Chapter 122

Title: The Night 1


Having lived with Shun for more than half a year, Minato could already surmise that trying to change Shun's mind when he has made it up was nothing but a futile effort.

With a wry smile, he accepted allowing Shun to accompany them during the Pro of childbirth. His assurance was the fact that Shun's Domain could keep him from harm's way in the case that the Nine Tails went on a rampage.

Minutes after that, there was a knock on the door and Minato asked everyone to leave the building as it was a matter of top secret.

Yusano and Kakashi left the house from the windows while Shun remained sitted with his hands crossed.

Shaking his head, Minato went and answered the door and moments later, he came back accompanied by an old man and woman.

"Oh? I didn't expect a child to be privy to this meeting..." The old man said in a questioning tone.

"Ah. Yes he is, Lord Third." Minato said as he came and stood beside Kushina who was still hugging Shun. "This is Tengoku Shun, I believe you must have heard of him."

"Of course I have but what does that have to do with this?" The old man asked curiously.

"He insisted on being a part of this..." Minato said while looking at Shun with a smile. "He's worried about Kushina and the baby."

"You both know this is a village secret, coupled with the fact that there is a chance the Nine Tails could go on a rampage?" He asked the couple once more.

Kushina nodded and said. "We've already taken that into account. He can take care of himself."

"If you say so." The old man sighed. "I'll be there when she gives birth. I must monitor the seal anyways. I'll also go ahead and get things ready." Minato said without wasting much time.

Sigh. "It was that way with Lady Mito too... When she gave birth, the seal almost came completely undone." Hiruzen said to which Shun snorted.

"Is there a problem young Shun?" He asked.

"Of course there is." Shun said. "Lady Mito was someone beyond the Grandmaster level in sealing, there is no way what you say happened."

"And how do you know that?" The old man asked.

"Because her records are in our clan's Library."

"Oh? So you didn't see or meet her and you think you know better than me who was alive back then?" Hiruzen asked while stroking his beard with a smile.

"Humph." Shun snorted while thinking. 'I was alive, old man, and I know her better than you.'

"I apologize, but considering the worst case scenario, we've decided to have you give birth inside a barrier at a slight distance from the village." Hiruzen stopped paying attention to Shun and addressed the couple.

"Minato, my wife, Biwako and Taji of the Black Ops will accompany you..." Looking at Shun, he squinted and said. "This will also be a secret."

"You'll have guards as well. They'll all be Black Ops directly assigned to me." The old man finished.

"I shall guide you to the location. We'll be heading out shortly." Biwako, who had kept silent the entire time said.

"Yes. Thank you very much." Minato said.

"I still don't get the need for the Anbu and the barrier." Shun muttered but they all heard him.

"Why do you say that Shun?" Kushina asked him softly.

"Well, considering who the Nine Tails is, they'll all just be like paper in front of his claws you know." Shun said and Kushina laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Shun asked with a pout.

"Kyuubi says he likes you." Kushina replied..

"Of course he would, he knows I'm right." Shun said.


Shortly after that episode, Minato already left ahead of time to secure the location as well as make sure the barrier was set up properly.

Kushina, Shun and Biwako were all walking down the street of Konoha before they encountered Mikoto who was carrying a shopping bag while also cradling a baby.

"Huh? Isn't that Mikoto-chan?" Kushina shouted excitedly as she saw her friend.

"Ah? Kushina-chan, Shun-chan." Mikoto turned and greeted with a small smile while Shun bowed and greeted too.

"Huh? Is that a girl?" Kushina asked curiously. Somehow, it seems she didn't know what gender Mikoto's baby was despite knowing she had one. "Nee-sama, he's a boy. Didn't you know that?" Shun asked.

"What? Of course I did, Hahaha."

'She definitely didn't.'

"What did you name him?" Asked Kushina. "Sasuke." Mikoto replied. "Ah, the same name as the Third's father."

"Yes. Since grows up to be a strong and splendid Shinobi." Mikoto said. "Of course he would. He has both me and Itachi as his Nii-sans." Shun quipped with a slight smile as he looked at the wrapped up reincarnation of his brother.

"Of course." Mikoto laughed. "You're pretty due aren't you, Kushina? You ought to start picking names."

"We've already decided on Naruto." Kushina said. "He'll be classmates with Sasuke, so I hope they get along."

"Yeah. I hope so." Mikoto smiled and looked at the sleeping Sasuke.

At that moment, Kushina approached Mikoto and whispered. "Does it really hurt like they say?"

"Wow... There's actually something that scares you? What a shock." Mikoto said sarcastically.

