Chapter 84: The End and new beginnings

Advanced Chapter on my Patreon for just $5. Also, I just began Volume 4. Which is Naruto Arc. I'm a couple chapters, I'll be finishing this FF. Stay tuned.


Title: The End and new beginnings


"Hashirama! This will be the deciding battle. I hope you give it your all." Madara declared atop his Majestic Susanno.

"Madara. It doesn't have to end this way." Hashirama pleaded with his hands clasped together. He was standing atop a a wooden megazord.

Madara couldn't help but smile at the waves of Haki wafting off of Hashirama. This was truly a battle worth fighting.

The waves generated by their movements alone was enough to kill anyone careless enough to come close to their battleground.

Madara and Hashirama had both watched the battle as usual without interfering before going all out at the beginning. No testing strikes were involved.

Hashirama frowned but still made the first move. Covering his Wooden megazord's fist with Chakra, he punched towards Madara's Susanno.

This strike despite it massive size advanced at high speeds towards Madara's.

Madara was no slouch either. Covering his fist with spinning Yasaka Magatama, he punched out, Meeting the first.


The impact shjol the surrounding, the shock wave travelled for kilometres in the distance and at the center of the impact there stood two giants with no damaged sustained at all.

Madara however felt a massive strain on his Chakra as that fist would have felt massive damage if not for the chakra he directed towards his fist.

Hashirama seeing this, punched out again, this time creating Wooden dragons to attack simultaneously.

This dragons would explode upon contact with Madara's Susanno but Madara merely scoffed at this as he walked forward.

Drawing out his massive sword, he swung it towards Hashirama's Golem to which Hashirama quickly summoned the five Rashomon gates to defend against it.

The battle raged on, craters were formed everywhere they went, indicating the amount of damage done to the environment. Scorched earth, dead trees. Nature and everything around them was practically destroyed.

On the side of the battlefield, it was possible to see a massive earth Style Wall. Sadly, the beautiful visage of a smooth earth wall was broken by what seemed to be a hole.

The hole was deep, almost piercing through the thick earth wall. What appears to have hit the hole was an attack able to generate high temperatures.

Seeing that the hole was crimson red and with some lava dripping from it, the attack must have been pretty hot. Most of the Land around turned into magma or simply black from the hit.

A little distance away from the wall was a slowly dissipating mist with what appears to be a flood of water beneath it. Anyone with sharp eyes would be able to tell that a battle between water and fire occured here not too long ago.

Going a little bit away from these movements of battle, one could see two giant humanoid figures fighting.

One with a chakra manifested blue armour and the other with a humanoid wooden figure.

These two colossus collided and created shockwaves with each collision. Although they appeared slow, anyone brave enough to get close to them would be courting nothing but death.

The blue armour would throw out some Yasaka Magatama which would explode, erasing a massive chunk of the wooden figure, only for the wooden figure to regenerate it back.

The wooden figure seemed to only know how to punch but with every punch came a crack on the blue ethereal armour Which also regenerated soon after.

This was basically a battle of endurance, to see whose chakra would run out first. The battle intensified, elemental Jutsu were thrown chaotically in some misguided attempt to hit eachother.

Of course this had little to no effect on the other as they merely used it to test whatever was going on in their heads.

Both parties decided to their most advanced forms, th natural energy of nature itself seemed to begin toingke with the Jutsu making them more destructive and bigger.

Sometimes even have different kinds of effects, sadly for the blue-clad colossus, it's skills with natural energy was inferior to the wooden one, not that he noticed he was using it in the first place.

Any experienced sage would notice that unlike the blue-clad colossus who seemed to be an amalgamation of negative energy, the Wooden colossus seemed to be in true harmony with nature.

The care and respect he had for nature and it's people made nature respect him back.

While one seemed to be helped by nature, the other seems to be forcing nature to do it's bidding, which was simply defying nature and all it stood for.

Seeing his attacks not bearing fruits, the blue colossus poured more chakra into his eyes, further evolving his armoured Susanno into a four armed Susanno.

Each hand now held a katana with Which they used to launch series of Yasaka Magatama at the Wooden colossus.


The fight between the two colossi was phenomenal. Every punch affected the atmosphere bringing up winds and debris, but the already unbelievable fight suddenly became even more surreal when it's participants decided bring things up.

With the blue Susanno having two extra hands, the wooden Golem, made another two arms, each with Wooden hammers.

These two attacks clashed as they all exploded upon contact.

They resumed

They continued their fight despite the explosion. Trading blows, and sometimes creating huge weapons of woods, swords, spears, pikes, katanas and much more.

The melee became so intense that sometimes you'd hear explosions that seemed to break the sound barrier.

However, these two colossi began accumulating more and more damage. The Susanno spotted a lot of cracks on its body with some parts even missing.

The Wooden one was a little better with the strange markings on Hashirama's face receeding, yet, he still managed to keep the construct together.

This went to show that the wooden Golem was superior in the fight.



They both exclaimed as they charged for their last attack. Unfortunately, before they could reach eachother, their chakra seemingly depleted and they both fell head first towards the ground.

Hashirama was lucky enough to have some Wooden constructs stave his fal but Madara didn't have that luxury.


Madara Kay on the ground with his back on the ground and Hashirama sitting beside him once again. Similar to the scene from years ago.

"Once again, I am brutally defeated." Madara said indifferently. His tone not betraying his emotions, but Hashirama could feel his still seething anger.

"Let's end this here Madara, please!" Hashirama begged once more.

Tobirama flashed in with the Senju clan right on his tail as well as the Uchiha clan.

Seeing their leader defeated, they all raised their hands in surrender.

