Chapter 119

Creation is hard. Cheer me Up...Read extra Chapters on my Patre@n


Title: No Title


That day, for the first time in a relatively long time, Mikoto saw her son, Itachi, smile genuinely. 'Did something happen today in the academy?' She thought to herself but asked anyway. "Is something the matter Itachi?"

Itachi looked at his mother as his mouth curled into an even warmer smile. He nodded and said. "I made a friend today in the academy."

"Oh? Really? That's a good thing. What's his name." She asked as she dropped what she was doing in the kitchen to pay attention to her son.

"He was introduced as an exchange student, I don't know what that means, but he's very unique." Itachi said.

"Transfer student? Is he new to the village?" She asked and Itachi nodded. "He said he came from Hanagakure, one of the six major villages, but I've never heard of it." His expression changed into one of contemplation. "Is that true?" He asked his mother.

Mikoto nodded. "Very likely, I think I met him the other day. He was the one that gave me the pendant for your little brother." She said while rubbing her stomach.

Itachi smiled seeing her action and Mikoto continued. "He seems like a very good kid, be good to him, okay?"

Itachi shook his head at that, "I don't think that's how you should put it."

Mikoto raised an eyebrow in curiosity. She knew her son was more mature than people his age, and coupled with the trauma he suffered due to her husband, she knew he was somewhat reclusive in his actions. "How so?" She asked

"He doesn't seem to think like a child should. I dunno how to explain it, just that he's very unique." Itachi said, "He should also be stronger than I am."

Mikoto nodded and said. "Of course he should, he's from that clan."

"What clan?" Itachi asked curiously

"I think it should be in the clan's records. The Tengoku clan, a clan that has a Dojutsu that encompasses all known Doujutsus. The Sharingan and Byakugan alike." Mikoto said. "I once met one in my time as a kunoichi, it wasn't pleasant."

Itachi was even more curious but he felt he shouldn't ask for more and should personally see and read it with his own eyes. After all, Shun did say that books contained more than just information.

"I'll ask father for permission to enter the library then." Itachi said after some thought. "You should." She said and returned to her work. "How about your little girlfriend... Izumi was it?"

"Mum!" Itachi shouted in a low voice as his face seemed to have a tint of red on.


Shun's POV.

What a wholesome encounter. The boy is a good kid though, I expect a lot more from him in this one year I'll be staying here with the Namikaze.

A week quickly passed and today, I was going shopping with Yusano, Kushina and Kakashi once again. Kakashi was still the brooding depressing mess he had always been.

Suddenly, I had a thought and looked at him. "Hey, Kakashi."

"Hm?" He looked down at me.

"You know, I could tell you how to get a female friend other than Nee-sama." I said to which he answered with an "Oh," but both girls perked up at that.

"You see, when you meet a girl, you go up to her and say, 'I love you.'" I said.

"Oh... I love you." Kakashi replied nonchalantly. "Yeah, and then she'll be like. 'Eh!? Kakashi-san, But I only see you as a friend!'"


"Ooohhh!" The two ladies, Yusano and Kushina looked at Kakashi while trying to hold their laughs while Kakashi looked shocked for the moment but kept walking.

"Yo! Kakashi!" A loud voice interrupted our quartet as a weird looking teenager with a bow cut wearing green Spandex ran up to us. "My Rival! I've finally met you after so long. Come, let's bask in our glory of youth!" The strange kid said.

"Is Kakashi into this type of people?" I whispered to Kushina who giggled and ruffled my head. "No. That's just how he is."

"Oh... He's weird." I said. "Who dresses that way in this time and age." I blurted only for him to hear me and turn to me.

"Gasp! Kakashi, you didn't tell me you had a little brother!" He said and ran up to me. "Little friend, Guy, the mighty green beast of Konoha, may I know your name?"

"Shun." I simply said. It was a good thing he thought I was Kakashi's little brother. I could go with that... No harm in that.

"Shun, huh? Youthful name." He said and gave me a thumbs up with glittering white teeth. Meanwhile, Kakashi had used the opportunity to walk away while also hiding his presence.

"By the way, Kakashi is gone."

"Kuh!" He grunted. "As expected of my rival. Till next time little Friend." He said and ran away while I kept my eyes on him for another few seconds. "That guy's weird. Didn't he see...?" I turned to address the girls only to see them transformed into normal people.

As soon as the two girls felt my gaze, they returned back to normal. "Wow, Shun, you weren't mean to this guy, what's with that?" Yusano asked.

I scoffed at that and said, "He's strong. Stronger than anyone I've seen so far in the village." I said and looked at the direction he just left. "Even stronger than Minato-nii-sama."

"Eh!? Stronger than Minato-san?" Yusano asked. "Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded. "My instinct never lie. I reckon he could give even Keshiro-sama a good fight in his peak."

"Puff. That's not possible." Kushina said. "He can't use chakra. There's no way he's that strong."

I looked at her without saying anything and then shook my head. "You wouldn't understand."

Unfortunately, that seemed to tick her the wrong way and my head had to bear the consequences for that. "You know I'm still a growing kid, right? This could hinder my growth and probably turn me into an idiot." I said as I rubbed my head.

"Gasp! You even know you're a kid?" She gasped in mock shock as she asked that.

"You being sarcastic isn't funny." I muttered as I walked away from them. "I'll meet you all back home." I shouted as I ran away to explore the Village to my heart's content.

