Chapter 75: Vacation

Title: Vacation


Support me on my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead. God know I need it. Also, I just began Volume 4. Which is Naruto Arc. I'm a couple chapters, I'll be finishing this FF. Stay tuned.


When we see dead ends in life we come to tend to raise some questions, suggestion, know that your feelings might give wrong directions..

Yeah, when you let the feeling of failure take over your body it makes you question the life that you have, situations you might have enjoyed become nothing but dated, old and forgotten but what would you say.

See, I could pretend like I have all the answers but none of us do, it's the reason we battle, convincing yourself that you don't really matter.

Like feeding a cancer and letting it travel to every part of you but what if we did the unthinkable and erase all our hatred?

What's achievable depends on the risk. – N

Tobirama POV

"What an interesting concept. This person must have been a wizened old man." I spoke out loud as I read a writing at the end of a book about feelings and causes of hatred.


After spending an entire month doing nothing but browsing through the various things to be known on Fuinjutsu, Ninjutsus and other things, I had nothing but admiration for the Tengoku clan.

It seemed like they knew all there was to know in this world. I didn't even know how and what I will write as reparation to deposit in this library.

I had initially come here to learn all I could on sealing to perfect my Flying Thunder God Seal to enable me fight faster on the battlefield as well as efficiently finish off my opponents, but who would have thought that there was already a technique superior to that?

According to a book on elements, aside from the already known five elements and Yin and Yang, there were others like space and time, as well as other mutations that weren't Kekkai Genkai.

According to founder, space and time release both had five forms to them. For space, they were, First Level: Space Distortion, Second level: Spatial Divide, Third level: Dimensional Slash, Fourth level: Space Disruption, Fifth level: Spatial Genesis

There was another level where one could rise the aforementioned five and turn space into their bitch.

For time, there were, First Level: Stagnation, Second level: Slow, Third level: Fast, Fourth level: Freeze, Fifth level: Genesis.

How someone was able to reach such a state was mindboggling in and of itself, but if someone could do it, then I could too... Or so I thought till I was shown the harsh truth of reality.

I was attuned to either of them. My Flying Thunder God Seal was helpful, but even that was just an imitation of a summoning technique, it wasn't a proper space technique.


That aside, I found that there were other ways to use seals other than just making explosive bombs or placing barriers, apparently, one could use a seal to perform a Jutsu instead of relying on handsigns.

It was a complicated process but if mastered, one only need to think to achieve his desired Jutsu. The most intriguing part was that this Fuinjutsu doesn't require you to have an elemental affinity to actually use an element.

The seal takes care of everything and you only need to supply chakra.

This discovery made me wonder why this clan hadn't conquered the entire world. With this knowledge, they could end all conflicts, build an empire and lord over the entire populace with no hindrance whatsoever.

But as if to tell me I wasn't using my head, I saw a bold writing on the top of one of the bookshelves. It read. "A fool is a fool- not because of his ignorance, but because of his own lack of knowledge."

While I was contemplating that, I was drawn to another writing. "Wise people are wise - not because of their knowledge, but because of their desire for knowledge."

"I see." That was my only thought at that moment. I didn't understand what that meant but it seemed there was always a motivation behind them amassing knowledge and not doing anything with it.

No... It wasn't that they weren't doing anything with it, but they had done a lot of good but due to the warring atmosphere on the mainland, it doesn't reach there.

Perhaps this wars we fight have no meaning in the long run... This was my honest thoughts at that very moment and I began to understand what that old geezer from before was trying to say.

The library had knowledge on many other things such as Bukijutsu, government administration, blacksmithing, medicine and healing.

They basically didn't lack anything. Wasn't this the dream brother hopes to achieve?

Were all Tengen wise? Or was that a rare occasion? I didn't know but maybe my mindset had been to rigid, maybe being flexible isn't that bad sometimes...


Shun's POV

While Tobirama was spending his month having his mentality changed, Mito and Hashirama weren't being idle either.

"So you're taking me Hashirama spends the better part of his day with Kageno, if he isn't with Mito, playing with children?" I asked the similarly perplexed kazuma giving me the report.

"Hai. Also, when he isn't doing that, hell just sit there and meditate." Kazuma added.

"Ah... I see." He was either reveling in the abundant and relatively clean natural energy this island has to offer or he was practicing his meditation exercises.

I'll bet he's doing the former. From the tabs I've personally kept on him, he hadn't found any sage land to learn Senjutsu from, the only hidden location he had ever been to was the place he got the Rashomon.

Even I must say, those gates were amazing in their own rights. I didn't get to know the creator but knowing how weird this planet was, I didn't bother thinking too much about it.

It is an absolute defense gate that could even withstand a full Susanno slash as shown in the canon, that scene hadn't played out in real life though. I wonder if it will even play out.

The chakra expenditure for summoning it must also be enormous. Orochimaru could only summon three in his fight with a rampaging Naruto, whether it was Orochimaru being confident that three was enough to block Kurama's Bijudama or him being unable to summon them all, I don't know and wouldn't know, they of little to no consequence to me. My physical body could destroy the thing without me even trying.

"And Mito?" I asked.

