Chapter 13

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Title: Touring The Shinobi World


It took a little more than two weeks to design and create the different puppet and their working circuit with seals.

Despite being as strong as I am now, I had to intricately design the seals so as not to make them overpowered.

Current chakra capacity they each possessed was roughly around 50k units not counting their physical body made from Wood Release created by yours truly.

At the end, I had a butler for myself, six female maids for Hinami, Ria and Kaguya respectively, ten battle maids and others like housekeepers.

I had to create minor Artificial intelligence with blank ego and freewill while creating the seals so that they could develop as they grow and experience life.

Special puppets like the Cooks and Battle maids were created with an already complete memory in what they need to do.

The cooks with recipes of various kinds and for various occasions, the battle maids with battle techniques and tactics.

The battle maids weren't given ninjutsus, just the normal Taijutsu I had gathered and researched during my time in the Myraid islands, Celestial Mountain and the Evergreen Empire.

This way, they could handle any task I have for them.

As for their appearances, they naturally wouldn't look like the generic puppets used in the future in Sunagakure or the ones created by that Ankrokuzan fellow.

I am someone who have created living beings from nothing but the earth beneath my feet, creating a puppet with a life-like appearance is as simple as breathing to me.

Guess even Tony Stark from MCU would still be a far cry from being able to create these beauties I had created.

Wait, why am I even comparing myself to a normal human? Weird.

Anyways, all that's left now is to wait for the girls to wake up from their nap so we could finally go on our Tour.

"Eien, compile a list of those with special abilities interesting enough to keep an eye on,"

"Understood master." Came the reply.

Hmm, guess I should waste some time in clan and see how the military strength of the younger ones are in this generation.

Appearing at the center of town once more, I walked as slowly as possible to admire the view of the clan my descendants had created.

Although I did creat this island, seeing it prosperous has a different feeling it gives.

From the air, it looks like the buildings were built in the covers of the flower trees and is hidden. Maybe Hanagakure would be a fitting name for it in the time of Shinobi.

Village hidden in flowers. Has a nice ring to it.

After my tour round the town-like village, I had already gotten a grasp on the current situation of the Tengoku clan.

I say town-like village because the village was as large and beautiful as a well developed town.

Anyways, it turns out my descendants had kept a bottom line in all they do, which is that they never attack any who don't attack them, be they normal chakra-less individuals or individuals with chakra.

During my trek around town, I discovered varying individuals with varying amounts of chakra walking around like they own the place despite not being a Tengen.

{A/N: That's what I'll be calling them. Deal with it. If you got a better name, I'm always open to them.}

The interesting thing was that they were alway in constant watch without their knowing.

Guess having perfect chakra control gives my descendants a hidden perk of ending natural born spies.

Beautiful as it was, I spent some days admiring the place and appreciating what has become of my island until I received a notice from Eien that the girls were awake.

Without much if a thought I erased my existence from the minds of whoever I was ever in contact with and returned back to the floating castle.

Maybe I should turn it into a city? That way it would be Floating City. Sounds good, thoughts for later.

As I flashed into the throne room, the sight that greeted me was my three stunningly beautiful wives sitting around a round table at the center of the throne room with six other beautiful ladies in uniform standing dutifully behind them.

"Look who decided to wake up." I smiled and pecked each of them on the lips.

"How was the rest?" I asked.

"Well deserved." Kaguya answered. "Good." Hinami said and finally Ria said. "Okay, I guess."

"You've been sleeping for a month now and it's barely Okay?" I chuckled.

"Well, we were awake for close to two hundred years worrying over a certain person, weren't we?" Came Ria's reply.

"Well, it's a good thing that certain person decided to return, innit?" I said.

"Sebas, tell the cook to prepare a quick meal for us. Be as fast as possible but don't rush it." I ordered the butler standing dutifully behind me.

"Yes, Master." Sebas, nodded and left to carry out his order.

Turning to look at the girls, I saw their curious expression and asked. "What?"

"We noticed these... ladies, standing behind us, are weird, your butler included, what's up with that?" Hinami asked as Kaguya and Ria nodded, acknowledging the question.

"Hmm? You guys don't know?" I asked back?

"Know what? Personally I feel that they're weird as they don't seem to be living beings yet they posses chakra. To have chakra, one has to have both a Soul and Body. Hence my confusion. They're not alive, yet they possess chakra. Explain." Said Kaguya.

"Oh, nice observation there and yes, you're right, they aren't living being, but puppets. Puppets more advanced that this world has at least, 300 years before they can create, take it as advanced tech." I said and explained the theory behind it to them in more details.

During my explanation, the was brought in by another set of maids with Sebas in the lead.

During the meal, they asked what I had been through during the two hundred+ years I was absent and I told them about Veldanava and the the multiverse theory.

I finally had something to tell Kaguya about the books in my head.

Unlike Hinami and Ria who believed that the books in my head were created by me, Kaguya believed that other worlds existed outside this Universe.

She had asked how I got all those books in the past and I had told her I had woken up with it, which isn't a lie. I did wake up with it after all.

I also told them about my Universe which they were ecstatic to see to which I shut them down saying I had other plans for them, which included touring the world to properly release the stress they have accumulated.

"But wouldn't touring your universe also be helpful and even more time saving? After all, you can control the flow of time there right?" Ria asked.

"Well yes, but I wouldn't be there in my physical body. Also, I'd be omniscience in there which would be boring. I want us to travel around this world like we did in the past Hinami and also like we did in that Dynasty in the Celestial realms." I said.

"C'mon, I have all these planned out. Also, our nightly activities would play a wonderful part in relieving your stress, now wouldn't it?" I said as a lewd smile crept in my lips.

No matter how you look at it, they had abstained from sex for nearly two centuries. A single night wouldn't be enough to satiate such energetic women.

"So, what do you think?" My lewd smile grew wider causing them to blush.

"Well, since you insist, I don't have any qualms about it." Ria was the first to answer before Hinami and Kaguya also nodded their heads.

"Well, what do you say about beginning out stress relief tonight and tomorrow we set off on our journey?" I continued but before they could answer, we were already on the king sized bed in the masters bedroom.

The girls didnt let out any girlish screams and with a snap of my finger, our clothes were gone.

"Check out this new truck I discovered just for this occasion." I said and from my back, two extra pairs of hand appeared along with two other heads.

"This is called the S*x Style: Asura Divine Body. Cool right?" I asked.

"You never cease to come up with weird things, Shun. Welcome back." Hinami said with a heartfelt smile as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Stroking her cheeks, I replied, "I'm back."