Chapter 28

Join my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.}


Title: Foundations


We arrived at the small village we were currently living in and I turned to Sebas and said. "Making a copy of that paper and send it to the girls."

"Hai, Shun-sama." He bowed and left leaving me with a flabbergasted bunch of old men.

"No need to look so confused, everything would be revealed to you in time." I said and began walking again. "Don't lag behind, you may get lost if you miss a step."

The patriarch was quick to snap out of his shock and followed after me immediately.

Opening a random door, another view appeared before us and we were met with a spacious garden with a smal pavilion built in the middle. Songs of birds could be heard, flowing waters and gentle winds too.

"Follow me." I ordered and walked towards the pavilion and got seated, the old men followed after and got comfortable too.

The look on their faces were something I captured with an invisible Calogram. I wonder why I was still doing that. Not like there would be people to enjoy the view of their embarrassing moments. Force of habits, I guess.

"Now. You all must have wondered why you were so comfortable in my presence while we were in the clan, right?" I asked while taking a sip from the cup that got filled with Hinami's special made tea.

They men looked at eachother in realization and their body tensed up.

"No need for that, If I wanted you all dead, then you wouldn't even know how you died." I said and dropped the cup down.

"Now, let me properly introduce myself. My name is Shun. Just Shun. Ring any bells?" I smiled while looking at them.

"Shun..." The patriarch said and looked at the other elders in confusion.

"Yeah, Shun. Sigh. I didn't come here to waste time but to let you in on something. I'm the First Tengoku the father of Izanagi and Izanami your founding father and mother." I changed my aura and said causing shock to appear on their faces.

Without waiting for them to come back to reality I continued. "According to the prophecy I left behind in the clan, the promised era would arrive in less than 200 years and although you have developed well enough, you haven't developed to the potential I envisioned for you at that time."

"So effective immediately, I'll be teaching you on some basic knowledge in military, economic, social and political affairs. The moment you all leave here, you put everything you can remember down on writing. As you're already old I don't expect this vision to be realised in your lifetime, but should your island close itself down for the next couple decades it should be done before the time of prophecy." I said while looking into the sky sagely.

"As for the relationship between you and the other ancient clans, sever it till the time there is a mention of a unification. When you hear of the unification between any two or three of the ancient clans, put it down in writing that I'll choose a disciple from the clan to do some things."

"Now this dimension you're in is similar to the one training and library dimension in your possession so time hasn't passed much in the outside. I'll be passing the things you need to know over to you. Remember, out them all down as soon as you leave and never search for me or make mention of me till the day of your death." I finished and pointed my fingers toward them.

Several beams of light came forth and rushed into the sea. Of conciliation while forcefully imprinting itself on it. This way was forceful but as my descendants it should be bearable. Also, nothing wrong could go wrong with me here.

They all began writhing in pain and clutched their heads while I watched indifferently. After a while, I stood up and said to Eien. "Set up a seal to send them back as soon as they're all awake."

This way, when they find the knowledge in their mind, I would be more mysterious in their minds.

The things I put in their minds were things I had in mind to do myself, but with my growing determination to remain neutral, I wouldn't actively interfere with the timeline now. Whatever they come up with will be what it's going to be.

This isn't interference if that's what you're thinking, No. This is what I like to call Guiding. I'm leading them to do the things without actually doing it myself.

I know it sound the same but I assure you, it isn't.

[Master, who are you trying to convince with that?] Eien asked in disdain?

Wha-what? Did I just sense disdain in your tone, Eien?

[You must be mistaken, master.] Eien replied.

No I'm not. How could I be mistaken and for the record, I'm not convincing anyone, I'm just stating the facts.

[If you believe that master, then I guess it's true.] Eien said.

Umu, it's good that you know. Now then, where's Sebas?

[He just finished delivering the letters to the mistresses and has returned, awaiting your presence.] Eien said. I nodded and prepared to leave before Eien continued. [I've also placed a teleportation seal around this dimesion, it will activate in fifteen minutes.]

