Chapter 1

{Join my Patre@n at for full chapters of volume 2 and Vol 3}


Volume Title: New world and Overpowering the Shinobi world.


In the place of beginnings, before creation, pre-dating concepts such as time and space, there existed only a will. A singular and complete existence with power limited only by its imagination.

Inevitably, this will grew bored, very bored. So it came up with the idea of creating other wills to sate its boredom. It took to work creating a grand construction with space for the wills to occupy and time so they could experience events sequentially.

After making the groundwork for its construction, reality, it realized that it would know everything that would ever come to pass within it.

Finding the idea of knowing everything that would happen before it happens unsatisfying, it decided to give up its 'Omnipotence' and 'Omniscience' and what remained afterwards was Veldanava, a being with the creator's will but existing as part of creation rather than something beyond it. 


Heavenly Star Palace

Veldanava POV.

Astonishing. That would be the word used to describe the enigma currently in front of me.

A being similar to me yet felt more real. I had never thought that there would be an existence similar to me in any manner or form, ergo my astonishment.

The energy wafting off of him seemed more welcoming that the my energy yet I feel it can accomplish what mine can do and more.

It seemed to contain the concepts of my current known reality. I wouldn't know what to describe him but since I don't feel any malicious intent from him, I'd rather nurse him back to full health.

Though that begs the question. What could possibly injure such a being?

Could there be other universes out there with being of our caliber?

Ah... My curiosity seem to be getting the better of me. I'm still young, I think.

Better wait for him to wake up.

Hmm... Better ask Obera to take care of him while I'm not around.


"Hai, Veldanava-sama,"

"Would you be a dear and take care of this new friend while I'm away?" I smiled and asked.

"It'll be my utmost honour, Veldanava-sama," she answered robotically.

Sigh, what's wrong with these fellows? Can't there be more casual every once in a while?

"Alert me the instant he shows signs of awakening." I said.

"Hai. Veldanava-sama." She bowed.

Looking at my new friend once more, I chuckled and disappeared. Gotta see how these high humans Twilight created are faring, the vampires too.

POV Change.

Hmm? Where am I? Didn't I die? How come I can still feel some laws and energy around me?

Weird. Last I was here I think it was a dark void stretching out as far asy eyes could see, what's up with this bright as hell place.

Gasp! Don't tell me I finally entered heaven?

Damn. God really is real?

Wait hold on a sec, if God is real then how come I met that other God before I reincarnated?

Wait, somethings wrong.

How come I can still think calmly after dying and what's with this absurd out of energy running amok in my body.

Wait, is this even my body?

"Seems like he's about to awaken. Better tell Veldanava-sama." A cold voice sounded around me.

The fuck!? Who's there? Oi Show yourself while I'm still being peaceful.

Wait, why am I even asking when I have my divine sense. And why does that name sound familiar? Veldanava. Velda...

AHH. Veldanava from Tensura? FUCK.

Don't tell me I finally broke through the Shinobi universe membrane and ended up in the Tensura universe.

YES!... This has been one of my favourite webnovel when I was alive. To think I could meet the Creator God this soon.

What luck.

But that must mean I'm in the Heavenly Star Palace then. Hmm. Lemme perform a quick scan.

Thinking that, I spread out my divine sense only to see one of the most beautiful sight I've ever seen in my life. This palace was enormous, infact, enormous would be an understatement.

This place was gigantic as fuck... With every angle of the building made from metals even I can't believe should exist. But one thing they had in common was that everything was Golden.

During my scan I noticed seven particular beings with an enormous amount of energy in then protestating on the floor with looks of terror on their faces. Weird.

Skipping that, I noticed that the one closest to me seemed to have just finished informating Veldanava and was currently looking at me with fear.

Hey lady I'm just a new arrival here. I haven't done anything perverted to you or something. Why the fearful look?

I pride myself to be the most approachable man in existence and I doubt any living male could may h my handsomeness.

While I was narcissistically praising myself, I felt a mass of energy that made me almost scream in shock appear inside the palace and just a few kilometres away from me.

And before I could gather myself together he smiled and said, "No need to be nervous new friend. I'm Veldanava. Nice to meet you."

Damn... This must be why those seven were prostrating earlier. They must have known of his arrival, but that beggars the question, why the fear?

Oh well, Veldanava was always protrayed as a man of peace so I doubt he'd scheme against me.

"Shun Tengoku. That's my name." I answered.

"Uwa~ A given name, huh? As expected of someone of my caliber. Nice to meet you." He said hyperly. Kinda reminds me of that one wizard king.

"Likewise." I answered.

"Umm... If you don't mind, you've been lying down for quite some years now, not counting how long you've been floating out in the void. Wouldn't you want to sit up or stand up atleast?" He asked.

What!? Years? What the fuck is the guy taking about? And I'm lying down? That impossible. I'm obviously... Ohhh...

