Chapter 117

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Title: Life in the Namikaze House and Academy


"Why is this Nii-san dressed like this?" I asked, calling their attention to Kakashi who was trying to make himself disappear.

"Oh, Shun-chan, meet Hatake Kakashi. Kakashi, meet Shun, Yusano's little brother." Minato introduced.

"Hello." Kakashi said in a low voice however I didn't reply. I kept my eyes trained on him without saying anything.

"Shun, is anything wrong?" Kushina asked and I nodded. "He smells." I said pointing at Kakashi. "The bad kind of smell, unlike Kushina-nee-sama's smell."

"I smell?" Kushina shouted and stood up in both anger and shock. 'Oh shit. Bad choice of words.'

"No, Kushina-nee, he means your Chakra. Like the Uzumaki Kagura Mind Eye, he can smell emotions whenever his domain is active." Yusano explained.

"Oh... Is that so?" Kushina asked and sat down without looking at the two men that seemed to be coming out of the kitchen. 'Did they run away at that time..? Definitely not...right?'

"So how is his smell and mine different?" She asked and I put on a pondering expression. "He smells of hopelessness and depression while you smell of anger and destruction."

"Oh, hehehe, I see." Kushina just chuckled shyly while twirling her hair.

"Well, a lot has happened to him to cause him to be like this." Yusano said. "Right, Kakashi?"

"Hn." He said with his throat and nodded at her. It's been some time since I last heard someone talk with his throat. Other than Madara and Tobirama, no one else has been able to get it down.

"Well, we'll leave that for later, now, you both should get settled in. Did you bring any clothing or apparel?" Minato asked not to dwell on his case.

Yusano shook her head while I continued looking at Kakashi through his mask. "Whatever you think you're trying to achieve by staying alone up there, it won't work." I said and turned to Minato. "Keshiro-Oji said we'll be buying all we need here at Konoha. I want him to escort us." I said, referring to Kakashi.

"Well... he's on a mission already so..." Minato tried to refuse but... "Then let Kushina-nee-sama accompany us then. That way he'll both take care of his mission and escort us at the same time."

"How do you..."

"Intuition." I answered. Intuition my ass. Of course I knew you asked him to stay with Kushina so he'll get back his emotions and stop dwelling in his pit of despair.

"Is that so... What do you say, Kakashi?" Minato asked.

"As you command Minato-sensei." Kakashi bowed and flickered away as I put away my domain

"What a weird person." I muttered.

"Why do you say that?" Kushina asked as I was pulled into her bosom once again.

"Minato-nii-sama asked for his opinion. He wasn't ordered and yet he said, 'as you command.' if that isn't weird, I dunno what is." I said, shaking my head.

Kushina chuckled. "It's called being respectful... Something I doubt you know anything about."

"Don't mock me Nee-sama, I'm a Good boy, you know." I pouted.

And so, we spent the first day in the Namikaze household chatting away our time with everyone doing one thing or the other... Jiraiya trying to perve on both Yusano and Kushina, Minato being all smiles and me being the object of Kushina stress relief.

I knew women were a hassle but pregnant women?... They're on a whole other dimension.

We also talked about when I would be able to begin studying in the academy and settled on the beginning of the coming week, four days from now to which I had absolutely no problem.

I wanted to see what Itachi would look like now...with his father having taken him to see what war is... Father of the Year, I guess.


The day quickly passed and today, we were finally going shopping for clothings and stuff... Both Yusano and Kushina were dressed in a blue and green one piece dress respectively while Kakashi wore a black long sleeve top with a black trouser to match. As for me, I still wore the little Kimono I made father make for me.

It was freer than the stuff they made people wear these days, especially the Shinobi. Wearing all skin tight and jacked up attire and such.

"Alright... Let's go!" Kushina and Yusano cheered as they left the house... Now, in normal situations, I would likely feel despair but looking at the teenager beside, I smirked and followed behind them.

As for why I smirked... I'll leave that to your imagination.

As we shopped, I couldn't help but Marvel at this world's economic state once again... Have I ever mentioned how large a Shinobi can live If he decides to retire from duty?

I think I have and I'll say it again... They're monstrously rich. The clothes that would've cost so much if it was made with Ninjas in mind were bought for so little amount of money that I couldn't help but look at Kakashi with pity.

'The woes of being the man to escort a lady shopping... Especially ladies like these.' I thought as I looked at the two ladies acting like they hadn't even begun shopping.

As we shopped I couldn't help but notice something. "Kushina-nee-sama, you must be excited about the kid in your belly." I said with a smile.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be? He's my and Minato's evidence of existence in this world, you know." She said and rubbed her growing belly.

"Hahaha," I laughed. "I'll have a little brother to play with before I leave then."

"Little brother? What isn't it a girl?" "Then little sister. But I have a feeling it'll be a boy." "Is that so? Anyways, whichever one it is, I'll be sure to cherish them well." She said, "You too Kakashi, this child will be your little sibling, make sure to treat him/her well." She said and suddenly became sad. "I just wish Obito was alive to see him."