"Aside from her daily 'spars' with lady Mikoto, whiling away her time with Hashirama, she spends the rest of her time in the red light district with Lady Yuki and Lady Xin." Kazuma said.

"You know you can drop the honorifics right?" I asked

"I insist, Sonchō-sama." Kazuma said with a fierce aura.

"I-I see. Anyways, that should be all, right?" I asked. This guy took it upon himself to report on their matters. I mean, I don't think they could do any harm but it seems their reputation speaks for them.

Kazuma shook his head. "Our men spotted some Senjus who just stepped foot on the island just the morning, we approximate they'll be here in some time as they have no one guiding them."

"Sometime' doesn't tell me anything at all." I said, trying to correct him.

"Apologies Sonchō-sama, but from their movements, it doesn't seem like they have any destination in mind."

"How so?"

"They have a sensor who seems to be searching for Hashirama-dono's chakra signature but with the various restrictions on the island, they will not be able to do so... We're just worried that they may stumble upon this place if they continue searching haphazardly,"

"Is that why you say sometime'?" I asked with a smile to which he nodded embarrassed.

"I see. Guess their vacation is over, life still awaits them out there. Could you Summon them here?"

Kazuma nodded and flashed away.

Sigh. What a pain in the ass. I honestly don't even know what I'm still doing here. I went and created a clan and destroyed what Canon I wanted to watch. Now I have to stay in seat for the next couple years to make sure we don't overly destroy what little is left of it.

I stared ahead into the void as I saw stretches of resplendent twinkling lights that enveloped the boundless starry skies within.

In one planet, Hinami was curiously observing the living beings there.

From my conjecture, this part of the universe was created by Shibai before his physical body died.

According to the myth about him, he had eaten so much world fruits that he became God, and the entire Myriad Islands is testament to that.

So even if he reached my stage before I was expelled from this universe, he still had at least, one Fifth of this universe source.

Perhaps he was banished, perhaps he thought to create his own world inside here, I wouldn't know, but this part of the universe is relatively new as compared to the places I had seen outside the Myriad Islands.

But life in this area of the universe is still budding. If Kaguya and Ishikki hadn't visited this one planet, I wonder if the entire Naruto anime would have even existed.

What to do now?

Hinami said I wasn't as compassionate as I was in the past. What did she expect?

I literally see billions of life being born and extinguished every single minute of the day in my Universe, does she still expect me to remain the same?

Wonder whether guys like The Presence and One Above All actually feel this way... Nah... They wouldn't. They actually have an evil counterpart to keep their overwhelming 'Good' in check.

Thankfully I had separated my good and bad to create the Angels and Demons. Maybe if I had left them in me, I would still be as I was before?

Nah... I bet any lax in my willpower, one part may take over. Wouldn't wanna go apeshit one cute little creatures, now would I?

Guess I need a break...

Maybe leave a clone and visit Velda? Hmmm... But I want to personally see everything for myself.

Damn, the indecision of a God such as I...

Guess I'll stay for the next century, I'm over 800 years old now, what's another hundred, right?


"Tobirama Senju, you have been summoned to that Chiefs residence." A shadowy figure appeared in front of Tobirama catching him off guard.

He was deeply engrossed in the book in front of him and coupled with the safety guaranteed in this library, his guard was completely void.

He was living as carefree as he could possibly live.

"Lead the way." Tobirama quickly adjusted himself. As a seasoned killer who had been on the battlefield for nearly his entire life, it wasn't that much of a hassle to accomplish.

The shadowy figure nodded and flashed away. Tobirama frowned slightly before following with a body flicker.

As the body flicker was a bit inferior to the flash step, he found it hard to actually follow or predict the shadowy figures point of rest.

'Another interesting technique. Must be a secret one. No wonder it wasn't in the library.' He thought to himself.


"Mito-chan, aniki just requested for your presence in his office, seems like it's time for you to leave, huh?" Yuki said with a sad tone and expression.

She had had fun these past few weeks educating Mito on the world of pleasure.

Points and places in the male and female body that a touch, poke, or blow of wind could instantly arouse pleasure of varying proportion on the body.

Mito, like a straight A student absorbed everything that was taught her. From the arts of music, dancing, masseur, gambling, mind games and reading of muscle movements.

She had grasped the basics of all these after a month and could actually pass for a Silver rank maiden. (A/N: Basically Chunin level Mastery)

"Our one month is up I guess." Mito smiled sadly. "I guess it's time for us to leave."

She had gotten used to the carefreeness of this place. She knew that this was a squad filled with trained ladies but their demeanor said the direct opposite.

One would think they were amidst flowers not knowing the thorns hidden under it.

Regardless though, she found this place endearing. "I wish I could come back here." She muttered.

"Hehe... Unfortunately, you'd have to either renounce your clan or betray it. Unfortunately, we don't take in traitors, so you're stuck with being a Senju. You can always visit though. Here." Yuki said and brought out a token from her sleeves, a trick she learnt from Shun and passed it to Mito.

"With this, you can come and go from here as you wish, don't lose it though, there aren't seconds." She said sternly.

