Chapter 62

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Title: ...We move


No matter how cold-hearted Hinami was due to her years as the Judgement Priestess or Kaguya after all she's been through, the fact that Xin, gave up her chastity and energy just to save Shun was enough to make her a friend.

Ria didn't have any scruples with her being here in the first place as she was there when it happened, meanwhile, Hinami and Kaguya put away their threatening aura and took her for some girls talk.

Whatever they talked about had nothing to do with Shun as Ria continued where she left off in seducing him, leading to then indulging in their carnal desires for hours on end.


The next day came and Shun noticed the qualitative change in Xin presence or more like aura as she walked to their dining table together with Hinami and Kaguya. Ria was already seated.

"She's now more self confident." Shun surmised. Whatever they talked about had done a lot to her mindset as she was now more outgoing.

In the past, she was more like a willing slave of sorts, meant to be sold to someone with more status in society. Now, she walked and carried herself like she belonged.

"Good morning Shun," she greeted with a smile as she sat on the table.

"Good morning Xin, I see you've gotten comfortable with the place." Shun smiled back and greeted.

"Yea, it's all thanks to sister Hinami and Kaguya," she nodded.

"You don't say." Shun said why giving them both a questioning look.

"Don't mind it too much, at least, we excused you two the entire day and night to explore your bodies thoroughly, didn't we?" Kaguya remarked without sparing him a glance.

"Ahem, the food is here, let's eat." Shun coughed to change the topic. Not that he was shy or anything, but talking so crassly in front of an outsider didn't sit well with him.

In next to no time, a bevy of food was laid out on the table in front of them.

There wasn't any need for them to eat as they didn't particularly need food to survive, it was just that sense of togetherness and closeness one has when they share their meal with someone that makes the difference.

Making some small talks here and there while bringing up some interesting topics of their latest discoveries.

"Kaguya, any new findings in that new Energy?" Shun asked while eating.

Kaguya paused before dropping her chopsticks with her her gleaming with excitement.

"Shun, you won't believe what I discovered, did you know there are other Parallel worlds to this one?" She asked causing Shun to raise an eyebrow.

"I did tell you I created a new dimension just for that new energy right?" She asked to which Shun nodded. "Good, now, I call that dimesion the Temporal Zone, from there, I could connect to other energy of its kind but in another... World or dimension... You know... It was like a membrane was the only thing preventing me from reaching the other part."

"Like the mirror dimension?" Shun asked with interest.

"No... The mirror dimension can be breached with proper knowledge of both mathematics and space, this one was superior to that, like... I don't know, it was just mind boggling." Kaguya responded.

"Can you let us experience it?" Shun asked.

"Of course, Hinami and Ria have already checked it out and we think it's a plane similar to ours in a way. Like that comic... Um... DC, yeah, DC with parallel earths and the likes." Kaguya tried to explain.

"Oh? Parallel worlds? Interesting." Shun smiled excitedly at the prospects this presented. "Is there anything to note about this new temporal zone of yours?"

"Yeah, from there, I can decide which place in time I want to go in this plane, as far back as the moment this energy was first produced to whenever I want in the future. Also, as far as I'm in there, I can decide whether time stops, moves, or rewinds. Great right?" Kaguya beamed with pride.

"You have no idea." Shun said as he suddenly thought of something and asked. "You haven't checked gone back to the past or into the future, have you?"

Kaguya shook her head, "I have peeked into it but never went there, I have read a lot of books from you to know the dangers I could cause if I do."

Shun smiled and nodded. "That's good, I suddenly have an idea to allow you three enter my inner universe without causing any harm to it. But that will be left for later. Now, I have to get Xin to meet up with Yuri. I've seen from my clone that she's been busy with her recruitment, all that's left is a proper mentor and we'll be set."

"You won't be teaching them that Mercury Lady art, will you?" Hinami asked with raised eyebrows.

"Nope, I'll be restructuring the technique, this way, they don't have to actually give up their entire chakra to whomever they decide to marry," Shun answered.

"What will the technique be all about then?" Xin asked.

"It'll just increase their charms while keeping their chakra levels and activity always at its peak." Shun answered much to their confusion.

