Not A Chapter But A Must Read.

Hey guys, I just saw a review from someone and I just realized that what he said was actually true, I had neglected this as I had assumed that a lot of people probably found the volume 2 boring.

Turns out it wasn't an assumption. So here's what i'ma tell y'all.

This volume 2, is important. Truly, you may not see it now but I assure you that it'll all come together in the later volumes or Volume.

His wishes from the volume 1, his aspirations, every thing will fall into place. I'm not writing this as a way to just pass time or make money. No. To me, this is more than that.

I had a thought, I thought, what if I myself was actually in this world right from the start, how will the anime play out? Weird, yes I know, but I did.

Then I found I could write this down and that I did but as most if not all anime with a long history tend to do, I thought of what could've actually happened during the many years from the era of Kaguya to the time of Naruto.

I also thought, despite how the Otsustsuki were made to be your everyday villain that could be killed off at any time, is that really how it is?

Momoshiki and Ishikki were made out to be relatively weak as compared to Kaguya but we could all see that that's not the case.

In a way, Ishikki and Monoshiki had more cheat level powers than Kaguya but someone like Boruto could off Monoshiki with just a Rasengan.

That made me think, Is this shit really what I expected after the grueling battles we saw in the fourth Shinobi war? Nah, that's impossible.

Then I went and studied the anime properly while comparing their abilities to various novels I had read and guess what I found?

I found that Boruto decided on their own to nerf the Otsustsuki despite them being, 1, immortal, 2, Overpowered as hell, and three, 3, Literally unlikable.

It was told to us that they couldn't be killed but sealed because of their Kama.

I mean after eating a chakra fruit, you'll literally become the Ten Tails but what did we see in the Boruto series? Nerfing. Unnecessary ones at that.

So I came up with my own thoughts on what I imagine the Otsustsuki to be.

Enough ranting from me. I'm only going to say that reading this wouldn't disappoint but if you wish, either give me more stones so that I'll release them quickly or check out my Patre@n.

Have a nice day.

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