Chapter 102

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Title: Timeskip 2


Some may be wondering, what would one be doing for three years straight in a closed dimension? Why aren't their relatives worried? How weren't their Village worried?

Well, it all comes down to the power of the mind. For three years straight, their presence is reduced to nearly nill until their three years is over.

For people with relatives to worry over them, a little suggestion 'Don't worry about you child, he/she is safe.' and case closed.

Although I needed capable Shinobi, I didn't have to worry over the gap their absence would cause.

Here I am, possessing the puppet old man as I watched the five young men and woman from Konoha I had relatively abducted prepare to leave.

Well, Jiraiya had been leaving every so often to learn what he could from the Sage Land but whenever he attempted to return to Konoha, he'd be teleported back here.

The others didn't show any intention to leave for the three years they were here and although their figures were blurred, they were still allowed communications. They just weren't allowed to mention their names or give away any names as a matter of fact.

When two people know one person and they both relate with the name, their identities wouldn't be much of a secret anymore.

Another reason why I could confidently keep them here was because the second Shinobi war hadn't started or show signs of starting yet.

The Uzumaki clan who were the fuel that sparked the beginning of the Second Shinobi war were still living in relative Peace so...

As for how the brats developed, the most interesting development of the seven was.... Sakumo.

Shocking, I know but even I know he had more talent than the future Sanins. He was just not selected to be a student of the Third hence his talent being embed.

Of all five of them, he was the only one that successfully mastered a breathing technique which he used in tandem with his sword.

For three years straight, the guy didn't train on any chakra element and just focused on the swinging of his sword while maintaining a strict intake and outflow of air.

I had graciously offered him a book I'd written, "General Knowledge on Breathing" and told him he could use it while swinging his sword.

Now, the boy can generate Ki or Sabre/sword Intent, whatever you would like to call it.

He could literally cut a tree from a distance with the light the sword generates but due to his chakra quantity, I fear he won't be able to keep it up for more than an hour.

So in a prolonged war, he would have to learn how to regulate it.

Next up was Tsunade. Just knowing that Mito was once here egged her on and she went on to develop or rather perfect her already budding Taijutsu technique... The Chakra Enhanced Strength Technique.

This was a special type of Taijutsu that uses the refined chakra control and concentration to enhance one's strength to monstrous levels.

This is done by storing chakra into one's hands or feet, and releasing it onto the target with pinpoint timing.

With this strength, she could decimate the ground or even kill opponents with a single strike.

As of now, I dare say she's the strongest normal human alive... Physically atleast.

Due to already being versed in Medical Ninjutsus and my subtle nudge towards the use of elements in medication, she found that she also had an affinity with Lightning and after a little bit of research and reading my extensive knowledge on the human body, she was able to develop a technique that would rearrange the nervous system in the human body, making the brain send wrong signals to the rest of the body.

It was a deadly Jutsu but all she could think of at the moment was how to use it to prank people. Quite like her.

Other than that, she read a lot of books.

Next up was Orochimaru. The guy did nothing but sleep, eat, read, read, eat, read, read, eat and sleep for three years straight.

I mean, he was genius, granted, he was able to master his Chakra control before even Tsunade and was able to even compress it while extending it out like a thread.

It was amazing seeing that but that was all he did for three years.

He read up on all my Jutsus, Fuinjutsus, General Knowledge in both Physics, chemistry, biology and even human anatomy.

I get why Tsunade read this one but he, as a 12 year old then, reading up on human anatomy was another thing.

I mean, I had books on even Human Physiology, Microbiology, Embryology, Molecular Biology, biochemistry and a lot more.

Don't ask me how I knew all this things, it's common knowledge when you're able to create living beings on a fly, you just had to know it, whether instinctively or just...

Of course I didn't go into deep details when I was putting these things down, wouldn't want this world to go from Industrial age all the way to the World creation age or something.

(A/N: Industrial age is from 1760-1840. Normal light was developed 1835 so just read this at face value.)

Orochimaru already had potential but he hasn't gone dark yet. This knowledge would be to die for when he finally embarks on his path to Immortality.

Can't wait for then, I'd have a Kouhai to mentor, kukuku... Wait, that's his laugh right? Damn... I really can't wait.

Next up was Hiruko. The guy, like Orochimaru also went on to study on how his body could be able to develop more chakra while also improving on his chakra control.

Unlike Orochimaru however, due to not having a sensei in the past, he didn't know the importance of chakra control so he just did it half-Hazardly.

Similar to Orochimaru, he went into deep study of biology due to wanting to know why his body couldn't be like those of others.

Unlike Earth's biology, this world's biology was something I wrote down after extensive research on myself and other... Godsent people of various clans I'd come across in my long life.

Just based on this world's biology, you'd notice that all clans had a whole different genetic makeup.

This was why I'd pick a normal human over some clan kids a hundred times over. Why? Because while theirs was set, a normal human had thousands of ways to improve theirs in any direction.

I don't want to go into the biology of outer space creatures. Whether here or out there, once you're able to move pass a level of power, your entire body would create a whole new set of genes that would comform to your power set.