"Yeah. Obito Uchiha. He was Minato's student in the past. I used to wish to have a child like him someday. Now I'm about to have one but he's..." She said, her voice breaking at the end.

"I'm sorry." I said while Yusano placed a hand on Kakashi's back in consolation. "Maybe you'll get better if you treat this child well, eh?" I asked Kakashi.

"We'll see..." He said in a low voice.

And so, we continued our shopping spree with Kushina and Yusano buying everything that caught their fancy... Like, everything.

I also got to meet some interesting people along the way. A pregnant Mikoto, who was already on her eight, going into the ninth month of pregnancy.

"Are~ Kakashi-kun, I didn't know you had a little brother." Mikoto had said to Kakashi after her and Kushina had just finished catching up.

I immediately liked her at that moment, not because of anything interesting, just because she gave off a similar feeling to Miyuki, Indra's wife all those years ago, having that calm and refined aura as well as being submissive.

Kushina was the perfect copy of Kanae, being all brash and active whenever the opportunity called for it.

We left soon after, but before I gave her a necklace for her unborn child. It had the Uchiha Fan symbol as the pendant while a thin but strong chain held it.

This was something I had actually prepared before Isekaing myself. I also had one in store for Kushina which I'll be giving to her later this evening if her pouty face was any reason for alarm.

I had honestly even remembered to give that to her due to the fact that she called me cute without going for bodily contact. That level of control was enough to earn my admiration.


So here I was, standing in front of a group of kids roughly my age and looking at me with various thoughts in that little head of theirs. I had requested a blindfold be bought for me days ago during the shopping spree and I was wearing it today.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today..." The teacher who I couldn't bother remembering his name despite having told me earlier said and gave room for me to talk.

"Shun... That's the name. No other suffix allowed." I simply said while scanning the entire class... Of the 20+ children in the class, only three seemed remotely familiar to me right now...

Uchiha Itachi and Izumi along with the Inuzuka girl Hana. Just like the entire class, they were also giving me judgmental looks, especially the Inuzuka girl.

She looked ready to pounce on me for some reason... Girl please, you're still a minor within minors. Keep to yourself. Itachi seemed interested for a moment before looking out the window, Main Character style.

Tch... He even got the last seat beside the window.

"Is that all, Shun-s-, I mean Shun?" The teacher asked

"Of course, what else do you expect me to say?" I asked the teacher while tilting my head at him. My eyes weren't visible so no one could tell what I looked like now.

"Well, you know, likes, dislikes and dreams. You could share it with the class so we'll help you with it." He said and I couldn't help but facepalm at him.

"I see... Well... I like...the things that I like and dislike the things I don't for my dreams... I want to be God." I said and looked at the class. "Did you all get anything from that?" Only to be met with silence.

"That's... manageable." The teacher said, "Why don't you find a seat and make yourself comfortable."

"Sure thing." I said and walked towards the seats. As I walked, I saw a little brat stick out his feet to trip me, and like any mature child would, I simply walked over it.... As if. I harshly stumped on it and dislocated his ankle.

"Argh!!" He screamed, drawing the attention of the entire class.

"What's wrong!?" The teacher asked worriedly.

"My leg! He broke my leg!!" The brat screamed and cried like a brat he was.

"Eh!? Whatever could you mean fellow classmates of mine? Why and how could I have possibly done that to your leg when I can't even see?" I asked in an oblivious and shocked tone.

"You!" The boy shouted, pointing his finger at me.

"What!?" I asked again, looking worried. "I can't possibly see, how's the damage to your leg?" I asked as I bent down and did as though I was searching for his leg only to tough it and apply even more pressure on it

"Argh!!" The brat screamed again.

"Ah... What's wrong!" I shouted back.

"Shun, stand back." The teacher ordered. "You and you, help me send Hagitake to the hospital."

So his name was Hagitake? Stupid name. Wanting to show your stupid superiority around me... Idiot.

Walking gracefully with a thin smile on my face, my danger level probably went to a high level in the kids eyes which was exactly my intention. The poor brat just presented himself as the scapegoat.

Walking to the last bench where Itachi was sitting together with Inuzuka Hana, I smiled and said. "May I sit between you two?"

Itachi looked at me for a good while before also smiling and standing up for me to enter. "Thank you." I said and went to sit down. "Hello." I greeted the young Inuzuka only to receive a low growl from her. 'Cute.' I thought.

"You must be Itachi. A pleasure to meet you." I greeted the Uchiha. "Likewise, Shun." He said. "Why did you do that?" He asked.

"Hmm? Isn't it normal to hurt those who want to hurt you?" I asked back.

He only frowned at that and turned to face the teacher who just entered the classroom.

'This is going to be a wholesome year.' I thought.


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