That's my astral body. Looking at my perfectly sculpted body below me, I sighed in admiration but looking at the 'bishounen' besides me, I retracted my admiration and flew back in.

Sitting up and feeling my body gave me another new feeling altogether. I felt omnipotent and omnipresent. Like I was everywhere and all powerful at the same time. Damn. This feeling is addictive.

"Sorry about that. That was rude of me." I apologized as I retracted the God complex that was setting in. The person in front of me was much more of a God than I am.

"Don't mind that. I guess it must have been due to the injury you got before coming here right?" Veldanava waved his hand in dismissal.

"By the way, you're scaring my servants, do you mind retracting these energy you're giving off?" Veldanava asked as he pointed to the Lady beside us sitting looking at me in fear.

"Hmm?" Energy? I'm sure I'm perfectly controlling my chakra, what's this guy taking about? Anyways. What's a little control that I can't handle.

Closing my eyes, I felt this new energy that was similar yet vastly different from Chakra oozing off of me and with a command sealed them in my body.

"That's better. Flawless even. How did you do that?" Veldanava asked.

"What?" I asked confused. The guy also had all his energy retracted, how does that come as a surprise?

"No. No. It's not me. It's just that I felt these energy you're giving off seemed more primal that my own and since mine got controlled after many years, I thought yours would take some time too." He answered honestly.

"Primal?" If I remember correctly, the energy he should have is the Chaos Energy, and since he has probably already lost Turn Null after creating his multiverse, he should be using Star Dust.

"Yeah. Primal. Like returning to its origin or something. What's your energy called if you don't mind?" He asked.

No harm telling him since he's already a multiversal entity and I'm within his main base no less.

"It's called chakra. Lifedkrce energy. The combination of your physical strength and spiritual strength. Like your body and soul." I gave an honest answer.

"Hmm... Thats similar to the lower form of energy my creations have but yours is even more potent than mine before I created this world." He said before falling into deep thought.

Looking at him thinking deeply, I smiled at his show of curiosity. This guy's basically knows nothing apart from what his brain has already given him since his birth.

The Information King: Akashic Record shouldn't have been fully complied as of yet. I think.

"How about this. I tell you my story and you tell me what you think later on." I offered.

"Really? That's great then. Let's go to a more comfortable location." He said and I felt space around me twist and we were in a green field as far as our normal eyes could see.

The seven archangel of origin were standing behind us in reverence.

With the mood set, I began. "It all started centuries ago, I was but an 8 year old who was just found and adopted into a family of a demigod..."

I then went on to tell him my story, experiences and discoveries on different forms of fighting.

He asked some questions in between to which I answered to the best of my ability.

At the end of it, we were already talking like long lost friends.

"That's quite the adventure, huh?" He laughed.

"Haha, an adventure that led to my death." I said with a sad smile. "Wonder how the girls are doing now?" I sighed and looked up.

"That third eye of yours looks cool by the way." He said.

"Of course it does. Its me we're talking about. What wouldn't look cool on me. Hahahaha." I said and we laughed.

"Well, if you ask me then I think you were expelled from that universe by the laws of the universe." Veldanava said.

"Expelled? How is that possible?"

"Think about it. Which Creator would allow another creator on par with him to exist in his domain? I don't know about others but I certainly won't."

"And seeing as the afterlife in that universe is called Pure Land, then there is a possibility that the original Creator is or was a Buddhist as you've mentioned."

Shit... Why haven't I thought of that? Pure Land, Chakra, what they have in common is that they hail from the original Hindu religion and one thing about them is that they're monopolist in nature.

"So I can't go back there again?" I sighed dejectedly.

"Who says so? As you've said, the moment you fused with your world's core, you became aass of energy right?"

"Mhhmm," I nodded.

"Then you're currently similar to me, a spiritual life form with a physical body. What you need now is to either create a world and cast out all the excess energy as I did or you create a world with you as a container," Veldanava reasoned.

Hmm... That makes sense. If I go by his route, I'd lose all my power why maintaining the basic Chakra I should posses. Meaning that if currently, I have, say, Divine Chakra, by doing that, I'd then have only Sage chakra.

That's assuming their ranks are Chakra, Senjutsu Chakra, And then God/Divine Chakra.

Although it means I'd lose a huge portion of my powers, I'd still be invincible inside the universe I'd create, while on the outside world is have all my abilities and with enough energy to support me, I can probably still fight God Kings.

I haven't fought a God Emperor before but from the energy I have now, I can say that the energy I felt from the God Kings in the past seem miniscule.

In a sense, these two options are similar since in the first place, chakra drops in quality and quantity while still maintaining my connection to it.

In the second place, I Still possess all my energy but a slight leakage would entail I'm forced out of the Shinobi universe.

Damn. What a hard choice to make. Or is it?

"That's quite the choice right there..." I said.

