Chapter 80: Introspection

Support me on my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead. It's just $5. Also, I just began Volume 4. Which is Naruto Arc. I'm a couple chapters, I'll be finishing this FF. Stay tuned.

I'm also sorry for the delay. Was held up by my lack of resources. This is part of the reason y'all should show more love and support me on my Patreon page. The link is right up there.


Title: Introspection


Shun's POV

After the battle between the Uchiha and Senju clan, life continued without any scruples on my side. As for the two clans, they still had many battles, both big and small, but neither Madara nor Hashirama participated in any of those.

Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months and finally in plus-minus nine months, the little foetus u had extracted from Mikoto had reached it's time to be 'conceived'.

'It' was a male child and from the little I decided to look into the future about him, he didn't have the iconic black and red eyes of the Tengoku clan.

Now, what to do about this child?

Nah... I'm not asking for opinions, I already have something in mind for him but he can't grow in the Tengoku clan and neither can be grow in the Senju clan and knowing he has our iconic white hair, I directly transferred him to the Hatake Clan compound.

They're one of the better clans around that wouldn't do anything to the child.

As far as white hair was concerned, the Kaguya clan was also an option but despite my current 'I don't give a fuck' mentality, I couldn't allow Mikoto's child to turn into a mindless killer.

Yup. That's my honest evaluation of the Kaguya clan... Despite them having a nerfed version of Kaguya's Ash Killing Bones, I don't think I'll move to save them if they were to be purged.

From the canon, I know that Kimimaro would survive, and with him being a kind guy, I'll have him bear the next Kaguya clan, after the world is at peace. Relative Peace, but still peace.

During these nine months, nothing serious or what paying attention had happened except for the constant migration of dying clans into the island.

Of course I didn't authorize their entry into the main village as that would be stupid, from the normal people point of view so I just let them build whatever they could outside the village, similar to how the port town was built.

Other than that, I had asked Ria to make some little changes in the bank system and introduce Beneficiaries in cases where a family member dies and who amongst the living relatives should get the money.

Of course I made sure she hid this in the many series of signatures whoever is signing it will be signing... So that they may overlook this.

I also had her introduce the concept of Bank Cards.

{A/N: Don't judge guys, just read on. I'm doing this for a reason but if you wanna know the reason, just drop a comment on the comment section and I'll spoil it for you.}

Despite the five major clans having Shares in the banks, they had little to no knowledge of how to manage money.

This was my annoyance with them.

A normal human family can survive on ten thousand Ryo in a month, as food stuffs and even already made food are normally cheap.

However, a Shinobi who has ten thousand Ryo can only be a genin.


Simple, because Ninja weapons were hella expensive. A single kunai or shruiken costs 1000 Ryo, specially customised ones around 1500 to 2000 Ryo.

A sword? 10000 Ryo and above.

A chakra ore sword?

Over 100,000 Ryo.


Cause they allow the flow of chakra within it to enable specific results.

Now, just to purchase a bulk of kunai, a clan spends not less than 10 million Ryo, not to mention shruiken, weapons of choice, armours and lastly food.

This was the root cause of everything.

Due to lack of money, they sell their expertise to the Daimyos, merchants, and any random idiot than has money.

In the process, they fight against another clan, casualties/deaths amass from both sides. This quickly turns to hatred and long term hatred in borne.

Now in the case of the Daimyos, the clans can't possibly say no. Why? Cause these clans live on their lands and no matter how much they spend to recruit the services of these clans, all these money always return back to them.


Simple. Tributes.

Be it the merchants or ordinary people living in these lands, they all pay tribute to the Daimyos of their respective lands, so whatever leaves the Daimyo's pocket when he pays the clans, goes into the pockets of the merchants who sell these weapons to them, who in turn, pays a certain percentile as tribute to the Daimyo.

Now wasn't this just stupidity at its peak? People who should be wiser than the ordinary people due to the chakra they possess, end up being dogs to them.

That's why I atleast, admire the Uzumaki clan.

They also, practice this financial system.

For every blacksmith on the wave island, instead of paying in money, they pay in materials. Same goes for the farmers, fishermen, and other professions.

Why am I saying all these?

Well, if these five clans grew a brain, they would realise that they could always go to Rōran and demand for their money worth billions of Ryo, as it had accumulated for over a century but would they ever?

The best thing their minds process on daily basis is how to live to see tomorrow, or how to kill the other guys in the fastest possible way.

Atleast, Hashirama has the common sense to know that his Mokuton could help in bountiful food production... What holdup, it was Mito's idea that led his to realising this.

That aside, despite how chakra is the mainstream of this world, the amount of people who actually have access to their chakra is less than 15 percent of the total amount of human beings on this planet.

I know... Shocking, but it's the truth.

Think about it... Naruto was the 12607th Konoha Shinobi. As the last to become a genin, that shows that his classmates where 12606 and above right?

Considering that only his set were among the younger ones in that war which made up to 80,000 Shinobi in total, that should tell you how little humans with chakra were.

Well, considering that some clans I know now weren't shown in the anime, I'll just assume they were either wiped out or forgotten.

Anyways, with the occupation known as Shinobi, civilian lives could be said to be as comfortable as anything.

