Chapter 99

Read extra Chapters on my Patre@n at for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead. It's just $5. Also, I just began Volume 4. Which is Naruto Arc. In a couple chapters, I'll be finishing this FF. Stay tuned.


Title: Tsunade's Technique


So here I was seated in front of four children, two grown ass men and two milfs, and yet I ask, why am I even here?

I mean, I get that this is my home, but am I really needed here? Then again, I can't just leave these brats to themselves in this house can I?

With the two men playing Shogi by the side and the two women whispering while covering their mouths like those Female Saintess in those cultivation worlds, only I am left to take care of the kids.

Well, at least three out of the four kids. This pale skinned boy is quite cool for his age, something Keshiro and Yatsuyo should have him beat in.

"So... Orochimaru was it?"

"Hai!" He answered stiffly. Do I look that serious that the kid had to be so serious around me?

"What's your story?"


"You know? Why aren't you playing with your follow brats or something? You're just here reading that book only God knows where it came from." I asked.

"I find it soothing learning new things. Plus, staying with them means I would have less time to myself." He answered. That's a good boy for you. This is what children his age should be doing normally.

"That's a good head you have on your shoulders." I prasied sincerely. "So why do you read? Other than learning new things, that is."

He scratched his head in confusion as he thought of what to say. "Well, other than gaining new knowledge nothing else."

"Is that so?" I asked. The boy was quite boring. Mah... Let me cut him some slack, he's a kid so what could he know. At least he's reading, I dread to bring up the topic of reading to Mikoto's kids.

Looking at the two old men playing Shogi and the two women gossiping, my mind went back to my conversation with Gamamaru. I had destroyed this world's timeline and brought a danger that they couldn't possibly avert with it.

The only way to avert it is to train up guys that can reach the level of power I reached before leaving this planet. The Million Chakra Unit.

Damn, even thinking about it makes me wonder how I even reached that level. My breathing arts and Techniques have all been lost in the long annals of history due to the never ending battles that raged on for centuries.

Even if it weren't lost, no one would have the patience and dedication to sit still and practice breathing, not to mention the pain that comes with it.

Well, the ones I gave to Indra and Ashura focused on using the chakra to temper the body continuosly. Tempering both your mind and body at the same time to bring about a better quality chakra.

This is a compulsory class in Hana. Everyone must dedicate one hour to meditation, whether a Tengen or otherwise. By the time they leave the academy, it would already be a habit.

This was why it was easy to influence Tsunade into meditating. Jiraiya is learning his now, leaving only Orochimaru... I looked at the kid and knowing his potential... Nah. He can make do. I trust Fate.

That just leaves their children. Sakumo is a good kid considering he's 8 percent Tengoku, not like anyone knows. Kakashi would also have the bloodline but nothing spectacular would happen during his era so that leaves the Konoha Nine, Suna Three, Kumo Five, Kiri three and Iwa... Well one.

Incase you were wondering what I mean, Konoha Nine includes the Nine we know. Suna Three includes Gaara, Temari and Kankuro. Kumo Five include Darui, Samui, Omoi, Karui and Yugito. She's like Itachi's or kakashi's age so maybe Four?

Anyways, Kiri three would include Kimimaro, Haku and Chojuro. Iwa's one would be Kurotsuchi, the girl that would later become Tsuchikage.

These are the people that I would need to spend a little time forcefully overpowering for the fight against the future Invaders.

Incase you're wondering, "Why not just make them Kakashi's age-grade overpowered?" Well, Trying to overpower them would likely change the outcome of what would be the Third Shinobi War.

I don't want that. Simple.

"Ne. Ne. Ji-san come and check out my new Jutsu." A feminine voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"A~re? Tsu-chan, you created a technique?" I asked in curiosity.

"Mh-hmm" she chuckled proudly while standing at akimbo. "Of course I did." She answered excitedly.

"Then lemme see then." I said in Equal excitement.

Dragging me out of the mansion to the man-made garden in the back where Keshiro and Yatsuyo were waiting in excitement.

Tsunade flexed her arms and took a stance. I could see nearly all her chakra move to her right hand and condensed on her arm.

"Earth Release: Earthquake!" Tsunade exclaimed and punched the ground with all her might.


An area around her was directly destroyed while the entire mansion shook from the shockwave, but that wasn't my concern right now.

My concern was: What was wrong with kids these days!?


This technique of her was good but it had one shortcoming.

Flashing towards where she was covered by the dust her punch generated, I supported her as she was on her knees while clutching her right hand with her left hand.

Grabbing her gently, I repaired the damage she caused before flashing to the side where the two brats were standing looking at the destruction in awe.

While healing her, I said. "That was a magnificent technique, Tsuna," I said with an encouraging smile. She smiled weakly and I could see the pride in her eyes. "But... It's too dangerous for you to use it now."

Her excitement dropped a notch as I said that. "Eh? Isn't she okay?" Yatsuyo came to her defense.