As I explored the village, I was left disappointed as there wasn't really anything fun to do, and I couldn't go to the playground as I wasn't actually really going to fully delve into my role as a kid.

As I walked, I came across the Hyuga clan and the air around the clan compound felt so discomforting and depressive that I almost wanted to leave without a second thought.

However, I felt a unique and familiar energy fluctuation in the center of the clan and wanted to investigate what it was.

I felt like I knew that it was but couldn't really put my hand to it so I did what any normal person would do and knocked on the door.

A few seconds later, the wooden gate was opened and a head stretched out to look around but found no one before closing it again.

The Fu*k!? Was he pretending not to have seen me or did he really not see me?

Furious, I knocked again, this time, harder than the previous time and then the door was pulled open furiously once again as a disgruntled face came out once more.

"Down here!" I said, and only then did the idiot look down. "A kid?"

"Yeah. I want to see your clan head." I demanded but the guy rubbed his nose and sighed in frustration. "Look kid, where are your parents?"

"They're not around." I said and I saw the guy's face turn to that of pity for a second before turning to the previous annoyed one.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but the clan head isn't someone you can meet as you like." He said,

I didn't know what to say to the guy at the moment as I wanted to be the bigger man of the two of us. "Just tell Hisashi that his wife's life is in danger. Then we'll know if he would want to see me."

"Is that so?" He asked in a doubtful tone. "Look kid, I don't know what you want but the Hyūga clan is not somewhere a kid like you should be."

"Is that so?" I asked. I noticed he wasn't particularly telling me off but warning me out of goodwill, and judging from the congregation of chakra in his forehead, he must be a branch family guy. "Okay then." I said and turned to leave.

As soon as I was far enough, I activated my Domain and made myself invisible and walked back to the Hyuga clan. Without wasting time, I floated and entered the clan.

Without landing, I continued floating towards where the chakra I felt before was becoming more apparent. At the center of the clan compound, a rather luxurious Japanese mansion stood and I could tell it was the Clan head clan.

'Wow, the disparity.' I thought as I looked at the houses of the branch clan members. Even the moon clan wasn't this segregated. No wonder Hinami doesn't particularly like her clan all that much.

Looking at the pregnant woman sitting on a futon while looking outside with a list expression, I couldn't help but be shocked.

This woman was the second woman I could say could match Hinami's beauty and grace.

Kaguya had her dignified beauty and aura around her. Ria had a carefree and outgoing beauty and aura to her. Hinami, she had the grace that not even Kaguya had, and this woman, she had that in its abundance.

She possessed fair skin and long, dark-purple hair slightly past her waist and side bangs framing her face down to her shoulders. She was seen wearing a purple, long-sleeved kimono.

And while she was quite attractive, what really attracted my attention was the clump of energy growing in her tummy.

While this was a blessing to the family, it was also a curse to the mother as it seemed like the baby growing was trying to gather a substantial amount of bloodline power in itself.

Normally, when one is born, the natural energy in the mother's and father's sperm cells and egg plays a good role in the child's growth and bloodline, and in this case, it seemed like the baby knew what it wanted and was going to get it by force.

However the mother wouldn't be able to bear the cost of this which was rapidly draining her life force. The worst part of it all was that there was nothing anyone could do about it... Not even me in this body.

Hmm, maybe Hinami or Ria could do something about this?

Hmm... I'll address this to them, it's their choice though... But I doubt Hinami would even refuse. The purity of the bloodline in this pregnant womb should be the purest after her and Hokuki from years ago.

And I don't think anyone has been able to reach this much capacity in the 900+ years of my existence.

Interesting... Seems like with this new era, interesting things will be coming to light... That also reminds me! I need to create training templates for the people of this generation that would be taking on the incoming Invaders.

Naruto and Sasuke are only two people... Maybe a few reanimated people would give them a good fight, but an attack of law would directly destroy them, body and soul.

(A/N: I'll be naming Shinjitsu = Law Attack = Level Of Six Paths and Above.)

With attacks of such level, not even the reanimated First Kages would do any form of harm... And I'm not ready to lose this body's lifespan to bring them back to life.

Looking at the woman, I didn't know what made me even walk to this place, but I feel like leaving her like this would leave a sour taste in my mouth.

A little help wouldn't hurt me all that much... It'll just reduce this body's potential a little... I hope.

Directly puncturing my chest, I drew upon a few drops of my heart's blood and converted them into pure natural energy which glistened in golden splendor on my finger tips.

'Damn... That isn't a little.' I cursed internally but still flicked the ball of energy to the woman whom I didn't even know her name.

It entered through her forehead and assimilated into her entire body, causing her to glow in golden light and the entire room to glow, alerting the entire clan

'Oh Shit!' I said and teleported to the edge of where my domain could reach, leaving the room. With another deployment of the domain, I was out of the compound.

Although I wasn't afraid of anyone due to my domain, my domain didn't have any impact on the physical world, so I could still be seen, which was something I didn't want at the moment.

Looking around without moving my head and seeing no one in my field of vision, I continued on my way back to the Namikaze household.


So there we have it... Next chapter will be a training arc with Itachi and Shisui with Izumi also trying out. After that, little Timeskip to the attack of Kurama.

I don't know how much chapter it would take but we'll see as it goes.