This was also the reason why most potential iron rank academy graduate forget their goals and end up in the copper rank or Bronze rank.

Only those who actually know what they're aiming for manage to make it to Silver or Gold rank.

Then the truly motivated idiots are the ones to reach Diamond rank. As for black... Well, it all chakra though, someone with skills can always defeat someone with just raw chakra.

I call them idiots because people who follow the status quo always have a limit.

People who see the normal and say 'that ain't me' are the ones that actually go far...

It's a proven fact in this world as far as I've seen.

Alright, other than me fulfilling my role as Sonchō, the several Captains under me have all had interesting things going on for them.

The hottest topic on the entire island was the proposed marriage between Mikoto and Kageno.

As there was a rule against Intermarriage, the officials of the Tengoku clan were against this but as they couldn't beat someone of her calibre, they decided to turn to me to uphold the rule.

As the chief of the entire village, I had no obligation towards the Tengoku clan so I simply stayed quiet on my chair with a thin smile on my face.

My eyes was close by the way, so they had no other option than to actually cast her out of the clan which led to me opening an eye for a split second to look at the idiot that proposed this before closing it once more as I already knew Mikoto's reply.

"Oh... 'kay then." She said leading me to chuckle internally.

They seemed to have thought that something as flimsy as a massive extended family could hold Mikoto.

Although I was a massive advocate of Familial fetters, that only applies to those I deem as family and those who welcome me as family.

One thing I loved about this world and nearly almost all fantasy world was that, with strength, you're the rule.

Rules are simply chains used to bind and control the weak. This is a common sense, even in a normal world.

After that debacle, the entire island went into an uproar which died down around two weeks later.

The other captains also had their own things going for them. Kageno, Mikoto and Yuri were actually the only ones that hadn't married till date.

In this world, the normal marriage age was actually between 15 to 20. Even Hashirama marrying late was actually unprecedented on my part.

For a moment there I thought I had screwed up the possibility of having Tsunade existing.

We were all in our late twenties with people like Chinioke and Toshiba being in their early thirties.


A year quickly passed since Hashirama and Madara's iconic fights. One of many iconic fights actually and things were getting heated up again.

This time around, without even probing, I already knew something was wrong with this one.

The reason for their scuffle this time was so stupid that if I didn't have a good enough self control, I would've gone over to the two clans, kill them all, bring them back while allowing them retain the memories of their deaths.

The reason was simply because the Uchiha clan supplies were stolen en route to their clan by a supposed Senju.

I mean... Why would the Senju do something that stupid? Why did the Uchiha not investigate? Why did the Senju not try to explain themselves?

Then I remembered, they didn't need to... They just hated eachother that much.

"What a pity." I muttered under my breath.

"What was that, Aniki?" Yuri who was giving me the information asked.

"Nothing, Yuri-chan." I smiled at her. "As usual, let them fight it out... They'll reproduce soon enough so whatever casualties they amass is miniscule in the long run."

"Hai. On another note, Shun-nii... Why hasn't Nami-nee come back?" Yuri asked.

"I wouldn't know, but she's a big girl and strong enough to take care of herself. You on the other hand... Why are you still unmarried? Mikoto is already pregnant, you know?" I asked shifting the topic away from Hinami.

"Humph, how do you expect me to marry after you've rejected me several times." Yuri pouted and crosses her arm like a little girl.

"What does that have to do with me? Go out there and live your life without lying and teasing every male that approaches you... Maybe that way, you'll actually get pregnant even if you aren't married." I said.

This girl has never actually looked at any man as a man for as long as I can remember. If she wasn't trying to tease a guy, she was seducing him into giving her intel...

I mean, she's good at what she does, but lying too much, destroys a part of your Psych, as you'll never be able to hold an honest conversation.

It'll also lead to a deterioration in one's self esteem in the long run... When everyone knows that what they know about you is a lie, and you know that what they know about you is a lie, they'll never treat you seriously again, and you, will never be able to correct that part of you ever again.

"Humph, I'll just stay single for the rest of my life then, senpai is the same and I've never seen you nagging her about this."

Well, she's immortal, why would she care about some useless mortals that will die in less than a hundred years, and that's even if they're just that... Normal.

The life expectancy of Shinobis is actually less than 50 so...

"Well, you do you... But I'm not the one for you, I hope you'll figure yourself out." I said and directly teleported her back to her district.

"Now then, time to watch another epic battle. I wonder if this is where Izuna will die..."


Hey guys, this chapter is meant to throw more light on the way money flows in this world so as not to confuse you all in the future as I'll likely not be mentioning it again.

Also, after the next chapter which will be the death of Izuna, I'll write through the entire peace treaty shit... Konoha founding... Zetsu's Corruption of Madara... Battle of the End... And Madara's Grand scheme...

Give or take... 5 chapters in all.

On another note, sorry for not posting yesterday which was a Sunday, I really needed to rest so when I finally had time to write, nothing came to mind.

Finally, I'll be following my family back to our extended family house on the 1st June and will be returning on the 3rd of June. I hope you all don't get angry about that as I don't think I'll have time to myself with all my uncles, aunties, cousins and grandma around.