Chapter 38

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Title: Training Chakra Control



"Quiet down, would you? What? I thought you wanted to be strong?" Shun asked in annoyance.

"Yes.. but.. you.." Hashirama stuttered.

"Huh? Are you strong old man?" Madara directly asked.

"I snuck up on you two, doesn't that make me strong?" Shun tilted his head sideways in confusion.

"Sneaking up on us doesn't make you strong, it just means you're a coward good at only assassination. We want to be strong warriors, not assassins." Madara said bluntly, not caring one but about Shun's feelings.

There was a moment of silence as everyone took in what was said with different reactions. Madara finally realised what he had said and shivered slightly before steeling himself once more.

"Bu-but if you can show us something then we might believe you."

"Hmm-hm.." Hashirama nodded too, siding with his friend.

"Show you my strength? Hmm... Interesting." Shun stroked his beards for a while before opening one of his eyes and dragging the two boys into an illusion.

Inside the illusion, there was a Giant Susanno standing proudly at near a thousand meters in height. The Susanno was fully armoured and had four arms, and in each arm were swords.

Standing opposite the Susanno was an even more gigantic wooden body standing at over a thousand meters with several arms growing behind it.

These two giants were duking it out repeatedly with the Susanno slashing his sword at speeds beyond what a normal eye could follow in order to keep up with the assault of the several arms punching out towards his from the wooden figure.

While these was going on, something or someone drew their attention. Flying in between the sky and the earth, a handsome figure stood lazily.

He wore a pure white garment, had a flowing white hair and blood red eyes that seemed almost demonic.

This figure lifted his right hand with his palm open and swung it down and as if the world was listening to him, the clouds and winds congregated and formed an enormous palm that grabbed at the two other giants.

In a matter of seconds, these two giants were subdued despite their efforts at struggling free. The figure standing in the skies said something, but unfortunately, they couldn't here it.

Before they could strain their ears to pick up on what he was saying, the world cracked and they were back on the mountain top.

The two boys drew in deep breath as their bodies were covered in sweat.

'Seems like this little illusion affected them in reality. Note to myself, no showings of my memories carelessly.' Shun thought.

Shun then stood up and placed a hand on each of the boys head as his hand glowed with golden hue.

The very next instant, the two boys were fully recovered. Shun's illusion had overdrawn on their spiritual energy.

"So, what do you think? Am I strong enough?" Shun asked with a smirk.

"Who... What.. what was that?" Madara managed to ask despite the internal turmoil he was going through now.

In a way, he he felt a similar kind of energy from that purple giant despite it being an illusion. Hashirama too, but something was missing, it felt like it was at the tip of their fingers yet they couldn't grasp it.

"Hehe... Is that what you're supposed to be asking? I expected you to ask, who was that tiny figure.? But alas..." Shun sighed and shook his head.

Hashirama and Madara looked at eachother and they could both see different emotions spurring in their eyes.

"How about this, you both go home and have a good rest. After thinking about it, climb back up here to find me." Shun said and turned around to leave. "Mind you though, climbing up here would require a great deal of determination. I'll see you when I see you."

Shun knew they would be tired after this little exposition. Despite him refilling their spiritual energy, that was all there was to it. They still needed to stabilise the already chaotic energy in the minds.

As the sounds of his voice faded, he was already gone. Hashirama and Madara fell into silence for some time before Madara stood up and began walking away.

"I'm staying." Madara heard. "Huh?" He asked as he turned back.

"I'm staying here till tomorrow." Hashirama repeated. "Why?" Madara asked.

"It's him. That tiny figure. It's him. It has to be. No, it's definitely him. He could subdue those two godlike beings with only a Jutsu. He may be old now but I'm sure in my guts that it's him." Hashirama said as he looked at the pace Shun disappeared to with a fervent gaze.

"You want to learn from him?" Madara asked as he walked back to Hashirama.

"Of course." Hashirama smiled confidently. "Think about it. He's strong enough to survive in this world for so long that he's already old and is even willing to teach us. No one in my clan would and no one in my clan looks even as old as him. This means he has had a long time to live."

"I see." Madara simply said and sat down beside Hashirama. "Those two giants, did you notice anything odd about them?"

"Hmm... I did, but that isn't my concern now. If one day I could become as strong as the little figure, why would I fear those giants?" Hashirama spoke confidently.

Madara looked at his friend with a weird gaze. Hashirama was many things but he wasn't one to think wisely or intelligently.

For him to speak like this means that something is up. "How about your family? Wouldn't they worry?"

Hashirama shook his head. "I'll just say I was training outside."

"Hn. Let's wait then." Madara hn'ed and waited too.

Shun who had just left and for his cabin was amused by their actions of waiting there for him.