"Let's go Kushina!" Biwako dragged her before she could get her answer.

"Later!!" Kushina waved at Mikoto while being dragged along.

"Later...!" Mikoto said with a worried look for her friend.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine." Shun said and followed after them.

"The details of your birthing are top Secret, remember? Until the day we move you, you are to minimize all contact with even your friends." Shun arrived just as Biwako was admonishing Kushina.

"Yes ma'am. Sorry." Kushina said uncaringly.

"Hey. What's with that?" Shun asked angrily. "You talk as though a single conversation with a friend would do some great harm."

"Shun..." Kushina called out.

"Of course it could."

"Could. Not would. Lighten up a little, she's about to give birth, she doesn't need all your bullshit right now." Shun said and walked past her.

"You brat!" Biwako shouted angrily... "Now. Now. Anger doesn't look good on you old lady, let's keep up and not keep Minato-nii-sama waiting." He said as he dragged Kushina along.

"Phew." The old lady breathed out to calm herself and continued saying. "Although we'll be outside the village, we'll still be maintaining a covert status. So even when your labor pains start, you're not to raise your voice, understand?"

"The hell do you me-!" Shun wanted to flare up again but Kushina held him mouth shut. "Oh, Yes ma'am."

Shun grumbled in protest but was held tightly by Kushina as they continued on their way. Throughout the walk Shun kept giving Biwako the stink eye which she directly ignored.

Internally, he knew the old lady was being considerate of both the baby and the Village, but telling her not to shout when giving birth was downright being unreasonable.

One had to know that he helped give birth to both his children and some of Indra's and Ashura's children. And despite the formidable willpower both Miyuki and Kanae had, they still screamed his ears deaf.



As if to prove Shun right, Kushina's wails reverberated throughout the entire sealed barrier that even made the barrier to creak. 'And they think this can withstand Kurama's claws?' Shun thought to himself as he watched the entire thing from within the delivery room.

His Domain had already been deployed in preparation for when Obito would appear. He hadn't tested out how his Domain would fare against his kamui but he still had hopes.

Perhaps if he could lock out space inside his Domain, he wouldn't be able to go intangible at will.


"I've never seen Kushina cry out in pain. Is this really okay?" Minato, whose hand had been crushed, asked.

"She's fine!" Biwako shouted. "You just stay focused on the Nine Tails seal!"

"But she's..."

"You're the Fourth Hokage! Get a grip." Biwako shouted.

"But he's also a husband worrying for his wife! Don't be an unreasonable old lady!" Shun shouted as he approached them. "Nii-san, don't worry too much, most would have dropped dead from such pain, but women are much stronger, your wife even more so. Have faith." Shun smiled as he comforted him.

"Hai. You're right." He said and then focused on the seal on her stomach. Shun gave Biwako another stink eye which passed -That's how you do it, you old hag.-

UNNNH!! Kushina groaned in pain as the Kyuubi was furiously banging on his cage in an effort to come out.

Shun squinted his eyes as he contemplated on telling Kurama to calm down or not.

'He's Strong. Nine Tails is writhing to get out.' Minato thought as he could feel the clash of chakra from within the seal. "Hang in there Kushina!"

"Come on, Naruto!" Kushina shouted and at that very moment, Shun felt it.

A life had been extinguished from his sensory range. 'Two, three, four... Damn, he's here.' He thought as he looked at the four but kept silent. Worrying them at this moment would be detrimental.

"The head is out! Just a wee bit more Kushina!" Biwako shouted.

"Hang in there Kushina!" The other midwife helping out shouted in encouragement.

"ROAR!!!" Kurama's roar sounded out from within the seal as everyone in the room seemed to hear it. Minato was already sweating buckets in his bid to hold him back.

"Naruto! Hurry up and come out! You stay in, Kyuubi!!" Minato shouted in defiance.

UNNNH!! Kushina made one last shout as...


"He's here." Minato said with a relieved look.

"Huff. Huff. Huff." Kushina breathed heavily as she tried to look over at the baby.

"It's a healthy baby boy." Biwako announced as she brought the baby over for Kushina to see.

"Hahaha." Minato laughed as he cried tears of joy. "I'm a father now..!!"

"Naruto... We finally meet..." Kushina said in a hushed tone as she stroked his small body.

"Alright, Kushina, it's rough having just given birth, but we need to completely suppress the Kyuubi again." Minato reminded his wife.

"Yeah. Huff. Huff."

However, at that moment, a loud noise was heard, startling the new parents who looked over only to hear. "Fourth Hokage Minato... Step away from the Jinchuriki... Or else this child will die after his First minute."