Fifteen minutes? I didn't set a timer, Eien. Are you doing things by yourself without letting me know?

[Negative, master. I calculated from their brain waves that they would all awaken in thirteen minute time and will take less than two minutes to get their thoughts in order. By the time they're regaining their senses, they will be teleported away, further increasing your mysteriousness in their mind.] Eien replied.

Mm... Not bad. Not bad at all. Nice going Eien. Let's go meet Sebas.

[If I may ask Master.] Eien spoke.

Hmm? Go ahead?

[Why dis you pass those knowledge to them?] Eien asked.

Oh... Oh that? It's simple really. You're the first person I'm telling this as you're my creation and child and I believe you wouldn't betray my trust so I'll share this with you.

In time, these battes that go on on daily basis would become even more brutal that children will be sent out to fight for the sake of stupid things like money, prestige, and stuff like that.

Times like that would bring about the dissatisfaction of people especially two special children. My brothers reincarnations, they will be the strongest and the most influential in the course of this world and revolution will take place.

But you see, as a wise man once said, 'Wherever there is light, there would always be shadows to be found as well.'

This revolution would be both helpful and disastrous. It will bring about a lesser amount of violence and brutality while also bring about more pain and sadness.

This world would produce people of Valor that would fight against the shadows and for the shadows.

During these times, I would like this clan of mine to stand as an exception. A place of beginnings and knowledge, a place which will stand steadfast no matter the storms that is leveled against them.

Hah, don't think too much about that now, soon everything will be revealed. We just have to live our present day to the fullest, we do have all the time in the world after all.

Saying this, I arrived in fron tof Sebas and said. "This is our first order of business Sebas, call all the villager for a small gathering as soon as possible. I'm about to change the lives of everyone gathered here and their generation's future."

"Hai, Shun-sama. It'll be done immediately." Sebas bowed and turned to leave.

"Remember, ask them, don't make the mistake of ordering them. They're our first clients, remember that, we serve them, so do whatever you want to do politely. We good?" I asked.

"Understood, Shun-sama." Sebas turned amd bowed once more.

Also, Eien.

[Yes, Master?]

Imagine a clan of people specially trained to do things that the people of the future would die to acquire?

A special force of people, specially trained to perform special operations, The Special Ops, and in this Special Ops, the Black Ops, a squad in this force meant to do the bad things others would frown against.

A squad in this force trained special to be undying. Medic Squad, they'd be able to fight in the front line without fear of death as they heal as fast as they're injured while also healing injured comrades.

A special squad specially trained to infiltrate enemy lines as scouts and return without being caught. A squad trained to fight with their physical body alone and a squad trained on the theory of chakra to its limits.

Trust me, Eien, I have a grand vision for the future of this world.

[What about the prophecy, master?] Eien asked.

The prophecy? If course it'll happen and the world will know true pain as well as see that what they've been living in was was nothing but an illusion engineered by three unique existences.

Their eyes would be opened to the true horrors of the world they live in. That prophecy is a necessity for the greater- No, for the later good.

[What's the difference Master? Greater and Later good.] Eien asked.

Good question Eien. Good question. You see, when one says something is being done for the greater good, there's a 87% possiblity that he has selfish interests. The other 13% is is that that something is being done to sacrifice the many for the few.

But when something is done for the later good, that thing is done to change a situation, a situation that would lead to catastrophic events if not properly handled.

[Aren't they still the same? They all lead to a violent end if not handled properly.] Eien asked.

That's the interesting part of it all, is it not? Whatever is done, whatever sacrifice is made, whether it's for the greater good or for the later good, the prophecy would bring an end to them all and bring about a positive outcome.

[Earlier you said that everything is an illusion engineered by three unique existences. Who might these three be?] Eien asked again.

I won't reveal that to you now little Eien but I'll let you in on one of those unique existences.

[Really? Who is it?] Eien asked in excitement to

Haha, little Eien, you've known him for quite sometime now.

He's Yours Truly