Chapter 92

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Title: The Ending is Set


During this time Shun managed to have a small meeting with Katsushiki where they both exchanged informations.

Katsushiki's Image

Actually it was Katsushiki giving away information after knowing Shun's relationship with his long lost cousin.


As Shun was going from hall to hall and learning their techniques, he came across Katsushiki who was seemingly lazing around in the Sky devil hall.

As he approached him, Katsushiki lazily opened one eye and said. "Ah. The man I've been meaning to see. What brings you here?"

"Haha. Nothing much, just going from hall to hall and learning all I can for as long as I can." Shun answered casually.

"You're the only one with that privilege though, so its nothing much." Katsushiki said.

"Haha. Anyways I've been meaning to have a chat with you. Of all Otsustsukis here, you're the most easy to get close to. Monoshiki and his group aside, the fellows with you always maintain a respectful attitude whenever they see me so here I am."

"Here you are. So... How many I help?".

" I need information. Truth be told, I've not really travelled much more learned much. So I'm kinda ignorant about the things of the world at large." Shun said.

"Hmm. Where should I start?" Katsushiki asked.

"Well, first things first. What are you lot doing here?" Shun asked.

Katsushiki smiled as if already expecting the question and said. "Hmm... well..."

Katsushiki went on to tell him about the history of the Otsustsuki clan he already knew but in finer details before getting to the reason for their being here.

"It is believed that our God, Shibai, fell here and left his legacy behind. The entire Myriad Islands was once a great corner of the universe he laid wate to in his quest for power."

"The floating islands are destroyed planets he put back together in his last moment of his life."

"The devils here were habitants of the worlds or rather what was left of them. We believe his corpse also lies here but after a battle that threatened to destroy this resting place of his, a terrifying will was released from this mountain that prevents any Outsider above the chakra king level from entering."

"The battle between the two factions was because our side wanted to preserve his resting place while the other faction wanted to desecrate he body and finding a way to achieve his realm of power."

"You know the various realms of power right? Till this day, no one has been able to break past the Godking level into the God Emperor not to talk about the True God level."

"Our coming here is to see if we can glimpse into any of the inheritances left here and also to see if we could get the one left by our God."

Shun had a look of 'As I tbought' after hearing what Katsushiki had to say.

Everything finally clicked and fell into place. Someone strong enough to create a whole new energy system, carve out a part of the universe, gather the faith of trillions of people, was not something any random person could do.

Back in the Sint devil hall, the silhouette he saw sitting on the throne looked like the one he had seen once in the Boruto manga franchise.

The question now was, how did he die. From what Katsushiki said, his physical body was confirmed dead while his will remained.

Even till this day, his will still remains after thousands of years. That should tell how ridiculously overpowered he was.

Hagoromo could maintain his spiritual body for hundreds of years and finally exhausted himself during the fourth war but this guy had remained for thousands of year.

Shun looked at Katsushiki who was smiling casually and asked. "Why are you telling me this?"

Katsushiki's smile grew wider and said. "Initially I wanted nothing more than to kill you the moment I laid my eyes on you, do you know why?"

Shun frowned hearing this but shook his head. "There is a vision of our doom at the hands of a figure that looks eerily similar to your gigantic form."

"How?" Shun asked confused.

"That's what I don't know. What I know is that it is going to happen or more like was."

"What?" Shun asked.

"When I saw your fight against Monoshiki, I knew that wasn't your true strength. No. Far from that. I also knew that should I go all out against you and still lose then that vision will surely come to pass, hence I thought, what if we were the cause of everything in the first place?"

"If I make friends with you would you still find it in your heart to destroy my home?"

"No. You seemed too loyal to your friends to do that hence I held myself."

"My thought was further proven after you you showcased your inheritance."

"Shun, you're the inheritor of Our God's legacy and me making an enemy out of you due to spite of jealousy would be stupid in the long run, hence the need to further our friendship."

Katsushiki went on with his explanation and further added. "That's also why the Priest from earlier have you such preferential treatment."

"So, what do you think? Friends?" He asked.

"Sigh... I haven't thought tha much into all this stuff. I o my know to live in the present. Truth be told even if we weren't friends, I wouldn't dare attack your faction," Shun said.

"Oh? Why is that?" Katsushiki asked.

"Because I have a wife who is a young miss from your faction. I don't know how many young missus you lot have but I reckon she'd be mad at me should I war against you lot." Shun said with a gentle smile on his face.

"Young miss? Forgive me for this but I don't think we have any young miss as of now." Katsushiki said.

"Hmm. Figures. Then are you knowledgeable about any lady by the name Kaguya?" Shun asked.

"Wha-what?" Katsushiki froze in shock.

"Hmm? Kaguya. Kaguya Otsustsuki. Or does she go by another name?" Shun asked in confusion.