Shun's POV

As I watched Naruto come out of Kushina, I was initially elated and was about to go join in on the celebration but immediately, a tiny Portal opened up in my domain with no one coming out of it.

I immediately knew Obito was here but was still hiding in his spatial dimension...

This was good and bad though... Good because I can sense his portal, and bad because I can also just sense his portal. I can't prevent it from moving In and out of my domain.

I immediately shrunk my domain and banished my entire existence out of this least in their perception and created a clone of both the midwife and Biwako.

Although I didn't like the old lady, she was still kind in her own way... At least that was what my Empathy was telling me.

"Shh!" I motioned to the two of them as soon as I switched them with their clones.

"What's the meaning of this Shun! Are you going against our village?" She asked, trying to protect the other midwife while facing me.

"I said, shhh." I said and pointed to their original bodies which immediately fell as they were both killed at the same time. "My fears were proven True and your precautions, pointless." I said. "We're under attack."

"Gasp... The baby!" Biwako was immediately alarmed seeing the masked assassin holding onto little Naruto.

"Don't worry, everything will be okay." I said.

"Ugh!!" Kushina groaned as Kurama continued impacting the seal without stopping. "Kushina!" Minato shouted while turning away from Obito.

"Hurry up and step away from the Jinchuriki.. don't you care what happens to your brat?" Obito asked

"Wait!... Stay calm." Minato tried to stall for time as he evaluated the situation.

"Speak for yourself, I am very calm, Minato." Obito said and threw up Naruto into the air

"NARUTO!!" Kushina shouted but Minato frowned, but in the next instant he was already on the ceiling with a wrapped up Naruto.

Damn! That's fast, I've nearly forgotten how hax this technique of mine is.

Taking that as my queue to show myself, I unshrunk my Domain and placed my hands on the midwife and Biwako, swapping ourselves with the blanket, surprising Minato.

One moment he was holding a wrapped up Naruto, the next he was holding a naked Naruto with three others appearing beside him.

However, he immediately knew what happened and immediately teleported us all out of the place.


Appearing in a new building Minato immediately placed Naruto in my hands with a deadly serious look.


General POV

"Thank you for saving them and Naruto too." Minato said. "I-"

"No time for that right now, Nee-san is in trouble. I'll take care of Naruto." Shun said, stopping whatever words of gratitude Minato was about to say. "Whatever it is you want to say, say it after everything is over."

"You're right." Minato said and nodded once more to Shun before teleporting away.

As soon as he left, Shun took a deep breath to calm himself down and then looked at Naruto who was still crying. "Quiet now little one, everything is going to be okay."

As he said that, Naruto who was still wailing began to calm down. "That's it... With Nii-san here, everything is going to be okay." Shun said with a very sunny smile.

"What just happened, Shun?" An angry voice interrupted their happy moment, irritating Shun a little.

"Are you asking or demanding?" He quipped back. "Do not forget who you owe your life to." He said as he flared his aura to put a little pressure on her mind and soul.

"Kuh!" She groaned and fell to the ground. Her physical fatigue coupled with the pressure on her mind caused her to be totally defenseless against Shun.

"I...I am... asking." She managed to bite out. The pressure continued for a good 5 seconds before it completely disappeared, and with it, her fatigue.

"It's good that you know your place. I've healed you of your tiredness. Return to the village and tell your husband what just happened here." Shun said and then put back his pressure. "There should be no misinterpretations, understood?"

She nodded but then shook her head. "What am I to report? I don't even understand what is going on."

"That's true... Well, an Uchiha whom I haven't felt before just attacked the fourth Hokage." Shun said. There was no need to hide that fact... Infact, it was better to manipulate the story ahead of time to prevent unnecessary suspicions.

"An Uchiha!?" She shouted in anger.

"Shut up! I said I've never felt him before." Shun corrected with his pressure flaring once more. "As you probably already know, I don't possess chakra yet, but my spiritual energy is strong enough to do things even you with your chakra can't do."

"An example being I am able to memorize every body's unique Presence."

"I see..." Biwako replied calmly, "so that means he's either a rogue Ninja or he hasn't been in the village for some time now."

"Exactly. And as I know, the Uchiha aren't being given missions as of yet so he's effectively a rouge." Shun concluded. "Report as such. No. Misinterpretations."

Taking in a deep breath, she looked at Shun and the little baby and said. "Understood. And the baby?"

"Nii-san will be back." Shun simply said, causing her to look at him for a while before nodding her head and leaving with the other midwife.


That's it for part one. Also, it's settled on who I'll be leaving alive amongst the parents.

Find out in the next Chapters.