Saint Devil Hall.

After Shun entered, this Saint Devil Hall closed off again, returning to its earlier state.

Monoshiki and Katsushiki had no idea what just happened, they also wished to enter this hall but after many attempts, they knew that it was basically impossible.

Helpless, they could only give up. In the end, they chose different devil halls with other weapons other than the already established seven halls before it, undergoing the test to gain entry.

The sky changed color and the atmosphere transformed. Boundless divine weapons exuding incomparable sharpness were everywhere.

Monoshiki assiduously attempted many times, coughing out blood from many failed attempts, unable to gain entry.

However, his will was incredibly resolute and finally, coupled with the fact that he couldn't afford to lose against the other, he managed to break through all obstructions, gaining a path of entry into the devil hall.

After Monoshiki, Katsushiki also passed the trial to enter his chosen devil hall.

Consecutively, there were three outer cultivators who entered the Saint Devil Hall, yet no devil expert had succeeded.

From the surface, it seems that the devil experts on the Celestial Mountain were inferior to the cultivators but reality wasn't so.

The devil experts who could enter have already entered, those who couldn't were still trying to, but these cultivators were attempting this for the first time and they were geniuses at the absolute peak of the Outer realms. It's only normal that some of them would succeed.


Right now the Celestial Mountain was extremely lively because there were many young men with extremely outstanding talents who just ascended the mountain.

Also, many of them were actually from the Outer realms, and they could be split into two factions.

{A/N: I think I should use Celestial Realms instead of Outer realms from now on.}

The people of the Celestial Mountain finally knew that these cultivators were all invited here by that fellow from the Apostle Devil Hall.

Many devil experts cursed silently in their hearts but the presence of these cultivators did give the young devils of the Celestial Mountain a great deal of pressure.

Because, all these cultivators were powerful ones, especially so for some among them, who could even stand equally against peak devil geniuses of the other six halls.

Occasionally, there would be people bringing up the topic of those two who came up the mountain back then.

One was Shun, he caused a Child of Darkness to be eliminated from his position, and made the Judiciary Priestess be imprisoned for three years at the Blood Devil Cliff, creating a huge deal of commotion.

For the second one, he was much more direct. He fought his way to the peak of the mountain and after defeating the ex Child of Darkness, Wu, he directly entered the Saint Devil Hall.

That his tyranny and coldness caused everyone to have a very deep impression of him.

Right now, many were speculating how far could those two fellows go?

Maybe, they had already died.

Today, it had already been about two years plus since Shun entered the Saint Devil Hall.

Right now on the mountain, many experts were in opposition with each other.

If Shun was here, he would discover that these people were all Otsustsukis.

The two sides were that of the two separate factions of the Otsustsukis by their pure white hair, pale white skin and white pair of eyes.

Da and Ria has also arrived at the mountain, but their timing was much later compared to Shun. Although Ria was a genius she wasn't as shameless as Fenrir or as knowledgeable as Shun.

The test of the Celestial Mountain would undoubtedly stop many from advancing, but to the outstanding geniuses of the Celestial realms, the test wouldn't be able to stop them.

For a true genius, regardless of will or strength, they all far surpassed ordinary geniuses. They knew what they want and where they were going.

The number of people on the side of Monoshiki was more in comparison and some fights have already erupted between them.

However, since killing was forbidden on the mountain, there were only injuries and no casualties.

The group from Monoshiki's faction were all emitting tyrannical auras while the other faction where all mellowed until provoked.

Ria, Da and Fenrir remained neutral as they didn't know which group to side with though they made their stance clear that they were against any form of friendship with Monoshiki's.

"Hey, hear what I have to say. Killing is forbidden on the Celestial Mountain. There's no meaning to your fighting now. Why don't we shake our hands and chat while enjoying some tea, finding good places to sit down in serenity?" Fenrir stood by the side as he laughed.

However, everyone knew that Fenrir words were the truth.

"The deadline of ten years would be here sooner or later. After we descend from the Celestial Mountain, we would already know the result of even without looking at it." A peak-level Chakra sea expert from Monoshiki's side coldly spoke

His entire body radiated baleful aura and his white eyes were extremely eerie.

"Even if you all used underhanded methods and brought more people, as long as those hundred participants have a higher death rate, you all would still lose." A female Otsustsuki from the other faction icily replied, not showing weakness at all. "Plus, it isn't certain who will receive the inheritance yet."

"Just wait and see then." An Otsustsuki from Monoshiki's side directly spoke.

He then waved his hand as his group left. Since they managed to come to the Celestial Mountain, they had to make good use of this time to train and keep their mental and physical state in top form as there would surely be a battle as soon as either Monoshiki or Katsushiki comes out from the Saint devil hall.

There are plenty of good places for training here, and they could even spar against devil experts from the supreme devil halls.

"You guys decided not to fight after all." A young man smiled. He was from the Southern Regions, a region ruled by different clans altogether separate from the rule of the Otsustsukis.

He had a pair of mysterious eyes which looked like they could see through you no matter what.

He inclined his head and stared in the direction of the peak, "He should have entered the interior of the Saint Devil Hall, following after the anomaly." He thought. "I wonder what changes would lead to that vision coming to pass"

Similar to the Otsustsukis, the clan this young man was from also had a similar ability to see the future and this young man was sent to keep an eye on the anomaly while determining whether he should be kept alive or eliminated.


The other cultivators all began to absorb the energy here on the Celestial Mountain and in the blink of an eye, another half year had passed.

Today, a figure walked out from the Saint Devil Hall, instantly arousing the attention of many people. This person who appeared, was none other than Monoshiki.

"What did you obtain in the sacred ground?" A devil expert asked. Monoshiki merely coldly glanced at him, he didn't choose to reply.

There were several experts from his faction who saw him. Their eyes were filled with excitement because they knew that now, Monoshiki should be even stronger than before.


The devil expert who spoke to Monoshiki earlier stepped out.

He directly slashed downwards with a terrifying devil saber.

Monoshiki's eyes gleamed with sharpness, he pointed forth with his finger and in the next instant, the devil saber in the hands of his opponent could no longer be controlled freely.


The saber started trembling, and with a loud hum, it actually flew out of that expert's arms, flying towards Monoshiki and landing at his feet.

"Ultimate technique of the devil path, what did you obtained exactly?" That eyes of that devil expert gleamed with a terrifying devil light.

The devil experts here all stared at Monoshiki. Could it be that this man was an existence equal to the founder of the Myriad Ancient Devil Hall?