Weird. Yes, but that's how it is.

A normal Otsustsuki who eats a chakra fruit develops a whole new genetic makeup that could give birth to Myraids of different other genes.

They were just that overpowered, nothing else.

Anyways, back to Hiruko, he was rather disheartened after reading this, but as an erudite advocate for evolution, I gave him a book on genetics while telling him he had an upper hand over those clan kids.

He looked like he didn't understand at first but I merely smiled and left him with the book.

Next up was Jiraiya... Jiraiya, if I was told that this kid was a long distance relative of the Tengoku clan, I wouldn't doubt it.

He was a genius, not that he knew it, but with time, the boy got more mature. I wouldn't know if it was the book on philosophy or the teachings of the toads that made him the empathic boy he is now.

Truly, i wouldn't cringe or doubt it if I was told he possesses my will from all those years ago.

Well, he didn't have a development I'd dub as remarkable other than his basic understanding in basically everything Shinobi related.

He didn't go deeply into them but opted to just know them. He had an affinity to all elements but opted to train his water, fire and earth.

According to him, they would serve a greater purpose in the long run.

I had looked at him weirdly but I couldn't know what was going on in that perverted head of his so I left him to his devices.

He was also a genius in seals but if put in the Uzumaki or Tengoku clan, he'd still be in the last places. Perhaps if he put his all in it, he could achieve something more.

After all, he was dubbed to be more knowledgeable in seals than even Minato... Well, it hadn't happened yet so I reserve my judgement.

With this five all done, the next were the two Tengoku brats that earned access to this place for this era... Keshiro and Yatsuyo.

Yup... They earned it and weren't given... They did earn using the usual tournament that is given to every Kid between the ages of 9 to 12 in the Tengoku clan.

This was a rule that had been set for as long as time itself and considering who their parents are, I wasn't surprised when Mikoto told me they practically decimated all their opponents.

Anyways, them two went on to follow their mothers path which was basically challenging all the first three layers of all elements.

Mikoto basically reached the end of only thr water elements all those years ago but these three went for them all... Their basic level that is.

I wasn't perturbed by this, after all, in this Shinobi world, it was always good to be a Jack of all trade then a master of one or two.

One of the aims of this training dimension is to help whoever could reach the end, develop a certain type of domain.

Think about it... When you're able to maintain your chakra on your body in the basic layer, while under pressure, you'd learn to expand and condense it in the intermediate layer. Then in the last layer, you could instinctively form a little dome around you with your chakra, anything that enters or makes contact with it would immediately be known to you... Also, as it was your chakra, you could literally will for it to do anything and anything you will, will be done.

Simple. That was all there was to it, and that was also the reason why Mikoto's domain is water based. She did finish this particular domain after all.

Now imagine you're able to gain a basic understanding of all elemental domain, Yin and Yang includd, and then are able to use them simultaneously, wouldn't you be basically unstoppable?

You see, the Yin release enables even a child to be able to use the Law of Surrealism.

Surrealism is what balances a rational vision of life with one that asserts the power of the unconscious mind and dreams. Your mind tells you a world can be formed inside a pebble... BOOM it's done.

Simple as that.

Using Ones Yin domain, create a small area that would look like a whole stage, field, village, continent, world, or even universe. Then use the other elemental domains and imbue concepts such as heat, cold, thunder, air, sea, ice, magma, clouds... Whatever your mind can create then you'll practically be an unstoppable force.

Unfortunately, my descendants don't bother with it and I don't blame them. The only two that have reached this stage are Izanagi and Izanami.

I can't wait to see how they'll develope when I stuff them into my Universe.

Anyways, back to the two Tengens, they did manage to clear all basic layers for all five elements.

As for the Yin plane, after a couple try, all seven have up, and I must say, they did have weird desires... Jiraiya most especially.

With that came the end of their training experience and right now, they were gathered in the place they usually met to relax with me in front of them.

"It had been a most exciting three years wouldn't you say?" I asked to which they all nodded. "Unfortunately, your time here would be over in a few minutes and we'll be forced to separate for life."

"Seriously?" Tsunade asked. Looking at her now, she basically looked like Ino with her head tied back in a pony tail instead of two pig tails she was meant to have.

"Um... You only get one chance to enter here in a lifetime..." I paused.

"I sense a but coming up." Jiraiya said.

"Quite right young man... The next time everyone would be able to enter here is when the destined time comes." I looked at Jiraiya and said. "You boy would be getting the gist from that old toad." Then looking at the rest, I continued. "Some of you may be dead by then, some of you may be alive, but when the world in plunged into the final stage that would decide the fate of the world, this dimension would be opened to everyone. Till then."

After saying that... I flashily frizzled out leaving them to say whatever goodbyes they wanted to.

Minutes later, they all began to glow and moments later they all turned to motes of light and disappeared.


Opening my eyes back in Rōran, I let out a deep sigh as I got comfortable on my oldest chair and companion.

"Guess it's time to begin looking into the Uzumaki clan situation. Where will I be putting them...?" I thought. "Sigh. What a pain."


Coming up... Tales of the Gutsy Ninja