"I won't, and thanks. Mikoto actually gave me one herself. Does this hold any importance other than what you just said?" She asked.

Yuki nodded. "With this, you can prove you're a friend of ours. If in an unlikely situation, you need our help, you can always use this as a leverage. Considering you have one from Mikoto-nee, you can make two separate request from our both squads or you can make a direct request to the Sonchō with our squad as your backing, whether it gets accepted will depend though." Yuki explained.

"Is that so?" Mito murmured. "It's unlikely though, maybe my children or grandchildren could use it, but I doubt I'll ever use it."

"Why do you think so?" Yuki asked curiously

"Well, I'm now a Senju and I doubt Hashirama is dying anytime soon so, I guess we're protected in this generation." Mito chuckled.

Yuki thought about it for a while before nodding, "Plausible. Keep it regardless, you never know, okay?"

Mito nodded and stuffed it into her sleeves too. She had picked up a trick or two after staying with Yuki for a month.

As a grandmaster in Fuinjutsu, inscribing a storage space on her clothes wasn't that hard. That was how Yuki was able to bring out almost anything from her sleeves.

At least that's what Yuki and Mikoto told her, and that's what Shun told them so...

"Alright, c'mere." Yuki stood up and pulled Mito into a hug, "Make sure to take care of yourself okay? Don't go shaming our great name when you get back to your clan, okay? And make sure to assert your dominance when necessary."

"Hai. Hai." Mito said and pulled away. "I better get going, don't want to keep your beloved Aniki waiting."

Yuki blushed slightly but kept a straight face. "Remember to meet up with Mikoto before leaving." As soon as she said that, the ground suddenly quaked and Mito found herself moving farther away from Yuki who still maintained her small smile.

"Not again." Mito grumble. This wasn't a pleasant feeling but she mysteriously couldn't do anything about this technique. According to Yuki, a high mastery of earth and air elements was needed to perfect this technique.

[Earth Release: Ground Shrink.] She called it.

Unfortunately for her, she was of Water and Lightning elements so she had to work extra hard to learn this technique, and time was something she didn't have on her hands.

"Guess I should bid Mikoto farewell too." She said as Yuki's figure disappeared from her view.


"It seems like your stay here is coming to an end." Kageno said with a smile as he looked at Hashirama using his Mokuton to create various wooden dolls and figurines for the children...

"Mm? Why do you say so?" Hashirama's wooden clone asked from beside him.

"I just got an order to ask you to go to the Sonchō's office.. and I should bring you there. Sigh." Kageno's mood dropped as he suddenly got another order in that instant.

Whenever he was called at times like this, made him feel bad as there was a high chance he was to be reaping someone's light, which wasn't a pleasant experience but needed nonetheless.

"Hahaha. I guess our time together has come to an end my friend." The main Hashirama laughed as his clone had turned into wooden fragments disappearing into the ground.

"It appears so." Kageno said as he stood up, "Try to keep up." He said and disappeared in a black flash.

Hashirama's eyes widened in disbelief. That was a speed even his brother hadn't achieved, even the body flicker couldn't possibly match up with that speed.

"What a unique village." He muttered and also flickered and disappeared. During this past month, other than meditating due to the peace and quiet this place gave him, he had also spied on the various people he could spy on.

Most would notice his presence and either frown, stop and look around in discomfort or annoyance or, in some rare cases lock their own sense on him.

One of such cases was this friend of his, Kageno. Another relatively thirteen to fifteen people also locked their senses on him, out of which he only recognised two.

Mikoto and the strict man that warned them on their first day here.

Due to his senses covering a large area of the village, and with his Senjutsu, the entire village and more, he could see the order the village was arranged.

From within, at the center of the village was the Village chiefs residence and office, following that was the normal people, relatively weak people with chakra then the further out you move, the greater the chakra.

The layout looked like those at the outer layer were protecting those at the inner layer, with the Village chiefs residence as their main defense if his intelligence was anything to go by.

The village chief residence was probably there to protect the common people while the stronger people were at the outskirts to protect from an external invasion.

He had stopped after being reproached by Kageno. According to him, his actions had aroused the anger of all the captains and more and could be interpreted as spying on them in their safe haven.

He had apologized profusely as he didn't much of it initially but when it was pointed out, he realized how stupid his actions were.

Following Kageno is high speed, he reached a Japanese styled mansion surrounded by beautiful Sakura trees all around. Well, almost every house was accompanied by a Sakura tree but this was just a lot.

Different flower trees added to the scenery, further beautifying it.

"It seems were the last to arrive. Make haste." Kageno said disrupting Hashirama's admiration.

Nodded his head, he followed Kageno into the building to see this village chief that hadn't seen them for close to a month.

He had learnt a lot from Kageno this past month and had realised why Kuchiki had called him naive.

He wanted to see him and ask him some questions...


Note that I am not comparing the MC to beings such as The Presence and One Above All, I'm only giving an instance. Those two have lived for a couple billion years, the time acceleration of the MC'S universe can't possibly make up for that.

Support me on my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead. God know I need it. Also, I just began Volume 4. Which is Naruto Arc. I'm a couple chapters, I'll be finishing this FF. Stay tuned.