Poking her on the head, I said. "She's okay because I'm here? What if I'm not here? Who would take care of her then?"

"Her teammates?"

"Of course, but what if they're occupied?" I asked the naive girl.

"They- they... What will happen to Tsu-chan?" She asked in worry.

"Nothing... If she doesn't use it... For now." I said rekindling the flicker of hope in the Senju's eye.

"For now?" Tsunade asked.

"Yup... You just have to grow and train harder, both for you body to handle the stress and your chakra not to backfire and destroy your chakra pathways... That could be nasty." I said. It was similar to destroying one's Meridans.

And although unlike cultivation worlds, Chakra can be recovered, it depends on the healing factor of the person involved. Tsunade could regenerate considering her Senju bloodline, Naruto too could heal from that but any normal human would surely be permanently damaged.

"Then I just have to train hard right?" She asked.

"Of course. And when you do, this technique of yours could even deal more damage than just this. You could possibly sink an entire village." I gave my honest opinion.

"Really!?" She asked with stars in her eyes. What are they teaching children these days? The mention of destroying something fills her with so much excitement at such a young age.... Or maybe it's because of her young age that it fills her with excitement?

"Of course... Why would I lie to you?" I said as I rubbed her head. "You two have to make sure she doesn't leave you in the dust okay?"

"Of course! Papa and Mama wouldn't allow that to happen even if we did." Keshiro said with a mixture of determination and fear.

What has Mikoto and Kageno done to these kids? I dread to ask for fear of knowing something I shouldn't. The samurai clan in Rōran are already giving me goosebumps with their training that would put the Zoldyks to shame.

The funny part of these all was that it was Ria who gave them the concotions and training regimen, in hopes of them being her special assasination squad.

I dare say that even Kageno, with all the confidence I have in him would pale to them in his peak. But that's a story for another time.

"It's not the training that matters, you know? "Training" is not just about practicing. If you have a clear goal in mind, there is no meaning in just mindlessly listening to someone, is there?"

"So we should have a goal in mind and everything would be alright?" Keshiro asked skeptically.

"No. No. Have a goal in mind, work towards that goal and the process is the training. If you want to be the fastest man, wear some weights and run as fast as possible for 2 hours everyday. One day, you'll be uncontested." I said.

"If you want to have Tsunade level of strength, wear some weights on you arms and punch 1000 times daily, one day, you could punch a thundercloud away with just your fist pressure."

"It's the goal and journey that matters. If you train, train with a purpose in mind." I finished my small lecture.

"Do you four understand?" I asked as I looked at the little figure hiding behind the door.

Orochimaru haven been called out came out shyly and nodded his head. "And you three?"

"Understood!" They all answered in unison.

"That's good, now I think that should be enough for the day, No? Anyone hungry?" I asked.

"YES!!" All three of them shouted in renewed vigor. I guess eating my food does that to them. Hahaha.


An entire month quickly passed and everyone was back to their villages with just me and myself here in Rōran.

On their way back, I had specially given all four of them tokens to enter my training Dimension, though I changed their appearance while also using a minor Genjutsu on it.

When they were at their most tired state from training and their chakra is uncontrolled, it'll get activated and be transported in there for a good three year Timeskip.

The world was at its most peaceful since Hashirama's death. With all the Second Kages dead, the hot blooded Shinobis had all calmed down while planning their next invasion.

It wasn't my concern though, but from the Calogram keeping steady watch on Zetsu's movement, I could feel his dissatisfaction with the Uzumaki clan, as well as his dread for them.

Nothing on this planet could hold him except for a well made seal and someone well versed in Senjutsu.

He had no need to fear the latter as there was no one versed in Senjutsu other me, but both the Uzumaki and Tengoku clan were the case in the former.

The Tengoku clan were probably out of his agenda due to my presence but the Uzumaki clan were a wild card.

He needed them out of the way as they could pose a threat in the long run which was true even in my book.

No one would want advanced technology in the stone age as that would be similar to Gods performing miracles.

In the same light, no one would want people who could manipulate the world to their whims on their drawing board.

Well, I personally would be seeing to it that the Uzumaki clan disappeares from the public view after that while letting those who manage to escape, escape.

They're probably the onea that would father and mother Uzumakis like Nagato and Karin so...

Ah!... I also have to plan my 'Death'. Hmm, I'm supposed to be from a long lived clan so maybe live till my hundreds like that Ashina fellow, who's now 124 years old.

Damn the Uzumaki and their Overpowered vitality.

I mean, he's the Grandfather to Mito who's already a grandmother to Tsunade. If that isn't weird then I don't know what it.

A hundred plus years it is then...


In case you're wondering about somethings like age here, know that marriage Is a grey area in most, if not all Naruto FF. They do marry earlier than normal, ranging from their mid-teens to early twenties.

The Uzumaki clan vitality prowess is well known so let there be little to no judgment....

Also, you guys aren't showing me love on my Patreon. It's quite saddening.

Anyways, enjoy...