"Hmm... Since they want to stay, let's begin their training."

"Space seal." "Flood." "Contain." "Wave." "10 minutes." Shun spat out words continuously.

Space seal sealed the area they were in, Flood generated a thunderstorm that formed and rained down in the mountain but didn't flow away due to the Contain. Wave made the newly formed sea to take properties of the sea every Ten minutes.

Hashirama and Madara who were running helter skelter to find a shade were flabbergasted as they found that they couldn't leave a particular area around them.

The entirety of the mountain seemed to have been locked down. Weirdly enough, the sun was shining at the spot Shun's cabin was located, yet, they couldn't reach there no matter how much they ran.

As their confusion grew, they heard. "Don't drown. Use your chakra control to stay afloat."

Shun's voice seemed to come from everywhere. They looked around in an attempt to catch sight of him to no avail.

"Don't waste your efforts. As you've decided to train under me, you'll have to have a good enough chakra control before anything can be taught. Since you both can climb up here with chakra, you can also stay afloat." Shun's voice sounded again.

"How's that even possible? The Mountain has a hard surface. This is water. How can we possibly stand on it and stay afloat at the same time." Madara screamed.

"Thats up to you to find out. Don't forget that figure that could stand on air, since he could do it, you both should too." Shun said with a tone of finality.

Madara and Hashirama didn't have the luxury to ask anything again as the water body became wavy and as they swam they nearly almost sank.

"Madara! Let's give it a try. Since he's teaching us then it's possible!" Hashirama screamed.

"I know! But this isn't a proper way to reach. He's killing us." Madara screamed back.

Shun was watching this amusedly. "Of course they could and what better way to learn than at the brink of death. If the novel characters could do it, you both can too. Good thing I didn't have to go through such bullshit." Shun spoke to himself only to freeze the very next instant.

Without looking back, he could feel space tear and before he could think of countermeasures, a pale white hand stretched out of the tear and held onto his shoulders.

"Shun dear, you wouldn't be thinking of running again, would you?" A gentle and mesmerising voice said from the tear.

"Haha, how could that be possible. I was only having a little retreat on the Mountain top to reflect on myself. How could I be running from you?" Shun chuckled as he answered fluently.

A figure appeared from the tear and lo and behold Hinami stood behind him with a smile that promised a lot of things.

"You don't get to retreat and reflect on yourself when you have a business to run. Also who are those two drowning over there? Why do they feel familiar?" Hinami asked.

"First of all, a 'descendant' of mine is handling the business. Second, those two are Indra and Ashura of this era." Shun answered rather proudly.

"What are you being all haughty about. Those clones of yours are helping you escape from your duty. Also, why are you drowning my brother-in-laws? Release them this instant."

"Nami dear, they asked for it. They want to be strong and from my calculations, they are the last reincarnation before the child of prophecy is born." Shun answered.

"So? I don't seem to follow, and don't think you've dodged the issue on your dereliction of duty."

"I wouldn't dare, Nami, I wouldn't." Shun pouted. 'What's the point of having the technique if I don't make proper use of it.'

"As for the boys, their strengths being high is a necessity. You'll come to understand soon. And, I'll be needing you and Ria's assistance in coming years. I plan on training a new batch of students along with them." Shun said.

"Hmm? What for?" Hinami asked.

"Nothing really. I just feel that this coming era would be more interesting that the former ones where the rule was every man for himself. Soon... Soon, there will be a revolution and I need to make it an entertaining one. Hahahaha." Shun laughed as he always does when something interesting was going on

"You're at it again huh? Alright, I'll inform Ria, for now, you'll get to 'reflect' on yourself more. Humph." Hinami said and walked back into the portal.

"Sigh. Women." Shun said.


A fist hit Shun and buried Jim head first into the ground.

"I heard that!" Hinami voice came from everywhere before vanishing once more.

"Sigh..." 'Women.'

"Hmm, they should have gotten the hang of it by now, right?" Shun said and looked at the two boys standing shakily on the flowing water with their faces as pale as paper.

"Damn, they really are putting their all to it, huh? Now I feel like rewarding them. Hmm, what should be the reward though?"

"Guess I'll wait for the girls to come over, they're better at stuff like this, for now, I should send them back to their clans." Shun said and immediately, the two boys collapsed into the water.

Shun waved his and and dispersed the techniques he used in the Mountain and floated the two boys over to him.

"This time, you two are going to develop together and not one ahead of the other. Indra, Ashura, I cant wait to see how stronger these two would be as compared to their predecessors. Hehe." Shun said and poured a little bit of his chakra into their chakra pool while helping them circulate it.

"Have a good rest, I hope to see you two tomorrow." After that, he teleported them to an area near to the clan lands for them to be found by someone and taken care of.