"No, wait, that's not it. You mean Kaguya as in Kaguya Hime?" Katsushiki

"Maybe?" Shun asked back.

"What do you mean by maybe? Do you have a picture or something?" Katsushiki asked.

"Yes, I mean no, no pictures but this should suffice." Shun said and created an illusory figure of Kaguya.

Katsushiki stood frozen in place at the sight in front of him before he began trembling.

"Oi. Oi. Are you okay?" Shun asked.

Katsushiki opened his nearly lidded eyes to the max as tears began forming on the rims of his eyes.

"Kaguya-nee" Katsushiki said.

"Wait, what now?"


Katsushiki went on the explain that Kaguya was a cousin of his he had grown up with who suddenly went missing over a hundred years ago now.

Due to her presumed death, there have been conflicts between Thier parents over the past few decades as Kaguya was chosen as a pawn in a game with the rival faction.

When asked about Ishikki, Katsushiki said he was the crown prince of his generation similar to Monoshiki of now.

Hearing this, Shun nodded as he recalled how hax he was in the Boruto manga.

Though compared to Monoshiki of now, he would appear weak as Naruto ended his with the help of Kurams's baryon mode.

After that, the two became truly close due to Katsushiki calling him brother in law without shame.

Katsushiki asked that it's due to him being stronger than him in all aspects including getting the inheritance.


All this happened months ago and this made Shun change his palms a little.

Katsushiki also told him that Kaguya would surely be in the outside world if she hasn't climbed up here by now which made sense to Shun.

With that in mind, he planned on making a short visit over and then back. Nothing would change his mind otherwise again.

After spending a long period of time cultivating on the Celestial Mountain, Monoshiki and his group quietly left the mountain.

When Katsushiki's alliance found out about this, Monoshiki and the others have all disappeared.

Most probably, everyone in Monoshiki's group understood that if they kept cultivating and waited till the time was up before leaving the mountain together, they would have almost no chance to win against The combined force of Shun and Katsushiki.

The deadline of ten years gradually grew closer. Sjum's chakra was more solid now and has already reached the peak of the ninth level.

His next objective is the Chakra King Realm and hence, he wouldn't just spend his time blindly mediating.

At his current level, what was important is one's understanding in their law attributes.

The only way to improve was to constantly seek out battles. Such would be extremely rare if one simply meditated.

"Shun do you really have to leave?" Inside the judiciary hall, the grand priest stared at Shun and his friends.

Behind him were Hinami, Fenrir, Da and Katsushiki.

His eyes filled with reluctance. After Shun left, it was unknown when they'd meet again.

"Mhm. The deadline for the inheritance battle is soon approaching. However since I'm completely unrestricted now on the Celestial Mountain, I'll come to the Myriad Islands to visit in the future once I have some free time." Shun Said.

"Naturally. Little Hinami, you have to work hard. Once you reach the Devil King realm, it would be much more convenient for you to travel between both the Celestial and Devil territories." The grand priest advised.

Hinami nodded seriously. "Okay, I'll definitely work hard in but now, I want to personally leave with Shun to the Celestial realms first. Since this battle concerns Shun and elder brother Katsushiki and the location is in the Myriad Islands, I want to do my part and help you all."

In the end, the grand priest gathered a group of Devil Kings and Emperors to escort them till they reached outside the Myriad Islands


On the floating island of the Vast Sky Region, within the emperor palace, the Vast Sky Emperor stood in the air, staring at the group of experts arriving as sharpness gleamed in his eyes.

Beside him, his daughter was there as well. When she noted the figure of the young man who came to her to seek hre father's help, her state of heart couldn't help but to fluctuate.

Her father told her that this group of people consisted of troops from the Celestial Mountain. Now, they were here to escort Shun, ensuring his safety.

This fellow was simply a monster.

Shun came over and smiled, "Sir emperor, I've come here to fulfil the promise I made to you back then."

"Mhm, Shun, you are truly someone who can create miracles." The Vast Sky Emperor laughed, glancing at Hinami who stood beside Shun.

Right now, Hinami was decked out in her full judiciary attire and exuded an incomparably icy aura.

"Most probably, they are from the Judiciary Devil Hall of the Celestial Mountain, right?"

Back then, Shen was already so arrogant and tyrannical when he arrived.

This judiciary hall was much more ancient and stronger compared to the Imperial Dragon Devil Hall Shen was from.

Their status was a level higher in comparison.

"This is Madam Hinami, our judiciary priestess." A devil king at the side introduced.

"Priestess' arrival brings light to my humble dwelling. I will immediately get someone to prepare a banquet."

"Sir, there's no need to trouble yourself. I'm in a rush and I need to head to the Fallen God Region as soon as possible." Shun smiled.

"That's fine as well." The Vast Sky Emperor nodded, "Let's move out directly then, we will use the teleportation array and head straight for the Fallen God Island. Things would be faster this way."