"Brother..." Tobirama called.

"I won't let you may your hands on him." Hashirama simply glared at Tobirama who nodded and stepped back.

"Humph... You might as well... Make it quick... Hashirama." Came Madara's strained voice. "If you do it... I'll be satisfied."

"It's no use acting tough." Hashirama began. "If we kill you, the head... The young Uchiha that you hold dear and hold you dear will go on a rampage."

"There's no one in the Uchiha clan who still feels like that anymore." Madara said, knowing full well that his clansmen were all tired of the war.

"No... I'm sure there are." Hashirama said. "Can't we settle it like we used to? Just the two of us..."

Madara looked at Hashirama in the eye. "You know we can't..., I'm not the same as you anymore." Looking at Tobirama impassively, he continued. "I don't have any sibling left..and I can't trust you."

"How can we make you trust us?" Hashirama asked.

"..." Madara looked at him for a good while. "If you want to straighten things out, then either kill you brother or kill yourself, then we'll be even. Then, I will trust your clan."

Tobirama's frowned deepened and Hashirama had a look of understanding.

"Kill your brother or kill yourself? How dare you say such outlandish-" some Senjus angrily shouted only to be silenced by Hashirama.

"That's just crazy talk... So Nii-san, are you going to kill me now?" Tobirama asked. "Or are you going to die on account of this guy's nonsense? That's idiotic... Don't listen to him, Nii-san."


Hashirama and Madara looked at eachother, totally ignoring the shouts of everyone around them.

"Heh." Hashirama smiled and stood up, unfastening his armour, he said. "You really are kindhearted."

Everyone had an alarmed expression at Hashirama's move.

Hashirama didn't bother with them, Madara had given him an option where he didn't need to kill his little brother and break his promise from years ago.

He too knew how an older brother feels toward his younger sibling.

"Listen, Tobirama. Carve into your hearts these final words of mine. Words that I shall be exchanging my life for. You too, my fellow clansmen." Hashirama turned an addressed them.

"After my death, do NOT kill Madara. I forbid any fighting between the Uchiha and Senju clans. Swear this right now, upon our fathers and yet unborn grandchildren." Hashirama said solemnly.


Giving a bright smile, he proceeded to plunge the kunai in his hand into his gut.


*There are two types of heros, the first does not fear pain or death. For glory and honour, they can descend into hell and withstand the cruelest pain. Such a person lives an honourable life, willing to die as a martyr. I admire that type the most.*

As if hearing this words for the first time and relating to Hashirama's current visage, Madara looked as his first and only friend proceeded to plunge the kunai in his hand into his abdomen.

Summoning the last. It of strength from his body, he stood up and caught Hashirama's hand.

There was a moment of silence as everyone, even the breeze stilled at that very moment.


"Enough... I have seen your guts." Madara said


It was like a dream to most of not all as the Senju and Uchiha clan had finally joined forces.

There would no longer be mass casualties. Nor would the deaths of countless children be necessary anymore .

The long awaited peace finally came, and finally, they began building their Village.

Later, they allied with the land of fire and created the first peaceful state unit where nation and village stood Equal.

In any case, it was a dream come true for the numerous clans in the land of fire.


"They're stupid." Shun said as the news 'reached' him.

"Yeah... You'd expect more from.the 'most intelligent ' man in the World right now." Mikoto said and Yuri nodded.

"Why couldn't they be independent? Like the Uzumaki clan?" Kazuma asked.

"It's called ehh... Culture, I think. They have this idea that the owner of a land should be on top regardless of strength." Shun explained.

"Wouldn't that give the powerless Daimyo a say over their administration?" Toshiba, the brute asked.

"Exactly. That's why I called them stupid. They'll soon be playing politics which I don't like." Shun said.

In the now named Hanagakure, the method of becoming Kage has been made to be through recommendation between the 10 Diamond rank Shinobi.

The ten will write their desired candidate on a piece of paper and the highest recommendation becomes the Kage.

Simple and precise without much politics. Just connections, merits, acknowledgement and strength was needed.

"Let's hope their system doesn't collapse in on itself." Shun said and then looked at Yuri. "How about the other four I asked you to keep an eye on?"

Yuri laughed and said. "They too have already United several clans but without a system of government, they had no way to move forward. I reckon that they'll likely emulate the Senjus."

"Humph, of course they will... That's what ignorance results to. Atleast they're strong right?" Shun asked.

Yuri dropped her casual smile and seriously answered. "Very. I reckon any one of them could take us despite our systematic training."

"Hehe, of course they would, they all grew up fighting, every moment of the day for weeks, months and now years. You all grew systematically. It isn't a bad thing but when the going gets tough, they'd put up a good challenge." Shun said in a matter of fact tone.

The captains frowned but seeing the expression on Shun's face, they knew he probably wouldn't joke about this, but still...

"Hmmm, I don't see Madara staying there peacefully, keep an eye out for when he will leave." Shun gave an order to Yuri.

"He'll leave? Haven't they achieved the peace they've sought for, for so long?" Mikoto asked what was on everyone's mind.

Shun chuckled. "I haven't met Madara personally but from what I've gathered about him, he's someone who respects strength and what it stands for... Soon, hell see that this village of theirs has no hope and will detect, that is when things will begin to get interesting."

Looking at their flabbergasted expression, he waved and said. "Just keep me in touch. Rhis meeting is finished."

Saying that, he vanished from the hall leaving the captains to their thoughts.


How was it? I've done my best here.

Nect chapter: Madara's Darkening and Defection.

Gotta do a lot of research on mind manipulation and stuff, so don't expect much Tomorrow but I'll still give it my best.