Chapter 21

Join my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.}


Title: Timeskip 1


A year quickly passed by and today marked the end of the Training arc of the brats.

Whether it was due to our immortality, we, or I didn't even feel the passage of time. Since our cells doesn't really divide and die out like normal humans and Instead they regenerated infinitly making us remain at peak state as far as energy exists in our body.

Today was the last day and I was seated in front of the dorm with the little Nara playing chess. Not Shogi but chess. They had differences and similarities but all in all, it was an intellectual game.

While Shogi had a board of 9×9 and Chess had 8×8, they had different playing principles.

"Today is the last day of our Training, Sensei?" The Nara asked as he placed a piece down.

"Mmm. The first phase of your training." I answered while observing the game. Unlike me who had lived for countless years, the little Nara was barely 14 years old but he could make me think twice before placing my piece.

"First phase?" He asked in shock. "There wasn't any mention of that."

"Mm." I nodded while still focusing on the game.

"Sigh." The Nara sighed and continued. "How does this next phase affect us?"

I placed a piece down and then answered. "It is merely where you'll all out the theories you've learnt during this past year into practice."

"Does that mean we'll be fighting you and big sisters?" He asked and placed as piece down on the board.


A chuckle escaped my mouth hearing him say that. "Fight us? That was a nice joke even for you little Nara. You can't possibly fight us, and there's a Reason for that."

The Nara wasn't offended but instead pondered for a while and said. "That's actually good. If it happened to be fighting you four for the next year then I'd rather kill myself and be done with it."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" I asked in intrigue as I placed a piece down.

"I like to think that I'm very intelligent at least compared to my fellow students and seeing as you four plan on training us to reach that absurd amount of chakra in a year's time while also training our physical bodies to such a degree, I can conclude that even if we reach that level, we'd still be relatively weak when compared to you and your wives." The Nara said and moved a piece.

"What makes you say that? For all you know, I could be training you all for nefarious purposes or something." I said and also moved my piece.

"That's impossible. I don't know how my deduction skill compares to my intelligence but I'm sure as hell that you and big sisters aren't like that." The Nara said while still pondering on what to play.

"Humph," I snorted and then said. "You never can tell little Nara. True I don't have any nefarious thoughts but what's to stop me from developing one right now. Anyway, my purpose for doing all these is to lay a proper foundation for the future."

"You see, I and my wives have been alive for a very long time, we were alive when chakra was at its peak. We were among the first few that got to use chakra and since then, I can count only 9 people who are still alive or at least barely alive, till this very moment." I said, shocking the Nara even more than before.

"You see, chakra is a good thing. The Sage of Six paths had hoped that it'll connect all living beings together so that they will understand eachother and prevent wars and conflicts." I said and stood up.

"But I see a dark future ahead of us. Even now, people use this chakra for evil purposes, wars are being waged almost every day and people die in their thousands." I stopped for a moment while thinking of every possible way the future would unfold.

I still refrained from using my Clairvoyance to peek into the future as that will take the fun out of everything. I hoped to be the watcher and although I had strayed from that path a long time ago, I can only set some ground rules to abide by now.

"Do you hope that we'll quell the wars? Is that why you've been training us?" The Nara asked with a frown on his face while probably thinking, "that'd be troublesome.'

"No. Far from that. I'm training you people to cause an even more chaos in the world." I said as I smiled and looked back.

The little Nara frowned deeper but before he could say anything, I continued. "You see, this world is still young. It has a lot of prospect and of the five major clan, only tjr Tengoku clan truly is from this world."

I paused and allowed him to absorb this little bit of info. He was a smart kid, that's the reason I'm even telling him this.

"Does that mean there are other people outside this world?" He asked as his eye widened in realization.

"I guess you already have an answer. Hundreds of years ago, the visitors from outside brought the Hyuga, Uchiha, Senju and Uzumaki bloodline line with them. At first it was just two, Uchiha and Hyuga, but later the other two came along. The Tengoku clan are the only ones that truly belong to this world among the give ancient clans." I explained patiently to him.

"How does this have anything to do with the future chaos you hope for us to cause?" He asked in confusion.

"It's quite simple you see, these five clans are all overpowered. Everyone from clans outside of these five, no matter how strong, are merely canon fodder in front of a warrior of these clans." I said and pointed to the chess game motioning for him to play his piece.

"Why do you think I didn't invite any of their members here? As far as they train normally, they'd end up stronger than anyone else. Well, thats under normal conditions. There can be exceptions." I continued as he finally played his piece.

"Now, with the knowledge you have all acquired now and the extra you'll acquire in the next phase of this training, you'd atleast have something against them. Unfortunately...." I said but stopped before completing my sentence.

Looking at the board game below, I moved a piece and said. "Check mate."

"You see little Nara, intelligence is a good thing, but sometimes, it blinds us to what truly matters. Now run along, tomorrow will be the your final exams, anyone able to reach my pass mark can make a wish from me." I said befor disappearing from his view.

3rd POV

The Nara looked at the board flabbergasted. He was sure he still had the game under control, how did he lose without knowing.

"Intelligence is a good thing, but sometimes, it blinds us to what truly matters." Shun's words resounded in his head.

"Was I under an illusion all this time?" He wondered but shook his head, "That's impossible, I should have noticed it, right?"

Once again, Shun's words rang in his head. "Seems like I was under an illusion all along. To think I was even constantly moving my chakra in case of any such attacks. Sigh, they really are out of our reach." The Nara thought to himself before packing up the game and walking away too.

Shun POV.

The little brat thought he could best me so easily? Pft, as if. I and played with him for more than 50 times over the year and although he always won in the beginning, I turned it into a training session where he'd have to pay extra attention against my Genjutsu attack.

It was good training as he'd develope the habit of constantly moving his chakra even when doing other things.

Parallel Thought Training, I called it.

Well, since today is the last day, I decided to talk to someone about my purpose for doing these things. Hinami, Ria and Kaguya already know about it as I've told them in the past.

Now that the kids will be leaving us soon, I wonder how they handle it. They wouldn't show it but I can feel they enjoyed the feeling of being around kids and teaching them.

I guess I wasn't the only one with that desire.

Teaching really is a wonderful job when you really enjoy the profession.

Also, the kids have had a good amount of improvement these past year. It would've been weird if they didn't.

They ate the best and most nutritious foods, courtesy of Hinami and Ria medical studies.

Had the best medicinal baths to temper their physical body, muscles and joint included, also courtesy of the girls.

Had a good learning environment courtesy of me and Kaguya and finally had a good competitive atmosphere which helped push them forward.

It really would have been weird if they didn't show maximum improvement.

Today would be their last day though, and the next time I'll be hosting these kind of training program would likely be when I'll be picking the first generation Kages.

Well, that's for the future. For now, let's see how the kids compare with their past selves.