"Nah... Not really. With the first, you'd take a step towards true Godhood. Think about it. The energy you spend tomcreate the world is like an investment. When the living beings with your energy dies, they give back a purer and higher amount of energy back."

"This way, you only lose in the beginning and gain in the long term."

Veldanava said scholarly only to see me looking at him weirdly.


"Where did you learn about the principal of investments and returns?" I asked.

"Oh that? There is this little universe I created to have no magicles whatsoever to see if they can survive and interestingly, they can, and they come up with the most fascinating ideas." He answered.

This rand bells in my head and I asked. "What's the name of this planet?"

"Oh... It's earth. Interesting name. They chose it for themselves after one goddess or something. Interestingly it was Pico I sent over to arrange the groundworks of the planet and the primitives of back then saw her holy appearance and took her as a goddess. It gave me a fascinating result." Veldanava ranted.

"What result?" I asked to continue the conversation.

"Apparently, that's where I first discovered an energy I termed Faith Energy. As they worshipped her, a new form of energy flowed through her and into me. Said energy is even more reoccurring now."

"As they experience various trials and challenges, the faint hearted look for something beyond their human understanding and term as God. With more believers, a new form of energy takes form."

"It's miniscule by the way, but imagine a situation whereby their Gods worship you while others worship them. Wouldn't that be an even purer source of energy?" He finished.

Now that he mentioned it, it quite the project. And he could think of all these from just watching his creations.

Imagine if I showed him the light that Rimuru would show Veldora.

Nah... Wouldn't want to change the Tensura world as I've done to the Shinobi world. This world is one of the most perfect worlds I've ever read about.

Maybe some unfortunate individuals like Chloe, Shizu, Chronoa, and Hinata need a little saving but that's for later.

Right now, I need to get back to my family or at least let them know that I'm alright.

Hmmm. Now that I think about it... "Oi, Velda, this earth you talk about, what's up with them? How's their lifespan and how many years has passed since you created it?"

"Oh that? That was originally an experiment to see if I could create a specie different from the high humans, one of subordinate, Twilight is creating."

"At first, I thought, what if I make their body void of magicles but make their souls a tiny bit special, how would they dare against the high humans?" Veldanava said

"And what was your conclusion?" I asked curiously.

"They were useless. I haven't seen any good results yet. But don't worry, I'll keep destroying the plant and remaking it till I create the perfect creation of them all." Velda said with determination.

Ah. No wonder. I would be shocked if earth was already as advanced as how I imagine it from his description.

From the Tensura webnovel, it was said that Veldanava was nearly 20,000 years old with the angels and demons 5+ years old, I don't know how accurate that is but it would be important for earth to be advanced by now while this world, the Cardinal World is still under experimentation.

"Well, as I have nothing better to do, why don't we share our knowledge and see if we can create a perfect world and specie to inhabit it?" I offered.

"Really? Since you've seen people of our caliber, then I believe your help would be of the utmost importance. Thanks." Veldanava said.

"No need for thanks between us, from now on, we're brother in all but blood, how about it?" I said.

His eyes brightened up and he nodded and said. "Of course, but how should we address ourselves then?"

"Hmm... How about 'Tian'. It's short for Heaven. How about it?" I said.

"Heaven, Huh? It's good but what's your deal with heaven? Your other name was also Heaven." Veldanava laughed.

"Well, I have a vision to live for as long as the heavens. It's a constant reminder to strive for the peak." I inclined my head to the skies and said.

"What a wonderful dream. It's settled then. From this day we will be known as the Heavenly Brothers, for we will live as long as the heavens exist." Veldanava declared.


In a chamber in the Heavenly Star Palace, a will, emotionless, created by its creator, blinked and opened its eyes as his creators voice rang through the walls of the Palace.

A bright light flashed through its eyes before regaining it's emotionless visage as it continued monitoring the creation of his master.

Unknown to everyone, a thought ingraved itself in the depth of its subconscious mind. 'My Master Must Live Eternally'.

As for the individual you was deemed it's masters equal. Although it felt disdainful towards him, he knew that this individual was an existence on par with its master and also took record of said individual.


Unknown to Shun, his casual suggestion just gave rise to a whole new outcome pertaining the future of this world he had deemed perfect.

Every living being from the most miniscule of ants to the Archangel, Archdemons, Spirits, Vampires, High Humans, Elves, and Monsters, they all felt, at this very moment, another supreme being had been engraved into their subconscious.

The more powerful of them all, felt intrigued while the weaker just shrugged it off as if a passing thought.


A/N: I'm not really back guys but I guess I'm back somewhat. I wrote this chapter to see if you all think it's alright.

Just wanted to set a foundation for future volumes. Most of you asked that I continue with the Naruto Fanfic which I will, but I just wanted to give you guys a feel of his power level in regards to Veldanava and other Universal and Multiversal beings.


Oh... I also regret to inform you that my release frequency will be reduced... I gotta give my patrons a little bit of favouritism...