"That way they don't have to fear a reverse illsuion situation," Ria spoke in realization.

"Oh... I see." Hinami said. She has some understanding on the ways mercenaries act, especially in cases like the Chinioke and Uchiha clans, Genjutsu wise.

Kaguya however was lost but uncaring about it all, so she just kept to herself while thinking on the possibilities her new dimension presented her.

She could go over to another world where, perhaps, she never met Shun and see how she turns out. Or even gonto another and release herself from the moon and see how she vents her frustration.

'Kukuku.' She chuckled darkly to herself.

"Hime, your dark thoughts are leaking." Shun said.

"Oh... Sorry." She smiled shyly at being caught, "anyways, I'll leave you all to do your things, I have more research to get back to,"

Saying this, she got up and left. The meal was done and she had things to do, she could literally speed or slow down time but hey, who cares right?

"Alright then, Hina, teleport back to your clone, I need the real you with me, Ria, you keep up the good work here, Xin, we move." Shun instructed and immediately teleported back to his office to switch with the clone he left behind the day before.

In next to no time, Hinami entered the office in her real body. "Call captain Mikoto and Yuri over, dear." Shun asked to which Hinami nodded and left the office immediately.

She was basically his secretary and second hand, everyone knew that as they never hid their affection even when they took on new personalities.

"Don't bother asking, Xin, just prepare to see some stuff that'll break your mind," Shun said, stopping Xin from asking what was going on.

"You see, Xin, we humans are pretty.. unique in a way. You too are a human, I don't know how but you're human, the Otsustsukis are a clan of.. mutated humans too. The energy we use have the same source all that's limiting us is our imaginations and creativity. You see, we all have the potential to be Gods, True Gods not just in name, but there's is just one thing that limits us." Shun said and pointed to his head. "Knowledge, imagination and creativity. This is what brings out the God in us, how we use that determines where we all end up in the long run. Ah! They're here."

As soon as he said that, the chakra signature flashed in front of the door and the very next moment, the door was pushed open as a blur suddenly flashed towards Shun.

Unfortunately for the blur, Hinami was faster and grabbed her by the collar and admonished. "Yuri, you can't keep repeating the same thing every time you enter this office, I'll have you punished if you don't take correction."

Yuri, the culprit looked like a lost cat as she gave Hinami the puppy eyes and said. "Nami-nee, you can't keep hogging Kuchiki-nii all to yourself."

Shun, or Kuchiki as he's known now smiled as he saw their antics with Hinami being the strict onee-san from time to time.

"That's a given, Yuri-chan, after all, I'm his fiance." Hinami said with a smirk as she showed her ring finger with a ring on it.

"Gasp." ×2

Yuri and Mikoto who had been silent ever since gasped, then looked at Shun, before looking at eachother in dismay.

"Enough of that, Yuri, I called you here to introduce to you, your new mentor and assistant, Xin." Shun pointed to the transformed Xin standing in front of his desk.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you." Xin bowed in courtesy. "Please take care of me."

"No!" Yuri screamed.

"Wha-" Shun wanted to ask in confusion but Yuri continued.

"You don't expect me to accept this fine ass lady you got from God knows where and still leave her close to us, do you?" Yuri asked.

"Sigh. First, yup, she's one fine ass lady, second, there's no us, and third, yes, you need to keep her close, she's got a lot of stuff to teach you and your squad." Shun gave his answer sternly.

Xin blushed at being called 'fine ass' by Shun, if it was before, she'd just stand stoically or something.

Hinami however nodded as she accessed Xin's figure.

Mikoto and Yuri however, looked crestfallen. This wasn't the first time Shun directly rejected their advances, both individually and together, but this was the first time doing so in front of Hinami.

To them, this was akin to placing his feet on his stance not to be with them.

They both snuck a glance at Hinami only to see her looking at them impassively.

"You both do know I'm in charge of scouting and intelligence gathering, right?" Hinami asked. "Why would you assume I wouldn't know you both were trying to steal my man?"

Mikoto didn't have much of a reaction but Yuri did. "Wha-? Then.."

"It's confidence, idiot, she never saw us as a threat, right?" Mikoto asked looking between Shun and Hinami.