"Sure." Shun nodded as the group of them moved out. The Vast Sky princess didn't follow.

When she stared at the back of Shun's departing figure, many complex thoughts flashed through her heart.

A Celestial arrived for the first time in the Myriad Islands, he climbed all the way up, from participating in the birthday celebration of the Fallen God Emperor to ascending the peak of the Celestial Mountain, even to leading an army here.

He only took a few short years to accomplish all of this.

The radiance of some people was destined to never be masked. No matter where they went, they would be akin to the sun.

She was also faintly impressed by her father. The Vast Sky Emperor once told her that since he promised to help Shun, they would do so directly and not play any of those under-handed small tricks, causing Shun to be unhappy.

Now, when looking back, her father's judgement was extremely astute.

Shun could even enjoy the protection of a regiment of troops from the Judiciary Devil Hall.

Even if he wanted to break his promise now, due to unhappiness caused if they played any tricks back then, they could do nothing to him.


A wild wave of commotion arose in the Vast Sky Region. When the people there saw all these experts, their hearts were incomparably shocked.

After the Vast Sky Island, it was the Fallen God Island's turn to be shocked.

When the Judiciary Hall's army arrived, the situation was just like it was back when Shen appeared, causing a storm of commotion.

After the Fallen God Emperor discovered this, he personally came by and when he saw Shun at the lead of the army, the Fallen God Emperor didn't know what to think in his heart.

"Since the judiciary army is here, do you all need to head to my emperor palace for a rest?" The Fallen God Emperor asked.

"There's no need for that. If you are sincere, you can come along with us. If you don't, just forget it." Hinami's voice was cold.

This woman who was like a naive young lady before Shun, was still so cold and imposing when she faced others, even if the person she was talking to was a Devil Emperor.

The eyes of the Fallen God Emperor flashed. After a few moments, he nodded, "Right, no matter what the judiciary priestess might need, you can just list your demands."

He, as a devil emperor, even if he understood Hinami had no authority to command him to do things, he knew that her status and authority was even greater compared to Shen back then.

In the future if she managed to become a grand priestess, her authority would tower up into the sky.

Hinami did say that it was fine if he didn't accompany them, but there's also the fact that Shun was very unhappy with him.

That time, Shun already brought the Vast Sky Emperor to wage a war. If his actions caused them to be unhappy now, he didn't know if there would be any trouble in the future.

Hence, after a few moments of consideration, he decided to go together with them.

"Since this is the case, Thanks for the support Emperor." Shun laughed.

"Old Kan died for nothing." The Fallen God Emperor sighed in his heart. Back then the Old Man bullied Shun because he wanted to aid Monoshiki.

There's also the fact that Shun was merely a junior with no background nor power.

It was useless even if he had outstanding talent. But in just merely a few years worth of time, Shun had already reached such a height where an army from the judiciary hall was willing to escort him.

It was already destined that Old Kan would face a calamity after he bullied Shun.

"Might I trouble you to lead the way? Let's head to the devil gate entrance leading to the Celestial realms." Shun spoke. The Fallen God Emperor nodded, "Let's move out then."

As he spoke, he stepped out first. Before Shun left, he cast a glance in a certain direction. That place, was the direction the Celestial Lodge was in.

He could only sigh silently with helplessness in his heart as he turned and departed this place.

With two devil emperors, and an entire army, everywhere they passed by, the Fallen God Island was in a frenzy.

Rumors relating to Shun once again circulated the entire region with great speed.

Back then when Shun participated in the birthday celebration event and was selfishly blocked from the top three by the Old Man Kan.

Shun rejected the reward from the Fallen God Emperor in a fit of anger and three great devil kings attempted to hunt him down but were all killed instead.

Later on, Shun led the Vast Sky Emperor back here for revenge, killing Old Kan, questioning the Fallen God Emperor and shocking the entire Fallen God Island.

And now, when he came back again, he didn't merely bring the Vast Sky Emperor along.

A regiment of troop from the Judiciary Devil Hall of the Celestial Mountain was together with him as well.

Even the Fallen God Emperor had no choice but to compromise and submit, leading Shhn here.

What a hot-blooded story was this, this caused the hearts of countless youths here to heat up.

In the Celestial Lodge, two women stood together. One of them had tears in her eyes.

He returned, returned in such an inconceivably imposing manner, causing the Fallen God Emperor to compromise and submit. Such a man was truly extremely dazzling.

The lodge lord of the Celestial Lodge glanced at the fragile and weak but beautiful woman beside her while sighing softly in her heart.

At the same time, she herself was immensely shocked. Back then Xin once said this, one day when Shhn sat in the throne of the sky, the women around him would all be extremely radiant, as bright as the stars.

As for her, she was unworthy to be one of them. And now, has that young man from before begun to step on the path leading to his throne in the sky?!


Longest chapter so far. I think. Pardon my overly information dump though.