The two merely smiled without saying anything on the topic. "We've all grown up together, it's good one of you turned out smart."

"Oi!" Yuri shouted.

"She didn't mention any names, Yuri." Mikoto facepalmed at her childhood friend.

Yuri blushed in both embarrassment and anger. "Humph!" She pouted and threw her face to the side.

"Anyways, Yuri, spend a month with her, if she turns out to be less helpful, I'll send her back to whence she came, but if you decide to keep her, then let me know in our monthly meetings." Shun interrupted.

Yuri, still pouting, looked at Xin who still kept her professional smile and then at Shun who was also smiling before snorting. "I'll listen to you just this once and I'll return her to you."

Saying that, she turned and left the room. Xin turned to Shun and gave a bow before following after her.

"They'll make a nice pair." Shun said with a brotherly smile. Mikoto saw this smile and couldn't help but feel a pang in her heart.

This smile was Shun's signature smile whenever he was with them, he'd only show a smile filled with intimate love when looking at Hinami.

No matter what or how they tried, Shun never looked at them the same way he looked at Hinami. She has always known this, after all, almost everyone in the clan was born with improved intelligence, but somewhere deep down, she hoped otherwise.

Today just sealed it for her but surprisingly, she wasn't as heartbroken as she thought she'd be, instead, she felt both relief and joy for them both.

"Now, Mikoto." Shun's voice drew her back to reality. "Hai."

"I'll need you to visit the Uzumaki clan, you still remember your friend, Mito right?" Shun asked.

"Yes, how could I forget my rival." Mikoto said with a fond smile.

Mikoto and Mito had met in the Training Dimension some couple years back. The Tengoku clan had tokens that were always ready to be used by them every then years while the rest were all scattered around the world.

The fact that the Uzumaki Princess was able to get one was already enough to show how lucky she was.

And although the two clans were always on friendly terms with eachother, they was always a clash when it comes to sealing whenever they met.

The Uzumaki with their Blood red hairs and the Tengoku with their snow white hair.

It is always rare for them to meet without having an altercation but when these two met in the training dimension, for some reason they developed a sense of rivalry, not in the art of sealing, but in the completing the trainings.

Unfortunately, they were both unable to do so as they both had lives outside and once you leave, there was no coming back.

Outside, they still maintained their rivalry, this was one of the causes as to why Mikoto decided to take on the art of Healing, as Mito was quite versed in it.

As to who was more superior? No one could give a good enough answer as they were just too good.

Snap. Snap. Shun snapped his fingers to get her attention once more.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought." Mikoto apologized.

"Sigh. I get it, you both haven't met in like three years now, but no worries." Shun said and stood up.

"The Senju and Uzumaki clan are planning to cement their alliance by marrying Hashirama and Mito together. You're to follow together with I and Hinami to attend." Shun said.

"What!? Really? She's getting married? How? Wait, is she being forced into the marriage? Instead to God, if she is I'll be breaking out long time tradition and exterminate the entire Senju clan." Mikoto said as her aura took a turn from the gentle healer to a seasoned killer.


Hinami punched her in the head. "Calm down, you little girl, she's fine and not being forced, the fact that they're cementing their alliance through marriage is just a propaganda to make them stand superior. Two great clans standing together, who's gonna want to make an enemy out of them?"

Mikoto looked at Hinami weirdly, despite her 360 degree view, she has never been able to dodge or even perceive the punch coming whenever Hinami wants to hit her.

"A propaganda?" She asked as she reasoned what Hinami said.

"Yup. Grandpa used to say that Hashirama and Madara are dreamers, this may just be Hashirama's first step to accomplishing his dreams." Shun said. "So, get a squad ready to travel,"

"Not like we need one.." Mikoto muttered.

"Yeah, we don't, but we gotta assure the people that their chief is in safe hands. Just get some double numbers, around five or so should be enough." Shun said.

"Hai. I'll see to it immediately. When do we leave?" Mikoto asked.

"Let me round up some stuff here today, we'll leave as early as possible tomorrow, the ceremony begins the day after." Shun said.

"Understood." Saying that, she saluted and left the office.


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